Xray Spectros

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From: R Kande Sent: 07 February 2020 05:22 To: k rameshri; kande.ramesh@ quest-global.com Subject: Fwd: Metallurgy for Industries : Monthly Newsletter, February 2020 Forwarded message— From: TCR Advanced Pvt Ltd Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2020, 4:19 AM Subject: Metallurgy for Industri To: : Monthly Newsletter, February 2020 Tee» ADVANCED Optimizing Asset Integrity X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF): ‘technique of material characterization. Introductio! X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is a popular method for the qualitative and quantitative determination ofthe elemental composition of a material sample. XRF is similar to atomic absorption ‘spectrometry and optical emission spectrometry except that the sample is not required to be dissolved in a solution to be analyzed. The sample for XRF analysis may be in the form of a solid, liquid, powder or emulsion XRF methods are of two types, Viz. energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXRF) and wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDXRF). Energy dispersive spectrometers measure x-ray intensity as a function of energy and are faster and less expensive. On the other hand, wavelength dispersive spectrometers are more sensitive, accurate and offer higher resolution, Principle of XRF spectroscopy method: For chemical analysis by XRF the sample under investigation Is exposed to x-rays or gamma rays of high energy and is excited, In the process electrons from the inner shes ofthe sample atom are knocked off The vacaney so created i filed up by he electrons fromthe outer electron shell. The energy in the form of fluorescence, corresponding tothe difference between the energies ofthe two shell, is given off as an X-ray fluorescence having characteristic energy. The released energy is then detected by a fluorescence detector. As the electron energy levels are characteristic ofthe atom, in turn the energy of the emited photon is also characteristic of the atom of each element. The x-ray spectrum acquired during the above process reveals a number of characteristic peaks corresponding to the different elements present Xiny Rusescane todeson 6 «, Priary Keeton Elect sha XRF Instrument: ‘Amodern XRF instrument as shown in Fig2 consists of an x-ray excitation source, a sample chamber, asilicon (lithium) detector, amplifiers, and amutt-channel pulse height analyzer. XRAY TUBE PULSE en smo si) ccfihon f OC Z HoH ‘The source of x-ray radiation can be a radioisotope such as Fe-55, Co-57 of Cd-109 or an x-ray tube Capable of emitting x-rays of definite energy. X-ray tube for XRF spectrometer is a diode (vacuum tube) \which consists of the filament generating thermo- electrons and the anode (target) generating x-rays. An electrically heated flament type cathode emits electrons. X-rays are generated when the accelerated electrons bombard on to the sample Le. anode. This generates the fluorescent radiations. The fluorescent x-rays excited from the sample strike a detector. An energy dispersive detector such as a Si(L)) detector measures the energy distribution ofthe fluorescence radiation. The Si (L)) semiconductor detector is a diode with Li drifted over a high-purity single Si crystal, cooled by liquid nitrogen down to a temperature of 77K, and maintained in a vacuum. Finally, a mult-channel electronics circuit processes the measured signals. The measured spectrum shows lines or peaks that are characteristic for the chemical elements in the sample. In this spectrum the energy of the peaks (Le., the location of the peak on the x-axis) enables the identification of the elements present in the sample (ie. provide qualitative analysis of the material), whereas the intensity of he peaks (as given by the height of the peakiiuorescence couni) provides the elemental concentration (sem quantitative or quantitative analysis). Figure 3 gives atypical XRF spectrum. +d Ll te Fig. 3: Typical XRF spectrum For quantitative analysis several samples of known element concentration are subjected to measurements using XRF and a correlation is developed between the intensity of the measured element's fluorescent X-rays and its concentration in the sample. Based on the calibration curve drawn, the concentration of various elements present in an unknown sample is found out. Advantages and limitations of XRF: ‘The main advantage of XRF spectroscopy method isthat itis @ nore destructive, multi-elemental, fast and cost effective method for elemental analysis of various materials including metals and alloys The XRF method needs very simple & minimum sample preparation unlike atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or flame photometry. Some samples require sample preparation such as pelletizing It takes short measurement times. The XRF spectra ‘ate relatively simple and the peak positions are almost independent of the chemical state of the analyte XRF method is applicable over a wide range of concentrations The detection range covers all elements from boron to Uranium and the concentration can range fram 100% down to ppm level Not only this, the measurement accuracy is of the order of around 0.1% of the majar elements present ‘The major limitation of XRF method is that the X-ray penetration ofthe sample i limited tothe top 0.01 -0.1 mm layer ofthe sample. Besides this the inter element (MATRIX) effects may become substantial and require computer correction. Applications of XRF spectroscopy: + Manufacturing and process industry: Quality control of raw materials, production processes and final products + Aerospace industry + Power industry + Geology and mineralogy: Qualtative and quantitative analysis of sols, minerals, rocks, ete + Jewelly: Measurement of precious metals concentrations + Food chemisty: Determination of toxic contaminants in food items + Environment and agriculture: Measurement of undesirable metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium & trace impurties in sols, sediments, water + Archaeological studies related chemical analysis For Further details Contact us at testing@teradvnaced.com, Ph: 491-7574805595 ‘This publication has been carefuly prepared, but thas been wiften in general terms and shouldbe seen as a broad guidance on. The publication cannot be relied upon to cove! spectiestualons and you should ot act, of refiain tom acting, upon the Information contained therein without obtaining specie professional advice Pease contact TCR Advanced Enginesting to ‘dscuss these matters nthe content of your parted eroumstances TCR Advanced Enginesting ts directors. employees and Consultants do not acceptor assume any lability or duty of cae fot any lss alsing fom any acton taken or ottacen by anyone In relance onthe information inthis publieaton of for any deasion based on TCR Advanced Engineering Pvt. Ltd, 250-252/9, GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara-380010, Gujarat, India Marketed By Pooja Infotech This message was sent to rande @teradvanced.com by hnowedge@teradvanced coin To forward this message, please do net use the forward button of your email application, because this message was made specifcally for you only. 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