WD2-Subsection A Earthworks 22-12-2014

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WD2: Construction of New BG Track on Kashiani-Gopalganj Section Section 8 –Particular Specification

Subsection A: Earthworks

Subsection A: Earthworks
WD2: Construction of New BG Track on Kashiani-GopalganjSection Section 8 –Particular Specification


A1 CLEARING, GRUBBING AND STRIPPING....................................................1

A 1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................... 1
A 1.2 Terms and General Requirements.......................................................................................1
A 1.3 Clearing............................................................................................................................... 2
A 1.4 Grubbing.............................................................................................................................. 2
A 1.5 Stripping............................................................................................................................... 3
A 1.6 Measurement and Payment for Stripping.............................................................................3
A2 EARTHWORK, EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE...................................3
A 2.1 Excavation for Roadway/Railway and Drains......................................................................3
A 2.1.1 Scope of Work.............................................................................................................. 3
B 2.1.2 General......................................................................................................................... 3
A 2.1.3 Excavation of Existing Railway Embankment...............................................................4
A 2.1.4 Excavation for Roadwork.............................................................................................. 5
A Excavation for Surface/Sub-Surface Drains..............................................................5
A 2.1.5 Dewatering................................................................................................................... 5
A 2.1.6 Use and Disposal of Excavated Materials....................................................................5
A 2.1.7 Plying of Construction Traffic........................................................................................ 6
A 2.1.8 Preservation of Property............................................................................................... 6
A 2.1.9 Finishing Operations.................................................................................................... 6
A 2.1.10 Measurement and Payment......................................................................................... 6
A 2.2 Embankment Construction................................................................................................... 7
A 2.2.1 General......................................................................................................................... 7
A 2.2.2 Material Requirements................................................................................................. 7
A 2.2.3 Approval for Borrow Material........................................................................................ 9
A 2.2.4 Compaction Requirements.........................................................................................10
A 2.2.5 Construction Operations............................................................................................. 11
A 2.2.6 Construction of Embankment and Subgrade under Special Conditions.....................13
A 2.2.7 Earthwork Around Structures.....................................................................................14
A 2.2.8 Embankment Construction under Water and Waterlogged Areas..............................14
A 2.2.9 Earthwork for High Embankment................................................................................14
A 2.2.10 Settlement Period....................................................................................................... 15
A 2.2.11 Construction Traffic.................................................................................................... 15
A 2.2.12 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work................................................................15
A 2.2.13 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................15
A 2.3 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control............................................................................15
A 2.3.1 Description................................................................................................................. 15
A 2.3.2 Works To be Kept Free of Water................................................................................15
A 2.3.3 Construction Operations............................................................................................. 16
A 2.3.4 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................17
A 2.4 Ground Improvement for Weak Embankment Foundation.................................................17
A 2.4.1 General....................................................................................................................... 17
A 2.4.2 Scope of Work............................................................................................................ 17
A 2.4.3 Submissions............................................................................................................... 17
A 2.4.4 Materials..................................................................................................................... 17
A 2.4.5 Transportation and Storage........................................................................................ 20
A 2.2.6 Quality Control and Testing........................................................................................20
A 2.4.7 Installation and Construction Sequence....................................................................21
A 2.5 Geotechnical Instrumentation........................................................................................... 22
A 2.5.1 Settlement markers.................................................................................................... 22
A 2.5.2 Casagrande Piezometer............................................................................................. 23
A 2.5.3 Measurement of shear strength changes due to stage loading..................................23
A 2.5.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring..................................................................................23
A 2.5.5 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................25
A 2.6 Sub-Ballast Construction................................................................................................... 26
A 2.6.1 Materials..................................................................................................................... 26
A 2.6.2 Construction and Installation Requirements...............................................................27
A 2.6.3 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................27
A 2.7 Turfing with Sods............................................................................................................... 28
A 2.7.1 Scope......................................................................................................................... 28
A 2.7.2 Materials..................................................................................................................... 28
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A 2.7.3 Construction Operations............................................................................................. 28

A 2.7.4 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................29
A3 QUALITY CONTROL FOR ROAD AND RAIL WORKS...................................29
A 3.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 29
A 3.2 Defective Materials............................................................................................................ 30
A 3.3 Imported Materials............................................................................................................. 30
A 3.4 Control of Alignment, Level and Surface Regularity...........................................................31
A 3.4.1 General....................................................................................................................... 31
A 3.4.2 Horizontal Alignment.................................................................................................. 31
A 3.4.3 Surface Levels............................................................................................................ 31
A 3.5 Quality Control Tests During Construction.........................................................................31
A4 EMBANKMENT PROTECTION..................................................................34
A 4.1 Description......................................................................................................................... 34
A 4.2 Pitching.............................................................................................................................. 34
A 4.3 Flooring.............................................................................................................................. 36
A 4.4 Tests and Standards of Acceptance..................................................................................36
A 4.5 Measurement and Payment............................................................................................... 36
A5 MONITORING AND INSTRUMENTATION PLAN.........................................37
A 5.1 Instrumentation.................................................................................................................. 37
A 5.2 Monitoring.......................................................................................................................... 38
A 5.3 Monitoring Frequency........................................................................................................ 38
A 5.4 Inspection Frequency......................................................................................................... 40
A 5.5 Reporting and Response Management.............................................................................40
A 5.5.1 Data Collection and Database....................................................................................40
A 5.5.2 Monitoring Assessment and Limit Values...................................................................40
A 5.6 Groundwater Levels........................................................................................................... 41
A 5.7 Records and Reporting..................................................................................................... 41
A 5.8 Monthly Monitoring Report................................................................................................. 41
A 5.8.1 Monitoring distribution................................................................................................ 42
A 5.8.2 Duration of monitoring and reporting..........................................................................42
A 5.9 Measurement and Payment for Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan...............................42
A6 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS..........................................................42
A 6.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 42
A 6.2 Objective............................................................................................................................ 43
A 6.3 Scope of Work................................................................................................................... 43
A 6.4 Role of the Project Manager for Geotechnical Investigation.............................................43
A 6.5 Contractor’s Responsibility for the Geotechnical Investigation..........................................43
A 7.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 44
A 7.2 Survey and Establishment of Working Bench Marks and Alignment References..............44
A 7.3 Boundary Pillars................................................................................................................. 46

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A1 Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping

A1.1 Scope

This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees, bushes,
shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, rubbish, and removal of topsoil and other organic material, etc.
to an average depth of 150 mm thickness and any other materials which in the opinion of the Project
Manager are unsuitable for incorporation in the works, from the area of land containing road/rail
embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such other areas as may be specified on the
Drawings or instructed by the Project Manager . It shall include necessary excavation, backfilling of
pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps to required compaction, handling and disposal of
cleared materials with all leads and lifts. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of
earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications.

All materials or debris arising from these operations shall be dampened prior to their movement and
the vehicles covered with tarpaulin to protect the environment.

A 1.2 Terms and General Requirements

The following terms are used in the description of the Work of this Sub-section and shall have the
meaning hereafter assigned t
The T
Clearing: The term "Clearing" shall mean the cutting of all growth to the natural ground surface, and
the complete removal and disposal of all such fallen trees, vegetation, logs, upturned roots, rotten
wood and all other rubbish and objectionable materials from the area to be cleared.

Grubbing: The term “Grubbing” shall mean the entire removal by mechanical raking of all stumps,
roots, and embedded vegetable growth to a specified depth below the ground line. The term
“grubbing” shall also include the suitable disposal of all material resulting therefrom

Stripping: The term "Stripping" shall mean the removal of all topsoil and organic material to an
average depth of approximately 150 mm, and shall include the interim stockpiling of suitable topsoil
or organic material for reuse, as well as the disposal of the unsuitable and/or surplus material.

Topsoil: The term "Topsoil" shall mean the top layer of insitu material which contains organic
components, and generally extends to a depth of approximately 150 mm below the surface of the
ground, and which is not suitable for embankment construction.

Sub-grade: The term “Sub-grade” shall mean the top of the constructed embankment and the
surface upon which the sub-ballast is to be placed.

Sub-ballast: The “Sub-Ballast” is that material provided between the ballast and the sub-grade of the
constructed embankment.

Formation:The surface where the ballast of the track rests on the underlying support such as an
embankment i.e. the top of the sub-ballast.

Borrow Pits or Borrow Areas: The terms “Borrow Pits or Borrow Areas” shall mean the source or
sources within Bangladesh, of any common or select material, from which the Contractor will obtain
the material for the construction of the railway embankment and/or the backfill of structures, whether
or not such source or sources are provided by the Employer.

Embankment: The term “Embankment” shall mean the earth filled structure upon which the railway
track is installed and which is constructed by means of the placement and compaction of material.

Access Road: The term “Access Road” shall mean roads which existed before the commencement
of the Work.

Haul Road: The term “Haul Road” shall mean roads which are constructed by the Contractor for the
execution of the Work.

Suitable Material: The term “Suitable Material” shall be taken to mean material which satisfies the
specified requirements of Clause A.5.1
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Unsuitable Material: The term “Unsuitable Material” shall be taken to mean material which does not
satisfy the specified requirements of Clause A.5.1

Granular/Free Draining Fill: The term “Granular/Free DrainingFill” shall mean materials that consist
of gravels and sands with a maximum of 5% by weight passing the No. 200 sieve.

A 1.3 Clearing

Prior to commencement of clearing, the Contractor shall locate and visibly mark the position of all
underground services/utilities in conjunction with the relevant authority. The Contractor shall liaise
with the relevant authorities and make all necessary arrangements for the relocation of the
services/utilities in accordance with Subsection O (General requirements). Payment for relocation of
Utilities shall be made under Item O-14.1in Subsection O.

The Contractor shall carry out the necessary clearing of all areas required for the permanent works
as well as those areas required for his own temporary site facilities and those of the Project
Manager . The Contractor shall also clear areas required for borrow pits prior to removing any

The extent of clearing required for the permanent works shall be as shown on the Drawings or as
required by the Project Manager . The clearing of the areas for the temporary site facilities shall be
the minimum required to construct the facilities and shall be subject to the approval of the Project
Manager . The clearing of the required borrow pits shall be the minimum to obtain the required
material and shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager . There shall be no separate
measurement or payment for clearingand is deemed to be covered in the rates for Stripping works.

The Contractor shall clear the areas of all standing and fallen trees, shrubs, bush and debris, and
shall dispose of the material as specified hereinafter. Merchantable lumber as defined by the National
regulations which can be salvaged from the designated area to be cleared shall become the property
of the Contractor. The Contractor shall transport such timber to a forest product manufacturer for
utilization. Furthermore, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the National regulations
and obtain permits and licences in connection therewith.

Trees shall be felled within the designated area to be cleared. Any trees falling outside the
designated area shall be cut up and, together with all debris and slash therefrom, brought back to the
area and burned, or otherwise disposed of, including removal by others for commercial or personal
use. The Project Manager may designate certain trees or shrubbery to be left standing, in which
case the Contractor shall take every precaution not to damage or injure such trees or shrubbery in
felling adjacent timber, burning, or any other clearing operations. Such trees or shrubbery are to be
limbed or thinned to such height and extent as may be ordered by the Project Manager .

Cut material, slash and debris resulting from clearing operations shall be disposed of by burning
unless otherwise specified or directed by the Project Manager .Unmerchantable timber stumps, and
other such material shall not be disposed of by pushing outside the clearing limits.

A 1.4 Grubbing

The Contractor shall carry out the necessary grubbing of all areas, which have been cleared, and/or
areas from which he is to remove the topsoil or organic material. The grubbing of such areas shall be
carried out by a type of mechanical raking of the ground.
The whole area to be occupied by the completed works is to be cleared and grubbed plus a
clearance of 2 m from toes of embankments. Clearing includes removal and disposal of all trees,
stumps, logs, timber, scrub, vegetation, rubbish and other material unsuitable for incorporation in the
work. Grubbing is to be carried out to the level of 0.5 m below natural surface, including below the
bottoms of ditches and ponds or 1.5 m below finished earthworks level. Holes left after grubbing
under proposed embankments are to be filled with general fill and compacted in layers as for

There shall be no separate measurement or payment for carrying out clearing and grubbing
which is assumed to be included in the rates for site Stripping.

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A 1.5 Stripping

The Contractor shall strip all areas upon which the permanent works are to be placed. The stripping
shall involve the removal of all topsoil and organic material to an average depth of minimum 150 mm
unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager . The material stripped from the designated
placement areas shall be suitably stockpiled for subsequent re-use.

The Contractor shall also strip all topsoil and organic material from the borrow areas. The stripping of
the borrow areas shall be carried out such that the area of stripped surface ahead of the active
borrow area is kept to a minimum. The material resulting from the stripping of the borrow areas shall
be stockpiled for subsequent re-use if necessary. Otherwise it shall be disposed of in suitable
disposal areas approved by the Project Manager .

The material classified as unsuitable including organic soil, peat soil, highly compressible soil, etc.,
shall be stripped and disposed of in suitable disposal areas approved by the Project Manager .

The stripping of the areas for the temporary site facilities shall be carried out to the extent necessary
for the structural integrity of the facility or to the extent necessary for aesthetic reasons, and the
disposition of the material shall be as per that specified for borrow areas and permanent works.

A 1.6 Measurement and Payment for Stripping

Measurement for payment for stripping of the permanent works shall be made on the basis of the
number of square metres of stripping determined by field measurement. Payment will be made at the
unit price for Item No. A 1.5of the Bill of Quantities and shall be full and complete compensation, for
carrying out the work, including any associated clearing and grubbing of the area to be stripped as
required by the Project Manager . Furthermore, there shall be no separate measurement for clearing,
grubbing and/or stripping of borrow areas or areas required for the Contractor's temporary facilities,
the cost of which is deemed to be included in the cost of borrowing material and of establishing the
required temporary facilities.

Pay item shall be:

Unit of
Item No. Description
A 1.5 Stripping m2

A2 Earthwork, Erosion Control and Drainage

A 2.1 Excavation for Roadway/Railway and Drains
A 2.1.1 Scope of Work

This work shall consist of excavation, removal and disposal of materials necessary for the
construction of roadway/railway embankment, side drains and waterways in accordance with
requirements of these Specifications and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the Working
Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager . It shall include the hauling and stacking of or
hauling to sites of embankment construction suitable cut materials as required, as also the disposal of
unsuitable cut materials in specified manner, with all leads and lifts, reuse of cut materials as may be
approved by the Project Manager , trimming and finishing of the road/railway to the specified
dimensions or as instructed by the Project Manager .

B 2.1.2 General

All excavations shall be carried out in conformity with the Working Drawings, directions laid here-in-
under and in a manner approved by the Project Manager . The work shall be done so that suitable
materials available from the excavation are satisfactorily utilized as approved by the Project Manager .

