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MAK 411E



Determining The Pipe Friction Loss And Local
Losses Through A Closed Pumping System

Lecturer: Osman Akın Kutlar

Mehmet Kemal KAYAHAN


Purposes of the Experiment:

- Experimental analysis of pipe friction loss coefficient (λ) with respect to nondimensional Re
number in turbulent flow

- To obtain detailed information about flowmeters and orrifice-meters

Test Equipment:

The pipe friction loss test rig is a closed loop arrangement consisting of a straight, long pipe
fed by a centrifugal pump, sucking water from a tank. Head loss measurement is performed
using a differential manometer. The pipe friction loss is calculated for two different pipes:
Pipe #1 (plastic, L=3,48 m, D=21 mm), Pipe #2 (iron, L=4,64 m, D=30 mm.

The piping system used for the local loss experiment goes out from a tank and has several
local loss components such as sudden contraction, sudden expansion, elbows, valves and
orrificemeters. Pressure taps exist at the entrance and exit of local loss elements to measure
pressure. Flowmeter and discharge control valve lie on the pressure side of the centrifugal
pump, adequately realizing the required conditions for steady flow assumption.

In order to measure flowrate, a volumetric type flowmeter is used. The flowrate is determined
by counting the volumetric flow per unit time using a chronometer. The discharge flowrate
can be adjusted via the control valve next to the pump.


For pipe friction losses:

k: [mm], D: [mm]
λ = λ (ε , Re) V ⋅D k
Re = ε=
υ D

The Bernoulli equation between points (1) and (2):

P1 V12 P V2 L V2
z1 + + = z2 + 2 + 2 + λ
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g D 2g

Pressure measurement equations:

P1 − P2  ρ ms 
=  − 1 ⋅ ∆h = 12,6∆h
ρg  ρ su 

 ρ ms  13,6 ⋅ 103
 − 1 = − 1 = 12,6
 ρ su  103

Continuum equation for horizontal pipe:

Q = constant, A1V1 = A2V2, A1 = A2 = A, V1 = V2 = V

P1 − P2 L V2

ρg s D 2g

2 g ⋅ ∆h ⋅ D
λ = 12,6
V 2L

V: [m/s], Δh: [m], g = 9,81 [m/s2], νsu = 1,12x10-6 [m2/s]

For local losses:

Friction loss along unit length:

ξ = J ⋅L λ V2
D 2g

Definition of local loss:

K: local loss coefficient, V: outlet velocity

ξ =K
Usual local loss source components:

A) Sudden contraction:

ξ = K sc K sc = 1 m =
2g µ di

2 3
µ = 0,608 + 0,174 m 0,337 m + 0,555 m

B) Sudden expansion:
ξ = K se (K se )teo = 1
2g di

C) Valves:
ξ =K V
KV : 0,1 (Fully opened) - ∞ (Closed)

D) Elbows:
ξ =K E
KE=KE (Rradius of curvature/Ddiameter)

E) Orifices:
µ d dia
π 2 ∆P α =
QD = α D 2g 2 2 m=
4 ρ g 1 µ m D

Experiment Results:

For pipe friction losses:

Pipe h1 h2 Δh Volume Time
#1 (mmHg) (mmHg) (mmHg) (lt) (s) Q (m³/s) V (m/s) Re (-) λ (-)
1 1990 2215 225 10 8,53 0,011723 33,88245 635296 0,21647
2 2010 2193 183 10 9,59 0,010428 30,13737 565075,6 0,222539
3 2038 2172 134 10 22,35 0,004474 12,93142 242464,2 0,88507
4 2067 2150 83 10 14,82 0,006748 19,50184 365659,6 0,241042

h1 h2 Δh Volume
Pipe #2 (mmHg) (mmHg) (mmHg) (lt) Time (s) Q (m³/s) V (m/s) Re (-) λ (-)
0,01142 16,1877 433601, 1,92093
1 1945 2260 315 10 8,75 9 8 1 6
0,00991 14,0379 376016, 2,01103
2 1978 2226 248 10 10,09 1 6 8 8
3 2018 2191 173 10 11,97 0,00835 11,8331 316959, 1,97433
4 7 9 4
0,00553 7,84291 210078, 1,87048
4 2074 2146 72 10 18,06 7 6 1 5

h1 h2 Δh Volume
Pipe #3 (mmHg) (mmHg) (mmHg) (lt) Time (s) Q (m³/s) V (m/s) Re (-) λ (-)
0,00634 47,8463 555358, 0,20277
1 1740 2468 728 10 15,75 9 2 9 6
0,00544 41,0222 476151, 0,20764
2 1830 2378 548 10 18,37 4 9 5 6
0,00411 31,0370 360251, 0,22373
3 1938 2276 338 10 24,28 9 5 4 7
0,00244 18,3934 213495, 0,24501
4 2045 2175 130 10 40,97 1 5 3 9
0,00136 10,2611 119102, 0,27252
5 2093 2138 45 10 73,44 2 6 7 2

