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Prepared by: Leri James B.


Assigned International ASEAN 1987 Constitution Republic Act Supreme Court Decisions Government Programs or
right in the Covenant on Declaration of Projects
universal Civil and Human Rights
declaration Political right

Article 14(2) 20. (1) Every Section 14. (1) No [REPUBLIC G.R. No. 199894 In particular, construing the
Presumption Everyone person charged person shall be held to ACT NO. PEOPLE OF THE constitutional presumption of
Of charged with a with a criminal answer for a criminal 10389] PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff- innocence together with the Circ.
Innocence criminal offence offence shall be offense without due SEC. Appellee, No. 2016-16, PNP Anti-Illegal
shall have the presumed innocent process of law. 2. Statement of vs. Drugs Campaign Plan—Project:
right to be until proved guilty (2) In all criminal Policy. CARLITO CLARO y Double Barrel.
presumed according to law in prosecutions, the  In consonance MAHINAY, Accused- Government lauds the
innocent until a fair and public accused shall be with the Appellant. enforcement efforts as having
proved guilty trial, by a presumed innocent principle of made great progress in ...
according to competent, until the contrary is presumption of period programs to rehabilitate a
law. independent and proved, and shall innocence, the G.R. No. 174369               man still clothed with a
impartial tribunal, enjoy the right to be 1987 Philippine June 20, 2012 presumption of innocence.
at which the heard by himself and Constitution PEOPLE OF THE
accused is counsel, to be recognizes and PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-
guaranteed the informed of the nature guarantees the Appellee,
right to defence. and cause of the right to bail or to vs.
 (2) No person accusation against be released on ZAFRA MARAORAO y
shall be held guilty him, to have a speedy, recognizance as MACABALANG, Accused-
of any criminal impartial, and public may be provided Appellant.
offence on account trial, to meet the by law.
of any act or witnesses face to face,
omission which and to have
did not constitute a compulsory process to
criminal offence, secure the attendance
under national or of witnesses and the
international law, production of
at the time when it evidence in his behalf.
was committed and However, after
no person shall arraignment, trial may
suffer greater proceed
punishment for an notwithstanding the
offence than was absence of the accused
prescribed by law provided that he has
at the time it was been duly notified and
committed. his failure to appear is
(3) No person shall unjustifiable.
be liable to be tried
or punished again
for an offence for
which he or she
has already been
finally convicted
or acquitted in
accordance with
the law and penal
procedure of each
ASEAN Member

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