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BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers


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Student’s declaration:
By submitting this assessment, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the following conditions:
Please check each item in the box, if you agree.

 I have read and understood the details of the assessment.

 I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process and
understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just.
 I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed.

 I declare that the attached is my own work or in collaboration with other members of a group
as required.

 I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with ILSC’s Academic
Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done the same.

Submitting your assessment: Complete all assessment tasks, save, and upload in Moodle for grading. Please
view the videos on submitting work through Moodle in the FAQ section of your VET Orientation course. Check
Moodle grades and feedback on your submission. You will receive an email notification when your assessment
has been graded.

Assessor’s acknowledgement:
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer to the
assessor's handbook for further information if required.

 Authentic: The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s
own work.

 Valid: The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as
described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Current: The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
 competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent

 Sufficient: The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment
evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.

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How to work through your assessment
Your assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit BSBCUS201
Deliver a service to customers, Release 1. Your assessor will help you fully understand
assessment requirements for this unit.
The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table.

Assessment information This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to deliver
and scope all aspects of customer service at an introductory level. It
includes creating a relationship with customers, identifying their
needs, delivering services or products and processing customer
It applies to individuals who perform a range of routine tasks in
the workplace using a limited range of practical skills and
fundamental knowledge of customer service in a defined
context under direct supervision or with limited individual
The key outcomes are:
 Establish contact with customers
 Identify customer needs
 Deliver service to customers

Assessment overview To demonstrate competency, you must successfully complete

all the following assessment tasks:
TASK 1: Online Moodle Quizzes
TASK 2: Short Answer Questions
TASK 3: Workplace Scenarios
TASK 4: Role Play & Observation

Complete the following  Task 1: Online Moodle Quizzes

tasks You will be completing online Moodle quizzes for each topic to
demonstrate your knowledge of the unit requirements. These
are self-marking.
 Task 2: Short Answer Questions
You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements in your responses.
 Task 3: Workplace Scenarios
You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing
workplace scenarios
 TASK 4: Role Play & Observation
Your work performance will be documented while being
observed by an assessor.

Record of outcome As you progress through the assessment tasks, your assessor
will use the record of outcome to confirm your performance
and provide relevant advice and feedback.

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TASK 1 – Online Moodle Quizzes
o Topic 1 Online Quiz: Greeting customers
o Topic 2 Online Quiz: Customer details
o Topic 3 Online Quiz: Developing rapport with customers
o Topic 4 Online Quiz: Handling difficult customer engagement situations

TASK 2 - Short Answer Questions

Purpose You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements to deliver all aspects of customer service in your

Instructions All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Task 2 to be

completed satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses,
or time restriction in completing the assessment.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or
other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required The question responses section is the only resource required for
this questioning assessment to be completed.

Reasonable If you are not able to respond to the questions in written form,
adjustment an interview may be used as an alternative approach, if
negotiated with your assessor.

1. Describe two ways that you could greet a customer in a professional and courteous manner?

Hint: What would you say exactly? What body language might you use?

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2. An employee’s personal dress and presentation is dependent on the type of role they
undertake. List four (4) questions you could ask about the uniform in your workplace?

3. Describe the personal dress you believe would be appropriate for each of the following roles:
a. office worker
b. warehouse worker
c. builder

4. List six (6) interpersonal skills that help when talking to customers and understanding their

5. When working in a customer engagement role, it is important to understand the customer

have different needs, as well as cultural and family differences. List five (5) ways you can help
the customer and be sensitive to their specific needs and differences.

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6. Describe six (6) ways you could develop rapport with a customer?

7. Would open or closed questions be more useful when trying to determine a customer’s
needs? Explain your answer.

Hint: A closed question has a yes or no response. An open question allows the customer to expand their

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8. List four (4) resources that organisations can use to identify priorities for service delivery
when evaluating customers’ needs.

9a. Customers have different areas and categories of needs, depending on the products and
services. List five (5) basic buying needs.

9b. Describe how you could help the customer choose a product or service, based on the 5
buying needs from Question 9a.

