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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about the future of health.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.

 The idea was that (1) ______________________________ could have enough power to perform
tasks better than humans.
 Nowadays, AI has (2) ______________________________, having influence on many aspects
from finding mates to self-driving cars and especially medicine.
 Bringing back the humanity is the (3) ______________________________. If possible, we can
rescue healthcare problems.
 The relationship between doctor and patient is a (4) ______________________________ of
healthcare and medicine.
 A few Western doctors spend twice amount of time on paperwork than on patients. Devices like
(5) _____________________________technology can be used in clinics to store data, which
enables the doctors to pay more attention to patients.
 AI is vital for better treatments, a better (6) ____________________ and better
_____________________, lower cost. Several conditions could be (7) _____________________.
 The better our understanding, the better the chances of preventing, (8) ___________________
and ___________________. AI can supervise every (9) __________________ of people’s health
data if it is harnessed to wireless devices.
 And over time, we would see this (10) ______________________________ for health

1. Computer technology
2. Come of age
 if something comes of age, it reaches the stage of development at which people accept and
value it
3. Overarching goal
 Overarching: very important, because it includes or influences many things
4. Founding principle
5. Speech recognition
6. Diagnosis, Outcomes
7. AI diagnosed
8. Diagnosis, curing
9. Facet
10. Virtual coach

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