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Mix design for concrete block paving

by A.J. Dowson
S. Marshall & Sons Ltd, UK

Introduction is reduced, then the costs of the material because the attack is not
IT may seem surprising that there is material will be lower. confined on the surface. Durability
scope for a paper on the principles of The degree of quality control used is, therefore, improved by reducing
mix design at a time when concrete is an essential preliminary to the the pores in the concrete; this is
has been used as a material for con- selection of suitable mix proportions achieved by having a low water
crete block paving for over 50 years. and this degree of control must be cement ratio and the concrete fully
The writer has been aware of many of economically justified. compacted.
these principles for a long time, but it The basic problem of mix -design,
is only in the last few years that is to obtain adequate quality in the 3. Workability
engineers and producers have taken a hardened form and sufficie'nt The workability is affected by the
more active interest in the use of this workability and cohesiveness of the water cement ratio and cement con-
type of product and there has even plastic concrete with as lean a mix as tent, the shape, texture, maximum
been a demand for the principles of possible. size and the particle distribution of
mix design to be included in this Generalising, the compressive the aggregate.
conference. strength and durability of concrete of 4. Cohesiveness
The change has come about with given proportions, manufactured Cohesiveness is required to prevent
the development of equipment with a particular cement, improve the mix falling apart and to reduce
designed to improve the uniformity with the reduction in the proportion the possibility of segregation of the
of concrete and the realization of the of water to cement, but at the same coarse and fine particles during
benefits from this controL Concrete time, the workability decreases. On handling.
technology has developed differently the other hand, to increase the water In the type of mix we use, there is
in different countries and there are cement proportion increases work- insufficient water to wet the cement
many ways of approaching the ability and cohesiveness, but red uces particles adequately, so the cohesive-
problem but this paper deals with an compressive strength. ness is low. However, by increasing
approach based on both experience In conventional concrete it is the fineness of the particles this
and engineering points of views. possible to increase the cement con- property is improved. The largest
tent by altering gradings, but, contribution comes from the cement
Background to mix design because we are using machinery to
Mix design can be regarded as the itself. Also, cohesiveness depends on
compact the concrete, this nullifies the shape and texture of the aggregate
process of selection of the proportion any departure from the ac(;epted
of the different constituents of con- particles; higher for those which are
mix. Adding more cement to the mix smooth and round, than those which
crete to produce a product of the does not increase the compressive
required quality. are rough and angular. Certain
strength. chemical additions to the concrete
In the past the mix design has been
as simple as possible and the con- Properties of concrete mix improve the cohesion.
crete quality and mix proportion The most important properties of
were regarded as being synonymous. concrete are its compresive strength Definitions
It has been found that the quality of and durability in the hardened state Water/cement ratio
concrete assessed in compressive and its workability and cohesiveness It is generally agreed that the calcu-
strength terms is far from being in the plastic state. The fundamental lation of the water cement ratio is
constant. There is a tendency to problem of mix design is the relation- the ratio of the total water to the
change specification, so that, instead ship between these properties and cement. The total water is the weight
of stating the mix proportions, only the characteristics of the mix, and of water contained in the aggregate
the required properties of the con- this, naturally governs the pro- as well as the water added at the
crete are given. cedure for selecting the mix mixer.
This method of specifying gives the proportions.
manufacturer complete autonomy in Aggregate / cement ratio
the selection of the raw materials for I. Compressive strength This is the proportion of the
the best use of available supplies of The rate of gain of compressive aggregates in the mix divided by the
aggregate. strength of concrete of given propor~ cement proportion: in most cases this
Mix design becomes an important tions varies with the type of cement will be by weight.
part of the compliance with speci- and with the curing temperature;
fications and should be worked out these conditions are normally deter- Compressive strength
in conjunction with an appropriate mined for a particular mix design. This is a value determined by dividing
degree of quality controL In all cases of mix design, we the maximum load the unit can with-
assume the concrete to be fully com- stand by the area under the load. To
Outline of mix design pacted. The compressive strength standardize methods of test, certain
The purpose of mix design is to select can be directly related to the water conditioning procedures are in use,
the most economical proportions of cement ratio. as in BS 1881 or Interpave
each of the available materials to Specification.
produce a hardened concrete block 2. Durability
of the required minimum quality. The resistance of concrete to attack The development and considerations
The cost of the paving block will by weathering or chemical action for methods of designin~ mixes for
depend on the variations in the depends on there being adequate concrete block paving
strength which is likely to be resistance to the penetration of At the present. time.. -there are two
obtained and if the range of variations water, or any other solution, into the general methods of manufacture of

