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Ports and TransPort DePartment,

Sach ivalaya, Gandh inagar.
Dated the 26th Decem be r, 2Ol9 .

Constitution No.pT/2 Olgl3l /MVo/ 1ol2ol I l1o48lKH:- In exercise of the powers conferred by the
of lndia. proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of [ndia, the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes
the following rules further to amend the lnspector of Motor Vehicles, Class II,
Competitive Examination Rules, 2011, namely:-

l. These rules may be called the Inspector of Motor Vehicles, Class II, in the Gujarat State

Transport Department, Competitive Examination (Amendment) Rules, 2019.

2. In the Inspector of Motor Vehicles, class II, in the Gujarat State Transport Department,
Competitive Examination Rules, 2Ol1(hereinafter reffered to as "the said rules"), for the rule
3, the following rule shall be substituted, namely :-
,,3. Eligibility.-(l) A candidate shall not be qualified for admission to the examination

unless he is,-

(a) a citizen of India, or

(b) a subject of Nepal, or

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or

(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over India, before the I't January,l962 with the

intension of permanently settling in India; or

(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,
East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania,

Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam, with the intention of permanently
settling in India:
Provided that candidates belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be
required to furnish a certificate of etigibility issued by the Government.
(l) A candidate who is required to produce a certificate under sub-rule (l), may be

allowed to appear at the Examination and if selected he may also be provisionally

appointed, subject to the production of the same."

3. In the said rules, in rule 4, for sub-rule (2), the following sub-rule shall be substituted,
namely :-
"(2) A candidate for admission to the written test shall have attained the
minimum age and shall not have attained the maximum age prescribed in the
relevant recruitment rules on the date as may be specified in the advertisement by
the Commission."
be deleted'
4. In the said rules, in rule 5, sub-rule (5) shall
(l), the words "and shall be supplied
to the
5. In the said rules, in rule 7,in sub-rule

candidate along with the application

form" shalt be deleted'
g, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-
6. In the said rules, for the rule
,.9. Disqualification for Bigamous Marriage: (1) No person'
wife living;
(ii) If female, has married a man who has already another
the said post:
shall be eligible for appointment to
provided that the Government may ifsatisfied that such marriage is
person and the other party to the
marriage and
under the personal law applicabre to
of this
exempt any person from the operation
that there are other grounds for so doing,
form whether he, or She, as the case
(2) The candidate shall declare in the application
one wife living and
may be, is married and, in the case
of male candidate he has more than
alreadY another
of a female candidate whether she has married to man who has
in the case

wife living."

rule shall be substituted, name[y:-

7. In the said rules, for rule 10, the following
"10. ApPearance to Written Test:- written
(1) The candidate who obtain; such
minimum qualifying marks in the
shall be called by it for interview'
test, as may be fixed by the commission
castes or Scheduled
provided thatcandidates beronging to the Schedured
Backward classes (including Nomadic
Tribes or Socially and Educationa[y
weaker Sections may be called
Tribes and Denotified rribes) or Economicalry
the written
applying relaxed standards in
for interview, by the commission, by
opinion that sufficient number
of candidates
test, if the commission is of the
basis of the
to be ca[ed for interview on the
from these catagories are not rikery
the vacancies reserved for them'
general standard in order to fill up
the written test unless the
(2) No candidate shall be allowed to appear at
that he has
is eligible in au respects and
commission is satisfied that candidate
requisite fees'"
including the payment of the
complied with all the requirements
g. In the said rules, for rule r l, the
following rule shall be substituted,
tt'ff::ifl:';ffiJJtLr, shatl be arranged bv the
uno interview, the candidates
;li marks finally awarded to
in the order of merit on the basis of the aggregate
each candidate in the written test and interview. Thereafter, the Commission shall, for the
purpose of recommending candidates against unreserved vacancies, fix a qualifying marks

(hereinafter referred to as "general qualifying standard") with reference to number of

unreserved vacancies to be filled up on the basis of the written test and interview. For the
purpose of recommending reserved category candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (lncluding Nomadic
Tribes and Denotified Tribes) and Economically Weaker Sections against reserved
vacancies, the Commission may relax the general qualifying standard with reference to
number of reserved vacancies to be filled up in each of these categories on the basis of the

written test and interview:

