Neuroeducation and Foreign Language Teaching

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Attention getter:


Thesis statement:

I. Body Paragraph I: To begin with,

a. Argument: many opponents argue that it is impossible or extremely difficult to acquire
competence in a foreign language after a certain age.
b. Counterargument: It’s never too late to start learning another language
II. Body Paragraph II: Pursuing the last idea further, neuroeducation evidence states that
a foreign language can be learned at any age and also, that learning it helps foster
other competences.
a. Argument: Exposing children to a foreign language retards their mother tongue
b. Counterargument: Learning a foreign language promotes the development of
other competences
III. Body Paragraph III: In the same way neuroeducation research put forth findings
supporting the learning of another language at a young age, it also enunciates that it
requires a conscious effort.
a. Argument: It is possible to learn a second language while sleeping.
b. Counterargument: Learning a foreign language requires conscious effort.

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