.Concrete Block Paving 121


Pock;,,& cO'iflguralion eN DD

Top ';Jh" Fit"" 2: Tr~J" '"

(0' d",,) pockr"l piJ ","'"' '
Clo ..
",, '.00
T<,,"..,o ron
•; 0. 225
0.1 55
8i>""", J' f'· ",." J- C.I><
podiog ~f rpl"u ,olume or the ,ame aggregate , and

'hi' relal ion,hip is Ihe Spccifi<
B."Om ,ig!l. n,"" ~.- n,,,..
<hm'''""",, d." "."Jdn, of

concrote block paving u>cd in this way that lh. sphere, of the upper ,,"'/6
I. r,.. .. ure only.
layer are exactly above lh. ,pher., in
the lower layer. In Ihe case of 'quare
packing of layer, . we obtain cube
K nowi"~ thi. relationship , as"um·
2. High frtquency vibration . I"'cking of ,phe,., in lhree dimen_ ing a Ceetam pattern of packing and
Both of Ill<'" [nelhocis rely on the , ion , Figure 3. In lhe st.cking of knowing the averagc diam<tcr of the
pallid.. of the aggregate and <"ment triangular Jayer, of 'phere, we get a ,pher•. we can easily calculate lhe
pading log<lh", in such a way as to hexagonal prismatic lhree dimen" specific ,urface of the .uresate: Thi,
remain togetho < after the compaClion. ,ional "tructure. [f the upper ,phere approaCh ha, a limiled apphc.tLon to
This is the principle of the design layer is stacked with a 'phere filling naturallY-OCCUrring sand, beeause it
method presented in Ihi, paper . into a ~' oid, in Ill< second case , the i, u,ually made up of grain ,iles and
mo" dosely packed arransement of is mOre complex tha n the orisinal
ro. king of p•• ticIH spheru of equ.1 diameter is approach.
As it is impossi ble 10 discuss packing obtained . Thi, i, referred to a, "clo,. Examining the enviro nment of any
Qf fragment! of "II the .ariou, packingH of 'phe,es (Figure 4) Oil. 'phere in . the elo,c packing
shapes. let us consider the idealized In all of lhe,e varying problem , of arrang<ment (FIgure 2), we Can ,ee
.phcrc, of material. Ihree d'men,ional pack in~ of 'phere, ttlat ~"ch !pheTe is doselY touch ing
Firstly, arranging the 'ph,,",
in" of equ~1 di~meter. great lmpOrtance ,ix 'pheres in Its own layer, thrtt
layer in such a way that each touches must be attached to tbe rda,i"e abov~ and three below; • tOI<>1 of
ils neighbour: 1hi. is two dimensional volume of the 'p.ce belween tbe twelve 'phere,. TIle co"""rdination
packing and there .re two cOnln"ling sphere, CalculatIOn. , how th.t. in number (CN) of a sphe re i, .hown to
w.ys of p.cking .• qua,e '" in Figure lhe ca,e of loose packing a. in Figure be 12. Consider eighl spheres centred
I and triangular a, in Figure 2. [n tbe 3, the void i, 47.64%. and in Ihe case in lhe. corners of a cube, all touching
fint ca,e the void, are ,ilUated of clo,e packing (Figure 4), tbe "oid each other a. in Figure J. Place
between 'four sph«." and in Ihe i.25.95%. another sphere in the centre of the
5tCond case bel ween three spheres. In Ther~ is a rel ",i()n~hip between til< cube touching all eighl sphere, and it
bOlh cases, lhey are 'lacked in ,uch a total surface of the .phere and tbe i. found thaI, using the pre~·iou'.

o optimum addition

o 10%


Figure 8: Effect of adding more cement. Figure 9: Optimum pigment levels, based on cement weight.

