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Moksha Shah


“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be
indifferent to them: that’s the essence of humanity”
-George Bernard Shaw

Daily we see across several stray dogs shivering from cold or striving for food and eventually
dying due to lack of food. ‘The love for all the creatures is the noblest attribute of a men’;
and this thought was the inspiration behind our objective of Animal Welfare for Stray Dogs.
Animal welfare is a fairly recent, yet troubling argument in society. This subject is a strong argument
on a variety of opinions. Animal welfare has become a major issue and has grown internationally.
The human concern and the safety and rights of animals are the meaning of the concept of animal
welfare. Through decades of animal welfare, people fight to prevent the action of animal cruelty and
bring help towards animal rights. Towards animal welfare comes the aspect of animal cruelty.
Animal cruelty is a fairly recent subject that has affected society. Animal cruelty has now shown
comparisons through human abused households. The concern is recent because as society changes,
human attitudes change which in turn affects animals.
To know the atrocities for stray dogs in the city, order to support this noble cause, we
approached two organizations-Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) and People for Animals
(PFA) who are working in Bengaluru towards achieving this objective. CUPA and PFA provide rescue
and relief to thousands of injured, ill and needy street animals in Bangalore, Karnataka. Also, we
connected with Nestle, for a collaboration in the campaign and also giving few packets of its
product ‘Purina pet care’ to spread awareness around. Our target audience were people of
age group 20 to 30. We used different modes of communication for a wider reach and cater
to a larger section of people. Several steps were taken for awareness such as awareness
through a Facebook page as well as in Walkathon’18. The team members displayed posters
throughout their walk and encouraged the people around to adopt or help any injured dog
found on the streets of Bangalore. As a result of our project, people did volunteer to help
the animals for providing aid both medically as well as in healthy food.

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