While planning or executing excavations, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against
soil erosion, water pollution etc. and take appropriate drainage measures to keep the site free of
water, all in accordance with the requirements set out in the Specifications.

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The excavations shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on the Working
Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager . The Contractor shall not excavate outside the
limits of excavation. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth/width excavated beyond
the specified levels/dimensions on the Working Drawings shall be made good at the cost of the
Contractor with suitable material of characteristics similar to that removed and compacted to the
requirements set out in the Specification.

All debris and loose material on the slopes of cuttings shall be removed. No backfilling shall be
allowed to obtain the required cut slopes excepting that when boulders or soft materials are
encountered in cut slopes, these shall be excavated to an approved depth on instructions of the
Project Manager and the resulting cavities filled with suitable material and compacted to the
requirements set out in the Specification.

After excavation, the sides of the excavated area shall be trimmed and the area contoured to
minimize erosion and ponding, allowing for natural drainage to take place. The excavated surface
shall be compacted to achieve 97% relative compaction as a percentage of Maximum Laboratory Dry
Density as per IS: 2720.

Only such methods, tools and equipment as approved by the Project Manager shall be adopted/used
in the work. If so instructed by the Project Manager , the Contractor shall demonstrate the efficiency of
the type of equipment to be used before the commencement of work.

When an existing embankment is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than 1 vertical on 4
horizontal, continuous horizontal benches, each at least 300 mm wide, shall be cut into the existing
slope for ensuring adequate bond with the fresh embankment/subgrade material to be added, after
each completed lift / layer. The horizontal depth of the cut, step or bench shall be at least equal to the
depth of the lift / layer being placed. The material obtained from cutting of benches could be utilized in
the widening of the embankment / subgrade.

However, when the existing slope against which the fresh material is to be placed is flatter than 1
vertical on 4 horizontal, the slope surface may only be ploughed or scarified instead of resorting to

A Unsuitable Material

Unsuitable material shall be defined as soils unacceptable for embankment material which do not
comply with the permitted constituents and material properties of Sub-Clause A 2.3.2.
The excavation of soil from marshes/swamps shall be carried out as per the method statement
approved by the Project Manager .

Excavation of marshes shall begin at one end and proceed in one direction across the entire marsh
immediately ahead of backfilling with materials like boulders, sand, bricks bats, and dismantled
concrete as approved by the Project Manager . The method and sequence of excavation and
backfilling shall be such as to ensure, to the extent practicable, the complete removal or displacement
of all muck from within the lateral limits indicated on the Working Drawings or as instructed by the
Project Manager .

A 2.1.3 Excavation of Existing Railway Embankment

In the works involving widening of existing rail embankments, the proposed final alignment requires
raising of the existing alignment by amounts shown on the Drawings. The works includes installation
of ground improvement works and staged construction of the embankments and structures. The
Contractor shall sequence his work to the approved schedule (refer Sub-Clause A 2.4).

The existing rails, sleepers and ballast shall be removed to stockpile for storage and later re-use by
the Contractor or as instructed by the Project Manager (refer to Specification Sub-Clause C 13.5 –
Dismantling of Track and Removal of Recovered Track Materials). For this purpose, the existing
embankment shall be removed to its full width and up to the underside of the existing ballast layer.

Where shown on the Working Drawings, the Contractor shall further excavate the existing
embankment to an adequate depth so that a new sub-ballast layer of minimum depth shown on the
Working Drawings may be placed and the new ballast, sleepers and rails can be placed to meet the
design levels shown on the Working Drawings. The Contractor shall then carry out testing as
instructed by the Project Manager to confirm the adequacy of the exposed material to receive the
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embankment. Tests shall be carried out, at 200 m intervals along the existing embankment, to
determine the following parametres:

 In-situ density;
 Grading of material;
 CBR; and
 Ev2.
The cost of this testing is deemed to be included in the cost of excavation.
The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to excavate additional material if the exposed
material is considered unsuitable in the opinion of the Project Manager .

The material within 150 mm depth from the exposed top surface of the excavated existing
embankment shall be loosened and re-compacted to achieve 97% relative compaction as a
percentage of Max. Laboratory Dry Density as per IS:2720.

Any material not meeting the specified compaction requirements specified in Table A2.2, found in this
portion shall be removed and replaced with the suitable material and compacted in layers in
accordance with the requirements of Sub-Clause A 2.3.4, adding fresh material, if required, to
maintain the formation level as shown on the Working Drawings. While doing so, care shall be taken
to see that no portion of the existing embankment designated for retention is loosened or disturbed. If
the existing embankment gets disturbed or loosened, it shall be dismantled and cut to a regular shape
with sides vertical and the disturbed / loosened portion removed completely and re-laid as instructed
by the Project Manager , at the cost of the Contractor.

A 2.1.4 Excavation for Roadwork

In the works involving widening of existing pavements or providing paved shoulders, the existing
shoulders / verge / median shall be removed to its full width and up to top of the subgrade. The
subgrade material within 150 mm from the bottom of the pavement for the widened portion or paved
shoulders shall be loosened and re-compacted as per the requirements set out in the Specification.

Any unsuitable material found in this portion shall be removed and replaced with the suitable material.
While doing so, care shall be taken to see that no portion of the existing pavement designated for
retention is loosened or disturbed. If the existing pavement gets disturbed or loosened, it shall be
dismantled and cut to a regular shape with sides vertical and the disturbed / loosened portion
removed completely and re-laid as instructed by the Project Manager , at the cost of the Contractor.

A Excavation for Surface/Sub-Surface Drains

Where the Contract provides for construction of surface/sub-surface drains, the same shall be done
as per the requirements set out in the Specification. Excavation for these drains shall be carried out
in proper sequence with the other works as approved by the Project Manager .

A 2.1.5 Dewatering

If water is met with in the excavations due to springs, seepage, rain or other causes, it shall be
removed by suitable diversions, cofferdams, pumping or bailing out (refer Sub-Clause A 2.4) and the
excavation kept dry whenever so required or instructed by the Project Manager . Care shall be taken
to discharge the drained water into suitable outlets as not to cause damage to the works, crops or any
other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such damage is caused, it
shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore the affected works, crops or any
other property to its original condition at his own cost or compensate for the damage.

A 2.1.6 Use and Disposal of Excavated Materials

The material derived from excavations shall, with the approval of the Project Manager , be either,
a) used directly as fill material in the permanent works;
b) stockpiled for subsequent use as fill material; or
c) disposed of in approved disposal areas off-site or as instructed by the Project Manager .

The Contractor shall make every effort to utilize the excavated material in the permanent works. The
removal of material from the excavations shall be monitored by the Project Manager and the final
determination of its unsuitability shall rest with the Project Manager .

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The classification of excavated material as unsuitable for reasons of moisture content will only be
approved in extreme cases and not simply to avoid double handling and/or drying of the material. If in
the opinion of the Project Manager , the moisture content of the material is such that interim
stockpiling will render it suitable for placement, then the Contractor shall stockpile the material in an
approved location and shall subsequently use the material. Similarly, the Contractor shall take all
reasonable measures commensurate with the nature of this Contract, to adequately dry or otherwise
reduce the in-situ moisture content sufficient for placement.

Excavated material which has been classified by the Project Manager as unsuitable shall be hauled
to designated disposal areas and disposed of to the satisfaction of the Project Manager . Specifically,
the material shall be placed in horizontal lifts and located such that it will not interfere with any natural
or man-made water courses, or lend itself to erosion and siltation of the adjacent area, Furthermore,
the disposal of any unsuitable material which is susceptible to windblown transfer shall be overlaid
with material which is not capable of being blown by the wind.

The Contractor shall not use any excavated material for his own purposes including the construction
of haul roads or site facilities, without the specific written permission of the Project Manager , and he
shall replace at his own expense, any material so used with an equivalent volume of suitable
materials, unless otherwise instructed by the Project Manager .

A 2.1.7 Plying of Construction Traffic

Construction traffic shall not use the cut formation and the finished subgrade without the prior
permission of the Project Manager . Any damage arising out of such use shall be made good by the
Contractor at his own cost.

A 2.1.8 Preservation of Property

The Contractor shall undertake all reasonable precautions for the protection and preservation of any
or all existing road/rail side trees, drains, sewers, sub-surface drains, pipes, conduit, and any other
structures under or above ground, which may be affected by construction operations and which, in the
opinion of the Project Manager , shall be continued in use without any change. Safety measures taken
by the Contractor in this respect, shall be approved by the Project Manager . However, if any, of these
objects is damaged by reason of the Contractor's negligence, it shall be replaced or restored to its
original condition at his cost. If the Contractor fails to do so, within the required time as instructed by
the Project Manager or if, in the opinion of the Project Manager , the actions initiated by the
Contractor to replace/restore the damaged objects are not satisfactory, the Project Manager shall
arrange the replacement/restoration directly through any other agency at the risk and cost of the
Contractor after issuing prior notice.

A 2.1.9 Finishing Operations

Finishing operations shall include the work of properly shaping and dressing all excavated surfaces.
When completed, no point on the slopes shall vary from the designated slopes by more than 150 mm
measured at right angles to the slope, except where excavation is in rock (ordinary or hard) where no
point shall vary more than 300 mm from the designated slope. In no case shall any portion of the
slope encroach on the roadway/railway. The finished cut formation shall satisfy the surface tolerances
described in Clause A 3.

A 2.1.10 Measurement and Payment

The measurement and payment of Railway Excavation will be made on the volume of excavated
materials in cubic metres defined by the lines and levels shown on the Drawings after allowance for
stripping or as directed by the Project Manager . The aforesaid volume calculation shall be based on
actual field survey (cross section) of the ground surface after stripping, taken at maximum 25 m

Unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager , there will be no measurement or payment for any
material excavated beyond the lines and levels shown on the drawings. Payment for Excavation will
be made at the unit price per cubic metre for Item No. A-2.1 of the Bill of Quantities and shall be full
and complete compensation for carrying out the work.

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Pay item shall be:

Unit of
Item No. Description
A 2.1 Excavation m3

A2.2 Embankment Construction

A2.2.1 General

These Specifications shall apply to the construction of embankments including subgrade, earthen
shoulders and miscellaneous backfills with approved material. All embankments,subgrade, earthen
shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of
these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown on the
Working Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager .

A2.2.2 Material Requirements

The materials used in embankments, subgrade, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall
be soil, gravel, reclaimed material from pavement, dredged material, a mixture of these or any other
material meeting the Specification and as approved by the Project Manager .

Such materials shall be free of logs, stumps, roots, rubbish or any other ingredient likely to deteriorate
or affect the stability of the embankment.

The following types of material shall be considered unsuitable for embankment:

i) Materials from swamps, marshes and bogs;

ii) Peat, log, stump and perishable material; any soil that classifies as OL, OI, OH or Pt in
accordance with IS:1498;
iii) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion;
iv) Clay having liquid limit exceeding 50;
v) Clay having plasticity index exceeding 25;and
vi) Materials with salts resulting in leaching in the embankment.

Expansive clay exhibiting marked swell and shrinkage properties ("free swelling index" exceeding 50
percent when tested as per IS: 2720 - Part 40) shall not be used as a fill material.

Any fill material with a soluble sulphate content exceeding 1.9 grams of sulphate (expressed as S03)
per litre when tested in accordance with BS: 1377, Part 3, but using a 2:1 water-soil ratio shall not be
deposited within 500 mm distance of permanent works constructed out of concrete, cement bound
materials or other cementitious material.

Materials with a total sulphate content (expressed as SO) exceeding 0.5 percent by mass, when
tested in accordance with BS: 1377, Part 3 shall not be deposited within 500 mm of metallic items
forming part of the Permanent Works.

The following materials shall not be used in the construction of the embankment up to the design
elevation beneath the subgrade:

i) Organic materials having a “Pt” and “O” designation according to the Unified Soil
Classification System;

ii) Silts having a “ML” designation according to the afore mentioned classification system and
having a Liquid Limit (LL) less than 50, Plasticity Index (PI) less than 4 and a Fines content of
more than 35% by weight passing through the No. 200 sieve;

iii) Materials having 4 day soaked CBR <4% when compacted to 97% of its Modified Proctor
Density when tested in accordance with ASTM Designation 1557;

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iv) Liquid Limit of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm >50%; and

v) Plasticity Index of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm >20%;

The following materials shall not be used in the construction of the subgrade:

i) Organic materials having a “Pt” and “O” designation according to the Unified Soil
Classification System;

ii) Silts having a “ML” designation according to the afore mentioned classification system and
having a Liquid Limit (LL) less than 50, Plasticity Index (PI) less than 4 and a Fines content of
more than 35% by weight passing through the No. 200 sieve;

iii) Materials having 4 day soaked CBR <6% when compacted to 100% of its Modified Proctor
Density when tested in accordance with ASTM Designation 1557;

iv) Liquid Limit of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm >50%; and

v) Plasticity Index of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm >20%;

The laboratory test frequency of the embankment material shall be as set out in ClauseA 2.2.2 of the

The size of the coarse material in the mixture of earth shall ordinarily not exceed 75 mm when placed
in the embankment and 50 mm when placed in the subgrade. However, the Project Manager may at
his discretion permit the use of material coarser than this if he is satisfied that the same will not
present any difficulty as regards the placement of fill material and its compaction to the requirements
of these Specifications. The maximum particle size in such cases, however, shall not be more than
two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.

Only the materials satisfying the requirements given in Table A2.1 shall be employed for the
construction of the embankment and the subgrade.

Dredged Fill

Dredged material, where it is locally available in abundance, can be used as embankment fill.

Dredged material shall be clean sand having a 4 day soaked CBR >8% when compacted to 95% of
MDD. The confining cohesive material shall meet the requirements of Table A2.1.

The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for approval, a method statement for the use of
dredged fill in the embankment construction. The method statement shall include details of:

a) Source of the dredged material;

b) Evidence of approvals obtained from land owners, river authorities and BR for extraction of
the proposed material;
c) Test results of the proposed materials;
d) The method of transportation and placement in the works;
e) Method of compaction of the proposed material to each layer;
f) Details of the erosion measures to be adopted in both the temporary and final conditions; and
g) Construction Drawings showing the proposed construction sequence and details.

With the approval of Project Manager , the dredged material can be used for embankment fill. The
implementation of dredged fill work shall be carried out by strictly following the relevant environmental
rules and practices of Government of Bangladesh.

Where the embankment is to be constructed using dredged material, the Contractor shall construct
the embankment such that the embankment is placed and compacted in successive layers across its
full width.