125 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
No Pigment 10% Black



~e "8



r ~~~

Figure 10: Water demand of different colours. Figure 11: Workability as indicated by spread.

example, the co-ordination number developed by the Building Research flow from the measuring tube until it
is 8. Mathematically, the diameter of Station and marketed by Jenconcs is held at the point indicating the
this central sphere is approximately (Scientific) Ltd, and Figure 5 percentage void content of the
three quarters of the surrounding illustrates the apparatus. The prin- samples. The measuring process may
spheres. Proceeding further, we can ciples involved are that the opening be repeated several times to obtain
calculate the co-ordination number of the tap allows the column of water a clear mean value and eliminate the
and the diameter of the central in the measuring tube to act on the chance of a faulty reading.
sphere (DC) for a number of simple total volume of air within the
configurations (Table I). apparatus (the volume of air samples Factors affecting mix design
This table clearly shows that the plus the volume of air from the top of procedures
smaller the co-ordination number, the sample to the water level in the
the smaller is the space between glass bulb) causing an increase in (a) Cement content
spheres. volume and a corresponding As the process relies on low work-
Such considerations, here touched decrease in pressure. Equilibrium of ability, the existing water in the mix
on only lightly, may help in the the water column is reached when the is barely sufficient to hydrate fully
explanation of the complexity of the pressure of the air in the system plus the cement. Further addition of
packing of grains of unequal sizes. the pressure due to the height of the cement has the effect of lowering the
water column is equal to the atmos- workability and, because of the lack
Measurement of voids pheric pressure. As the volume of air of water. the cement acts as a filler
The void content in a granular above the sample is constant, vari- and reduces the strength (Figure ll).
material, whose specific gravity is ations in the distance that the column
known and is consistent throughout falls is directly related. to the volume (b) Pigments
the sample, is easily calculated from of air in the sample. I. CONCENTRATIONS. As with all
measurement of the bulk density. methods of colouring material, there
BS 812 gives the laboratory pro- Method of measuring void content is an optimum concentration for
cedure for determining the specific The material is placed in the sample maximum intensity (Figure 9).
gravity and voids, but this can take container, being packed in a manner
several days to complete. appropriate to that for which the 2. WATER DEMAND. Due to the
A simple method by which the void content is required (Figure 6). particle shape of the pigment,
void content can be measured is to The top is placed on the container different colours require different
measure the volume of water that can and sealed, the air release tap being water contents (Figure 10).
be poured into a container of known open to atmosphere at this stage. If the water cement ratio is constant
volume and already filled with the The air release tap is then closed then it is possible to measure the
combined aggregates, but this and the levelling bulb lifted from its workability by measuring the spread
method is inaccurate because of top position and placed in its position of the concrete (Figure II).
entrappment of air, porosity and in the hole provided in the box Alternatlvely. Figure 12 illustrates
bulking. A method has been (Figure 7). This allows the water to the strength effect of pigment con-

Concrete Block Paving IZ3

cent rations at a constant water unwanted material (whether it be fine tion used for the manufacture of
cement ratio. particles or chemical impurities concrete paving blocks, the aggre-
which can affect the hydration of gate should be naturally occurring,
(c) Cement cement) and from particles of the rounded and smooth textured or
In the UK, cement quality is con- wrong size of material. alternatively angular or cubical.
trolled by BS 12 and all manu- It is essential that the fine
facturers exceed the minimum limits aggregate does not contain more (e) Effect of density on strength and
specified. than 25% acid soluble material on absorption
that fraction retained or passing the As with all good mix design, the
(d) Aggregates 600 micron sieve. object is to compact fully and to
Properties of aggregates can affect This material affects the resistance achieve the maximum density. (The
the various properties of concrete to polishing and special care must be density of fully-compacted concrete
and this section of the paper dis- taken witli sea <lredged aggregate is dependent on the density of the
cusses the importance of the aggre- containing shell. aggregate used). Figure 13 shows the
gateS in controlling those properties. effect of lowering the density and this
Those properties of the aggregate (ii) SHAPE AND TEXTURE was obtained by adjustment to the
which have the most important The surface characteristics of aggre- machine. All the blocks were
influence on the quality of concrete gate particles of all sizes have an compacted fully.
are the cleanliness, the shape and important influence on the properties
surface texture, and the grading. of the fresh concrete and on the com- (/) Effect of water content on strength
pressive strength of high strength Using the two parameters dictated by
(i) CLEANLINESS concrete. the machine (the miriimum water and
All aggregates should be free from For machine orientated produc- maximum water content) thc cffect
on different types of aggregates with
different cement content is shown in
TABLE 2: Table 2.

