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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about a new Indian citizenship law.


WORDS for each space.

 A new Indian law would create advantages for ____________________________ from nearby
nations to become Indian.
 Opposition to the aforementioned law is particularly strong in Assam – an
______________________________ with great number of Muslims.
 This is due to people’s fear of unregistered Bangladeshi migrants weakening the
______________________ of the region after being given citizenship.
 Protestors think the passage of the new law means that they are ________________________.
 Despite the government’s disagreement to any discrimination in this new law, critics saw the
law ___________________________________ and openly anti-Muslim.
 The Prime Minister Modi made a promise that the law would soothe people who
 Despite this, 2 million Assam people still have to verify their citizenship or be
 While Hindu now have gained protection, Muslim could _________________________.
 People in Assam regarded Modi’s tweet as _________________________ and it is the reason
why they are ______________________________, lathis, curfew and tear gas in protest.

India has passed a new law that will make it easier for non-muslim minorities from neighboring
countries to gain Indian citizenship. Opposition to it is especially strong in India northeastern Assam state
which borders Bangladesh. Assam is an ethnically diverse region with large Muslim population.
Thousands have denied a curfew to protest new measure. People fear undocumented Hindu migrants
from neighboring Bangladesh will now be granted citizenship and dilute the political sway of the region.
A rupture of faith in the state. Many here in Assam see the passage of the citizenship amendment bill as a
clear message from the Hindu national government that they are second-class citizens. The new law
would allow non-Muslim religious minorities from neighboring countries like Bangladesh to claim Indian
nationality. A campaign promise delivered by Prime Minister Modi's government which denies the
measure discriminates against any group. This bill will not harm even a little bit any minority, especially
our Muslim brothers and sisters who live in this country because this bill will only give citizenship, it
doesn't take it away from anybody. But critics say the law undermines India's secular constitution and
is blatantly anti-Muslim. In this bill, they are targeting a community without naming it. It violates the basic
structure of the constitution, it is divisive and exclusive, it will destabilize our polity and 18 to 20 million
people will not trust us. In a tweet, Prime Minister Modi hailed a landmark day for India and promised the
bill would alleviate the suffering of many who faced persecution. But in a sum, the bill is another reason
to distrust Modi's India. A recent citizenship registered exercise excluded two million people in Assam
who now have to prove their citizenship or be rendered stateless. Hindu left off the list, now have
protection but not Muslim who could face deportation. Reaction to the citizenship amendment bill has
also hit social media. On Twitter, this user captured some of the Assam protests and asked Assam is
burning and the government is not paying any attention to it. Is this the democracy we are living in? And
Prime Minister Modi has tweeted this urging the people of a sum whom he calls brothers and sisters not
to worry, quote: I want to assure them no one can take away your rights, unique identity and beautiful
culture it will continue to grow and flourish, end quote. But this user rejected Modi's statement as hollow
words saying that's why people in Assam are braving Internet blocks, lathis, curfew and tear gas in

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