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Table A2.1: Requirements of Embankment and Subgrade Materials

No. Layer Values
Density not Less than 17.5 kN/m3
Min CBR >= 6 at compaction of 100% of MDD;
1 Subgrade Min Ev2 = 45 MPa
Fines (passing 75 Microns) – 12% to 50%;
Plasticity Index <12
Density not less than 16 kN/m3
2 Embankment Fill Min CBR >= 4 at compaction of 97% of MDD;
Min Ev2 = 30 MPa
Density not less than 17.5 kN/m3
Min Ev2 = 20MPa
3 Existing ground after stripping
Ground treatment not required if Ev2 >20Mpa or
undrained cohesion >25kPa
Clean sand having a 4 day soaked CBR >8% when
4 Dredged Sand
compacted to 95% of MDD
Cohesive confining layer (for use
5 See Embankment Fill and Subgrade as applicable
in conjunction with dredged sand)
Sand Drainage Layer/Sand Fineness Modulus 1.5 to 2
Blanket Fines (passing 75 microns) <10%

A2.2.3 Approval for Borrow Material

The work shall be so planned and executed that the best available materials are saved for the
subgrade and the top of the embankment.

The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all necessary embankment materials. The
Contractor may obtain embankment material subject to following conditions:

i) Contractor should arrange the borrow pits such that they are sufficiently away from the toe of
the embankments to prevent failure of the embankments. The minimum distance to be
provided between the borrow pits and the toe of the embankment shall be 10m. Existing
borrows pits, close to toe of embankmentshall be filled under the specific instruction of the
Project Manager .

ii) No borrow pit shall be formed within a distance of 10 m from any dwelling, mosque, toe of
existing road embankment, graveyard or structure remaining on or adjacent to the Site.

iii) No borrow pit shall exceed 3 m in depth unless otherwise approved by the Project Manager ,
and the borrow pits shall be formed to smooth profiles with stable side slopes not exceeding 1
vertically to 2 horizontally. The Contractor will have to check the slope stability wherever the
height of the embankment is more than 4m.

Prior to commencing any construction activity in connection with a borrow area, the Contractor shall
first submit to the Project Manager for his approval, complete details of the proposed borrowing
activity. This submission shall include but not necessarily be limited to:

i) Plans showing the location, dimension, depths and quantities of material from each of the
proposed borrow pits;

ii) Test results confirming its suitability, and if requested by the Project Manager , representative
samples of the material to be obtained;

iii) Methodology of the borrowing activity including working method, slope protection works,
stability calculations, stocking of materials, transportation to the site, etc.

iv) The submission shall be made to the Project Manager at least fourteen (14) days prior to the
Contractor’s intended commencement of activity in the borrow area. No borrowing shall be
undertaken without the Project Manager ’s specific approval, and the Contractor shall
optimize the material from the area when approved for borrowing.

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The arrangement for the source of supply of the material for embankment and subgrade and
compliance with the guidelines, and environmental requirements, in respect of excavation and borrow
areas as stipulated, from time to time by the Government of Bangladesh and the local bodies, as
applicable shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. In obtaining the required embankment
material from borrow areas, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for making all arrangements,
and for paying any and all fees and/or compensation for the use of the material, and in coming into
any arrangement for the procurement of such borrow, he shall indemnify and save harmless the
Employer against any and all claims or charges arising out of such arrangement. In entering into any
such arrangement for the procurement of borrow material, the Contractor shall comply in full with any
and all local and national laws and/or regulations.

Haulage of material to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading
and compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition. The Contractor shall construct any and
all haul roads required for the transport and placement of embankment, and shall maintain in good
order and/or repair any existing access roads used in the hauling of material. The construction of haul
roads shall be carried out in accordance with local and National laws and/or regulations, and unless
otherwise instructed or approved, the haul roads shall be removed when no longer required and the
area restored to its former condition or better. No separate payments shall be made for the
construction of haul roads which shall be deemed to be included in the rates of embankment
construction. Where the Contractor’s haulage requires the use of local existing roads, the Contractor
shall be responsible for obtaining the approval of the local authorities.

Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and unacceptable materials, the
Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Project Manager , carry out the excavation in such a
manner that the acceptable materials are excavated separately for use in the permanent works
without contamination by the unacceptable materials. The acceptable materials shall be stockpiled
separately for testing and approval by the Project Manager .

The Contractor shall obtain representative samples from each of the identified borrow areas and have
these tested at the site laboratory following a testing programme approved by the Project Manager .

The Contractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation or fills by the
methods of stockpiling materials, use of plant or siting of temporary buildings or structures.

A 2.2.4 Compaction Requirements

The compaction requirements shall be as per Table A2.2

Table A2.2:Compaction Requirements for Embankment and Subgrade

Relative Compaction as Percentage of
Type of Work/ Material Maximum Laboratory Dry Density as per
IS:2720 (Part 8)
1 Subgrade and earthen shoulders Not less than 98%
2 Embankment Not less than 97%
3 Dredged sand
a) Subgrade level and above Not less than 98%
b) Remaining portion of embankment Not less than 97%

The Contractor shall at least seven (7) working days before commencement of compaction submit the
following to the Project Manager for approval:

i) The value of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in accordance
with IS: 2720 (Part 8), appropriate for each of the fill materials he intends to use.

ii) A graph of dry density plotted against moisture content for each of the fill materials he intends
to use.

The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content approved by the Project Manager shall form
the basis for compaction.

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A2.2.5 Construction Operations

a) Setting Out

After the site has been cleared, the works shall be set out to ClauseA 6.The limits of
embankment/subgrade shall be marked by fixing batter pegs on both sides at regular intervals as
guides before commencing the earthwork. The embankment/subgrade shall be built sufficiently wider
than the design dimension so that surplus material may be trimmed, ensuring that the remaining
material is to the desired density and in the position specified and conforms to the specified side

b) Dewatering

If the foundation of the embankment is in an area with stagnant water, and in the opinion of the
Project Manager it is feasible to remove it, the same shall be removed by bailing out or pumping, as
instructed by the Project Manager and the area of the embankment foundation shall be kept dry.
Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water so as not to cause damage to the works, crops or
any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such damage is
caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore it to its original condition or
compensate for the damage at his own cost.

If the embankment is to be constructed under water, Sub-ClauseA2.3.8 shall apply.

c) Stripping and Storing Topsoil

Stripping and storing topsoil shall be carried out to the requirements of Sub-ClauseA1.1

d) Spreading Material in layers and Bringing to Appropriate Moisture Content

The embankment and subgrade material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness in the entire
width with a motor grader. The compacted thickness of each layer shall not be more than 250 mm
when vibratory roller/vibratory soil compactor is used and not more than 200 mm when 80-100 kN
static roller is used. The motor grader blade shall have hydraulic control suitable for initial adjustment
and maintain the same so as to achieve the specific slope and grade. Successive layers shall not be
placed until the layer under construction has been thoroughly compacted to the specified
requirements as in Table A 2.1 and has been approved by the Project Manager . Each compacted
layer shall be finished parallel to the final cross-section of the embankment.

The width of each layer of earthwork shall be in excess of 300 mm of the designed profile to enable
proper compaction near the outside slopes. The excess width shall thereafter be cut and dressed so
as to achieve the required embankment profile. The additional earthwork volume in excess of that
required for the embankment profile as per the Working Drawings shall not be measured separately;
the cost of which is deemed to be included in the cost of earthwork.

The moisture content of the material shall be checked at the site of placement prior to commencement
of compaction; if found to be out of agreed limits, the same shall be made good. Where water is
required to be added in such constructions, water shall be sprinkled from a water tanker fitted with
sprinkler capable of applying water uniformly with a controllable rate of flow to variable widths of
surface but without any flooding. The water shall be added uniformly and thoroughly mixed into soil by
blading or using disc harrows until uniform moisture content is obtained throughout the depth of the

If the material delivered to the road/rail bed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and exposure to
the sun, till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Should circumstances arise, where
owing to wet weather, the moisture content cannot be reduced to the required amount by the above
procedure, compaction work shall be suspended.

Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 2), and unless
otherwise mentioned, shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for evaporation losses, that at the
time of compaction it is in the range of 1 percent above to 2 percent below the optimum moisture
content determined in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part 8) as the case may be.

After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of graders, harrows,
rotary mixers or as otherwise approved by the Project Manager until the layer is uniformly wet.

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The surface of the embankment fill at the completion of any placing activity shall have a cross fall or
shall be crowned as shown on the Drawings to allow for run-off of water and shall be sealed by means
of compaction by a smooth drum roller or compactor. At no time shall the Contractor allow water to
pond on the surface of the fill or to saturate the placed material.

Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken to have a maximum size of 75 mm when being placed in
the embankment and a maximum size of 50 mm when being placed in the subgrade.

Embankment and other areas of fill shall, unless otherwise required in the Contract or permitted by
the Project Manager , be constructed evenly over their full width and their fullest possible extent and
the Contractor shall control and direct construction plant and other construction vehicles. Damage by
construction plant and other vehicular traffic shall be made good by the Contractor with material
having the same characteristics and strength of the material before it was damaged.

Embankments and unsupported fills shall not be constructed with steeper side slopes or to greater
widths than those shown in the Drawings, except to permit adequate compaction at the edges before
trimming back, or to obtain the final profile following any settlement of the fill and the underlying
material, Whenever fill is to be deposited against the face of a natural slope, or sloping earthworks
face including embankments, cuttings, other fills and excavations steeper than 1 vertical to 4
horizontal, such faces shall be benched as per Sub-ClauseA 2.1.1 immediately before placing the
subsequent fill.

All permanent faces of side slopes of embankments and other areas of fill shall, subsequent to any
trimming operations, be re-worked and sealed to the satisfaction of the Project Manager by tracking a
tracked vehicle, considered suitable by the Project Manager , on the slope or any other method
approved by the Project Manager .

e) Compaction

Only the compaction equipment approved by the Project Manager shall be employed to compact the
different material types encountered during construction. Static three-wheeled roller, self-propelled
single drum vibratory roller, tandem vibratory roller, pneumatic tyre roller, pad foot roller, etc., of
suitable size and capacity as approved by the Project Manager shall be used for the different types
and grades of materials required to be compacted either individually or in suitable combinations.

The compaction shall be done with the help of self-propelled single drum vibratory roller or pad foot
vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight or heavy pneumatic tyre roller of adequate capacity
capable of achieving the required compaction. The Contractor shall demonstrate the effectiveness of
the equipment he intends to use by carrying out compaction trials. The procedure to be adopted for
the site trials shall be submitted to the Project Manager for approval.

Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter
category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into

Each layer of the material shall be thoroughly compacted to the values specified in Table A 2.2
Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the finished layer has been tested according to Sub-
ClauseA 3.5 and accepted by the Project Manager .

When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment/subgrade/earthen shoulders,
further compaction shall be carried out as instructed by the Project Manager . If in spite of that, the
specified compaction is not achieved, the material in the soft areas shall be removed and replaced by
approved material, compacted using appropriate mechanical means such as light weight vibratory
roller, double drum walk behind roller, vibratory plate compactor, trench compactor or vibratory tamper
to the density requirements and satisfaction of the Project Manager .

f) Drainage

The surface of the embankment / subgrade at all times during construction shall be maintained at
such a crossfall (not flatter than that required for effective drainage of an earthen surface) as will shed
water and prevent ponding.

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g) Repairing of Damages Caused by Rain/Spillage of Water

The soil in the affected portion shall be removed in such areas as instructed by the Project Manager
before next layer is laid and refilled in layers and compacted using appropriate mechanical means
such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor or power rammer to achieve the required values in
accordance with Table A 2.2. If the cut is not sufficiently wide for use of required mechanical means
for compaction, the same shall be widened suitably to permit their use for proper compaction. Tests
shall be carried out as instructed by the Project Manager to ascertain the density requirements of the
repaired area. The work of repairing the damages including widening of the cut, if any, shall be carried
out by the Contractor at his own cost, including the arranging of machinery/equipment for the purpose.

h) Finishing Operations

Finishing operations shall include the work of shaping and dressing the shoulders/verge/road/rail bed
and side slopes to conform to the alignment, levels, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the
Working Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager subject to the surface tolerances
described in ClauseA 3. Both the upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off to
improve appearance and to merge the embankment with the adjacent terrain.

Where instructed, the slopes shall be turfed with sods in accordance with Sub-ClauseA10.

When earthwork operations have been substantially completed, the road/rail area shall be cleared of
all debris, and ugly scars in the construction area responsible for any objectionable appearance

A2.2.6 Construction of Embankment and Subgrade under Special Conditions

a) Earthwork for Widening Existing Embankment

Where the width of the widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of conventional rollers,
compaction shall be carried out with the help of light weight vibratory roller, double drum walk behind
roller, vibratory plate compactor or vibratory tamper or any other appropriate equipment approved by
the Project Manager . End dumping of material from trucks for widening operations shall be avoided
except in difficult circumstances when the extra width is too narrow to permit the movement of any
other types of hauling equipment.

b) Earthwork over Existing Road Surface

Where the embankment is to be placed over an existing road surface, the work shall be carried out as
indicated below:

i) If the existing road surface is of granular type and lies within 1 m of the new formation levels,
it shall be scarified to a depth of 50 mm or as instructed so as to provide ample bond between
the old and new material ensuring that at least 150mm portion below the top of new subgrade
level is compacted to the desired density;

ii) If the existing road surface is of bituminous type or cement concrete and lies within 1 m of the
new formation level, the bituminous or cement concrete layer shall be removed completely;

iii) If the level difference between the existing road surface and the new formation level is more
than 1 m, the existing surface shall be roughened after ensuring that the minimum thickness
of 150mm of subgrade is available.

c) Construction of Embankment over Ground Incapable of Supporting Construction


Where embankment is to be constructed across ground which will not support the weight of repeated
heavy loads of construction equipment, the first layer of the sand/rock fill may be constructed by
placing successive loads of an acceptable material in a uniformly distributed layer of a minimum
thickness required to support the construction equipment as permitted by the Project Manager . The
acceptable material shall be material meeting the requirements of Sub-ClauseA2.3.6.

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The Contractor, if so desired by him, may also use suitable geosynthetic material to increase the
bearing capacity of the foundation. This exception to normal procedure will not be permitted where, in
the opinion of the Project Manager , the embankments could be constructed in the approved manner
over such ground by the use of lighter or modified equipment after proper ditching and drainage have
been provided. Where this exception is permitted, the selection of the material and the construction
procedure to obtain an acceptable layer shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor
shall not be entitled to any additional payment for this work.

The cost of providing suitable traffic conditions for construction equipment over any area of the
Contract will be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra payment will be made to him.

The remainder of the embankment shall be constructed as specified in Sub-ClauseA2.3.

A2.2.7 Earthwork Around Structures

To avoid interference with the construction of abutments, wing walls or return walls of culvert/bridge
structures, the Contractor shall, at points, to be determined by the Project Manager , suspend work on
embankment forming approaches to such structures, until such time as the construction of the latter is
sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of approaches without the risk of damage to the

Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings or instructed by the Project Manager , the filling around
culverts, bridges and other structures up to a distance of twice the height of the road/rail from the back
of the abutment shall be carried out independent of the work on the main embankment. The fill
material shall not be placed against any abutment or wing wall, unless permission has been given by
the Project Manager butin any case not until the concrete or masonry has been in position for 14
days. The embankment and subgrade shall be brought up simultaneously in equal layers on each
side of the structure to avoid displacement and unequal pressure. The sequence of work in this regard
shall be approved by the Project Manager .