Cement content % Moisture Mean strength (g) Effect of water content on

Aggregate type durability
kg/mm2 content N/mm 2
Using the previous conditions,
blocks were tested underthe RILEM
Natural sand 456 5.9 57.9 regime and the results are shown in
and 570 6.1 69.0 Table 3. The weight loss has been
Gravel 570 7.1 67.5 recorded for every tcn cycles in Table
3. The twenty-fifth and fiftieth results
are shown.
Sand 380 5.2 53
and 380 7.0 53.5 (h) Curing regime and conditions
Granite 456 5.0 55 Curing the concrete paving block is
456 6.8 56 essential to maintain the quality
570 5.2 61 required, and the principles are
570 6.9 67 similar to the curing of conventional
concrete. Curing can be categorized
into two main types - one is natural
456 6.9 55.5 air curing and the second is
Granite 570 5.4 59.0 accelerated curing.
570 6.9 62.0 As stated previously, there is in~
sufficient water in the mix to hydrate
the cement fully and it is found that
TABLE 3: Freeze thaw if this type of concrete is cured using
moisture and slightly elevated
Cement Weight loss temperatures, the early as well as the
Aggregate type Strength % Moisture
content mg/mm 2 28 day strength is higher compared
with natural curing. Steam curing
can be used, and at one day the
25 cycle 50 cycle strengths are increased, but the 28
day strength can be 20% lower than
naturally cured blocks. Although it is
Gravel 52.5 6.1 570 0.102 0.188
impossible to control the curing of
and 57.0 7.1 570 0.103 0.188 the blocks once they are stacked in
Sand 51.5 6.0 456 0.520 0.989
the stora~e area, Figure 14 shows the
48.5 5.9 456 0.193 effect of different types of conditions.

Sand 51.5 5.2 570 0.135 0.219 0) Partial substitutes for cement
and 57.0 6.9 570 0.135 0.202 Thert< are several materials which can
Granite 46.5 5.0 456 0.115 0.169 be used to replace part of the cement.
47.5 5.8 456 0.183 0.284 These are naturally occurring
45.0 5.2 380 0.110 1.191 pozzolans and artificial pozzolans,
45.0 7.0 380 0.195 0.336 blast lurnace slag and chemicals.
50.0 5.4 570 0.095 0.149 Pulverised fuel ash (PFA) is a by-
Granite 52.5 6.9 570 0.073 0.161 product of the electricity generating
47.0 6.9 456 0.132 1.272 industry and is largely a siliceous
material which can improve some of

. ,-----------,


DENSITY - kg/m3

Figure 12' Strength effect of pigmernts at constant water: Figure 13: Effect of lowering the density.
cement ratio.


70 characteristic

60 t- <> air dry laboratory

o humidity
fi water
o outside
. ,
AGE - months


Figure 14: Effect of storage conditions on strength. Figure 15: Distribution of results.

the properties of both the plastic and which enables reductions of cement. which they are used.
hardened state of concrete, as well as Table 4 illustrates the partial The figures and curves provide a
imparting other desirable properties, replacement of cement using PFA means of arriving at a reasonably
not normally present in ordinary and an admixture. satisfactory and economical choice
Portland cement. Pozzolan reacts of proportions.
more quickly at enhanced temper- Method of designing mixes for
atures, and is therefore of most bene- concrete paving blocks Compressive strength
fit with some form of heat curing; it Although this recommended pro- The strength development by a con-
also contributes, under normal cedure for designing mixes for paving crete of given materials and propor-
conditions, to strength improvement blocks has been simplified as far as tions increases for many months
at later ages. possible, the experience of the under favourable conditions, but in
designer plays a large part in the skill the majority of specifications the
BLAST FURNACE SLAG of selecting materials based on his strength lit 28 days is specified.
Blast furnace slag is a by-product of experience on the principles govern- Because of variability of concrete
the manufacture of pig iron in a blast ing the properties of concrete. strength, the mix must be designed to
furnace and is formed by the com- The problem of the design of a mix have a considerably higher mean
bination of silica and alumina etc. for a given purpose may be reduced, strength than the strength specified.
with limestone flux. Its essential in its simplest form, to the question of Characteristic strength is now
components are the same oxides as obtaining concrete of the required replacing the older concept of mini-
are present in Portland cement but in strength and workability at the mum strength. The difference
differing proportions. lowest cost by a suitable choice of between the specified characteristic
materials and of the proportions in strength and the target mean strength
NATURALLY-OCCURRING is called the "margin".
POZZOLANS TABLE 4: PFA This margin is based on knowledge
Naturally-occurring pozzolans occur of the variability of the concrete
in the volcanic areas and trasses of Cemenl PFA Av. strength strength from previous production
Italy, Germany and Greece. The dia- data, expressed as a standard devi-
tomaceous earths of Scotland and ation; or alternatively, a substantial
Scandinavia, from the skeletons of 100% 60 margin is applied until an adequate
diatoms, are sometimes known as 75% 25% 60 number of results is obtained. The
moler. 64% 36% 59 overall variation factors can be con-
sidered to be made up from:
CHEMICAL I. Variation in tfie quality of material
The use of admixtures has been wide- used.
spread in the manufacture of con- Chemical
2. Variation in the mix proportions
vention~1 concrete throughout the in the batching process.
world. In the semi-dry process,
several UK companies have Control 62.8 3. Variation due to sampling and
developed systems that combine a 10% reduction in cement 60.4 testing.
plasticiser and air entraining agents, The distribution of results is now