Provided that the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
Socially nad Educationally Backward Classes (lncluding Nomadic Tribes and Denotified
Tribes) and Economically Weaker Sections who have not availed themselves of any of
the relaxations in the eligibility or the selection criteria, at the written test and interview
and who, after taking into account the general qualifying standards, are found fit for

recommendation by the Commission shall not be recommended against the vacancies

reserved for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally
Backward Classes (lncluding Nomadic Tribes and Denotified Tribes) and Economically
Weaker Sections.
(2) The Commission may further lower the qualifying standard to take care of any
shortfall of the candidates for appointment against unreserved vacancies and any surplus
of the candidates against reserved vacancies arising out of the provision of this rule."
g. In the said rules, for rule l2,the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-
all the question
"(12) Duty of the candidate:- The candidate shall be required to answer
papers in his own handwriting or as prescribes by the Commission time to time."

10. In the said rules, in rule 14, for sub-rule (7). the following sub-rule shall be substituted,

,,(7) The commission shall preparethe waiting list of the qualified candidates which shall

contain 20 per cent. of vacancies advertised for each category. The waiting list shall
remain in force in accordance with the relevant rules issued by the Government in

ll. In the said rules, for the Appendix and Note thereunder, the following Appendix and

Note shall be substituted, namely:-

(See rule 6)
(A) Written Test:-
The written test shall consist of the following:
Paper Part Subject Marks Duration

Paper I Part A Concerned Subjects 125 2 Hour.

Part B Act/Rules/ G u idel ine/ I nstitute/ Judgments. 75

Paper II Part A E,nglish. 50 I Hour.

Part B Gujarati. 50

l. The Paper I and II shall be objective type.
2. The Standard of paper I shall be equivalent to the degree Examination of
Mechanical and Automobile Engineering.
3. The Standard of Part A of paper II shall be equivalent to the English Subject
(lower level) of twelfth standard of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education Board.
4. The Standard of part B of paper II shall be equivalent to the Gujarati Subject
(higher level) of twelfth standard of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education Board.
5. The syllabus for each of the paper shall be such as may be prescribed by the
Comm ission.

(B) Interview : 25 Marks."

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat.

Under Secretary to the Government'

Copy to:-

l. The Manager, Government central Press, Gandhin agar with

a request to publish
Extra ordinary of today's date
Notification in part-lv-A of Gujarat Governm ent Gazette
following departments as indicated
and supply spare copies of the Notification to the
against them.
No. of coPies

(a) Ports and Transport Department, Sach ivalaya,

Gandh inagar' 50
!,1. ,', . ::
., , i ;r:
.l ,i.t;f.;rt i

]jtrrril r\ 0, l1l a-e crstntrn No.LR4{liP/GlCliM4

ffi tl
<{rHl 4q!sr A!. €oooi

c W


WtSt Guleret @obernmert' @xlttte


Separate pnging ir giYer to llis ]art itr order thil it may be filed m s Separate Compilation.
?AR.T ry-A
Ruies and Orders (Other than tlose published in Part I-A and I.L; nade
hy rhe Government ofGujaral under tbe Celiral acrs,.


Sachivalay4 Gardhiaagar l5{ December, 2011
. oftlo
. No PTnOl !t77/.trf''/O/10,201 l/1048/t(Hi - littxorclrc of thc powun
Corutitution of Iadia aad
confar.od by rb. lirovlio to a6lclo
ln supcrscallon ofall th. rulcs madc in &is bebrl[ drc Govemor ofGutarot
hc.eby makes the fullowing .ules 10 prbvidc for reguJatiflg the method of exsmhation for rccruinncnt m the
post oflnspeclor olMoror Yehicles, Class 11, if, the Gujerat Slate TraDspo Deparhetrt, namely