Where the provision of any filter medium is specified behind the abutment, the same shall be laid in
layers simultaneously with the laying of fill material. The material used for filter shall conform to the
requirements for filter medium unless shown otherwise on the Working Drawings.

Where it may be impracticable to use conventional rollers, the compaction shall be carried out by
appropriate mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor or power rammer. Care
shall be taken to see that the compaction equipment does not hit or come too close to any structural
member so as to cause any damage to them or excessive pressure against the structure.

A2.2.8 Embankment Construction under Water and Waterlogged Areas

a) Embankment Construction under Water

Where filling or backfilling is to be placed under water, only acceptable granular material or rock shall
be used unless otherwise approved by the Project Manager . Acceptable granular material shall be of
GW, SW, GP, SP as per IS: 1498 and consist of graded, hard durable particles with maximum particle
size not exceeding 75 mm. The material should be non-plastic having uniformity coefficient of not less
than 10. The material placed in open water shall be deposited by end tipping and compacted to the
Project Manager ’s requirements.

b) Embankment Construction in Waterlogged and Marshy Areas

The Contractor shall submit his proposal for theembankment construction in waterlogged and marshy
areas to the Project Manager for approval before commencement of the Works. The provisions
provided in IRC: 34 may be taken as guidelines for the preparation of such proposals.

A2.2.9 Earthwork for High Embankment

The material for high embankment construction shall conform to Sub-ClauseA 2.3.2. In the case of
high embankments (more than 6 m), the Contractor shall normally use the material from the approved
borrow area. Where provided, stage construction of embankment and controlled rates of filling
including installation of instruments and its monitoring, shall be carried out in accordance with the

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Where required, the Contractor shall surcharge embankments or other areas of fill with approved
material for the periods specified in the Contract. If settlement of surcharged fill results the Contractor
shall bring the resultant level up to formation level with acceptable material for use in fill.

A2.2.10 Settlement Period

Where settlement period is specified in the Contract, the embankment shall remain in place for the
required settlement period before excavating for abutment, wing wall, retaining wall, footings, etc., or
driving foundation piles. The duration of the required settlement period at each location shall be as
provided for in the Contract or as instructed by the Project Manager .

A2.2.11 Construction Traffic

Construction and other vehicular traffic shall not use the prepared surface of the embankment and/or
subgrade without the prior permission of the Project Manager . Any damage arising out of such use
shall, however, be made good by the Contractor at his own cost as instructed by the Project
Manager .

A2.2.12 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of construction of subgrade shall conform to the requirements of ClauseA 3.Control
on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised in accordance with ClauseA 3.

A2.2.13 Measurementand Payment

Embankment Fill Construction

Measurement for payment for embankment fill construction shall be made on the basis of the volume
in cubic metres defined by the existing ground level after stripping or the top of sand blanket level and
the soffit of the subgrade layer and to the lines shown on the Working Drawings.
Payment for embankment fill construction will be made at the unit price bid for Pay Item No. A-2.2 of
the Bill of Quantities and shall be full and complete compensation for all labour, materials, tools,
equipment and incidentals necessary to carry out the work in accordance with the Specification.
Extra earthwork involved in filling to the benching at the existing and/or new embankment or due to
ploughing/ scarifying etc., shall be considered incidental to the work of embankment fill construction
and no separate measurement shall be made; the cost of which is deemed to be included in the cost
of embankment fill construction.
Pay items shall be:

Unit of
Item No. Description
A2.2 Embankment Construction m3

A2.3 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control

A2.3.1 Description

This work shall consist of measures as shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Project
Manager to control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution, through use of berms, dikes,
sediment basins, fibre mats, mulches, grasses, slope drains, and other devices.

A2.3.2 Works To be Kept Free of Water

The Contractor shall arrange for the rapid dispersal of water collected/ accumulated on the earthwork
or completed formation during construction or on the existing roadway/railway or which enters the
earthwork or any other item of work from any source, and where practicable, the water shall be
discharged into the permanent outfall of the drainage system.

The arrangements shall be made in respect of all earthworks including excavation for pipe trenches,
foundations or cuttings.

The Contractor shall provide, where necessary, temporary water courses, ditches, drains, pumping or
other means for maintaining the earthwork free from water. Such provisions shall include carrying out
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the work of forming the cut sections and embankments in such manner that their surfaces have at all
times a prescribed cross fall and, where practicable, a sufficient longitudinal gradient to enable them
to shed water and prevent ponding.

The works involved in keeping the earthwork or any other item of works free of water shall be deemed
as incidental to the respective item of work and as such no separate payment shall be made for the

A2.3.3 Construction Operations

Prior to the start of the relevant construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for
approval his schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion/sedimentation control works
as are applicable for the items of clearing and grubbing, road/railway and drainage excavation,
embankment/subgrade construction, bridges and other structures across water courses, pavement
courses and shoulders. He shall also submit for approval his proposed method of
erosion/sedimentation control on service roads, haul roads and borrow pits and his plan for disposal
of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion/sedimentation control schedules and
methods of operations for the applicable construction have been approved by the Project Manager .

The surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and
fill operations shall be limited to the extent practicable. The Contractor shall provide immediate
permanent or temporary erosion, slope protection and sedimentation control measures to prevent soil
erosion and sedimentation that will adversely affect construction operations, damage adjacent
properties, or cause contamination of nearby streams or other water courses, lakes, reservoirs etc.
Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes, sediment basins, slope drains and
use of temporary mulches, fabrics, mats seeding, or other control devices or methods as necessary to
control erosion and sedimentation.

The Contractor shall be required to incorporate all permanent erosion and sedimentation control
features into the Project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in his accepted schedule to
minimize the need for temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures. Temporary
erosion/sedimentation and pollution control measures shall be used to control the phenomenon of
erosion, sedimentation and pollution that may develop during normal construction practices, but may
neither be foreseen during design stage nor associated with permanent control features on the

Where erosion or sedimentation is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be
so scheduled and performed that grading operations and permanent erosion or sedimentation control
features can follow immediately thereafter if the Project conditions permit; otherwise temporary
erosion or sedimentation control measures may be required between successive construction stages.
Under no conditions shall a large surface area of erodible earth material be exposed at one time by
clearing and grubbing or excavation without prior approval of the Project Manager .

The Project Manager may limit the area of excavation, borrow and embankment operations in
progress, commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress in keeping the grading,
mulching, seeding and other such permanent erosion, sedimentation and pollution control measures,
in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal limitations make such coordination
unrealistic, temporary erosion/sedimentation control measures shall be taken immediately to the
extent feasible and justified.

In the event temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control measures become necessary due
to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or failure to install permanent controls as a part of the
work as scheduled or instructed by the Project Manager , these shall be carried out at the Contractor's
own cost. Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control work required, which is not
attributed to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or failure to install permanent controls, will be
performed as instructed by the Project Manager .

Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control may include construction work outside the
Right-of-Way where such work is necessary as a result of road/rail construction such as borrow pit
operations, service roads and equipment storage sites.

The temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control features installed by the Contractor shall
be acceptably maintained by him till these are needed, unless otherwise agreed by the Project
Manager .
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A2.3.4 Measurement and Payment

The soil erosion, sedimentation and pollution control works required during construction and not part
of the permanent worksshall be deemed to be incidental to the works and these costs are deemed to
be covered under other rates specified in the Bill of Quantities.

A 2.4 Ground Improvement for Weak Embankment Foundation

A 2.4.1 General

The project stretch of Kashiani – Gopalganj – Tungipara new Railway Line passes through mostly
paady fields and the sub soil varies from soft silty Clay to clayey Silt up to 6m depth from OGL and
beyond 6m, up to 10m depth there is very loose to loose fine sand with SPT (N) values ranging from 1
to 10. It clearly indicates that the ground cannot bear loads arising from structure or even from
embankment formation. Further, the ground is going to experience substantial settlements due to its
loose state of condition. The project alignment requires the construction of embankment with an
average height of 5 to 8m all along the alignment. Since the soil underlying is found to be soft silty
clay, ground improvement by installation of Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) also called as Band
Drains/ Wick Drains followed by preloading is proposed.
The aim of this work is to reduce the post construction settlements to the permissible limits and
increase the bearing capacity.

A 2.4.2 Scope of Work

(i) Theworkcoveredunderthisspecificationincludestheinstallationofprefabricatedverticaldrains
atthe entire stretch/required locations of the proposed railway alignment and approaches
of bridges and culverts locationsas per drawings and directionbytheProject Manager .
(ii) To Conduct Geotechnical Investigations/tests to identify the required locations if
necessary where prefabricated vertical drains are to be installed as per direction of
Project Manager .
(iii) To prepare the detail design, drawings etc. for the installation of
prefabricatedverticaldrains and to submit the same for approval of the Project Manager .
(iv) Layingofdrainageblanketfordrainageofwater.
(v) Geotechnicalinstrumentationincludingsettlementmarkers,CasagrandePiezometersandEle
(vi) Layingofnonwovengeotextileasseparator.

A 2.4.3 Submissions

i. ExperienceoftheBidderandvariousequipment/materialsinvolvedinthe
ii. TheBiddershallsubmitthelistofprojects/siteswherethetreatmentwith
iii. Detailsofequipmentproposedtobedeployed.
iv. Sampleandspecificationsofproposedmaterial.

A 2.4.4 Materials

a) General

Each geotextile roll shall be wrapped with a material that will protect the geotextile from damage due
to shipment, water, sunlight and contaminants. The protective wrapping with a tarpaulin or opaque
plastic sheet shall be maintained during periods of shipment and storage.

The geotextile shall be kept dry and wrapped such that it is protected from the exposure to ultraviolet
light during shipping and storage. At no time shall the geotextile fabric be exposed to ultraviolet light
for a period exceeding fourteen days. Geotextile rolls shall be stored in a manner, which protects
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them from site construction damage, precipitation, prolonged ultra-violet radiation including sunlight,
chemicals that are strong acids or strong bases, flames including welding sparks, temperatures in
excess of 71 °C, and any other environmental condition that may damage the physical properties of
the Geotextile. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and protected with a waterproof cover. The
geotextile shall be labelled as per ASTM D 4873, "Guide for identification, storage and handling of

If the outer layer of the geotextile is damaged, or exposed to sunlight for a period beyond that is
permitted the outermost wrap of the rolls shall be discarded, and only the remaining
undamaged/unexposed material shall be used. If the geotextile rolls become wet, the water proof
cover shall be removed, the rolls shall be elevated off the ground and exposed to wind in order to dry
the fabric. The paving fabric used with bitumen overlays shall be completely dry prior to installation.

The Contractor shall provide to the Project Manager , a certificate stating the name of the
manufacturer, product name, style number, chemical composition of the filament or yarns and other
pertinent information to fully describe the material. Each roll shall be labelled or tagged to protect
product identification as well as inventory and quality control.

The manufacturer's certificate shall state that the furnished material meets minimum averages roll
values (MARV) requirements of the specifications as evaluated under the Manufacturer's quality
control programme. The certificate shall be attested by a person having legal authority to bind the

b) Geotextile Fabric for Separation and Drainage

The geotextile fabric shall be of nonwoven needle punched type with the following properties:

Table A2.3: Property of Geotextile for Separation and Drainage

Geotextile for Separation layer
Item and Geotextile for
Description of Property Test Method
No. stone/cement concrete block
1 Elongation >= 40% ASTM D 4595

2 Minimum mass 350 gm/m2

3 Effective opening size (EoS) = 0.08 mm

4 Horizontal permeability (under 2 kN/m 2 =>0.004 m/sec. ASTM D 4491


5 Vertical permeability (under 2 kN/m 2 =>0.003 m/sec. ASTM D 4491


6 Thickness under 2kPa pressure =>3.00 mm

7 Strip tensile strength =>25 kN/m ASTM D4632

8 Grab tensile strength =>1500 N ASTM D4632

9 CBR puncture resistance =>4000 N. ASTM D 3786

The Contractor shall take the random field samples of geotextile material and conduct the testing as
mentioned in the relevant standards shown in Table A 2.3 before placing at the site. The frequency of
sampling shall be as following:

 Geotextile material used as drainage, separation and erosion control a sample per 20,000 m 2 ;

The cost of the random field sampling and testing shall be deemed included in the contract unit price.

c) Granular Sand Drainage Blanket

Before installation of the PVD in the sub-soil, a drainage layer of well-draining granular
material/coarse sand (natural or crushed) conforming to Class I grading given in Table A3 of specified
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thickness shall be provided unless shown otherwise on the Working Drawings. The granular sand
drainage blanket shall be exposed to atmosphere at its periphery for dissipation of pore water

Table A2.4: Grading Requirements - Percent Passing by Weight

Sieve Designation Class I Class II Class III

53 mm - - 100
45 mm - - 97-100
26.5 mm - 100 -
22.4 mm - 95-100 58-100
11.2 mm 100 48-100 20-60
5.6 mm 92-100 28-54 4-32
2.8 mm 83-100 20-35 0-10
1.4 mm 59-95 - 0-5
710 micron 35-80 6-18 -
355 micron 14-40 2-9 -
180 micron 3-15 - -
90 micron 0-5 0-4 0-3

For material properties refer to Table A 2.1.

d) Geosynthetic Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)

The material specification of PVD is given in Table A2.5.

Table A2.5: Properties for Prefabricated Vertical Drains

Property Test Method Value
A Composite Drain
1) Width > 00 mm
2) Thickness > 4 mm
3) Tensile strength of drain ASTM D 4595 >1.5 kN @10% strain
4) Elongation at break > 2%
5) Elongation at 1.0kN < 10%
6) Discharge ASTM D 4716 > 50 x10-6 m3/s
Capacity for straight drain at hydraulic
gradient i = 1.0 at, 250 KPa pressure
7) Discharge ASTM D 4716 > 15 x10-6 m3/s
Capacity for straight drain at hydraulic
gradient i = 0.1 at, 250 KPa pressure

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Property Test Method Value
B Core
1) Material Polypropylene/Polyethylene
Corrugated, filament, dimpled,
2) Configuration/structure
studded etc.
C Filter
1) Material Polypropylene/Polyethylene
2) Structure Nonwoven
3) Wide width Tensile strength ASTM D 4595 - 86 > 2 kN/m
4) Trapezoidal tear strength ASTM D 4533 > 100 N
5) Grab strength ASTM D4632 > 350 N
6) Puncture resistance ASTM D 4833 > 100 N
7) Burst strength ASTM D 3786 > 900 kN/m2
8) Permeability at 100m head ASTM D 4491 > 1 x 10-4 m/s
9) Permittivity ASTM D 4491 > 0.8 per sec
ASTM D 4751 and < 80
10) Apparent opening size O95
EN ISO 12956

The drains shall be installed to depths and at spacing as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall
submit to the Project Manager the complete scheme for installation of the drains along with the
particulars and test results from the manufacturer showing conformance to the specifications.