Concrete Block Paving 125

and has been confirmed by a large
l00r.r-----------------------------~ number of sieve analyses taken from
90 production units all over Europe.

70 Analysis of the particle size

60 distribution
There are several ways of measuring
Figure 16: Aggregate the partical size distribution and the
grading curve. most common is by sieve analysis.
30 The exact method of procedure is
20 described in BS 812 Part I 1975, but a
10 brief description is given below.
A representative sample of
material is taken and reduced to the
appropriate minimum mass and
brought to a dry condition before
weighing and sieving. The sample of
generally accepted to follow the the water content, and this normally dry material is weighed and sieved
curve shown in Figure 15. This is the lies between 5 and 7% moisture ofthe successively on the appropriate sieves
normal distribution curve and it has a total mix weight. starting with the coarsest. (The sieves
precise mathematical equation. The must be dry and clean before use).
area under the curve represents the Cement content After shaking each sieve for not
total number of results, and the pro- With the relatively high strength less than two minutes, the material
portion of results less than some requirement in the UK the aggregate retained on each sieve, together with
specified value is represented by the cement ratio will be in the range of any material cleaned from the mesh,
area beneath the curve to the left 3: I to 6: I. A typical curve of strength is weighed.
hand side of a vertical line drawn to cement content is shown in
through the specified value. Figure 8 and an approximate value is The results are calculated and
Standard deviation (SD) is a obtained after calculating the Target reported as either:
measure of the variability and IS or Characteristic strength. (a) The cumulative percentage of the
calculated from the formula: mass of the total sample passing each
s= JE (x--m)2
The aggregate should be chosen and
combined if necessary to fit as closely
of the sieves.
(b) The percentage of the mass of the
as possible to the curve of Figure 16. total sample passing one sieve and
where x individual results The curve is designed to give a close retained on the next smaller sieve.
n = number of results textured surface but, by increasing
m the mean of the n results the coarse content of the mix, a more Methods of combining aggregates
open textured appearance is The availability of aggregate for use
Characteristic strength produced. in the manufacture of concrete
There is always a possibility. how- The curve has been obtained by paving blocks necessitates the blend-
ever remote, ·that a result will be using the void meter to determine the ing of two or more aggregates to
obtained less than the specified lowest possible percentage of air achieve the required gradings used in
strength. The current practice is to voids for a wide range of aggregates, this mix design method. To do this,
quote characteristic strength as a TABLE 5: Example showing combining of two aggregates
means of specifying the quality of
concrete below which a specified Grading %
proportion of results may be Range of Surface area between sieves Surface area indices
expected to fall. sieve sizes index
Characteristic strength Required Coarse Fine Required Coarse Fine
= Average strength -- (k x SD)
Where k = a constant for defective 38 to 19 mm 1 3 3
products. 19 to 10 mm 2 27 58 54 116
10 to 5 mm 4 12 40 48 160
SD = Standard Deviation 5 to 2.36 mm 8 9 2 3 72 16 24
For concrete paving blocks 2.36 to 1.18 mm 16 8 16 128 256
Ll8 mm to 600 J..Im 32 10" 23 320 736
k 1.64 which represent 5% 600 to 300 J..Im 64 18 46 832 2944
defectives Passing 300J..lm 128 13 12 1664 1536
SD -- Where no results are available.
Pressure type Total 3121 292 5496
machine, small Surface area index 31.21 2.92 54.96
number per cycle= 3.5 N(mm2
Vibration, large Let X be % of fine material to be used, then the coarse and fine aggregate are
number blocks combined to have the same surface ara index:-
per cycle 7.0 N(mm2
2.92 (100 - X) + 54.96 = 31.21 x 100
.. X = 49.0
Selection of water contents
As previously stated, the machine is So ratio of fine aggregate to coarse is 49/50
the governing factor in the choice of