1, Slrlfi title-
These rules may be called the Lmpecror 0f Moror Vehicles, Class Il, i rhe Guiarat Stare
franspon Depamneff, Competitive Examilation Rules, 201 1.
2. D.eJilitiotts, - In lhese nrles, uniess tlte conlext otheffiisc requires, ,
te) 'Appendix" mean5 Appendix apperded lo rhese rulcs;
Ill "Comrnission' mean; rhe Gujarat publi. Service Crrnrrissiir;r;
(c) "Examinatjon" mesDs lhe compethive examinatron for the recruitment ro tI( oosr oflnsDector
of Moror Vehicles, Class [, in the Gujlat State Trsosporr Dcpadrnent llhich inc]udes ;ren
lest and int.rvievr ai ieferred to il1 rule 6; and
(d) "Govemm6nt" rneans the Govembent oaCi.darat.
3. Elisibility,- (l) A candidate shalr not be quarified for acnixior to the exanjiaatior ualess he is,-
(a) a citjzen oflodi4 or
(b) a subjecr ofNepol, or
(c) a subjecr ofBhutan, or
(d) a person of Indian origin who lras nigrzrted fron pakisian, Myarrnar, sri Lanka, East
African countjes of Keny4 Uganda. the United [tepubiic oI i:rlzarra, Zambia.
ir,lalawi, Zire, Ethiopia and Vjehtam, wjth tbe irtefition of permanenrl5.sertling iri
lnd.ia :

lV-A-Ex,-ll?-1 r 1?-l
Proyided tbar candidrt€s belo. catego'ies (b)' (c) and (d) shall be required ro turnislr
of cligibjliry issued by ,1," co\r"*1n.lriin8'o a cerrificari
(:)-A caDdidatu.wlrc required to prod-cc, E cenificite under sub_rule a

ruUiu"riot?r[#:;;.r;;:rg::. ,"
Exar.ination and if .is ai )
se:r.,.il,i,r"y iro Ue pr.,,isionBlly appoint.e,
4' Educd onzl Saalifrcfltions and,--(l) .4 i
caodidar" posscssing rhe rcquisite qualificarjons
appoin",enr ro rhe posr of Lrsoector
or rtauto, v.i,.r"q-iil,ffi"#'il""r starc fb. rhe i
urrdei the relcvanr recruirrnent rulcs s.hall be Oig;nr. Transpon Depannrenr L
i., .a*iirr'io ihi'ii#,"u,o".
(2) A candidale sha, hav: arlainetr
the age r.rf 21 years aad shalr not have
dat: speiified bi, the Corcnission ia the ararned the age of 2g years r:n i!r:
o/ *i1.'iitatiotr-' (l\ The conmis:ion s h:lr.
i...H-'-1.!-t1e r:: receiv,:rg i'e re quis irion lrc r.r r he co v:nrm.:n:.
ad\enrsemenr pubiished:n Lhe news paper rriJell urrculated, b'
prescribed form.from thc cardidate possesii,,e
i,r-S,",i*..ff lbr the appiicarion in rhe
,h. ,"qrir.d ;r;* ioiti,,
,ou rrr.ified in rute 1.
(2) The Comraissio:r siull deeide the manner in
which ir shall conducr tie ExaFjnatibrl
(3) Thi dsrc, timo ErJ thc pJrcoe for holdin! tho
Examination sha,, * o"'.,iribr'ri. a"**,*.
(4) The candidatc shail!e requlred to att6r; writlrd tost 8I!d intervicw 6t his own .xpcas€s.
ror thc opti'cn to bo given uv rho caa*aare
:?irJhfffi?LTJ:*'JtrflJl$',:il*so'ncrt ror psper r

6, lrlod. oJt ExdrrrlnI lrtl- t\

( Thd Commiasion shall after lcc.iving rtre
applicsrior from thc cardidarcs.
;i'*;t:Jgl'i"?ffi,,'ilT:;iyff.:* ta".. ,ur", *j ;i';T.rff:."."oia,rl. i. lpp"?,-"l"iri"
ir 'i'r' suocessive stages as specified in'Anp€ndix, in
n,rmel.v: - ti,a orro*infrnurx1.r,

