OPD Management Protocols - Ady

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OPD Management Protocols with Regard to COVID-19


Cascade Sharing By:

COVID-19: WHO and Health Ministry

WHO and Health Ministry, GoI

recommend all suspected COVID-19
and laboratory confirmed cases to be
isolated and cared for in a health care
facility to prevent spread of the
disease. Health Facilities to be
followed OPD protocol with regard to
COVID-19 situation
Illustrative Picture
OPD Protocols
• Patients may be advised not to come for routine
visits to the OPD if it can be avoided or postponed. Pl
indicate the same by displaying notices in the facility.
• OPDs may be organised in such a manner that
patients exhibiting Influenza Like Illness
(ILI)/Symptoms are attended separately from other
patients and spaced out so as to avoid overcrowding.
• Hospitals to ensure social distancing in their
• Patients suffering from chronic diseases and minor
ailments may be advised to utilise OPDs in primary/
secondary care facilities rather than crowding tertiary
care centres.
• Pharmacy counters may be increased and queue
management systems (maintaining distance from
each other) to be followed by engaging Illustrative Picture

OPD Protocols: (Continued..)

• No suspected COVID-19 patient should

be run away/turned away from any hospital
and the admission of any such patient should
be notified to the CMHO/ Block CMHO office
or the nearest Govt. Hospital immediately.
• Give suspect patient a triple layer surgical
Illustrative Picture
mask and direct patient to an isolation room.
• Keep at least 1 (one) metre distance between suspected patients and other patients.
• Patients must be educated about cough etiquette, Do’s and Don'ts, proper use of
masks instead of using them indiscriminately and inefficiently; and personal & hand
• Hospitals should put up posters etc. to increase awareness amongst patients on Do’s
and Don’ts regarding COVID 19.


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