The equipment and the methodology for installation of the drains shall satisfy the specified
requirement of prescribed degree of consolidation and the time for achieving the same.

The Contractor shall take the random field samples of geosynthetic material and conduct the testing
as mentioned in the relevant standards before placing at the site. The frequency of sampling shall be
as following:

 Geosynthetic material used as PVD - a sample per 100,000 m use or a lot in the batch whichever
is lesser.

The cost of the random field sampling and testing shall be deemed included in the contract unit

A 2.4.5 Transportation and Storage


A 2.2.6 Quality Control and Testing

esignation/stampondrainorpackage,andmanufacturer'scertificationofproperties .

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A 2.4.7 Installation and Construction Sequence

A Equipment

A2.4.7.2 Approval
quipment,sequenceandmethodproposedforPVDinstallationtotheProject Manager -in-
chargeforreviewandapproval. If necessary the contractor will conduct Geotechnical
Investigations/tests to identify the required locations where prefabricated vertical drains are to be
installed as per direction of Project Manager . Accordingly the contractor will also prepare the detail
design, drawings etc. for the installation of prefabricatedverticaldrains and to submit the same for
approval of the Project Manager before execution of the work. There will be no separate payment for
this work, the cost of which is deemed to be included in the items of foundation treatment for

A Preparation of Working Platform (other’s scope)


A Installation Procedure

ContractorusingabaselineandbenchmarkindicatedbytheProject Manager -in-
ofthesoilslogstakenattheprojectsitetheProject Manager -in-

DuringinstallationtheContractorshallprovidetheProject Manager -in-

PVDmaterialshallbelefttomaketheconnection.TheContractorshallsupplytotheProject Manager -in-


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A2.4.7.5 Splicing of PVD Material

roject Manager -in-charge.Thejacketandcoreshallbeoverlappedaminimumof100mmatanysplice.

A Drainage sand blanket (Other’s Scope)

 SandBlanket

A Drainage System (Other’s Scope)


A Non- woven Geotextile


A2.4.7.9 Preloading (Other’s Scope)

 MaterialsforPreloadSurcharge:ThematerialusedforpreloadsurchargeshallbeasapprovedbythePro
ject Manager -in-charge.Thematerialshallbeearthlocallyavailableandfitforearthfillingpurposes.
 PreparationofPreload:Preloadsurchargeovercompactedsandblanketuptodesignheightasperappr
rtechnicalspecification/asdirectedbyProject Manager -in-
handledandstackedtoaspecifiedlocationasdirectedbytheProject Manager -in-

A 2.5 Geotechnical Instrumentation

A 2.5.1 Settlement markers

Manager -in-

A 2.5.2 Casagrande Piezometer

ndinstalledneartosettlementmarkerineachareaandatvariousdepthsasapprovedbytheProject Manager
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A2.5.3 Measurement of shear strength changes due to stage loading


A 2.5.4 Instrumentation and Monitoring

The Contractor shall develop an Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan (IMP) to monitor the
embankment performance and settlements during construction and the maintenance period. The IMP
shall be submitted together with or after the Contractor’s review of the ground improvement design to
the Project Manager for approval.

In any event, the IMP shall be submitted a minimum of two (2) months prior to commencement of
embankment construction works.

The plan shall detail the nature of the instrumentation, locations and positions within the ground where
they will be installed, the frequency of survey, and provide justifications for their use, and the design
objectives they will clarify. The plan shall detail the methods of interpretation of monitoring data, and
specify how this information will enable the Contractor to verify the compliance of the embankment to
the design criteria.

The plan shall detail the methods of maintaining the existing and proposed embankment at design
elevations during construction, and the trigger which initiates this need for maintenance. This must be
correlated with the design criteria, the tolerance for rail operation and the proposed frequency of

The IMP shall detail the activities that are proposed to be undertaken as part of the monitoring
program. This includes, but is not limited to:

 Baseline surveys and measurements within 4 weeks of the completion of construction of each
section of the embankment;
 Survey measurements at 50 m intervals along the existing and proposed rail embankment,
and at 20 m intervals within 100 m of bridge/culvert abutments, and at all locations where
settlement is predicted to be maximum;
 Using the results of the monitoring program to assess the need for remedial works, and in the
design of any necessary remedial works; and
 Production of inspection reports, interpreted instrumentation monitoring reports and remedial
works reports.
The following critical parametres shall be monitored:

(i) Monitoring the Build-up and Dissipation of Pore Pressure:

Casagrande open standpipe type piezometres shall be used for the measurement of changes in pore
pressure. The specifications for the Casagrande open standpipe type piezometre shall be as follows
or of equivalent performance:

 The piezometre shall be 38 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length;

 The air entry value shall be of the order of 0.3 kg/cm 2;
 The standpipe shall be more than 16 mm in diameter;
 The piezometre shall be installed in 150 mm diameter boreholes, at depths instructed by the
Project Manager . Sand cover around the piezometre tip and bentonite seal above shall be
 Suitable electronic sensor shall be used to record the water level; and
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 Piezometres including dummy piezometres shall be installed at locations shown on the

Working Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager .

(ii) Rate and Magnitude of Vertical Settlements of the Subsoil under the Surcharge Load

Settlements shall be measured by installing platform type settlement gauges and Deep Reference
Points, which consist of the following:

 Steel base plate 500 mm square and 5 mm thick (not required for Deep Reference Points);
 Settlement gauges - GI pipe of 25 mm diameter fitted to the base plate with a suitable sleeve
arrangement and nuts and bolts. Similar GI pipe can be used for Deep Reference Points with
a pointed end to insert into the ground;
 Outer loose fitting sleeve, to prevent soil form coming into contact with the inner pipe;
 The pipe and the sleeve consist of 1.5 m long sections, which can be screwed on at the top,
so that as the surcharge is built up, the top of the pipe is well clear of the fill;
 Settlement gauges shall be installed at the ground level, before the starting of the fill
construction. These shall be installed at locations specified by the Project Manager . The
readings of settlement gauges also form the basis to estimate the quantity of additional
embankment fill or prepared subgrade forming part of permanent work.
 The number of settlement gauges shall be decided by the Project Manager keeping in view
this aspect.

(iii) Monitoring the lateral movement of foundation soils with Inclinometres

The lateral movement of foundation soils due to embankment loading shall be measured by the
inclinometres. They shall consist of a tube casing which is installed in the ground to the required
depth. The tube will have grooves on the inner surface which allows a probe, which is designed to
record deflection of the tube surface, to travel down the casing and record the lateral deflection of the
tube caused by lateral movement of the soil surrounding it as a result of embankment settlement.

The inclinometre specification is as shown in Table A2.6:

Table A2.6: Properties of Inclinometres

Properties Unit
Inclinometre Casing Maximum diameter lies between 70-76 mm, dependent
on the manufacturer.
Inclinometre Casing Flexible, impact resistant and corrosion resistant ABS
plastic. Highly visible yellow colour.
Inclinometre Casing Modulus 2000 MPa @ 20o C
Readings from Inclinometre Can be manually recorded from the display or
Probe automatically stored for data processing.
Inclinometre probe accuracy 2 mm per 25 m of casing length
During the placing of the surcharge and compaction, the Contractor shall take utmost care so that the
monitoring instruments are not damaged.

Compaction by small vibratory rollers shall be done for 1.5 m around the monitoring instruments and
bigger rollers shall not be used near the monitoring instruments. Similarly care shall be taken that
movement of dumpers does not damage the monitoring instruments.

Frequency of Observations

The readings of the piezometres, inclinometres and the settlement gauges shall be recorded at the
frequency shown on the Working Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager .

All data shall be recorded in a register and maintained accurately to a format approved by the Project
Manager .

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The observation data shall be recorded during construction and for the duration of the maintenance
period thereafter, unless otherwise instructed by the Project Manager . It is therefore essential that the
instruments are not tampered with and/or stolen. Suitable precautions shall be taken in this regard by
the Contractor.

A Staged Construction of Embankment

Pre-consolidation by surcharging and/or staged construction of embankments shall be carried out

where and as indicated on the Working Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager .

The staged construction of embankment fill and subgrade material shall be placed over the geotextile
layer, in layers, up to the height and to the sequence shown on the Working Drawings. The addition of
surcharge material shall be placed as and where shown on the Working Drawings. The surcharge,
where required, shall be kept in place for a period as shown on the Working Drawings to achieve
desired degree of consolidation. The surcharge material shall meet the requirements of the subgrade
material defined in Table A2.1.

After ascertaining that the desired degree of consolidation is achieved, the surcharge, where
specified, which is not forming part of permanent works embankment shall be removed to the required
line and level as per the Working Drawings. Removal of the excess surcharge material shall be done
without damaging the railway embankment. After removal of the excess surcharge material, the
damaged embankment top, if any, shall be made good as instructed by the Project Manager . The
addition of surcharge and removal of excess surcharge shall be incidental to the work except for
payment of additional surcharge quantity forming part of permanent embankment. The quantity for
payment will be determined based on the settlements readings observed through instrumentation and
paid under Pay Item No. A-2.2.

A 2.5.5 Measurement and Payment

TheUnitratesshallincludeforallqualityassurancerequirementssuchasprovidingforProject Manager
including geotechnical investigations, required tests, preparation and submission of necessary design
and drawings etc. tocompletetherequiredwork.
Pay Item shall be:

Unit of
Item No. Description
A 2.5(a) Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Wick Drains Lin.m
A 2.5(b) Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Piezometers nr

A 2.5(c) Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Settlements nr

A 2.5(d) Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Inclinometers nr
A 2.5(e) Supply, Installation of Sand Blanket m3

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Unit of
Item No. Description
A 2.5(f) Supply, Installation of Geo Textile Fabric m2

A 2.6 Sub-Ballast Construction

The sub-ballast shall be to the thickness shown on the Drawings and shall be clean, free draining
granular material of durable crushed brick or broken stone aggregate.

A 2.6.1 Materials

The Contractor shall submit the following details of the proposed material to the Project Manager for
his approval:

i) Test results of the material properties for the proposed material;

ii) Source and location of the proposed material; and
iii) Samples of the proposed material;

a) Crushed Brick Sub-ballast

The crushed brick shall meet the following gradation specifications:

Table A2.6: Grading of Crushed Brick Sub-ballast

Sieve Size Percentage Passing by Weight

40. 100
31.5 85-100
20 62-90
10 40-70
6.3 31-60
4 25-52
2 20-42
0.5 10-14
0.2 5-15
0.08 1-6

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain samples of the proposed sub-ballast material
and to submit them to the Project Manager for his approval.

The brick used for producing sub-ballast chips shall be first class bricks as defined in this
Specification and having a UCS value of minimum 17 MPa.
The brick aggregate used for sub-ballast should have Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA) value of less than
The laboratory test frequency of the sub-ballast material should be as follows;
 At least one set of all relevant laboratory tests per 3,000 m 3 of the material (or part thereof).

b) Broken Stone Aggregate Sub-ballast

The specification to be followed for the broken stone aggregates is as follows;

1. The aggregate should be broken stone aggregate, no singles should be included.
2. Uniformity of coefficient >7 and Coefficient of Curvature between 1 and 3.
3. Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA) value <40%.

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4. Minimum required soaked CBR value 25 when compacted at 100% of its Modified Proctor
Density when tested in accordance with ASTM Designation 1557.
5. Grading percentage as per following table.

Table A2.7: Grading of Broken Stone Aggregate Sub-ballast

IS Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight
40 mm 100
20 mm 80 - 100
10 mm 63 - 85
4.75 mm 42 - 68
2.0 mm 27 - 52
600 micron 13 - 35
425 micron 2 10 - 32
212 micron 0.5 6 - 22
75 micron 0.2 3 - 10

The laboratory test frequency of the sub-ballast material should be as follows;

 At least one set of all relevant laboratory tests per 3,000 m 3 of the material (or part

A 2.6.2 Construction and Installation Requirements

The sub-ballast shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 150 mm after compaction. The initial lift shall be
compacted to a minimum of 98% of its Modified Proctor Density when tested in accordance with
ASTM Designation 1557 and the second lift to 100% of the aforesaid maximum density.
Field density testing of the compacted layer of sub-ballast should comprise of at least 5 tests per
1000 m2 (or part thereof) area of the compacted layer.
The construction of the sub-ballast layer should immediately follow the construction of the
embankment (subgrade) to the specified width, elevation and design slope. Should the Contractor
choose not to immediately construct the sub-ballast structure, he shall be required to re-trim and if
necessary, scarify and re-compact the subgrade to the satisfaction of the Project Manager prior to
constructing the sub-ballast and no additional compensation will be considered for such re-trimming,
scarifying and/or recompaction.

A 2.6.3 Measurement and Payment

Sub-ballast Construction

Measurement for payment for sub-ballast construction shall be made on the basis of the number of
cubic metres constructed as shown on the Working Drawings. Payment for sub-ballast construction
will be made at the unit price bid for Pay Item No. A 2.6 of the Bill of Quantities and shall be full and
complete compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to carry
out the work in accordance with the Specification.

Pay items shall be:

Item No. Description Unit of Measurement

A2.6 Sub-ballast Construction m3

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A2.7 Turfing with Sods

A2.7.1 Scope

This work shall consist of furnishing and laying of the live sod of perennial turf forming grass on
embankment slopes, verges (earthen shoulders) or other locations shown on the Drawings or as
instructed by the Project Manager . Unless otherwise specified, the work shall be taken up as soon as
possible following construction of the embankment, provided the season is favourable for
establishment of the sod.

A2.7.2 Materials

The sod shall consist of dense, well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses, indigenous to
the locality where it is to be used, and shall be practically free from weeds or other undesirable matter.
At the time the sod is cut, the grass on the sod shall have a length of approximately 50 mm and the
sod shall have been freed of debris.

Thickness of the sod shall be as uniform as possible, with some 50-80 mm or so of soil covering the
grass roots depending on the nature of the sod, so that practically all the dense root system of the
grasses is retained in the sod strip. The sods shall be cut in rectangular strips of uniform width, not
less than about 250 mm x 300 mm in size but not so large that it is inconvenient to handle and
transport these without damage. During wet weather, the sod shall be allowed to dry sufficiently to
prevent tearing during handling and during dry weather shall be watered before lifting to ensure its
vitality and prevent the dropping of the soil in handling.

A2.7.3 Construction Operations

a) Preparation of the Earth Bed

The area to be sodden shall have been previously constructed to the required slope and cross-
section. Soil on the area shall be loosened, freed of all stones larger than 50 mm size, sticks, stumps
and any undesirable foreign matter, and brought to a reasonably fine granular texture to a depth of not
less than 25 mm for receiving the sod.