(i) written tesl and

(ii) intervisrv.
(2) The successful candiclates in
ths.written te$ shali be called 6r interview:
(3) The numbei of canriid,res
calred for inry*ieu sha, ordinariry be
requisitioned. | " -'-:'-
&ree times rhe numbcr of vacaacics

(4) The candid.h wiro f8it6 to r6mai o preSgnl

3t thc intervisw on tho rpecifiod dst6 and
Bligibio For timo Bhqll nol b€

fl ,ffi:,"ffi#1,"'lllllilffi*: ,,'.s or euccdstu, caadidar!., aft., oorEprctio' or inr.rvi€w, oquat !o

7. Sy obat and Medlum ol Exorfllrn b^_ (l).The syllabus for 6sch
prescribed by rhe Cora.roissioa anrt shali ofme papero ohall bo sucb as rnav bc
bs s'piril.o ii";ra,,L"li"[
iiilrJrr,, upp:i.uio, ror..
(2) The Dedium ofwdtren rest shell
be bnd!;[ excepr for part B ofpaplr II
ofthe wllfox tost,
8. Applicatioa lo sppeur irt exambotio-*- (l)
A candidate who desires to appear ar $€ Examination stull
suhnit ar applicarion in such rorm wirhin su;ii
,il;il;;; ;;r,ilo,i1'"ill
. ry ,r," comn:.ission arongwirh
such fees as may be
fixed by rhe Govemqpn
(2) I br fsEs shall be paid * surh
* ,oe covernment may dinscr. The fees once paid shalJ nor be
ref,inded or held nver for &d subsequent
for withdrawal cif appricarion form and retund
[),:H:1,HUI" 'urdidare of feEs sha, noi be entenained hr

9, Dkqudfif,cLtio,tlot appointrnedt on the g"olad I

o1pl,,r,tl tratiage . (I) No pero4 who"
(e) }&r oflerod into or corrtrncfod a nrlnhgl
lviltr a porson havini rpouse ilvlng; or
(b) heving I spolrse ljvin8, hru ontorod i.!to
o. , .r.iug" with any persoq
shall bc eligiblo for appoinluetrt to th6
iaid post:


aoolicable to such DersoD anrl tho othcr iarly ro thc marriagc and that therc
alr orhcr grounds for so doing .ny, irom thc operation ofthis rulc.
(2) The candidarc shall dcclaE in thc application form whahcr he. or.rbc, as the caso may be, is
thc csse of ftmalc candidato rvhathqr she
# of malc candidar he has mori ihan ooc wifc living and in a

has "as.
manied lo msn who has already $other wife livinS'
st8ldard of wrineo tcst ofall
lO. Qualtlyhg stondsrd of ,nofis-' \1)The Cornmission shEU 6x thcqualiryilrg
provided that th! collmissioo n8y rchx the qualiryinS standard of marks to make up thc dcficicnoy in
the rcseffed posts.
(2) The candidate \Yho has obtained minimum quatifing standa'd as may bc fixed by thc Commission
witten tes! shall be allowed to 8ppear 8t thc i rrview.

ll, Appearancc d th| uminotion- (l)No c8ndidate shall b. allowed !o aPPesr at the E"ramination unles
the Commission is satisfied that

(iD he hts psid tbc rB4uisitG ftcs sloog witb thc application; I
(iii) hc pospsas thc requirits physique and agc as pescribcd uadcr lh6 rccruitm8at rulcs ofthe post.

(2) Th. dccis;on of tbc Coomission as to dl! -eligibility of a candidetc for admission to the Exanlnation
ie fil*. The canaiaato who do.! not quali& shall nor bc pcroittcd to apPoat st th' ExamiDstlon'
72. oJ conwd^ - Thc cadidai! shall bo requircd to aDswcr dl thc qucltion Prpcls in hle own
D ly
hmdw tilg. I
t . p?ohtbtuon ,o tt. tt d.vrc.t tn th, .,ju'lta,/don E
tt- AorolHrtr rbrU aot to {llorad to crry whh
limi ccttular pboor, calcuhror, pagsr, or ooy olhd 6l6cEonio ooonunlcrdoa &vlm;
14. pteparutbn o! Selcr;- LH an.t Dditiatr6e - (l) The Comnilsion sha.ll ca6o b PpPBfs.Sc ael;i liq of
thc successfirl can-di&res il ordcr of mcrit on the bssb of 888It88tc mar-kt findlli awaded to cach cedidste in
the E:<amination aod in that orda, the Codmiasion siall forward tho same with'iS recommondetiotr to thc

