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I. Agree/ Disagree: Legibly write R if the given example corresponds/ agreeable to the meaning of the theological teaching.

g. Write E if it does not

correspond to the meaning/ disagreeable of the theological teaching.

____1. Pacem in Terris include the right of women and children, therefore, human trafficking, prostitution and different forms of abuses and violence
are usually committed against women and children.
____2. To be born, be given name and nationality, to be free, to belong to and be taken care of the family, to be given sufficient education are rights
of every child, therefore, 8-yr old Mario, who lost his family due to a disaster that happened 2 years ago, has no more right.
____3. The Right to choose One’s way of life, as human beings, we have the right to choose freely the state of life which we prefer, therefore, Peter
wants to worship other gods because he has the right to choose one’s way of life. In fact, he knows that he violated the commandments of God.

Multiple Choice:
____4. How does the Church see the reality of the source of human dignity?
S. man is created in God’s image & likeness it comes from the proclaimed human rights C. we are rational beings with soul
____5. How should man reject the idea of exclusivism?
S. love your own family T. treat all even strangers as brothers & sisters C. care for your close friends
____6. What does it mean to be a person according to Hoffner (1983)?
S. it means to be independent T. it means to be in communion with God C. it means to be natural
7-10. _____, _____, _____, _____ In Mater et Magistra #79, Pope John XXIII pointed out that in the national level, there are points that are
relevant and should not be overlooked as components for Common Good. Which of the following are best points that are included here? Write the
letters of choices on the spaces provided. Write only four-letter choices . (Correct minus wrong if more than four answers).
S. to provide employment for as many workers as possible I. to make the rich people richer
O. to maintain balance between wages and prices A. to ensure the advantages of a more humane way of existence
C. to make accessible goods and services for a better life L. to maintain the debts of third-world countries

____15. Pacem in Terris tells us that common good is guaranteed if rights are acknowledged, respected, defended and promoted.
How will you respect the right of a person to choose one’s way of life?
S. I will respect my 14-year old brother to be married next year because he has a girlfriend already.
T. I will respect my naughty classmate’s decision who found his life’s mission to become a priest.
C. I will respect my sister’s decision to change her religion and worship another god.
____14. How will you defend the right to worship?
S. I will enforce to all people to belief that we have only one God and everyone must worship Him alone only.
T. I will change first other people’s perspective about faith and let them convert their religion to mine.
C. I will tell people forcing me to change my religion that my worship should be based on the dictate of my own conscience.
____13. How will you promote the right to decent existence?
S. I will show to others how I could manage to become a well-off person from being poor so that they will be inspired, too.
T. I will put high-rise perimeter fences around my properties so that I can keep my lands from opportunists, for future use.
C. I will give my about-to-expire frozen foods to beggars so that they can at least eat for a while these kinds of food.
____15. This right of child based on UN Declaration speaks about developing values and morals in life. Which right is it?
S. educated in good manners and right conduct T. be protected from abuse & violence C. express oneself
____16. The right to political order explains citizens’ right to become active participants in public affairs, and also ______________.
S. juridical protection from the state T. settlement in other countries C. worship God
____17. What do we mean that human beings have “inalienable rights”?
S. it is rooted in human person’s dignity T. it is founded on human will C. it is inherent in state powers
____18. If a person seeks to defend his right, he must have the duty to exercise it—like if a person has right to life, then ____________.
S. he has the duty to preserve it T. he has the duty to end it C. he has the duty to find it
____19. John Paul II teaches that “the obligation to earn one’s bread from the sweat of one’s brow…”, is also known as ____________.
S. right to work T. right to wage C. right to responsibility
____20. What does the right to protection and social security tell us?
S. those who decide to stop working shall be given benefits
T. those who will abuse themselves in work shall be called to retire
C. those who can't take care of themselves be taken care of
____21. As a worker, how will you properly exercise your right to go on strike?
S. I will not immediately report for duty together with my co-workers if I feel that my employer does not satisfy my needs.
T. I will go on strike with my co-workers only after we have exhausted all legitimate means of negotiation yet no agreement.
C. I will go on rallying fronting the workplace and break properties until the employer agrees with our conditions.

____22. How will you help minimize child labor?

S. If I will see a minor working as laborer, I will give him extra tip just to ease his work and go home earlier.
T. If I will hire for child labor, I will make sure that there is parental consent and ask for pertinent documents
C. If I will see a child working, I’d call immediate attention to the employee or government to address this issue.
____23. As a worker, how will you properly exercise your right to go on strike?
S. I will not immediately report for duty together with my co-workers if I feel that my employer does not satisfy my needs.
T. I will go on strike with my co-workers only after we have exhausted all legitimate means of negotiation yet no agreement.
C. I will go on rallying fronting the workplace and break properties until the employer agrees with our conditions.
____24. You’re to talk to a group of beggars and slum dwellers, whose shanties are about to be demolished, what will you best tell them?
S. I will tell them to not remain silent, rather to do all means to stop the demolition even up to death.
T. I will tell them to further negotiate with the other party for any other possible options just not to compromise the right to shelter.
C. I will tell them to just leave and find a new place.
____25. The peace of Christ to us which radiates from God the Father results to an effect including _____________.
S. peace through loving neighbors T. peace as absence of war C. peace as absence of evil
____26. Which must be promoted in order to achieve peace on earth?
S. respect to human dignity T. positive law C. social order
____27. What does the Church teach about the Truth?
S. It is the absence of restrictions or absence of obstacles to self-determination or personal choices.
T. It is disparaging someone by maliciously caricaturing some aspect of his behavior.
C. This can also be called candor, for this is the uprightness in human action and speech.
____28. What does the Church teach about Freedom?
S. It is the liberty to do anything whatsoever.
T. It concerns truly on neighbor’s welfare rather than with an external, legalistic fulfillment of the words of the law.
C. Humans become free to the extent that they come into the knowledge of the truth.
____29. What does the Church teach about Justice?
S. God’s justice demands concern for the poor.
T. It is the act of condemnation of the innocent.
C. It is the sum of conditions of social life by which individuals or people can their own fulfillment.
____30. What does the Church teach about Love?
S. We cannot love God without loving our neighbor.
T. The other term of love is “righteous” that is used in the Bible to describe persons who are upright.
C. It is rendering to each person or human community their own and due by right.

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