Interview With Sir Bob

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Interview with Sir Bob About Paceline Development

Company Profile – Refer to the company’s existing web site. URL:

1. How long has the company been operating? What is the extent of the operation of the
2. What is the nature of the company? What services does it offer to its clients?
3. Do you have partnered companies? Branches? If there are, how do they operate?
4. Who is managing /spearheading the company?
5. What is the performance level of the company at present?

Current Training/Hiring System

6. How do you recruit your personnel requirement at the present time? Is it through outsourcing
or direct hiring? If hiring is done both through outsourcing & direct hiring, what is the
percentage distribution between the two?
Ans: They post in, they outsource the hiring process through Pinnacle Asia, and they
rely on referrals of current employees. Resumes from these sources then are gathered on some
sort of a base-camp system (based on the description of Sir Bob, it’s similar to Project Pier). Then
the recruitment team, which is an arm of the Human Resource Department of Paceline Devt.,
takes care of classifying the resumes based on seven (7) job categories namely: Project
Managers, QA Specialists, Microsoft Developers, Open-source Developers, Java Developers,
Database Administrators, and System Administrators. Technical interviews and examinations are
also administered by the team to filter those who would make it to the final interviews which are
conducted by the managers.
7. How effective is your present recruitment system?
Ans: It is still effective but the recruitment team is having a hard time doing the recruitment
process this way because of the growing need for manpower.
8. What are the advantages & disadvantages of doing recruitment this way?
Ans: There are drawbacks of doing recruitment this way. First, it’s a demanding/tough task on
the part of the recruitment team. Second, further thorough assessments have to be done on the
applicants pooled by, Pinnacle Asia, and current employees to make sure that the
company will get the most qualified people.
9. Does the present recruitment system meet the company’s personnel requirement?
Ans: There’s a growing need for manpower so there has to be a web-based recruitment/hiring
whose main aim is to attract qualified people to apply for jobs at Paceline Development.
10. Do you further assess your recruits? How?
Ans: Yes. They are further assessed through technical interviews and examinations.
11. What has been your experience/s from your recruits in the past? What problems have you
encountered from your recruits (through outsourcing/hiring arm) in the past?
Ans: False positives. Some applicants were not actually qualified for the jobs.
12. Do you think they (your hiring arms) have exhaustive recruitment system?
Ans: Yes, in a way, they have but the way they do it at present is quite tedious. Refer to answer
to Question #6.

Proposed Training/Hiring System

13. Do you think that there’s a need to change/improve the current recruitment system? What are
the aspects of the present system that need changes/improvements?
Ans: Since the company is continually growing, its need for manpower is also increasing. There is
no dedicated recruitment system accessible through their web site at present. Although there is
recruitment team in the company right now, they are having difficulty classifying applicants,
conducting technical interviews, and giving technical examinations before scheduling them for
interviews by the managers. The resumes that they classify come from, Pinnacle Asia
(an outsourcing company), and referrals of their current employees.
14. If we are to develop a training/hiring website for your company, what are the features that you
want us to include/incorporate in the system? What are your particular requirements in a
training/hiring web site?
Ans: The system is expected to attract applicants to apply for jobs at Paceline Development
through its web site. It would be some sort of a recruitment portal where applicants can fill up
online forms. Submitted forms can be filtered based on the aforementioned seven (7) job
categories. If possible, a mini-quiz (about 10 items) should be answered by the applicants. This
mini-quiz should somehow help the company further assess whether the applicant is qualified/fit
for his/her target job or not.
15. Kindly describe how you want the present system to be transformed/changed.
Ans: The company has an existing web site (URL: Provide a link
where applicants can have access to the proposed recruitment system. Main goal: To attract
people to apply for jobs at Paceline Development.
16. Please provide us also with the details as to how you want the interface of the website to look
Ans: Try to benchmark with existing recruitment/hiring systems of other companies.

Other Supplementary Questions: (sent by Gilmar to Ms. Roma)

1. Do you have an existing Website?

Ans: Yes there is but it’s solely designed with the clients in mind.

2. If this is a new website, what would be the name of your website?

Ans: There is no need to provide a new web site, just provide a link to the proposed recruitment
3. What background color would you like to be including your company logo?

Ans: Since it will be a part of the company’s existing web site, the background color/theme must
jibe with the other pages in the web site.

4. What would be your suggested homepage banner and the message itself?

Ans: Something that will attract qualified job applicants.

5. Would you like to have flash message, pictures to your website such as for job posting and

Ans: Yes.

6. What would be your hiring scheme? Option: Register and fill up basic information and upload
their comprehensive resume.

Ans: Similar to how other companies pool for manpower through their web sites. Refer to
answer to question #14.

7. How do we sort your job posting and partners?

Ans: Based on seven (7) job categories. Refer to answer to question #6.

8. Do we need to put some features such as date, clock, calendar, alerts and search link?

Ans: Our group is given the liberty to decide on this matter.

9. We need all the data about your company necessarily to your website such as your
mission/vision, contacts/locations, administration, terms of use and privacy statement.

Ans: Refer to company’s existing web site.

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