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€)) © 1709/6 17030 52 Gage Plovenent: 6.21 Place the gage botwccn the two contact areas perpen dieslar to she wference plane crested ty te boots of the streightedge ane perpendicular 1 the longitudinal slope of th avement The boom ofthe gage shall be in contact wit th Dvement at the time of th measurement. Do not place the ge on any discontinuities on the pavement surface, for sample, polbols or lose debris (See Fig. 1 63 RurDeptit Meanurement 63.1 Meamire the distance between the bottom: surfise of ibe simightedge ard the paversent afer the gage has hoon TOP scin 90" evaiy tease, — cup 7 FRONT Laon! G20" Nore 1Fig 1 eset nly one ce oft exarton FIG 1 RutCentleurtion Maced as described in 6. aad 6, 9.3.2 Measurements should be made to the nese tion of the gage. A sullicicit suber of measurentenis bbe mide along the strightedge 10 determine the ait distance berween the asightedge and the pavement. 7. Report 11 Report at lesst the folowing information: Date 7.1.2 Test location to uricuey identity the data reps (such as: Rnd aumber, Staion, Ost, Wheelpath, or 713 Dimensions cf te botton suas of the sai 7.14 Dimensions of the hottom surface of te pap FAS Greaves mat depsh measuremen: (ee 322) te. nearest graduation of the zage specified in $.21 8. Precision and Bias : 8.1 ACihis time no precision estate fiom a satis des.gned series of tests at different loestiens kas been cbt 82 Since there is no accepted reference martial sui determining the biss for the prececure for measuring rutelepth of pavement surfaces using 4 sraightedge, 00 seat ou biay is boing ma. Nun The reson of sch ratdeph measurement depen est the dept gags sive tecture sndopest al The forte cles equine shows be ceil bythe te Ea Stisieivesgned ris of ee 9. Keywords 9.1 rut ro-dept salhedse: gage eden Se Tex a ari ie epee open ay ny spt ata atin abe ng, ons eae tinge Gc i a a Tet aus rapa spt ee abe ym ye pune Wer care must mney Heya! ans shuivbe sanasez oS Noasouanor. Yer cresyl ree Calcarschoven ota oeitad ers Svein uate Pl ay Se tnt mena Mg Ss LEC eNEkEot. 1) | Bn MB i Designation: E 1702/E 1703M - 95 Standard Test Method for Measuring Rut-Depth of Pavem Straightedge! “hisses sec cr he ane Samat ETE 78% ent Surfaces Using a ‘Feo gd aon ca on, fe eh Aah Fp a ee Scope 1.1 This tost method describes the procedue for ths mea Bess of the depth of tho rat at s chosen: Iecaion tn nt eurface using ¢ susightedgo ead a gaze 2 The values stood in sither SL unis inch-poend unite to be resanded separately as standard, Within the text, the Eh-nound unts are shown in parentheses. The veluss stated exch system are not exact equivalenss therefore, each rust be used independenly of the otter, Combining e5 from the vo systems may result in nondonlormance the specification This suatderd dows wot purport to uddress al of te ny comeeris, if any, associa with tis use. It is the sibliy of the user of ths standard toe te sens and heath practices ant d ‘of regulators limitations priors ase. 2 ASTI Standart [E67 Teinology Retain Terminology 3.1 Defensor definitions of terms wied in this test shod, refer o Terminology 2887 S2 Deinsions of Terms Specie to Ts Standen 2.1 uted nie madienans measived peipendcusas isobetveen the boom surface of the sated andthe fect ace of the goge wih the prvernent rfc ot «apie 22 rrumnose,1—the lack of sigrificant curvature, inliza b noteworthy elevasions, or depressins ‘Signiticance and Use 4 Ratted pavement sorfaces may hive an adverse ingiu- Gon vehicle handling chuactesstics and may impede face drainage, which may reduee Mlevon prepemies and stibwe to hydcoplaning, Ruting insicates deformation or et ens 9 Soba 1731 Respess, si probleme such s¢ asphalt flow, consoininn, shear, Toes of pavement unteriabs 19 The rien value ahtined sing thi test method may not correlate Well Witk values obtained using arher methods, ‘5. Apparatus 511 Saightedge S.L1 Wiath—Tac bottom rectangular surface of the straighteege shel! be at least 19 mim (05 in.) but not more than 75 san (3.0 ia.) wide in the measurensat plas, 5.12 Lengo The prefered length ofthe seaightedze are ther 1.83 metros (6 f), ? motes (655 fi), 3 motees (9.84 fh 3.05 metres (10 ft, or 366 metres (2 f). The length shall censure thi the straightedge spans Ue two highest points on ier side ofthe ts, The minimurn length shal! he a east 1.73 metres (567 1), 1.3. Dueress—The maximum ouroPuiveness of the bor tom surface of the sraghiedge in the measurement plane shall he lest thin 0.20 mmf CHC.008 fa fi) of length sna less han £25 endo (2008 ins of wid. The straightedge ‘must be rigid enough so that i always meets this rueness. 52 Gage: 5.2.1 Ihe rutdeati measuring gage shall be graduated to 1 sm (4s in.) or fine, The bottom surtice of the gage shall be ft lesst 19 mam (073 in.) Bu MOL more tian 75 mm 13.0 In) wide und span arcas of egstegate loss auc extare. The zag° shall ave sufficient range to cesornrodate the rseasureniesi 6, Procedure 6.1 Simightedge Plocement: 6.1.1 Place the suaiuhtedge acoss the rt, Allow the siruightecge ‘0 rest upon the pavement st ovo contact are, seh that sliding the stightelge along it length in bod directions will sot change the contact areas an the pavcmen Avoid locating We couse avza a eiscont.oules that ate wer than the suaigleedge botwm, 6.12 Plaze the suaightedge in a plane perpendieular to the Girestion oF tele movement. Tse bostom cirTace of the straightedge shall be parle! to the longitudinal slope of the pavement Do no: place the dvaiehiedze an aay discoalinuities ‘onthe pavement surface, for example, aotholes or loose debris, 6.1.3 The longitudinal interval between swocessive straght= edge placement shouile be rents 9 the precisem required or lhe use oF the aaa

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