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1. Compare and contrast the pictures. Use the adjectives there and/or your own.

2. Read the situations. What would you say?

a. Your friend was fired from his job because of rudeness to his employer. Tell him what
you think he should do. Use SHOULD
b. You bought a new car but you have had several problems with it. Tell the dealer you
want your money back. Use I WOULD LIKE
c. You meet a tourist on the street. Describe the nicest part of Castelli to him. One of the
things you can see in Castelli….. The nicest part of town is….
d. Ask one of your employees why she is always late. Use I NOTICED and WOULD LIKE TO
e. Tell the phone company you think they made a mistake on your last bill. Use I THINK

3. Look at the
and create 2
or more
EXAMPLE: Do you prefer salty or sweet food?

Which food
would you have for
your birthday?
4. Look at the map.
a. The trip starts at the Vet. Go straight and turn right at the corner. Walk a 100mts, cross
the street and turn left at Palm Street. The place is between the bank and the public
library. What place is it? ____________________
b. How do I get from the church to the school?
c. How do I get from the music shop to the art gallery?
d. How do I get from the newsagent to the bank?
e. How do I get from the bus stop to the town hall?

5. Listen and choose the correct answer. GO TO THIS LINK:

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