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10a. Identify six (6) areas or examples when a sales assistant may be unable to address
customer needs.

10b. Name three (3) staff members who could help assist the customer in one of these areas
(refer to Question 10a.

11a. Customers have different needs and wants. List five (5) of the most common customer

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11b. Provide an example from your workplace of how you have promptly assisted a customer to
meet one of these expectations.

12. A customer has placed an order for a table. It should be delivered within 3 days. List 3 things
you can do to avoid problems and delays when assisting this customer.

13. A customer has a complaint that still needs to be resolved. Explain how you will
communicate in a clear, concise and courteous manner to help resolve the issue.

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14. Identify four (4) opportunities that can enhance the quality of services and products.

Scenario question
You work in a computer store that offers ten different types of computers. Each computer has
slightly different specifications and it can be very confusing for customers. Provide one action or
tool that could be put in place to assist customers before they approach you for advice.
15a. List four (4) things a customer could provide negative feedback about?

15b. Choose 1 answer from Question 15a. Describe how you would manage it according to
organisational and legislative requirements?

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16a. Customer feedback is very important for a business. Provide four (4) ways that customer
feedback assists a business.

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16b. Describe a situation of how customer feedback helped improve the products or services in
your workplace, or a business you about.

17a. An elderly customer is interested in buying an iPhone 7. List four (4) questions you could
ask them to identify if this phone would be suitable.

17b. As a result of the questions you asked, you realise that this model is not suitable for your
customer. Provide other options and explain their suitability.

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18. You work at a hardware store. A customer wants to buy a drill. You do not sell drills, but you
do know a hardware store that does. Why would it be good policy to support the customer
and provide the store name?

19. Provide three (3) steps, according to organisational policies and procedures, which can
support customers to make contact with the relevant services to meet their need.

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TASK 3 – Workplace scenarios

Purpose You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a

series of workplace scenarios.

Instructions Please read each scenario below carefully before answering the
questions. Each scenario relates to a different customer service
situation, which you must address in your responses.
You must complete the scenario questions unassisted by the
assessor, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Assessment conditions Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where

evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of
typical activities experienced in a customer service field of work
and include access to:
 workplace documents
 office equipment and resources
 interaction with others.

Reasonable adjustment If you are unable to undertake the assessment as designed,

please speak to your assessor.

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Scenario 1.
You have always worked in the construction field. You have been a labourer, a traffic controller
for a construction company and have even qualified as a carpenter.
You have recently injured your back and can no longer work in these physically demanding jobs.
Your doctor has advised you to find a desk job.
You apply and get a full-time job as a sales person at Edwards Furniture and Electrical.
Administrative and sales roles are completely new to you.
You will be given a lanyard and an identification card for customers to recognise, but there will
be no uniform provided. You decide to buy some clothes for the new job.

a. What type of clothes do you think are the most appropriate?

2. You have taken the initiative and have visited several different stores in the surrounding area
to see how sales people interact with you as a customer. The best way to learn is from others.
From what you have experienced, describe how you would interact with a customer.
a. How would you greet them?
b. What questions would you initially ask them?
c. How could you establish a rapport with a customer in your initial greeting?

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3. It’s your third day at work and you are still nervous when talking with customers. A
customer wants to buy a lounge suite. They have provided you with the details of what they
are looking for. You are unsure if you have completely understood the customer.
a. What steps can you take to effectively communicate with the customer to make sure that
you completely understand their requirements?

4. An elderly lady approaches you in the computer section. “I want to buy a computer for my
grandson”, she says. You know that is a very broad comment especially since the store has over
twenty different types of computer. How can you show respect to the elderly lady?
a. How can you determine what type of computer she is after without making her feel silly for
not having any computer knowledge?