126 Concrete Block Paving

POlnf B



'igure 17: Graphical method I. Figure 18: Graphical method 2.

here are several methods, and percentage of the material passing Acknowledgements
Ippended below are the methods that sieve. The grading of the coarse The author's thanks are recorded to
nost commonly used. material is marked off along the right the following:
hand axis in a similar manner. The Concrete & Quarrying Division
Graphical method 1. (Figure 17) Each point on the left hand axis is of Marshalls (Halifax) Ltd for their
Rectangular co-ordinates are set up joined by a straight line to the point help and co-operation in producing
",ith a scale of percentage passing with the same sieve size on the right this paper, and especially
:0 to 100%) vertically, and a straight hand axis. A vertical line is drawn B. Thompson for all the testing and
ine a-h drawn through the origin at through the point where the sloping laboratory work.
my convenient slope. Vertical lines line representing the 600 sieve inter-
Ire drawn through the points a-h sects the horizontal line representing Pozzolanic, Chester, for the supply
",here the Tines a-h intersect the the percentage of material passing a of the pulverised fuel ash.
10rizontal lines, corresponding to 600 sieve required in the combined Chemical Building Products for the
:he values of the percentage of grading. The percentage of fine supply of the admixtures.
naterial required to pass the various aggregate, as delivered, required in Bayer Chemicals for information on
;ieves according to the required the total is read on the top scale, their pigments.
~rading; these lines are the co- where this is intersected by the
Jrdinates for the sieve sizes and are combined aggregate line. Useful sources of information
narked accordingly. The values of
:he actual percentage passing each I. Design ofnormal concrete mixes.
Arithmetical method Department of Environment.
;ieve are then plotted for each This method is based on several
;eparate aggregate, and the steepest assumptions but, because the actual 2. British Standards. British
·easonable line is drawn through values of specific surfacc are difficult Standards Institution, 2 Park
:ach set of points. A straight line is to measure in practice, the calcu- Street, London SWI.
irawn between the points where the lations are made for convenience
'inest aggregate cuts the 100% and using an arbitrary surface area index 3. Specification for concrete block
:he next finest aggregate cuts the 0%. which doubles as the size of the paving. Interpave, 60 Charles
~imilarly, a straight line is drawn for material is halved, but which does Street, Leicester.
:he coarse aggregate. not allow for variations in the shape
The values of percentage passing, of the aggregate particles of different 4. Concrete information. Cement
:orresponding to the intersections of sizes. Knowing the required grading & Concrete Association,
:he straight lines with the original a-h and the grading of the aggregates, Wexham Springs, Slough.
ine, are recorded and indicate the each sieve starts from the number for
Jroportions in which the aggregates each size. To complete each percent- 5. Admixtures. Cement Admixtures
:hould be combined. age of the material, a particular sieve Association, 15 Tooks Court,
unit is cross multiplied with its London EC4A ILA.
"Jraphical method 2 appropriate surface area index. The 6. PF A: I. Central Electricity
\. piece of graph paper is marked results for the various gradings are Generating Board, (Ash Market-
vith percentage scales along three totalled and divided by 100 to give an ing); 2. Pozzolanic, Chester;
ides as in Figure 18. The gradings of overall surface area index. The 3. Pozament Cement Ltd, Leeds;
he fine aggregate are checked off coarse and fine aggregate are then 4. Frodingham Cement Co. Ltd,
llong the left hand vertical axis by combined so that they have the same Scunthorpe.
narking points and referencing them surface area index as the required
vith a sieve size such that the grading. An example is shown in 7. Void meters. Jecon of Hemel
Irdinate of each point represents the Table 5. Hempstead.

:onCTele Block Paying !27

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