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Submitted By:

Dev Prakash

Advanced Gas Turbine Theory
(AE60022 & AE40030)
Submitted To: Prof. Bhaskar Roy
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1) Carry out altitude effect on the engine from 0 to 10 km altitude. Apply altitude
Temperature and pressure, and appropriate flight velocity, depending on the aircraft
assumed. Find Thrust and SFC variation.

2) Apply varying TIT for your engine, from 1000 K to 1500 K. Find SFC and Thrust
variation with varying TIT. You may consider fixed operating condition for the
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1. Engine Details
a. Performance
b. General Characteristics

2. Procedure
a. Overview of Engine Cycle Analysis
b. Parametric Study

3. Results
a. Variation of TSFC and Thrust
i. With Altitude
ii. With Turbine Inlet Temperature

4. Conclusion
a. Observation from the results
b. Assumptions

5. Reference
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1. Engine Details

The Engine chosen for the

project is The Pratt & Whitney
JT8D is a low-bypass (0.96 to
1) turbofan engine introduced
by Pratt & Whitney in February
1963 with the inaugural flight of
the Boeing 727. Figure 1: Cutaway section of JT8D

1.1 General characteristics 1.2 Performance

Type: Dual-spool, low-bypass turbofan Maximum thrust: 18,500–21,700 lbf

Length: 154 in Overall pressure ratio: 17.4
Diameter: 49.2 in fan Air mass flow: 331 lb/s
Dry weight: 4,741 lb Specific fuel consumption: 0.630 lb/lbf/h

Figure 2: Output of the Engine using GasTurb 11

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2. Procedure

1. Engine Cycle Analysis is carried out in GasTurb 11, from the configuration
list an engine needs to be selected that closely resembles the engine
selected from the market study.

Figure 3: Engine selected in our case is JT8D which closely

resembles the two spool mixed turbofan

2. After selection of the configuration, Performance of the engine is

calculated at a design point (take off is assumed for the current iteration),
this step is done to get input parameters which matches the performance
of the baseline engine. This step is iterative and is based on literature
survey and market study to get an estimate of the following parameters
• Inlet conditions, Bypass ratio, Turbine inlet temperature, mass
flow rate, efficiencies of turbomachinery, overall pressure ratio.
• Parameters are iteratively changed in order to meet the
performance characteristics of the baseline engines.

Figure 4: Input window of the engine, that appears on selecting the

Design Scope under Performance mode
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3. For the given the assignment variation of TSFC and Thrust, is to be

calculated, Parametric Study is carried out.
• Altitude and Burner Exit Temperature are selected as the two
• Before the step 3, cycle analysis need to be carried out on cruise
condition in order to insure that altitude is available under
Miscellaneous section, Range of the parameters are selected as
per the given problem statement.

Figure 5: Input window of the Parametric

study, that appears on under the task

Figure 6: Altitude and Burner Exit Temperature (i.e.

Temperature at the Inlet of The Turbine) are varied
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3. Results

Figure 7: Altitude Effect on TSFC And Thrust

Figure 8: Burner Exit Temperature effect

on TSFC And Thrust
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4. Discussion

4.1 Observations

Variation of with Altitude:

Thrust is produced by accelerating air. The exhaust air leaves

the engine nozzle at a fairly fixed velocity, so the acceleration
is mainly controlled by the difference between the exhaust and
incoming airspeeds. The faster the aircraft speed, the less
acceleration is being created on the intake air. Therefore thrust
decreases with increasing airspeed.

In level flight, an aircraft could not be accelerated above the

engine exhaust gas speeds because then the incoming air
would be faster than the exhaust air - resulting in a

Since higher air-speeds are normally used at higher altitudes,

thrust generally decreases with an aircraft's altitude. But
increasing altitudes can erode thrust because the mass of air
being consumed is also decreasing as the air gets increasingly
more rarefied.

To summarize: At a constant airspeed thrust decreases as air

density decreases with increasing altitude.

Above observation could be further extended to explain the

variation of TSFC. As Fuel flow decreases as air density
decreases, with change in Altitude. The engine becomes
efficient because the temperature differential between inlet and
exhaust gases combined with the lower fuel flow increases.
And since TSFC is proportional to fuel flow thus it decreases.

Variation of with Turbine Inlet Temperature:

Thrust and TSFC both increases with increase in Turbine Inlet

Temperature which is evident from the fact that this parameter
serve as one of the input parameters. And during engine cycle
analysis expression obtained for the thrust and TSFC, it is clear
that they are proportional to the turbine inlet temperature.

Figure 9: Expression of specific thrust and ϴt turbine temperature

ratio, a similar expression is obtained in case of TSFC
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4.2 Assumptions

Parameters such as compressor efficiency were assumed in the

range of 85% to 86% which was based on the market study and
data available in different literatures. While determining effect of
Turbine Inlet Temperature, take off condition was assumed as the
reference point. During the variation of the altitude, a fixed RPM
was assumed, as the RPM varies when the altitude is changed so
were the variation of the other ambient conditions was considered.
Other efficiencies were based on the different cycle analysis.

5. Reference
1. MIT OpenCourseWare, Module: Unified Propulsion
2. GasTurb 11 Manual
3. Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion • Jack D. Mattingly
4. JT8D Specification

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