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Scenario 2.
It is your fourth week as a salesperson at Edwards Furniture and Electrical and you have been
placed in the white goods section. It is important that you learn to work in all areas of the store.
You approach a family and ask them what they are after.
They answer, “a fridge freezer”. The white goods section has many different options when it
comes to buying a fridge freezer.
Fridge freezers generally differ in the following ways: Size, price, one door or two doors, freezer
at the top or bottom, dimensions, ice maker and digital panels.

a. What five (5) questions could you immediately ask your customers to narrow down the

2. With the information you have received from your customers, you are able to identify three
different options.
a. Provide three (3) questions that could you ask the family to determine their priorities so you
are better able to suggest a single choice of fridge freezer.

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3. Before a final choice is made the customer asks you the following question, “Is this product
reliable? Is this product a good choice?”
A difficult question to answer since you have just started in white goods. What action should
you take?
a. Describe how you would explain your actions to the customer.

Scenario 3.

So far, everything has been going well in your sales position. Today you received a phone call
from an unhappy customer: “I ordered a fridge freezer on Monday and you told me that it
would be delivered within seven days. It is Sunday today and it has still not been delivered!”
What you failed to tell the customer is that delivery is within 7 business days, so the weekend is
not included.
a. How would you handle this situation with the customer?
b. What should you do when it comes to Tuesday and the day of delivery?
c. How could you improve your service delivery so this does not happen again?

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Scenario 4.

1. In your enthusiasm to be helpful, you are approaching customers as soon as they walk into
the store. You have received comments such as “Back off”, “I will let you know if I need help”,
“No thanks” and more.
a. What actions could you take based on this feedback?

2. Your supervisor has asked you to record any feedback that you receive personally or
regarding another staff member, service, product or any other area of the business in the
feedback register.
a. Why do you think the supervisor has made a point of stressing the importance of
recording feedback?

3. A customer has asked you for a particular brand of baby monitor. The store does not sell this
brand and you suggest other brands in stock. Unfortunately, the customer only wants that
particular brand.
a. You do know of several other stores that sell this brand. Should you let the customer
know the store names? Why?

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TASK 4 – Role-play and Observation
Purpose Your performance will be documented while being observed by your

Role-play & You will participate in a role-play.

Observation The role–play will be performed with your assessor who will play the
instructions part of a customer and you will play the part of a customer service
representative according to the scenario below.
The job role could be current or one you have previously had. If you
have not been employed in a customer service role, then use your
knowledge of the unit content to create a job role of your own.
Your meeting will take place in a simulated service environment where
you will have access to relevant equipment.
The assessor will assess your required skills and knowledge according to
the observation checklist during the role-play.
The role-play will take approximately 10 minutes. You will need to
perform the role-play during your tutorial class or any other appropriate
time that is mutually agreed with you and your assessor.

Resources required The following resources may be required for this role-play & observation
assessment to be undertaken:
 relevant product or service information
 workplace service policies and procedures
 organisational and legislative documents that relate to the
simulated workplace.

Assessment The assessment will be conducted in a safe simulated environment

conditions where evidence gathered demonstrates performance of a range of
routine workplace tasks under direct supervision or with limited
individual responsibility.

Reasonable If you are unable to undertake the role-play as designed, please speak to
adjustment your assessor.

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Role-play scenario
A customer has entered your store to purchase a product or service you are familiar with and
confident to offer. Your interaction with the customer will assess your ability to communicate in
the workplace and access information relating to your job role as a customer service
You will need to provide the customer with the following:
a. an appropriate greeting style
b. prompt service
c. an approach that builds rapport
d. effective questioning and listening skills to understand the customer’s needs
e. relevant product and service information
f. opportunities to increase the quality of service
g. feedback and advice according to any questions the customer may have
h. any legal information, refund policy or cooling off period according to the product of

Observation Checklist
You will be assessed according the following criteria:

Greeting the customer and establishing rapport/relationship.

Identifying the customer’s needs using:

 appropriate open and closed questioning

 active listening

 interpersonal skills including positive body language

Providing prompt service to address customer needs.

Maintaining sensitivity to customer needs and differences.

Being honest with the customer to provide any legal and relevant refund policy information.

Identifying and following up opportunities to increase the quality of service and products.

Responding to, and recording all customer feedback according to organisational standards,
policies and procedures.

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