Refrigeration Piping For DX Systems

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ndamenta s to frontiers

Refrigeration piping for DX systems - Part I

nent selection and matching, 2) From the standuoint of a de-
control scheme, and 3) component signer or diagnostic analyst, a ma-
arrangement and piping. This se- jor concern in system arrangement
ries of columns will deal with the should be the range of loading that
category that manufacturers gener- can be ulaced on the svstem. The
ally have less control over in field system k u s t then be designed to
Because of low first cost advan- built-up or split systems and there- operate successfully throughout
tage-at least a perceived first cost fore should be the first target in this entire range, If it is determined
advantage-there has been a grow- a n y investigation-the refrig- that the refrigeration system can-
ing trend to use direct expansion eration piping system. not operate throughout the entire
refrigeration for cooling in variable In addressing t h i s issue, we range, the design of the VAV sys-
air volume systems. This trend has should keep in mind that the two tem being served must be modified
been accompanied by an extensive types of compressor failure are me- to accombodate the capabilities of
number of refrigeration system chanicaldamage (usually due to ei- the refrigeration system.
failures, many of which could be ther loss of lubricating oil or liquid T h e major difference between
prevented through more careful at- slugging) and electrical failure VAV svstems and other svstems
tention t o t h e basics of refrig- (usually resulting from extended such as on-off cooling and-reheat
eration system component match- overheating caused by inadequate systems is the requirement for a
ing and piping design. cooling or extended operation a t el- broader range of operation. A DX
Most such systems are reason- evated head pressures). All of these system in a VAV application is gen-
ably forgiving regarding air tem- conditions, in turn, could result erally called upon to operate down
perature gradients, hunting, etc., from incorrect component arrange- to a much lower increment of de-
until these or other problems result ment and piping. sign load than one applied to an on-
in a condition that destroys the
compressor. Then, of course, the
problem is obvious: T h e com-
Work input
pressor has failed! In more cases
than not, the cause of the failure is
not identified, and the compressor
is simply replaced. It is only after
multiple failures that a diagnostic
investigation is launched to deter- /
mine if there is indeed a cause ex- Discharge I ~ n e Suction Ilne
ternal to the compressor itself.
From the standpoint of a building Compressor d 2
owner or operator, such an investi-
gation should be launched foilow-
ing the initial failure of any system
in which all elements were not de-
signed and assembled by the manu- Heat out
Condenser l
Evaporator Heat In
facturer as a standard product.
The three main categories ofcon-
cern in designing or analyzing a re-
frigeration system are: 1) compo-

O n this page each m o n t h , t h e author
shares his engineering philosophy b y ex-
ploring a wide variety of topics, ranging
from fundamentals t o new frontiers, as
t h e y relate to building environmental sys-
tems. Mr. Coad is president of McClrrre
Engineering Associates an,d affiliate pro-
fessor of mechanical engineering a t Wash-
ington liniuersity, S t . Louis, Mo. 1 Fiow diagram, simple vapor compression cycle.

100 HeatinglPipinglAir Conditioning February 1990

off or reheat system. I t is for this
reason that these systems are less
forgiving of poor practice in piping
system design.
Some simple but time-proven
techniques in the design of piping
systems will go a long way toward
preventing compressor failures in
these systems. This series of ar-
ticles will discuss these practices.
A simple DX refrigeration cycle
is represented in Fig. 1, and the ac-
companying simplified pressure-
enthalpy diagram for the cycle is
shown in Fig. 2. The diagram in
Fig. 2 does not account for pressure


Enthalpy, h --Heat ~n--Work+

-Heat out-

2 Pressure-enthalpy diagram, simple vapor

compression cycle.

losses in the piping system. Thus,

each piping segment is shown in
the pressure-enthalpy diagram as a
single state point. Although the
process of pressure drop in the
various piping segments is usually
of little concern, it is of paramount
importance when analyzing the
Aside from characteristics of the
piping system t h a t could cause
malfunction or damage to the com-
pressor, improperly designed sys-
tems can also result in excessive en-
ergy losses, so these considerations
will also be discussed in the forth-
coming columns in this series. Next
month's column will address the
design of the discharge and liquid

Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning February 1990

Fundamentals to frontiers
Refrigeration piping for DX: Condensing pressure bJ/c'
drop ~n
Part I1 - Discharge line design discharge

mance of the condenser establishes

the condensing pressure in a sys-
tem. However, t h e actual head Add~tional
pressure that the compressor sees superheat to
The discharge or hot gas line car- is the condensing pressure plus the be removed
ries a mixture of superheated re-
frigerant and oil from the com-
pressure loss in the discharge line.
The effect of the pressure drop in
\energy compressor 1 1 in condenser

pressor discharge to the condenser the discharge line is demonstrated Compressor -4