Topsoil shall be spread over the slopes. Prior to placing the topsoil, the slopes shall be scarified to a
depth which, after settlement, will provide the required nominal depth of 75mm. Spreading shall not be
done when the ground is excessively wet.

Following soil preparation and top soiling, where required, fertilizer and ground limestone when
specified shall be spread uniformly at the rate instructed by the Project Manager . After spreading, the
materials shall be incorporated in the soil by using disc harrow or other means.

b) Placing the Sods

The prepared sod bed shall be moistened to the loosened depth, if not already sufficiently moist, and
the sod shall be placed thereon within approximately 24 hours after the same had been cut. Each sod
strip shall be laid edge to edge and such that the joints caused by abutting ends are staggered. Every
strip, after it is snugly placed against the strips already in position, shall be lightly tamped with suitable
wooden or metal tampers so as to eliminate air pockets and to press it into the underlying soil.

On side slopes steeper than 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical), the laying of sods shall be started from
bottom upwards. At points where water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod
strips shall be turned into the soil below the adjacent area and a layer of earth placed over this
followed by its thorough compaction.

c) Staking the Sods

Where the side slope is 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) or steeper and the distance along the slope is
more than 2 m, the sods shall be staked with wooden/bamboo pegs or nails spaced approximately
500 to 1,000 mm along the longitudinal axis of the sods strips. Stakes shall be driven approximately
plumb through the sods to be almost flush with them.

d) Top Dressing

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After the sods have been laid in position, the surface shall be cleaned of loose sod, excess soil and
other foreign material. Thereafter, a thin layer of topsoil shall be scattered over the surface of top
dressing and the area thoroughly moistened by sprinkling with water.

e) Watering and Maintenance

The sods shall be watered and the turfing maintained by the Contractor until the works are accepted
by the Project Manager . Watering shall be so done as to avoid erosion and prevent damage to
sodded areas by wheels of water tanks.

The Contractor shall erect necessary warning signs and barriers, repair or replace sodded areas
failing to show uniform growth of grass or damaged by his operations and shall otherwise maintain the
sod at his cost until final acceptance.

A2.7.4 Measurement and Payment

a) Turfing with Sods

Measurement for payment for turfing with sods shall be made on the basis of the area in square
metres laid to the lines shown on the Working Drawings.

Payment for turfing with sods will be made at the unit price bid for Pay Item No. A 2.7 of the Bill of
Quantities and shall be full and complete compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment and
incidentals necessary to carry out the work in accordance with the Specification.

The watering and maintenance of turfing shall not be measured separately; the costs of which are
deemed to be included in the cost of turfing.

Pay items shall be:

Item No. Description Unit of Measurement

A2.7 Turfing with sods m2

A3 Quality Control for Road and Rail Works

A 3.1 General
All materials to be used, all methods to be adopted and all works to be performed shall be strictly in
accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor shall set up a field
laboratory at locations approved by the Project Manager and equip the same with adequate
equipment and personnel in order to carry out Quality Control for works and all the required tests as
per Specifications and/or as instructed by the Project Manager . The provision and maintenance of the
laboratory shall be as per Subsection A and/or as instructed by the Project Manager . The list of
equipment and the facilities to be provided shall be approved by the Project Manager in advance of
commencement of works.

The Contractor's laboratory shall be manned by a qualified Materials Project Manager /Civil Project
Manager assisted by experienced technicians, and the set-up shall be approved by the Project
Manager .

The Contractor shall carry out quality control tests on the materials and work to the frequency
stipulated in subsequent paragraphs. In the absence of clear indications about method and or
frequency of tests for any item, the instructions of the Project Manager shall be followed.

For satisfying himself about the quality of the materials and work, quality control tests will also be
conducted by the Project Manager , generally to the frequency set forth hereunder. Additional tests
may also be conducted where, in the opinion of the Project Manager , need for such tests exist.

The Contractor shall provide necessary co-operation and assistance in obtaining the samples for tests
as required by the Project Manager from time to time. This shall include provision of laboratory

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equipment, transport, consumables, and personnel including labour attendants, assistants in packing
and dispatching and any other assistance considered necessary in connection with the tests.

For the work of embankment, subgrade and pavement, construction of subsequent layer of same or
other material over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining permission from the Project
Manager . Similar permission from the Project Manager shall be obtained in respect of all other items
of works prior to proceeding with the next stage of construction.

The Contractor shall carry out modifications in the procedure of work, if found necessary, as
instructed by the Project Manager . Works falling short of quality shall be rectified/ redone by the
Contractor at his own cost, and defective work shall also be removed from the site of works by the
Contractor at his own cost.

The cost of laboratory building including essential supplies like water, electricity, sanitary services and
their maintenance and cost of all equipment, tools, materials, labour and incidentals to perform tests
and other operations of quality control according to the Specification requirements shall be deemed to
be incidental to the work and no payment shall be made for the same.

For testing of soils/soil mixes, granular materials and mixes samples in the required quantity and form
shall be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost.

Geo-synthetics and similar other materials where essential tests are to be carried out in the presence
of Project Manager at the manufacturer's plants or at laboratories other than the site laboratory, the
cost of samples, sampling, testing and furnishing of test certificates shall be borne by the Contractor.

Manufacturer's test certificate together with invoice or delivery dockets shall be furnished for every lot
of supply apart from tests to be conducted at site laboratory for prime properties of the materials.
Where facilities for testing of materials are not available at site laboratory the same shall be tested at
an outside laboratory in the presence of the Project Manager . For specialized items the Project
Manager may order for third party tests from an approved laboratory.

The method of sampling and testing of materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant Bangladesh Standards and these Specifications. Where they are contradicting, the provisions
in these Specifications shall be followed. Where they are silent, sound Project Manager ing practices
shall be adopted. The sampling and testing procedure to be used shall be as approved by the Project
Manager and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. The cost of all tests shall be
borne by the Contractor.

Responsibility for arranging uninterrupted supply of materials from the source shall be that of the

A 3.2 Defective Materials

All materials which the Project Manager has determined as not conforming to the requirements of the
Contract shall be rejected whether in place or not; they shall be removed immediately from the site as
instructed. Materials, which have been subsequently corrected, shall not be used in the work unless
approval is accorded in writing by the Project Manager . Upon failure of the Contractor to comply with
any instruction of the Project Manager , the Project Manager shall have authority to cause the
removal of rejected material and to deduct the removal cost thereof from any payments due to the

A 3.3 Imported Materials

The Contractor shall furnish a list of materials/finished products manufactured, produced or fabricated
outside Bangladesh which he proposes to use in the work. The Contractor shall furnish to the Project
Manager a certificate of compliance of the tests carried out. In addition, certified mill test reports
clearly identified in the lot of materials shall be furnished at the Contractor's cost.

The Contractor shall not be entitled to extension of time for acts or events occurring outside
Bangladesh and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to make timely delivery to the job site of all
such materials obtained from outside Bangladesh.

The materials imported from outside Bangladesh shall conform to the relevant Specifications of the
Contract. In case where materials/finished products are not covered by the specifications in the
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Contract, the details of laboratories/establishments where tests are to be carried out shall be
specifically brought out and agreed to in the Contract.

A 3.4 Control of Alignment, Level and Surface Regularity

A 3.4.1 General

All works performed shall conform to the lines, grades, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager , subject to the permitted tolerances described

A 3.4.2 Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal alignment shall be set out with respect to the centre line of the railway/ roadway as shown
on the Contract Drawings. The edges of the embankment as constructed shall be correct within a
tolerance of + 25 mm, -0 mm therefrom.

A 3.4.3 Surface Levels

The levels of the subgrade and different pavement courses as constructed, shall not vary from those
calculated with reference to the longitudinal and cross-profile of the road/rail shown on the Working
Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager beyond the tolerances mentioned in Table A 3.1.

Table A3.1: Tolerances in Surface Levels

No. Layer Tolerance

1 Subgrade and Sub-ballast ± 25 mm

For checking compliance with the above requirement for subgrade and sub-ballast courses,
measurements of the surface levels shall be taken on a grid of points placed at 6.25 m longitudinally
and 3.5 m transversely. For any 10 consecutive measurements taken longitudinally or transversely,
not more than one measurement shall be permitted to exceed the tolerance as above, this one
measurement being not in excess of 5 mm above the permitted tolerance.

A 3.5 Quality Control Tests During Construction

The materials supplied and the works carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the specifications
prescribed in the sections for the relevant items of work.

For ensuring the requisite quality of construction, the materials and works shall be subjected to quality
control tests, as described hereinafter.

A well-equipped Field Laboratory shall be set up at the Project site or other location as approved by
the Project Manager . The number of such laboratories to be established on a particular Project/work
site would depend on the pace and length of work being executed at a particular site and the output of
the lab so that all quality control checks can be performed effectively. The field laboratories shall be
manned adequately by trained official and staff capable of carrying out required investigation, soil
testing and quality control at site.

The testing frequencies set forth are the desirable minimum and the Project Manager shall have the
full authority to carry out additional tests as frequently as he may deem necessary, to satisfy himself
that the materials and works comply with the appropriate specifications. However, the number of tests
recommended in Table A 3.2 may be reduced at the discretion of the Project Manager if it is felt that
consistency in the quality of materials can still be maintained with the reduced number of tests.

Test procedures for the various quality control tests are indicated in the respective Sections of these
Specifications or for certain tests within this Section. Where no specific testing procedure is
mentioned, the tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted Project Manager ing practice
to the directions of the Project Manager .

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Table A3.2: Summary of Quality Control Tests of Earthwork

Material Tests to be Conducted Testing Equipment to be used Frequency of Test Acceptance Criteria Purpose of Test
All Borrow Material Soil Classification, OMC, Sieve, hydrometre, Atterberg Minimum 1 test every 5000 Shall meet criteria Suitability of
except sub-ballast MDD, NMC, NDD limit apparatus, modified Proctor m3 or change of strata given in Table B2.1 material and to
mould, oven, weight, balance, whichever is earlier decide OMC and
Gradation tests [IS: 2720 distilled water, dispersing agent MDD
One CBR test (average of
Plasticity Test [IS: 2720 (Part- three specimens) or closer
5)]: as and when required by the
Project Manager .
Density Test [IS: 2720 (Part-

Deleterious Content Test [IS:

2720 (Part-27)]:

Moisture Content Test [IS:

2720 (Part-2)]:

CBR Test on soaked/

unsoaked samples [IS: 2720
Sub-ballast Material Soil classification, particle As above plus RD apparatus Minimum 1 test every 500 Shall meet criteria Suitability of
size distribution curve, % m3 given in Sub-Clause B material
fines, Cu, Cc, max. density, 2.8
min. density, OMC and MDD
Compacted earth Field Dry Density Core cutter and Sand Minimum 1 test in each Shall meet the criteria To ascertain degree
including subgrade replacement apparatus, Nuclear compacted layer for every given in Table B2.2 of compaction
in embankment moisture-Density Gauge, 200 m2 in top 1 m of
Continuous compaction recorder subgrade;
mounted in roller
Minimum 1 test in each
compacted layer for every
500 m2 below top 1 m of

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Material Tests to be Conducted Testing Equipment to be used Frequency of Test Acceptance Criteria Purpose of Test
Compacted Sub- Field Dry Density As above Minimum 1 test in each As Above As Above
ballast layer in compacted layer of sub-
embankment ballast for every 200 m2.

Note: Daily, weekly, monthly reports on test results shall be prepared indicating the location of sampling and testing, deviation from the specified values for materials and
works and remedial action taken in respect of removal of defective work shall certified be prepared by the Contractor. The test record shall be certified by the Project
Manager that these tests were done in his presence and testing carried as per prescribed methodology.

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A4 Embankment Protection
A 4.1 Description

Embankment protection work shall include construction of slope protection, flooring, cut-off walls, and
approach embankment protection, as required for ensuring the safety of the bridge/culvert structure
and its approaches against damage due to flood/ flowing water. Construction of various components
shall conform to IRC: 89 and these Specifications or as instructed by the Project Manager .

A 4.2 Pitching

a) Scope of Work

The work shall consist of covering the river-side slopes of road/rail embankments with stone,
boulders, or cement concrete blocks over a layer of granular material which will act as a filter.

b) Materials

(i) Stone

The pitching shall be provided with stones of thickness and shape as indicated on the Drawings. The
stones shall be obtained from quarries and shall be sound, hard, durable and fairly regular in shape.
Round boulders shall not be allowed. Stones showing marked deterioration by water or weather shall
not be accepted.

The size and weight of stone shall conform to Clause A5.3.5.1 of IRC: 89. No stone, shall weigh less
than 40 kg. The size of spalls shall be a minimum of 25 mm and shall be suitable to fill the voids in the

(ii) Cement Concrete Block

Solid concrete blocks made of cement and suitable aggregates shall conform to relevant provisions of
IS: 2185 Part 1 in respect of dimension, mix, manufacturing, curing, drying and physical requirements.

Concrete to the cement concrete blocks shall be Grade M20 to. Hollow light weight concrete blocks
shall not be used in works.

The thickness of concrete block shall not be less than 200 mm and the width shall not be less than
200 mm. The density of concrete block shall not be less than 2.2 ton/m 3.

(iii) Geotextiles

Geotextiles, if used in pitching or flooring, shall conform to Sub-Clause A 2.7.2 (b) of these

(iv) Filter Medium

The material for the filter shall consist of coarse sand, gravel or stone. One or more layers of graded
materials, to act as a filter medium, shall be provided underneath the pitching, to prevent loss of the
embankment material and build-up of uplift pressure on the pitching.

The gradation of the filter material shall satisfy the following requirements:

D 15 (Filter) <5
D 85 (Base)

4< D 15 (Filter) <20

D 15 (Base)

D 50 (Filter) <25
D 50 (Base)

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1) Filter design may not be required if embankment consists of CH or CL soils with liquid limit
greater than 30, resistant to surface erosion. In this case, if a layer of material is used as
bedding for pitching, it shall be well graded and its D 85 size shall be at least twice the
maximum void size in pitching.

2) In the foregoing, D 15 means the size of that sieve which allows 15 percent by weight of the
filter material to pass through it and similar is the meaning of D 50 and D 85 (15 being
replaced with 50 and 85 respectively).

3) If more than one filter layer is required, the same requirement as above shall be followed for
each layer. The finer filter shall be considered as base material for selection of coarser filter.

4) The filter shall be compacted to a firm condition. The thickness of filter is generally of the
order of 200 mm to 300 mm. Where filter is provided in two layers, thickness of each layer
shall be 150 mm.

c) Construction Operations

Before laying the pitching, the side of banks shall be trimmed to the required slope and profiles by
means of lines and pegs at intervals of 3 m. Depressions shall be filled and thoroughly compacted.

