Super Tuesday

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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about Super Tuesday.

Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.

 Each round of the Super Tuesday primary votes comes with each (1) ______________________.
 Super Tuesday is when the largest number of states hold the elections as part of the selection
process for (2) _____________________________ who will face the November general election.
 There is no national primary for the (3) __________________ and the (4) __________________
parties so Super Tuesday comes the closest.
 In 2020, it happens on March 3rd and will yield around one-third of the (5) _________________,
with delegates from the (6) _________________________ and democrats abroad. It comprises
much larger group of (7) __________________________________.
 Super Tuesday’s campaigns require an (8) ___________________________: apart from time,
money is another important and rare resource.
 With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary (9) __________________________, voters
and candidates are looking to Super Tuesday to (10) _____________________________.

1. Presidential election
2. Party nominees
3. Democratic
4. Republican
5. Total delegate allocation
 Allocation: the act of deciding officially which person, company, area of business,
etc. something should be given to, or what share of a total amount of something
such as money or time should be given to someone to use in a particular way
6. 14 participating states
7. Demographics of voters
 Demographics: the number and characteristics of people who live in
a particular area or form a particular group, especially in relation to their age, how
much money they have and what they spend it on
8. Entirely different strategy
9. Yielding mixed results
10. Solidify the front-runners
 Solidify: to become or make something become certain
 Front-runner: the person, animal, or organization that is
most likely to win something

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