n) The Commbsiotr shall also llcomncld thG mmcs of srcccssfirl candidatss bolonSiag to tbc Schldulcd
iiscs, Sshodulsd Tribcs, Sociatly and &lucrtionally Bsckivard Chtt 3 including Nomadic Tribcr md
Demtif$d Ttibcr aod Women to thi artear of thc lumbcr of vlcs'cio3 r! crvld for such 0otc8oriq6,
(3) Thc rcsulr of tho succcastul candirtarcr slull be docleGd !y thc comlhioo and it shall bG anan8cd in
irl"t of**t Ocit narnqt, ii; a,rtrrbors and rodma;'ks obtailod by $c randidatq' ":
(4) The coruEis3iofl shdl 4isplay on th? 4dticc bo6rd of thc co,1!!ilsidl!, ihc names of thc uisuacclstuI
i"i,aii"* ,i""lt^ii trr.i, ,9". t *O th. total msrks oblrimd by thomj
(5)ThG Commi$lon shall submit a copy ".Gu, oftho rcsuh to 6o Govcr nont 8nd thc Govemmcnt shrll publish the
same 'n t}le Ofilcial Gaette,

(6) The Commission shall communicate the result to tic succesful candielaEs individualiy in thc mrnner as

may be decided by it-

(?) The Commission shall prepare rhe waiting list of qus[fied cdndidalcs $hicb_shtll coolain about 50.pcr
ce*, of total number ofvachncies advenhed for. The wahi[g list shall romairl in fur6€ ,s p€r tho in$ructions
issued by the Oovernment in thdt behalf '

15. N0 rlght to apgoift enr. Thc succcssful ca[didates shall ordinarily be considered for appoirtmcnl to fie Porr
in onier oimerit t ermincd by thc COmmision up to the number ofposqb bc fiUcd in. Tle rncre success in the
Exa$ina'tion slBll not isclf conftr 8ny riSh o appoinment and ir shall bc +cn to lhc apPointing suthority to drop a
candidete, if, after such irquiy, it is satisfied that tbE candidale is not suiablt for public scrvice
cUlARAT 6oVERNMENT CAZETTE, Ex., i6"t2"20!l
16. Metlicql Exanrnariai.- Tha sandidatcs. quarificd for appoin'nenl
shall bc rcquircd ro pass the medic,r
extrmisBrion h rclordflcg wlth th€ rulc, msdj Uy rrrc Oor.,
in ,ioil*uff,
17, Dlsalpll\sry nc orrt,. A cmdldst! who ir ofhas bcen declarcd
by thc Comml$jon te b! guilty of-
. (D obre.ining support lor his 8ny mcan!, or
(ji) imporsonoting, or

. (iiD Focuring imlE ary person, or

(lv) submitting fabrica.ted documonti or documcnts which hEvo bom tatrlpllcd with, or
(v) maliug irhiah n.' incorcct or falic or suppressing nrtcrial infoimaio4
'tstqoent or
(v0 rcsoning to any o&ot incgular or impropcr mea6s in qqpnection with his candidatum
for thc
Examlnstio[ or
(vii) usiog unfair ncals rluring ths Examindion, or
(viii) writing inelovsnt matter, iscluding ahurd ranguago or pomographic mrtter, in th6 scripb,
(ix) misbehaving in any other manncr in the Examinatioa hall, or
(l) hoalsing.or doiag Mily harm to the steff ouployod by thc Commission for the
ths Ertmiuadotl or
conduct of
(xl) nttlBptlng to ooalnlt or,.rr $! olr! raly b., rbotrilg rha oonuj$lod
- of rll or my of th! rct
tpaoiflod ia fba !or3ola6 elauroo, or _