The filter granular material shall be laid over the prepared base and compacted to the thickness
specified on the Drawings by means of suitable equipment.

Laying of geotextile shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Clause A

The lowest course of pitching shall be started from the toe wall and built up in courses upwards. The
toe wall shall be in dry rubble masonry (uncoursed). The stone shall be hammer dressed on the face,
the sides and beds to enable it to come in proximity with the neighbouring stone. The bushing on the
exposed face shall not be more than 40 mm.

The largest stones shall be placed in the bottom courses and for use as headers for subsequent

In hand placed pitching, the stone of flat stratified nature should be placed with the principal bedding
plane normal to the slope. The pattern of laying shall be such that the joints are broken and voids are
minimum by packing with spalls, wherever necessary, and the top surface is as smooth as possible.

When full depth of pitching can be formed with a single stone, the stones shall be laid such that the
joints are staggered, and all interstices between adjacent stones shall be filled in with spalls of the
proper size wedged in with hammers to ensure tight packing.

When two or more layers of stones must be laid to obtain the design thickness of pitching, dry
masonry shall be used and stones shall be well bonded. To ensure regular and orderly disposition of
the full intended quantity of stone as shown, template cross walls in dry masonry shall be built about a
metre wide and to the full height of the specified thickness at suitable intervals all along the length and
width of the pitching. Within these walls the stones shall be hand packed as specified.

d) Toe Walls

A toe wall to the dimensions shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Project Manager shall be
provided at the junction of slope pitching and launching apron of a guide bund or the toe of the slope,
so as to prevent the slope pitching from sliding down. The toe wall shall be in dry rubble masonry
(uncoursed) or in plain cement concrete of Grade M20.

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A 4.3 Flooring

a) Scope

The work shall consist of covering the river or canal or culvert bed with stone, boulders, or cement
concrete blocks over a layer of granular material or geotextile which will act as a filter, if shown on the
Working Drawings.

The base for the flooring shall be prepared to the specified levels and slopes and compacted suitably
with hand rammers or other means to have even bedding.

The stones shall be laid closely on the prepared base in one or more layers with appropriate bond as
specified by the Project Manager .

b) Materials

Materials shall meet the specification given in Sub-Clause A 4.2 (b).

c) Construction Operations

Excavations for laying the bedding and floor protection works shall be carried out as per the
Specifications under proper supervision. Before laying the foundation and toe walls, the excavation
trenches shall be inspected by the Project Manager to ensure that:

a) There are no loose pockets and unfilled depressions left in the trench.
b) The soil at the founding level is properly compacted to true lines and level so as to have
even bedding.
c) All concrete and other elements are laid in a dry bed.

Bedding of cement concrete nominal mix (Grade M15) of 300 mm thickness shall then be laid in
accordance with Specifications except that the surface of the concrete shall not be given a smooth

Laying of geotextile shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Clause A 2.4.4

Spalls shall be used to fill in the voids between stones/boulders/cement concrete blocks. The joints
shall be filled with cement mortar and finished neat. The stone shall break joints and the thickness of
joints shall not exceed 20 mm. The top of flooring shall be kept 300 mm below the lowest bed level.

A 4.4 Tests and Standards of Acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed

The work shall conform to these Specifications and shall meet the prescribed standards of

A 4.5 Measurement and Payment

Measurement for payment of the required bank and erosion protection works for Supply and Install of
CC Block over 75 mm stone chips and 75 mm thick layer compacted sand (FM≥1.00) as per drawing
will be made at the unit price per square metre bid under Item No. A-4.1of the Bill of Quntitiesand for
Supply and Install of Brick Toe Wall as per drawing will be made at the unit price per linear metre bid
under Item No. A-4.2 of the Bill of Quantities. The works which shall be full and complete
compensation for performing the work, including supply of sub-ballast, placement, compaction,
trimming and all work incidental thereto.

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Pay item shall be:

Unit of
Item No. Description
A 4.1 Supply and Installation of CC Blocks, Stone Chips and m2
Compacted Sand
A 4.2 Supply and Installation of Brick Toe Wall Linear metre
A 4.3 75mm thick brick chips filter m3
A 4.4 Supply and Installation of Separator Geotextile m2

A5 Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan

The Contractor shall prepare a Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan to assist the Project Manager in
determining optimal embankment activities and sequences. The purpose of instrumentation and
monitoring at any stage of works is generally for the following reasons:
 Verify that performance requirements are being met;
 Provide information to modify designs and optimise construction procedures;
 Verify the assumptions made in the design;
 Confirm the embankments are behaving as predicted;
 Assess the effects of the works on adjacent structures;
 Provide a record of performance of earthworks and associated activities;

The Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan will comprise the following:

 An Instrumentation sub-plan including drawings prepared at a scale not greater than 1:1000
clearly indicating the location and installation height/depth of all instrumentation. All
instruments will be clearly identified in a unique alpha-numeric sequence. The
instrumentation and monitoring plan will be updated by the Contractor’s Site Geotechnical
Project Manager .
Where multi-sensor instruments are used, the reduced level and / or direction of each
individual sensor will be clearly identified (e.g. inclinometers). Such information is to be
provided either on the Drawings or in separate tables.
 An Inspection sub plan, where inspections provide additional information to the monitoring of

The Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan preparation and reporting is essential to the placement,
stability and settlement of the embankments. The preparation of the Monitoring and Instrumentation
Plan and the Monitoring and Reporting of the embankment instrumentation including pore pressures,
embankment settlement and horizontal movement shall be deemed to be incidental to the related
work and there shall be no separate measurement and payment.

A 5.1 Instrumentation

For each major section of works, detailed instrumentation plans shall be prepared, showing all
proposed instruments using a unique alpha-numeric sequence. The drawings and the
instrumentation sub plan will be updated, as required, by the Contractor’s Site Geotechnical Project
Manager , as the project progresses to include full details of the proposed subsurface and surface
instruments and locations, and any additional instrumentation that may be required during the course
of the project construction. Instruments are to be installed and monitoring commenced before the
construction activity that is to be monitored.

Once each instrument is installed, it will be added to an active monitoring database. All existing
groundwater monitoring bores will be included within this database at the commencement of the

Instrumentation will be installed from a working platform prior to main earthworks filling. Typically the
instrumentation will comprise some or all of the following:
 Inclinometers , to monitor lateral movement;
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 Settlement Plates, to monitor vertical movement at the interface between fill and existing
ground surface;
 Settlement monuments, to monitor vertical and horizontal movement on a final or temporary fill
 Piezometers, to measure excess pore water pressure within soft cohesive soils. This may be
supplemented by a series of piezocone testing campaigns.
Provision shall be made initially for some instrumentation redundancy, and to replace instruments
which become unserviceable during the construction period. The equipment may become
unserviceable for a number of reasons including construction damage, instrument malfunction or
excess movements and pressures.

Where structures are likely to be subjected to movements and pressures which could impact on their
structural integrity, specific instrumentation may be installed within these structures and the
surrounding ground. Such structures will typically comprise all those placed over soft ground including
bridge abutments, associated walls, culverts, underpasses and general retaining structures.
All instruments shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements prior to
installation. Recalibration of instrument and probes may be required after commencement oftheir use
on site. Any recalibration or calibration checks should be made as required and undertaken in
accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.

Parts of instrumentation that protrude out from the surface during construction shall be adequately
protected from being damaged by construction activity. Where necessary, the location may be
barricaded with flags around to alert the construction site traffic to exercise caution.

Furthermore, instruments in areas accessible to the public shall be suitably protected with markers as
necessary to prevent injury or damage to third parties. Suitable protection shall be taken against
vandalism by providing lockable covers as necessary.

The ends of the inclinometer tubes shall be encased securely in concrete and have a secure plug to
maintain the tube clean. The secure plugs on these instruments may need to be locked. Suitable
access should be provided to both ends for access during construction and operation phases of the

If pore water pressure monitoring is to be continued in the operation stage of the project, the cables of
Vibrating Wire Piezometers (VWPs) should be encased in a tube and buried in the fill with the surface
end securely fixed to a post at an accessible location clear of the trafficable parts of the road. It may
be necessary to enclose the surface end of the cable within a secure and locked instrumentation box.
It is noted that a long term read-out box may be required to facilitate the required monitoring program.

Provided that the monitoring equipment is correctly installed and suitably protected both during
construction and after the railway is operational, ongoing maintenance of the equipment other than
that outlined by the manufacturer is expected to be minimal.
Existing utilities located near to or below the proposed locations for the installation of bored
instrumentation such as inclinometer tubes and piezometers will need to be identified prior to the
installation of the instrumentation.

A 5.2 Monitoring

Monitoring shall commence before major construction activities commence in critical areas.

Once each instrument is installed and monitoring commenced, it will be added to the active monitoring
database and a summary table of its details including monitoring frequency and status will be
presented with all interpretive reports.

A 5.3 Monitoring Frequency

The baseline-monitoring programme for all instruments shall comprise weekly measurements where
possible, for a period before construction begins. More frequent monitoring may be undertaken, if
initial baseline monitoring suggests that the extremes of the ambient response have not been
recorded. The programme for monitoring of the instrumentation and other works is tied to the overall
construction programme and hence the baseline monitoring levels may be temporarily superseded by

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increased monitoring requirements for each major construction activity shown on the monitoring and
instrumentation drawings.

The monitoring programme for excavation and embankment works apply to the period between which
the excavation/embankment construction has commenced, and the time when all major construction
work has been completed. Once embankment construction is complete, monitoring frequencies will
return to baseline frequencies unless superseded by other operations.

If certain instruments are inaccessible due to interference with construction works, or safe-working
conditions could not be secured, the monitoring will be rescheduled in coordination with the
construction team. Notwithstanding the above, every effort must be made to secure monitoring data
in a timely manner. Also, if there are no relevant construction activities after completion of required
background measurements or if there is no further movement in specific areas/instruments, the
requirement of monitoring in these cases may be reduced.

Where fill placement is subject to the submission of the monitoring data and every effort should be
made to facilitate data collection and processing to minimise delays in obtaining permission to place
the next layer.

In general the following frequency will be adopted:

Instrument Frequency

Settlement One set of settlement plate/pin (comprising three plates/pins, one at centre, two
plates/pins at sides) to be installed every 100 metres of the embankment at bridge
approaches. At the widening embankments one settlement plate/pin will be
required at 200m intervals where preloads have been specified.
After each layer of fill has been placed. In soft ground it is important to measure
the thickness of fill placed and not to work to a reduced level.
In areas where fill is not currently being placed settlement plates should be
monitored at weekly intervals.
The frequency may be changed at the end of construction in consultation with the
Project Manager . For example, twice a week for 2 weeks, weekly for 3 months,
fortnightly for 3 months, monthly.

Vibrating One piezometer to be installed every 500 metres along the widened
Wire embankment where preload has been specified and every 300metres along the
Piezometers bridge approaches.
Piezometers should be connected to data loggers. The data logger frequency
should be set to 4 readings a day. Once construction has been completed, the
frequency may be changed in consultation with the Project Manager .

Inclinometers Four inclinometer to be installed at all bridge approach embankments (eight per
and lateral bridge site) which are over 4 metres in height.
Monitoring intervals will depend on ground treatment type. An initial baseline
reading is required prior to placement of embankment fill for all ground
For surcharge and vertical drains, readings are required when the fill thickness is
at 1m, 1.6m and 2.2m etc. At greater fill thicknesses, readings should be taken
after placement of each fill layer.
For all other ground treatments, inclinometer readings should be taken at 0.6m fill
thickness intervals.
Once construction has been completed, the inclinometers should be read at
weekly intervals, subject to approval by the Project Manager . Monitoring
intervals may be changed in consultation with the Project Manager .

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A 5.4 Inspection Frequency

Where inspections are undertaken to provide supplementary visual assessments to the monitoring,
their frequency in any area shall be determined by the Project Manager and shall be set in
consideration of the key construction activities and program. In general, such inspections will be at
least daily during critical periods.

Inspections shall be undertaken by the Contractor’s geotechnical and construction personnel. The
inspections shall be recorded in appropriate site notes and be supplemented by photographic records.

A 5.5 Reporting and Response Management

The following shall apply for reporting and response management:

A 5.5.1 Data Collection and Database

All data collected will be managed by suitable database systems so that data is easily accessible and
review of monitoring data can be carried out. All monitoring data will be collected either electronically
or manually and be entered into the monitoring database.

A 5.5.2 Monitoring Assessment and Limit Values

Predetermined limit values of movements and pressures will be established prior to construction, and
will be used to evaluate measured results against expected soil behaviour. A progressive scale of
limit values will be introduced to categorise measurements in terms of their severity and
The various limit values may be derived with respect to the expected displacements or soil behaviour,
based on:
 Detailed design calculations; or
 Permitted maximum displacement of a particular structure, service, or area, which is critical to
the safety, functioning, or maintenance of the structure, service or area.
The Project Manager shall be contacted should any instrument readings exceed the limit values.
Monitoring frequencies will be increased on appropriate instruments as assessed by the Project
Manager .

The following review limit values are defined as follows for critical instruments:

“Trigger” level: The Trigger level will serve as a limit upon which action is to be taken to ensure that
the allowable value is not exceeded. It is typically defined as 70% of the anticipated level of
movement or pressure or design change value likely to occur during construction. This is to advise
the site team that the movement is approaching the design level. Additional monitoring may be
considered at this time and contingency / remedial measures determined. In some instances the
trigger level may be increased to a higher portion of the anticipated level.

“Design” level: The Design level is defined as the best maximum estimate of the anticipated
behaviour derived by design calculations. This level has been established at the anticipated maximum
level of movement or pressure or design change value that is expected to occur. This is to advise the
site team that the monitored value has reached the design level. At this stage the implementation of
contingency measures to reduce the likelihood of an adverse outcomemaybe implemented
(depending on the stage of construction) and revised “Trigger” and “Design” levels determined. In
most occasions, it may be possible to exceed the design value without cause for concern. However,
in some cases the design value may be equal to the allowable value and cannot be exceeded.

“Allowable” level: The Allowable level is defined as the permitted maximum movement or pressure
or design change value at a particular structure or area. On achieving this level, if contingency
measures have not already been implemented they must be, and if contingency measures have been
implemented the need for additional contingency measures considered and implemented. The
Allowable level is a maximum limit not to be exceeded and is generally defined as 120% of the
anticipated design level of movement or pressure or design change value likely to occur during
construction. An exception to this definition is the ratio of maximum incremental lateral movement
over the maximum incremental vertical settlement, ymax/smax for which specific responses are
developed. In the case of settlements and movements, it is possible these could exceed predicted

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levels by more than 20%, and hence such allowable levels should be critically reviewed and adjusted
as appropriate.

Specific limit values will be established for each instrument type and location as part of the detailed
design phase. The limit values for each major section of works will be detailed on the monitoring and
instrumentation drawings.