For Local Losses:

h1 h2 Δh K(measure Time Volume Q
(mmHg) (mmHg) (mmHg) K(teo) ) (sec.) (lt) (m^3/s)
Sudden 0,00698
Contraction 1930 2234 304 0,154 1,902 14,32 10 3
Sudden 0,00698
Expansion 2131 2034 -97 0,379 0,28 14,32 10 3
Orrifice 1940 2230 290 ----- 17 14,32 10 3
Slide Valve 1160 1453 293 4,24 5,07 14,32 10 3
Spherical Valve 2057 2117 60 0,451 0,42 14,32 10 3
Elbow (x2) 2090 2131 41 1,06 1,24 14,32 10 3

Calculation of Re and λ for the first data of pipe #1:

h1 = 1990 mmHg
h2 = 2215 mmHg
Δh = h2 – h1 = 2210 – 1987 = 225 mmHg

Volume = 10 lt = 0,01 m3
t = 8,53 s
Q = Volume / t = 0,01 / 8,53 = 1,17 x 10-3 m3/s
A= πD2/4=π.0,0212

Q Q 1,16 × 10
V= = = = 3,349
A πD 2
π ⋅ 0,0212
4 4
V ⋅ D 3,349 ⋅ 0,021
Re = = = 62793,75
υ 1,12 × 10 −6

P1 − P2 L V2

ρg s D 2g

2 g ⋅ ∆h ⋅ D 2 ⋅ 9,81⋅ 0,23 ⋅ 0,021

λ = 12,6 = 12,6 = 0,0214
V L2
3.349 2 ⋅ 4,7

The graph of friction loss coefficients for the three pipes as a function of Re number has been
shown below. Polynomial trendline is the most suitable form for the diagram

For local losses:

A) Sudden contraction:
d e 13
m= = = 0,619
d i 21

µ = 0,608 + 0,174m − 0,337m 2 + 0,555m 3 = 0,608 + 0,174 ⋅ 0,619 − 0,337 ⋅ 0,6192 + 0,555⋅ 0,6193
µ = 0,718
2 2
1   1 
K SC =  − 1 =  − 1
µ   0,718 
KSC = 0,154

P1 V12 P2 V22 V2
z1 + + = z2 + + + KSC
ρ g 2g ρ g 2g 2g
z1 = z2

P1− P 2 V 21−V22 V2
+ = K SC
ρg 2g 2g

V12 − V22 V2
12,6 ⋅ ∆h + = K SC ⋅
2⋅ g 2⋅ g
π ⋅ D 2 π ⋅ ( 21× 10 )
−3 2

A1 = = = 3, 464 ×10−4 m2
4 4
π ⋅ D 2 π ⋅ ( 13 × 10 )
−3 2

A2 = = = 1,327 ×10−4 m2
4 4
Q 8,824 × 10
V1 = = = 2,547 m
A1 3, 464 × 10−4 s
Q 8,824 × 10−4
V2 = = = 6, 65 m
A2 1, 327 × 10−4 s

2, 5472 − 6, 652
12, 6 ⋅ 0, 465 +
2 ⋅ 9,81
K SC = 1,902
B) Sudden expansion:

ξ = K SC
2 2
d   21 
( K SE ) theo =  e − 1 =  − 1
 di   13 

(KSE)theo = 0,379

π ⋅ D 2 π ⋅ ( 13 ×10 )
−3 2

A1 = = = 1,327 ×10−4 m 2
4 4
Q 8,824 × 10
V1 = = = 6, 65 m
A1 1,327 × 10−4 s

π ⋅ D 2 π ⋅ ( 21× 10 )
−3 2

A2 = = = 3, 464 ×10−4 m 2
4 4
Q 8,824 × 10
V2 = = = 2,547 m
A2 3, 464 ×10−4 s

V12 − V22 V2
12,6 × ∆h + = K SE
2g 2g

6, 652 − 2,547 2
12, 6 ⋅ ( −0,16) +
2 ⋅ 9,81
K SE = 0, 28
C) Orifices:
µ d dia
π 2 ∆P α =
QD = α D 2g 2 2 m=
4 ρ g 1 µ m D

m= = 0, 5

µ = 0, 608 + 0,174 ⋅ m − 0,337 ⋅ m 2 + 0,555 ⋅ m3

µ = 0, 680

1 − µ 2m2
0, 680
1 − 0, 6802 ⋅ 0,52
α = 0, 723

QD =
π α D 2 2 g ∆P

12, 6 × ∆h = K o
4 ρg 2g
π ⋅ 0, 723 ⋅ 0, 032 2,5472
= ⋅ 2⋅ 9,81⋅ 0,359⋅ 12, 6
4 12, 6 × 0, 45 = K o
3 2 × 9,81
= 4,815 × 10 −3 m
s K o = 17

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