Worksheet 4 - Spring 2014 - Chapter 2b - KEY

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Worksheet 4 (Chapter 8): Probability I Name: \AE, Section: 1. A telephone survey to determine viewer response to a new television show obtained the following data. Rating | Frequency | Poor 4 Below average 8 ‘Average it ‘Above average 14 (Excellent 3 a. What is the probability that a randomly selected viewer will rate the new show as average or better? een os Plavevage or ever) = = b. What is the probability that a randomly selected viewer will rate the new show below average or worse? P( pelow average or worse ) 2. An experiment has four equally likely outcomes: E, E2, Es and E a. What is the probability that Ez occurs? \ ple.)= 4 'b. What is the probability that any two of the outcomes occur (e.g. E1 or Es)? ‘ 2 P(e,or Es )= a= s ¢. What is the probability that any three of the outcomes occur (e.g. Ey ot F2 o Ea)? PCE, or E, or Gy)= a 3. A survey of magazine subscribers showed that 45.8% rented a car during the past 12 months for business reasons, 54% rented a car during the past 12 months for personal reasons, and 30% rented a car during the past 12 months for both business and personal reasons. a, What is the probability that a subscriber rented a car during the past 12 months for business or personal reasons? 1 i P(B)= 456 sy P) = P(e) + PCP) - PlBane P(P)= 54 P(Bor F) = OHSS + 0.S4 - 0.30 P(BandP)=.20 = 0WID b. What is the probability that a subscriber did not rent a car during the past 12 months for either business or personal reasons? (Hint: It may help to create a venn diagram, 2-way table, or listing the sample space) P(BS or PS) . 2 PB) +P(P) - Band) 6 = 0.542 +0tl - 0.202 BS = Oro os UO 4. A financial manager made two new investments ~ one in the oil industry (0) and one in municipal bonds (M). After a one-year period, each of the investments will be classified as either suecessful or unsuccessful. Consider the making of the two investments as an experiment, a. How many sample points exist for this experiment? 4 Sample points b. Show a tree diagram and list the sample points, _2— om a oms ie om ocm* c. Let A= the event that the oil industry investment is successful and B = the event that the municipal bond investment is successful. List the sample points in A and in B. A: 20M , ont B: om, Ms d. List the sample points in the union of the events (4 U B). AvB: 30m ,om*, ooMs ¢. List the sample points in the intersection of the events (4 1B). AnB: Zomy f. Are the events 4 and B mutually exclusive? Explain. qhevefore No +reve is 4 sample point inAnB ays eG a rh : 5. The US Census Bureau provides data on the number of young adults, ages 18-24, who are Most in tnd parents’ home. Let M F event a male young adult is living in his parents’ home 1 event a female young adult is living in her parents” home If we randomly select a male young adult a female young adult, the Census Bureau data enable us to conclude P/M) = 0.56 and P(F) = 0.42 (The World Almanac, 2006). The probability that both are living in their parents” home is 0.24, a. What is the probability that the female selected lives with her parents’ but the male does not? © P( Fand mm) FLO2u O42 = 016 F] 0.42 | 0.26 10.5 Ose O.4Y 'b. What is the probability both young adults selected are living on their own (neither is living in their parents’ home)? PCF Sand nm) = 6.20 ce ‘What is the probability at least one of the two young adults selected is living in his or her parents’ home? P(EM or EMS or FSM) 21 - PETS) = 1- 0.20 =0074

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