Limit values for each instrument will be reviewed and re-established by the Project Manager once the
initial background-monitoring period is complete, and reviewed again as construction activities
commence within the vicinity of each instrument.

A 5.6 Groundwater Levels

Groundwater measurements should not be considered as very rigid values, as an allowance for a
combination of fluctuations due to extreme seasonal rainfall, extreme river flooding, low and high
pressure systems or extremes of tides must be allowed for outside of the known data. Hence, an
approach to defining control limit values for groundwater monitoring is required to account for these
extreme groundwater fluctuations.

To allow for these potential extreme groundwater fluctuations described above, and where there is
only limited periods of groundwater monitoring data available, the reference levels for groundwater
monitoring will be established by determining the highest/lowest recorded level during the monitoring
period at each monitoring bore. These reference levels will be reviewed by the Contractor in liaison
with the Project Manager on a monthly basis in detail during the project, and may be revised, as
sufficient groundwater data would be available.

A 5.7 Records and Reporting

Monitoring data will be summarized in interpretative reports, which will be issued at monthly intervals
during the construction period. During the maintenance period this will carried out twice yearly. The
exception to this is when established trends indicate potential problems such as signs of potential
embankment instability, and/or areas of concern that must be appraised at more frequent intervals.
The interpretation of the monitoring data by the Project Manager will be undertaken as soon as the
data is at hand.

A 5.8 Monthly Monitoring Report

The Contractor’s Monthly Monitoring Report will consist of:

a) Description of the monitoring system, including the ‘Trigger levels’ of critical instruments,
together with details of all surrounding sensitive structures and utilities. Reference should be
made to the initial defect survey of surrounding structures and utilities.
b) Plans and photographs showing the locations of all monitoring points (e.g. piezometers,
settlement points, movement markers, inclinometers, etc.)
c) Results of critical monitoring data, with graphs and tables showing the variation of the results
with time.
d) Details of any significant movements or signs of distress observed, including slope
displacement, differential settlement, cracks on pavements, distress of adjacent buildings or
structures, damage to water mains or other utilities, etc.
e) Details of any significant deviations of geological and groundwater conditions from the design
geological model (e.g. unexpected seepage or weathering profile, presence of pre-existing
tension cracks, presence of weak zones or materials, etc.), with particular reference to
detailed Project Manager ing geological mapping of the exposed cut face. (This information
to be feed back into the as-built records)
f) Reports of any excessive displacements and collapses (including photographs), survey
plans/sections of affected areas, time & date of the incident, probable reasons and any
proposed remedial actions, etc.
g) Reports of any critical activities in the vicinity of the site, which may adversely affect
slope/wall/excavation stability.
h) Reports of any deviations from the construction drawings or agreed method statement.

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i) Construction problems encountered together with remedial actions proposed/carried out.

j) Photographs, drawings and figures accompanying the reports as appropriate.
k) Discussion and interpretation of the results of all monitoring work, including proposals for any
changes of measuring devices, frequency of monitoring, addition or replacement of
monitoring stations, together with the findings of investigation of any observed anomalies.
Assessment on whether the monitoring is confirming the design assumptions and predictions.
Recommendations for any protective measures or actions that are judged necessary from the
monitoring results. Where necessary, recommendations for altering the design of the Project
Works, or the method or sequence of construction.
l) Summary of new installations and the change in status of existing installations.
The period for which data will be reported in each monthly interpretive report covers instrument
readings for one calendar month. It is required that the monthly interpretive report will be issued
within seven days after the end of the reported month.

The data will also be reviewed daily by the Contractor.

A 5.8.1 Monitoring distribution

Monthly reports will be distributed to the Project Manager .

A 5.8.2 Duration of monitoring and reporting

After project construction, monitoring of settlement points by the Contractor shall continue during the
Defects Liability Period.

A 5.9 Measurement and Payment for Monitoring and Instrumentation


The measurement for payment for the Monitoring and Installation Plan shall be made on the basis of
a monthly payment commencing 3 months after the commencement date of the contract and final
payment on granting of substantial completion of the contract.

Measurement and payment for all monitoring and instrumentation plan development, management,
reporting, and all other requirements as described in this clause are deemed to be included in the
following pay item:

Pay items shall be:

Item No. Description Unit of Measurement

A5 Monitoring and Instrumentation Plan Monthly Payment

A6 Geotechnical Investigations
A6.1 General

The subsurface investigation shall be carried out in such a way that the profiles of different types of
soil for the entire length of the proposed structure are obtained and recorded. Other information to be
obtained are mechanical and physical properties such as grain-size distribution, sensitivity, existence
of deleterious material in soil or ground water, porosity of rock, subsidence due to mining, ground
water level, artesian condition, likely sinking and driving effort and likely constructional difficulties.

The field work shall consist of excavation, drilling of boreholes for the purpose of collection of
undisturbed and disturbed samples, standard penetration tests, in-situ vane shear tests, static and
dynamic cone penetration tests, other field tests, as specified by the Project Manager and
preparation of bore logs. It will also include collection, preservation and testing of disturbed and
undisturbed samples from boreholes, borrow pits, etc., as specified by the Project Manager . All in-situ
tests shall be supplemented by laboratory investigations.

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A 6.2 Objective

The main objective of this investigation is to conduct test drilling sampling along proposed
railway line at intervals that suggest by the consultant to determine soil condition and identify
the weak region that may need special attention and recommend remedial measures to be
taken to construct a safe railway line.

The length of the proposed railway line is about 32.365 km starting from Kashiani old station up to
Gopalgonj. The proposed railway line has passed through villages, cultivable land, wet lands and
intersect at some points with pucca road. Reduced level of the ground varies from-10.3 m to 6.332m
and the formation level of the proposed railway line is kept between 6.1 m. to 11.5m. High flood level
at Kashiani 4.984m, at Gopalgonj 3.871m.

A 6.3 Scope of Work

The main scopes of the investigation works are as follows:

1. Execution of exploration drillings along the centre line of the proposed railways line at
intervals suggest by the consultant as per ASTM D-1586 Cods.

2. Preforming standard penetration test as per ASTM D-1586 Cods.

3. Sampling at depth suggested by consultant as per ASTM D-1587 Cods.

4. Measuring of ground water level after 24 hr of drilling.

5. Performing laboratory test to determine grain size distribution, water content, liquid limit,
unconfined compression, direct shear test associated values, consolidation test associated
values, unit weight, specific gravity etc. as per ASTM Codes at desired depth specified by the

6. Preparing detail Geotechnical investigation report.

A 6.4 Role of the Project Manager for Geotechnical Investigation

In connection with this geotechnical investigation, the Project Manager shall act within the framework
of the Contract to ensure compliance with the specified requirements. For the avoidance of doubt, this
i) Ensuring that the minimum specified requirements for the scope of the investigation
works are carried out,
ii) Ensuring that the relevant technical standards for the performance of all field work,
laboratory testing and factual reporting are complied with, regardless of whether the work
comprises part of the minimum specified requirements or supplementary work scheduled
by the Contractor for his particular design verification requirements;
iii) Supervise the investigation works carried out by the Contractor, review the borehole logs
and interpretative report provided by the contractor upon completion of the investigations
and testing;
iv) Verify and modify, if required, the foundation design of the bridges and instruct the
Contractor accordingly to carry out the revised works.

A6.5 Contractor’s Responsibility for the Geotechnical Investigation

The Contractor’s responsibility for the Geotechnical Investigation includes, but is not limited to:
i) Responsibility for the management and technical performance of the geotechnical
investigation works. The Contractor is required to provide sufficient qualified specialist
personnel to maintain complete supervision of all aspects of the investigations at all
ii) Carry out the required investigation and testing as instructed by the Project Manager ;
iii) Prepare a Geotechnical Interpretative Report based on the results of the investigation and
testing and submit to the Project Manager for his review.
There will be no separate measurement and payment for above works, the cost of which is deemed to
be included in all other items of works.

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A7 Survey Control, Setting Out and Measurements

A 7.1 General

The Contractor will be provided by the Project Manager , with the topographic survey control including
all available survey monuments and benchmarks previously established by the Survey of Bangladesh
(SOB), in relation to Mean Sea Level (MSL). He shall then be responsible for the carrying out of any
topographic surveys or the taking of any measurements necessary for the proper execution of the
Work, including the establishment of secondary or subsequent topographic survey control.

This topographic survey information is made available to the Contractor without any implication or
representation with respect to the physical characteristics or accuracy, and without any guarantee or
obligation of any kind on the part of the Employer or the Project Manager , neither of whom shall be
held liable for any error or inaccuracy in this information. It shall be up to the Contractor to satisfy
himself as to the accuracy of the topographic survey information being provided to him pursuant to
this Clause.

In addition to his overall responsibility for survey and setting out as aforesaid, the Contractor shall also
assist the Project Manager in carrying out various verification and quantity surveys. This assistance
shall be provided as and when required by the Project Manager , and any cost incurred by the
Contractor shall be deemed to be included in all other pay items of the overall contract works.

Special requirements, if any, for survey works track alignment and for monitoring of settlement
gauges, are covered in the respective sections of the Specification.

Except as may be specifically mentioned in other places in the Contract Documents, there will be no
separate payment for any setting out or survey work performed by the Contractor or for the
preparation of Working Drawings. The cost of these services shall be considered as being included in
the rate of the items of work in the Bill of Quantities.

A 7.2 Survey and Establishment of Working Bench Marks and

Alignment References

Within 60 days of the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall verify the values of the survey data
provided by the Project Manager . If there is a significant difference between the values provided by
the Project Manager and the values determined by the Contractor, there shall be a joint verification
survey and the Project Manager shall determine and confirm the values to be used.

Using the above mentioned survey data, the Contractor shall establish a system of temporary bench
marks as soon as is practicable after taking possession of the site but in any case at least 28 days
before commencing any survey or construction works which require the use of these temporary bench

As a minimum, the temporary bench marks shall be at the rate of four per km and also at or near all
drainage structures, over-bridges and underpasses.

The temporary bench marks shall be constructed as follows:

(a) A 6 mm thick steel pipe of 76 to 102 mm OD shall be driven vertically to a minimum depth of
10 m with 1 m protruding above the finished ground level.

(b) A steel plate of the same diameter as the pipe shall be welded to the top of the pipe. A single
centre punch or drilled depression shall be created in the centre of the plate to form the
reference point.

(c) A concrete protective pillar of Grade M20 concrete to Clause D 6 of the Specification, 300 mm
square at the top and at least 450 mm square at the base shall be cast around the pipe with
the pipe in the centre. Approximately 100 mm of the pipe shall protrude above the pillar and
the pillar shall extend a minimum of 500 mm below the finished ground level.

(d) The portion of the pipe above the pillar shall be painted with a high quality out-doors paint in a
red colour.

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(e) A plate shall be fixed to the exposed pipe which will contain a reference number, horizontal
coordinates, and vertical elevation.
The temporary benchmark data shall be approved by the Project Manager .

The Contractor shall carry out a monthly verification survey of the temporary benchmarks replacing
any which are missing or which show signs of physical damage, and submit the results to the Project
Manager with any recommendations for adjustment of values. An up-to-date record of all bench
marks including approved adjustments, if any, shall be maintained by the Contractor, included in the
Monthly Progress Report and a separate copy supplied to the Project Manager for his record.

In order to facilitate the setting out of the works, the centre line of the railway, carriageway or highway
must be accurately established by the Contractor and approved by the Project Manager . It must then
be accurately referenced in a manner satisfactory to the Project Manager at every 50 m intervals in
plain and rolling terrains and 20 m intervals in hilly terrain and in all curve points as instructed by the
Project Manager , with marker pegs and chainage boards set in or near the limits of the Right-of Way.
A schedule of reference dimensions shall be prepared and supplied by the Contractor to the Project
Manager . These markers shall be maintained until the Works reach finished formation level and are
accepted by the Project Manager .

On construction reaching the formation level stage, the centre line shall again be set out by the
Contractor and when approved by the Project Manager , shall be accurately referenced in a manner
satisfactory to the Project Manager by marker pegs set at the outer limits of the formation.

No reference peg or marker shall be moved or withdrawn without the approval of the Project Manager
and no earthwork or structural work shall commence until the centre line has been referenced.

Approval by the Project Manager of any survey or setting out points or markers which have been
established by the Contractor, shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibilities or obligations
to construct any part of the Works to lines and levels shown on the Drawings.

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for safe-guarding all survey monuments, benchmarks,
beacons, etc. The data necessary for setting out the centre line is shown on the Drawings. All
dimensions and levels shown on the Drawings or mentioned in documents forming part of or issued
under the Contract shall be verified by the Contractor on the site and he shall immediately inform the
Project Manager of any apparent errors or discrepancies in such dimensions and levels. The
Contractor shall, in connection with the staking out of the centre line, survey the terrain along the
road/railway and shall submit to the Project Manager for his approval, a profile along the road/railway
centre line and cross-sections at 25 m intervals or at intervals otherwise instructed by the Project
Manager .

Construction staking shall be done by personnel who are trained and experienced in construction
layout and staking of the type and kind required in the Contract. Field notes shall be kept in standard,
bound field notebooks as approved by the Project Manager . Field notes shall be subject to inspection
by the Project Manager and shall become the property of the Employer on issue of the Takeover

The Contractor shall produce and submit to the Project Manager a set of Working Drawings showing
plans and profiles of the alignment and cross sections at 25 m intervals or as instructed by the Project
Manager . The scale of the Working Drawings and numbers of copies shall be as instructed by the
Project Manager . Any discrepancy between the Working Drawings and the Contract Drawings shall
be highlighted in writing to the Project Manager , who shall review the discrepancies and instruct the
Contractor on the steps to be taken to address these discrepancies.

The cross section drawings prepared by the Contractor as part of the Working Drawings shall record
estimated quantities for each item of work corresponding to the Bill of Quantities.

After obtaining approval of the Project Manager for the Working Drawings, work on earthwork can

The profile and cross-sections as provided in the Approved Working Drawings shall be used as a
basis for measuring quantities of work executed. If the Project Manager does not approve the
Working Drawings then the data contained in the Contract Drawings shall prevail and they shall form
the basis for measurements and payment.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all the basic traverse points are in place at the
commencement of the contract and, if any, are missing, or appear to have been disturbed, the
Contractor shall make arrangements to re-establish these points.

Precision automatic levels, having a standard deviation of ±2 mm per km, and fitted with micrometre
attachment shall be used for all double run leveling work. Setting out of the road/railway alignment
and measurement of angles shall be done by using Total Station with traversing target, having an
accuracy of one second. Measurement of distances shall be done preferably using precision
instruments like Distomat.

A 7.3 Boundary Pillars

The acquired land along the bank line in which the Works are located shall be marked by boundary
pillars every 100 m on both sides. The boundary pillars size will be 200mmx200mmx1000mm.

There will be no separate payment for this work.

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