(xiD violitlng aay ofrhc coDdittons for admissio! to !p!,o!f in rho Exr.Ei!.tioo
a9 prsrclibod sttd
cp.ciricd io tbc Edmisrloa prtiffcatc, mry, n aaaif;oo to rcnaoria.
hn"r"lf Eali;i;;;;;;
prosccurion, bc lirblo _ . t
(a) to be disqualificd by tire commissior fro, rhc Examiaation for whrch hu is a caooidatg
O) to ba dobamd oither pcrnanently or for s spccifiad pcriod - .
(D b, *.-.._?1I*1o",, Ii-o, ,!ryr,Tq
-bo ir any ex@harioo or tom any
intorview for dlscr xlection to hcldly iq ot
(i, by th6 Govemmcn! fron aay emplo;mont utrder ic
th:r no pelrlty undcr clausc (a) or O) shal bo
exc€pt aflor giving tle candi&ac
ao oppprtuoily ofbcing toE-r4 or
(c) to di$ciplilsry scdo! urde! the r.rcvart rurrs, ifhc i5 in Govorn'etrt

iiffiffiti:ri-'ffii{.,#-'$ad::"igffi}}i.ffi m-tt-nilti
(2) A cudidElo who dGircs ro hiv. llsrls of cxamioatioir rechcckod mey apply
alongvith sucb fogs u mav bc fuc<t -his to tho Commission
by thc commrirr", *rJii rru." days fror! thc dste of
declantion ofrcsult of&e Examination or from .he aato oiirre
liiir-li*r-"ur.r, *rricheycr is laor.
19. co\dvct snll rcgulariol ol Ex4ninorio,t,-
The.commission shsrr rlgurarc all mattrrs rcrsting to
appointmenr of cxamincn .,riG'u,u'proooao.
a,d conducr of Exrrnir.tio, irtu"ooia"*o adoptcd by it and iE
colfomity wi& tic Oovomn€nt's ordr in thst b.hall
20, Tnhlng and can,lrutiob Tlre solected .candidao shall be requircd to undcrco Dro.scrvice
trainiog aDd pass,.g exs'ltition
and tlrc a.parsnenuf
the rulx as prosoriM by fto 0ovqmaort in thar ilohait .
.i*i"]rf.i,li i"1,, il:;.ff;;;;;

I t
EX,, L6-12AOI i 117-5
69?e rule O
(A) Wrltca Tortr-
(l) Thc wrhcn tort.lhall cooslsr of thc follolrlng I
Pa pet
Paper i- Any one to be s€i€aicd from the 200 02 hours
of oplional subjccts set 0ut m p{ra (.2) belorv
Paper II Pad A
5C 0t borr
Pafi B
(2) List of opriotral subject for
Writea Test paper L
(t) Mecbanical Eaginoering;

@) Auooobi Io Engirecring.
(i) Tbc p!p.! I End tr shril bc objectivc typ6.
(ir) &o dosoc Examhation orMochanicar
ffi,::Hflt"::#fii"iHi'#;Tll,:::'ro or Au.o'nobiro
(iii) ror J ooJo,,o
*o'o'* shalllave to op1 foi any on"be givenatipu"iril,'"
I'fu?:;HXffi1'l*ril'fl.J:-T-",:9*"isement bv thc candidae.ror
abovg in his application
ro*,*" ''iuj""t
(iv) Thc studard ofp.n A of oaper ll,shari be equivarcnt to rhe
statrdsrd of Engrish subjecr (rower Jevel) of nvcrfth
cujarar secondary and Higlcr S"rai.y
(r) The $andad of pErr B of
sradald of cujarat Seconriary
jlll, be^cquivaleor to &e Gu.;arati suti"* ltrighor jevel) oftwej8,r
and Hilgler SJ;d""A"r;l""""rBl;:
(vi) The sylhbus.for ea.h ofrhe papq
shalt be such 8s may be pre.soribed by the Commisejon. .
(B), Iaterview : 25 Marks , ..,. . .