energy with no piping loss
inlet. The design and arrangement in the expanded scale p-h diagram
of this line is normally considered
to be the least critical of any of the
of Fig. 1.Note on this diagram, that /.c--compressor energy 4
t o accommodate t h e pressure with piping loss
piping sections. However, lack of needed to overcome the pressure I
proper considerations for some loss, the compressor must over- 1 Pressure-enthalpy diagram demonstra-
subtle but significant phenomena shoot its original target (Point c) ting effects of discharge line pressure drop.
has resulted in serious system and compress the gas up to Point d.
problems. T h e major c o n s i d - Since the polytropic compression charge line to the lowest practical
erations in the design of the dis- curve is leaning to the right, the in- value, with t h e maximum limit
charge line are the pressure loss, oil crease in compressor energy is evi- being a pressure drop equivalent to
entrainment velocity, and down- dent. Another penalty is that this 2 F saturation (approximately 3 psi
cycle liquid control. results in additional superheat that for R-12 and 5 psi for R-22) for the
Pressure loss- T h e perfor- m u s t be r e m o v e d i n t h e d e - entire piping system from the com-
superheating stage of the con- pressor outlet to the condenser in-
denser, an additional system bur- let.
On this page each month, the author den (removing a given amount of Oil entrainment- In all halo-
shares his engineering philosophy by ex- superheat requires much more sur- carbon refrigeration systems using
ploring a wide variety of topics, ranging f a c e t h a n removing a n e q u a l reciprocating compressors, oil from
from fundamentals to new frontiers, as amount of latent heat because of the compressor lubricating system
they relate to building environmental sys- the low gas specific heat of the su- leaves the compressor with the high
tems. Mr. Coad is president of McClure
Engineering Associates and affiliate pro- perheated gas). pressure superheated refrigerant.
fessor of mechanical engineering at Wash- Good design practice is to mini- Thus, to prevent total loss of the
ington University, S t . Louis, Mo. mize the pressure drop in the dis- conrtnuedon page 119

Site for --,

( a )Single riser (b)Double riser

I (ajLow volume requirement (b)Large volume requirement

2 Oil entrainment techniques for discharge line. 3 Down-cycle liquid control for discharge line.

Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning March 1990
Fundamentals to fmntfers
compressor oil, a necessary param- configurations that are not neces- most common method of pre-
eter in the design of these systems sarily common to all systems, it has venting compressor damage re-
is to assure the return of the oil to received less attention by system sulting from this form of down-cy-
the compressor. One technique designers. Down-cycle liquid con- cle condensation is to provide a
that is not commonly used in com- trol becomes a design requirement liquid storage volume in the trap a t
fort cooling systems today is to em- of the discharge line when the dis- the base of the riser, which is illus-
ploy an oil separator a t the dis- charge line rises an appreciable dis- trated in Figs. 3a and b for a single
charge of the compressor. This tance from the compressor to the riser system. The colored areas
device is designed to separate the condenser a n d t h e riser passes demonstrate the liquid storage vol-
oil from the hot gas and return it through a zone or space that could ume available. In the large volume
directly to the compressor. The be a t the system's lowest tempera- technique of Fig. 3b, the expanded
most common method used in di- ture on shutdown. volume can sometimes be achieved
rect expansion comfort cooling sys- In a refrigeration system, with by installing the discharge muffler
tems is to design the piping system the system shut down, the refrig- in this location. If a double riser
and all of the vessels to keep the oil erant will condense in the coldest such as that in Fig. 2b is used, care
flowing along with the refrigerant point in the system. If this happens must be taken to put the expanded
so that none of it is "held up" or t o be the discharge line, the con- volume vessel ahead of the mini-
stored in any part of the system ex- densing liquid will drain by gravity mum capacity riser connection so
cept the compressor crankcase. In t o the head of the compressor. Dif- that the oil retention volume is still
the discharge line, if the line is run- ferent techniques can be employed limited while the additional refrig-
ning horizontally or vertically in the design of the system to mini- erant liquid volume is available.
downward, it is only necessary to mize the volume of the liquid avail- In next month's column, we will
assure that there are no long hori- able (such as pump-down cycles), discuss the design of liquid piping
zontal dips or low points in the line; but the phenomenon must still be systems.
i.e., keep the line and fitting config-
urations always going in the down-
ward direction. If it becomes neces-
sary to rise vertically, two things
must be done. First, the vertical
line must be sized to maintain a
minimum velocity of approxi-
mately 3000 fpm under all capacity
conditions. And second, a t r a p
should be provided a t the base of
the riser to prevent any residual
liquid from draining back on the
discharge valve mechanism on

In systems that have cylinder

unloading for capacity control or
multiple compressors that can cy-
cle on a common piping system,
multiple risers may be required as
shown in Fig. 2(b), where t h e
smaller riser is sized a t the required
velocity for the minimum flow ca-
pacity of the system and the other
riser is sized a t the design capacity
less the minimum capacity. The
colored zone in the larger trap illus-
trates the maximum volume of oil
that the trap will retain following
extended operation a t minimum

