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Useful phrases

Rejoinders Opinion Agreeing Disagreeing

- Oh, really? - In my opinion - I agree - (I’m sorry but) I

- That’s interesting - I feel - So do I don’t agree
- Is that right? - I think - Me too - Yes, but
- Oh really? - I believe - Me neither - I don’t think so
- That’s great - You’re right! - I disagree
- Oh really? That’s too - I don’t either
bad - That’s right
- You did?
- He is?

Compare and contrast

1) Brief description of pictures (actions, locations)
Here, this person is…
This picture is from Corrientes city….
2) Say what pictures have in common
One similarity is that…
Both pictures have…
These pictures are similar because…
3) Specify the differences
Whereas/while this picture ……., this other picture……
This picture…………. Whereas/while this picture………..
One main difference is…….
4) Say which one you prefer and why
I prefer this picture…
I’d rather go to this place…
I like this picture the better….
ADJECTIVES: ancient, beautiful, boring, bustling, crowded, charming, contemporary,
cosmopolitan, expensive, lively, inexpensive, cheap, popular, touristy, relaxing, full of
nature, beachy, hot, warm.
Keep at home Stay at home
A lot of place A lot of places
Make a party Throw a party

Some new words/phrases

- Stock up on groceries
- People are paranoid because of the media
- These are places to go on vacations/ holidays


1. be
2. have
3. do
4. say
5. get
6. make
7. go
8. know
9. take
10. see
11. come
12. think
13. look
14. want
15. give
16. use
17. find
18. tell
19. ask
20. work
21. seem
22. feel
23. try
24. leave
25. call

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