. By ordei and in ihi namc oftbe Oovemor


A. I\d. TRI}'CDI,
Depufy Scorelrq/ to Covom&enr.


, Govemmmt Cental p.ess, Gaadhiragar,

, Extra No.56 tn *ru"r, no,L 2/RNp/c/cNn,s4
qf{s qqlml) 6c {r. iooo^

e s-{i" qqi

@be Guiarst Goberxmext G.uliettt

ls to this Part in order that it be frl edrsa arate Com tion.
Rule rnd Orden (Other th8n those published ir psn! I, I-A, and I-L) made
by tbe Government of Gujsrst undcr lhe CeDtral Acts


Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, lgdApril, 2012.

No. PT-2012-30-MVO-10-201 l 'l048-KH In cxercise ofrhe powers confened by the proviso ro arricle
309 of fie Constitution of lndia" the_Govcmor of Gujarat hereby makes the followirig rutes to flrntrlr o
atnend the Irspectgr of Moror vehicles, class II, in the cujarat $atc Transpon Depa-rtrnent comperiiive
Examinatioa Rules, 201.1, namely:-
l. Thcse rulet tnay be called th€ Inspe?tor of Motor Vehicleq Class lI in tlr6'-Gujarat srate Transporr
DGpsnmenl ComFctitiyc ExaminEtion (Amcndment) Rules, 2012.
2. ln thc lnspcctor of Motor vehiclq-s, class II, in thc Gujarat.l[8t" Tr"rrport Department competitive
ExaminationRules, 201I (hereinafrcr rcftred to as thc Eaid.ilbs,'),- '
(l) in rule 6,-
(a) for suErule (l), the following suh.rule shall be substituted, namely :-
"(l ) The caadidates w}o apply in the pres"dbed fonn and pay the pre5crib€d fees shall b€ admitted to
' the.-examtuion, subject to the condirion tLai &ey posiess ihe reqirisite educationar
qualifications, physique and are within &e prescribed age limit in accordancd wittr the
re{ruiune rylq ihe post and' ot}rerwise are iligible in acioriance with these rutes. Ifa1any
timc, a candi&te is found to bd ineligible in any respect for the examination; his candidaturd
shall be cancelled, ever ifhe attains the qualiling standar<I for thc examination.
(2) A caDdidatc wlo is not eliSjble under the recruitrnent rulcs or otherwise ineligible under the.rules
found ro be ineligibre irr 8ny respect at eny time, iiis iandidatirre sh8l i; iancel;d. den if
hc auains 0re qudiffingitsndard for passing the examinsrion. The decisjgn of the Commission
as to thi irlligibilitjy ofsuch crindidarj ihstt ue finat.

(3) The exsqinstion

ghall bc-held in rwo successive states Es specificd in
the Appendix ir the

(a) Written test; Erd

(b) IDt6view";
(2) the existing sub.rules(2),(3),(a) 8nd (5) shall be renumbered as sub-rrrtes(4).(5).(6) and (?).
3, ln the said rulos, in rule 9,"in tho provisii sub-rule (l), for the words "so doing',, 0ro words ,doing so,,
shall be substitutcd.
4. In the said rulcs, rule l'l.strall be deleted.
5. In the said rules, in rule 14,-
(l) sub-rule (2) sball bo deler9{..
(2) in sub-rule (4), for the woid "names" the word "list" shall be substituted;
(3) sub-rules (5) ani 19 .t U" a"t*"d.
6. In the said rules, for rule I8, the following rule shall be substituted, namelyi
"1E. Mark-shcct.-A candidatc wto &sir* ro havc lhe rnark-shect ofthe examin&tion shali apply to the
Commission alorrglitb such fees rs may be fixed by the Commission within a period of rhiry days
from the datc ofdeclaration ofthi fiaal rcsuh."
1 In the said rules, rule 19 shall bs del€ted.

By order and in the name ofthe Govemor of Gujamt,

Deputy Secratrry to Govemment.

Golemnlcl)L Ccnrr.l lllrsr. C d,trnigor.

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