Down-cycle liquid control-

Since this phenomenon is not in-
herent in refrigeration piping sys-

Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning March 1990

Fundamentals to frontiers
Refrigeration piping for DX: R-22,z psi(approximately
perature for R-12). 4 psi for

Part IV - suction line design The second objective, the return

of oil to the compressor, requires
practices similar to those discussed
Considering first the pressure for the discharge line. In the suc-
drop, refer to Fig. 1, a partial scale tion line, however, the problem is
pressure-enthalpy diagram that il- more critical since the oil is more
In last month's column, we lustrates the effect of suction line viscous and therefore harder to
stated that "the liquid line is per- pressure drop on the compressor move a t the lower temperatures.
haps the least critical of the piping energy. As the gas leaves the evapo- Starting a t the outlet of the
segments insofar as potential dam- rator with about 10 F of superheat evaporator, the suction line should
age t o the compressor is con- at Point a, isentropic compression always drop vertically downward
cerned." The antithesis of t h a t would follow the isentropic Curve s or run horizontally at a downward
statement is that the suction line is to Point b. However, the actual slope to a point where it then drops
perhaps the most critical. The suc- compressor curve would lean out to vertically downward. The objective
tion line is the last leg of the jour- the right along the polytropic line is to clear the evaporator of any oil,
ney of the refrigerant and oil after represented by the curved Line a-c. t h u s preventing i t from being
leaving the discharge valve to re- However, a pressure drop in the trapped in the evaporator. Once
turn to the compressor. suction line would be represented the oil has been cleared from the
The two objectives in the design by the vertical downward Line a-a' evaporator, the only remaining
of the suction line are to hold the so that the refrigerant enters the problem is to keep it moving. The
pressure loss to the minimum pos- compressor at the lower Point a'. velocity in horizontal lines is gener-
sible value and to return the oil Since compression lines flatten out ally adequate to move the oil along
(which separated from the liquid moving upward, this is seen to have with the refrigerant effectively.
refrigerant as it changed to the gas- a somewhat magnifying impact However, if the situation allows, it

On this page each month, the author

derstand the impact of the pressure 4/s in. per ft) to assure that there will
shares his engineering philosophy by ex. drop upon the power or energy re- be no accidental low spots in the
ploring a wide variety of topics, ranging quirement in each particular sys- lines. Also, if there are any branch
from fundamentals t o new frontiers, as tern, but as a guideline, common connection inlets into the horizon-
to sys- practice has been to limit the pres- tal line, such as a branch inlet from
tems. Mr. Coad is president of M c C l u ~ e
Engineering Associates and affiliate pro- sure loss in the entire suction sys- another evaporator, they should al-
fessor of nzechanical engineering a t Wash- tem to a pressure differential ways enter the top of the line.
ington Uniuersity, S t . Louis, Mo. equivalent to 2 F saturation tem- page 9.5

HeatinglPipinglAir Conditioning May 1990 93

Fundamentals to frontiers
( O I I ~ I I I I I L ~ ~ \ ~9
O I I ~ ~ ~ I ~ L would drop below the minimum re-
Where the line must rise in the quirement, then the double riser
direction of flow, a trapping tech- technique of Fig. 2b is used, with
nique similar to that for the dis- the minimum capacity riser sized
charge line is used, as shown in Fig. for nominally 1500 fpm a t the mini-
2. In a system with a single com- mum flow capacity and the other
pressor and no cylinder unloading riser sized for the maximum less
(or other type of variable flow), a the minimum capacity.
single trap is used, as illustrated in Needless to say, the successful
Fig. 2a. For the suction line, the design of a refrigeration system re-
vertical line should be sized for a quires extensive knowledge of all of
minimum of 1500 fpm and a max- the aspects of the systems, such as
imum of 2500 fpm.* As with the component capacity matching,
discharge line, if the system is de- controls, and specialty devices, in
signed for variable refrigerant flow, addition to the piping systems
such that a t the lowest load or flow themselves. But an understanding
condition the velocity in the riser of proper piping practices is essen-
tial if the designs are to be success-
* T h e ~elocrt\ ranges g w e n ~ r zthcc serles
ful, and the addition of controls or
h a w been demonstrated t o prouzde effec- devices to offset poor pip-
tcve ocl return wrthout excecclue pressure ing practices, although all too com-
drops Howeuer, m u c h more e x t e n w e data mon, is a technique that will lead to
are auazlable relatcng t o this matter In t h e disaster. ~ hthe designer
~ ~ should
A S H R A E Handbook chapter " S ~ s t e m
Practtce, for Halocarbon R e f r ~ g r r a n t s " keep the piping 'ystern sim-
(currentlv Chapter 3 of t h e 1986 Refrig- ple and follow the basic objectives
eration Handbook discussed in this series. Q

Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning May 1990

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