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Business Acumen Tracking Systems

Be safe
Be secured
Be wiser
Stop theft
Keep your We make the future look more safer
life on

GPS Tracking Systems and Monitoring Solutions
You can’t manage what you can’t monitor.
Vehicle Tracking How will
could be the best investment you ever make BATS Track CHASE
for yourself, your family and your business!
help me?
How It Works:
A GPS vehicle tracking device is placed on
your /companies vehicle(s). The device can • VEHICLE THEFT ALERT
be permanently installed and hidden from Many vehicles that are stolen are either not
view. recovered or badly damaged when found.
Many thefts can be avoided and the time to
recover the stolen vehicle can be shortened.
As the vehicle drives, the vehicle tracking
With Tracker you can get an email or SMS
system will transmit its position back to our
alert when a vehicle is stolen and start
internet servers via a wireless GSM network. tracking it in real time for fast recovery
Vehicle Tracking Technology:
Fuel is a valuable asset that is hard to keep
Vehicle tracking with GPS has been around track of. It is hard to find out if a few gallons
for several years, however as technology has been stolen from your tank. Some
improves, so too does the systems available customers suspect that they have fuel thefts
to you. Now it’s more user friendly but more but they have no way of knowing for sure.
efficient and secured. The Tracker can enable you to quickly find
BATS TRACK CHASE out about fuel thefts and take actions to avoid
Live Vehicle Tracking: them. Tracker solution can monitor the fuel
BATS TRACK CHASE systems use the level in your vehicles
Is a GPS/GPRS based tracking device specially
Global Positioning System Satellites, • VISUAL DISPATCH
satellite mapping, wireless GSM networks
developed and designed for vehicle real-time
Tracker helps you to quickly locate the closest
and streaming data to make live vehicle tracking and security. It has built-in GPS module available vehicle for an assignment. This
tracking a reality. Truly, live vehicle tracking to obtain accurate position data and utilizes its minimizes unnecessary driving and lowers the
is accomplished by merging these GSM capability to send the position data to a time to complete assignments. A lot of time is
technologies. Vehicle positions can be specified mobile phone or server base for also saved in the dispatch process itself as visual
updated with one, five, or ten second tracking and fleet management. vehicle selection is very intuitive and a lot more
latencies. efficient than calling your drivers or guessing
Tracking On MOBILE HANDSET vehicle locations
What this means to you? Using your MOBILE PHONE you can view, be • REAL TIME FLEET VIEW
The ability to track your vehicles live while updated, hault your vehicle from where you are. Tracker displays your vehicles on a map with
they drive. See how fast they are moving, as This is a free extra valued service. information about current position, speed and
well as where they are going, where they status. Important alerts and status signals
have stopped at and for how long. from your vehicles can also be displayed in
With internal memory, BATS TRACK CHASE can
Moreover, since our servers are also storing real time.
store GPS coordinates when there is no GPRS You can select a vehicle to follow and also
each transmitted position and event, you are connection or at a specified interval requested by get more detailed information about its
able to go back into our system and retrieve the user. current status
that information at anytime.
One optional feature is that a microphone can Do you know where your vehicles have been
be linked out to be hidden somewhere inside and how they are used?
the vehicle for listening to the cabin. With the Tracker you can check where
your vehicles have been at any given point in

Leading a
AND CONTACT NUMBER IN revolution in the
B ATS CEBU AND MANILA security industry

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