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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about Poland.

THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.

 Poland is changing. Annually, it celebrates its Independence Day in the capital of Warsaw. But in
2017, 60,000 people showed up for a demonstration led by nationalist and
 Poland’s right-wing political party called PiS is holding power. After winning the Presidency and a
majority in Parliament, they have ignored constitution, taken over courts,
______________________ and clamped down on the media. PiS is bringing _______________
back to Poland and publicly opposing the EU, which is shocking as just some years ago, it’s hailed
as one of Europe’s most ____________________________.
 It’s an old story to the Polish – conquest, ___________________ and enslavement. Poland had a
traumatic 20th century: it was invaded twice in WWII and reestablished as a
____________________ by the Germans and Soviets. For the next several decades, it was cut
off from the rest of the world and made up the __________________.
 But huge strikes against the communist government broke out in the 1980s, which was called
__________ and drew the global attention. Later, non-communist parties were allowed to run
the elections. And Poland became the 1 st country in Europe to ______________________.
 Since the end of the WWII, the Europe had grown closer with free trade deals in many sectors,
making it become more economically and _____________________.

1. White-supremacist groups
 White supremacist (N): /ˌwaɪt suˈpreməsɪst: a person who believes that white people
are better than other races and should be in power
2. Purged the military
 Purge (v) /pɜːrdʒ/: remove people from an organization, often violently, because their
opinions or activities are unacceptable to the people in power
3. Authoritarianism
 Authoritarianism (n): the belief that people should obey authority and rules, even when
these are unfair or even when this means the loss of personal freedom
4. Promising young democracies
5. Subjugation
 Subjugation (n): the act of defeating somebody/something; complete control over
6. Communist state
 Communist (n): a political movement that believes in an economic system in which the
state controls the means of producing everything for the people. It aims to create a
society in which everyone is treated equally.
7. Soviet bloc
 Bloc (n): a group of countries that work closely together because they have similar
political interests
8. Solidarity
 Solidarity (n): support by one person or group of people for another because they share
feelings, opinions, aims, etc.
9. Topple communism
 Topple (v) (somebody/something): to make somebody lose their position of power or
10. Politically integrated

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