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Slide: Introduction

Establishing a new business can be risky as well as challenging for every individual

endeavouring to set up a business in another nation. Organizational emergence and establishment

of businesses by the immigrants are likely to face more challenges and hurdles compared to the

locals when it comes to networking, financing, global market expansion, public sector support

etc. The probability of failure increases due to various factors such as new government

regulations, communication style and language differences, cultural nuance differences, finding

reliable partners, inability to compete with other similar local businesses, or a lack of interest

from the public in the business’s offerings.

Entrepreneurship is a key element of business management in today’s time. However, there are

several challenges immigrants face when they try to start their very own business on a foreign

soil. This leads us to study in depth the following CENTRAL research question:

How do Indian immigrants in The Netherlands deal successfully with business obstacles

during the emergence stage of their new businesses in the Dutch market?

Slide: Problem Statement

When immigrants start working for the emergence of their new organisations, they have to face

greater challenges because similar organisations might already exist. For Indian immigrants, the

issues could be enlarged due to the huge difference in languages, which results in increased

communication problems. Furthermore, Indian community structures are very different from the

community structure of The Netherlands, so the Indians would have trouble understanding and
blending in. The study tries to identify the obstacles that immigrant businessmen/women have to

face and how they can overcome the hurdles.

Slide: Research Objective

The objectives/aims of the study include:

 Examining/analyzing the obstacles/hurdles faced by the immigrants considering to start a

business in a global ambience.

 Secondly, the objective is to study the problems faced by Indian immigrants while

starting their business in The Netherlands.

 Finally, understanding the business rules and regulations of The Netherlands and how it

affects the immigrant entrepreneurs.

Slide: Research Question and Sub-questions

Entrepreneurship is a key element of business management in today’s time. However, there are

several challenges immigrants face when they try to start their very own business on a foreign

soil. This led me to study in depth the following CENTRAL research question:

How do Indian immigrants in The Netherlands deal successfully with business obstacles

during the emergence stage of their new businesses in the Dutch market?

Following the central question, the following sub-questions have been formulated:

1. What is an Immigrant?

2. What is a business start-up?

3. What are business start-up issues?

4. What is organisational emergence?

Slide: Literature Review

In order to complete my thesis several authors and their work have been a great help. I have
mentioned each and every reference I have used in the Reference List Appendix of my thesis.In
this slide I have incorporated the names of those authors and literature citation whose
contribution to my entire thesis has been the maximum.

Please allow me to take their names. They are:

 Padgett & Powell, 2012).

 Desiderio, M.2014
 Altonen, S. & Akola, E. 2012
 Jaafar, Abdul-Aziz, Maideen&Mohd, 2011
 Please write the two names which we included later on (I don’t have the final slide with

Slide: Research Methodology and Approach

There are two categories of data collection that I have applied:

 The first part was focused on collecting data from secondary sources which would

include acquiring data from already written research papers and other forms of literature.

 The second part was acquiring the data through primary sources which included

obtaining the raw data. It has been made possible with questionnaires and surveys that

was completed by the respondents.

The data collected was in the form of raw-answered questionnaires, which was then be compiled

into statistical data by using various tools(MS Excel, Pictograms, graphical presentation) to study

the data in a more organised and comprehensive manner. Hence, quantitative approach has been

considered as the best one.

Slide: Population and Sampling

The population for the surveys are people from different cities of India residing in The

Netherlands. They were asked about the problems that they had faced during the emergence of

their career. Finally, 11 immigrant entrepreneurs participated in the filling up of questionnaire

and personal interview session. The progress of the survey was initiated with a small brief,

identifying those individuals showing interest in giving information, and spending some time out

for the research survey. The sample collection has been done via personal interviews and filling

up the questionnaire/survey form.

Slide: Key findings/results (If you have doubts or confusion with the calculation, consult


Chart: Entrepreneurship as desirable option

The survey clearly shows that immigrants have the same reasons for entrepreneurship like their

Dutch counterparts. But there are some distinctions noticed as well. Evidence shows several

immigrant entrepreneurs consider starting a business as a desirable option as it allows them to

offer a product or service. In the chart, we can see that out of 80% of the immigrant

entrepreneurs, 51% strongly agree to it. (Out of 9 respondents [2 respondents didn’t really

understand what to answer-not specific yes or no], 5 people strongly agree to it.)

Chart: Entrepreneurship as an unexpected opportunity

From the chart, it becomes clear that out of 54%, only 27% agrees to the point that entrepreneurship

can emerge from an unexpected opportunity. (Out of 6 respondents [rest of the 5 respondents were not

firm with a yes or no], only 2 agree to it)

Chart: Entrepreneurship with family business background

A history of family entrepreneurship is one of the reasons to start a business for someone to

become a business person for both the Dutch-born entrepreneurs and immigrant

businessmen/women. Among the 42% immigrants, 22% strongly agree that their family owns a

business back in their native land. (Out of 5 respondents [6 respondents didn’t have a firm yes or

no as a response], only 1 strongly and firmly believes so)

Chart: Immigrants positively considering starting a business

The immigrant entrepreneurs also don’t mind responding that they believe setting up a new

organisation as an excellent business/career choice. Almost 72% out of 82% of them positively

agree to the fact, as presented in the chart. (Out of 8 respondents [3 respondents didn’t have a

specific yes or no as an answer], 7 people consider entrepreneurship as an excellent

business/career choice.)

Chart: Immigrants claiming for flexibility in the work

The chart shows that out of 72% of the respondents, 65% of them demand for flexibility in their

work ambience. This is possible when they start their own venture. (Out of 8 respondents[ 3

respondents didn’t have a specific yes or no answer], 5 respondents strongly consider for

flexibility in work)

Slide: Conclusion

After conducting the study I have come to the following conclusions:

 More than 75% of the respondents are within their forties, which means that they are young


 One of the prime reasons for emigrating to The Netherlands is higher education.

 The reason for immigrant entrepreneurship in The Netherlands has been the eagerness to make

money and enjoy better standards of living.

 Starting with a business provides good opportunities as The Netherlands government has

started providing support to immigrant entrepreneurs.

 Out of the eleven respondents, two participants are proficient in the Dutch language, while the

rest of the participants cannot speak or understand the language at all.

 Four respondents have encountered a lack of confidence from the local Dutch people while

starting their business. The scenario is a little better with those immigrant business people who

have at least some proficiency in the Dutch language. But, there is no doubt to the fact that all

the eleven respondents have experienced some kind of issues related to confidence and

transparency from the locals.

 Usually, the capital for their businesses comes from their savings, family and friend support.

Slide: Recommendations to the Indian immigrant entrepreneurs

There are certain resolutions available that can help the Indian immigrant entrepreneurs

overcome the hurdles they face while starting their business. There are three recommendations

that need to be undertaken:

• Understanding of the Dutch Language

• Integrating with the local customers in The Netherlands

• Understanding and abiding by the laws and regulations of The Netherlands

Slide: Recommendations to the Future Reserachers

The research cover the organizational emergence obstacles concerning only the Indian immigrant

entrepreneurs in The Netherlands. The future researches can be conducted for the immigrant

entrepreneur as a whole community in The Netherlands. A more comprehensive analysis can be

done including the resolutions so that the future immigrant businessmen/women can setup their

start-ups in an effective manner.

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