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University of Mosul Theory of Machines

Mechatronics Eng. Dept. Lecture # 2

3rd Class Mechanisms
Oct. 15th 2019 Dr. Saad & Dr. Hassan


1. What we will study

we shall study the mechanisms of the various parts or bodies from which the machine is assembled. This is done by
making one of the parts as fixed, and the relative motion of other parts is determined with respect to the fixed part.

2. Types of Constrained Motions

1 2 3
Completely constrained motion Incompletely constrained motion Successfully constrained motion

3. Kinematic link / element:

Part of a machine, which moves relative to some other part. A kinematic link should (1) have relative motion,
and (2) It must be a resistant body.
3.1. Resistant body: it is capable of transmitting the required forces with negligible deformation.
3.2. A link may consist of several parts, which are rigidly fastened together, so that they do not move relative to
one another.

University of Mosul Theory of Machines
Mechatronics Eng. Dept. Lecture # 2
3rd Class Mechanisms
Oct. 15th 2019 Dr. Saad & Dr. Hassan

3.3. Types of Links

(a) Rigid: no deformation. rods
(b) Flexible: partly deformed, tensile forces. rops, belts, wires, …
(c) Fluid: motion transmitted through pressureized fluid. jack, brakes

3.4. Kinematic Pair: The two links or elements of a machine, in which they are in contact with each other,
and the relative motion between them is completely or successfully constrained in a definite direction.

3.4.1. Classification of Kinematic Pairs

1. According to the type of relative motion between the elements
a. Sliding pair d. Screw pair.
b. Turning pair e. Spherical pair
c. Rolling pair

University of Mosul Theory of Machines
Mechatronics Eng. Dept. Lecture # 2
3rd Class Mechanisms
Oct. 15th 2019 Dr. Saad & Dr. Hassan

2. According to the type of contact between the elements

a. Lower pair
b. Higher pair

3. According to the type of closure

a. Self - closed pair
b. Force - closed pair

University of Mosul Theory of Machines
Mechatronics Eng. Dept. Lecture # 2
3rd Class Mechanisms
Oct. 15th 2019 Dr. Saad & Dr. Hassan

4. Structure: An assemblage of a number of resistant bodies having no relative motion between them and
meant for carrying loads having straining action.

4.1. Machine vs structure

Machine Structure
Individual parts Relative motion No relative motion
Energy transformation Energy to work No energy transformation
Transmitted quantity Power and motion Forces only

5. Kinematic chain: Kinematic pairs are coupled in such a way that the last link is joined to the first link to
transmit definite motion (i.e. completely or successfully constrained motion).

OR: a combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that each link forms a part of two pairs and the
relative motion between the links or elements is completely or successfully constrained.

5.1. Types of chaines:

• locked chain (rigid frame or structure): in a three bar chain, when no relative motion is possible. Used in
bridges and trusses.
• constrained kinematic chain: in a four bar chain, when the relative motion is completely constrained. It is
the basis of all machines.
• unconstrained chain: the relative motion is not completely constrained.
• compound kinematic chain: A chain having more than four links.

5.2. Checking kinematic chains: To check if the chain is kinematic chain or not:

𝒍𝒍 = 𝟐𝟐 𝒑𝒑 − 𝟒𝟒, 𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂𝒂 𝒋𝒋 = 𝒍𝒍 − 𝟐𝟐

l: No. of links,
p: No. of pairs,
j: No. of joints.

University of Mosul Theory of Machines
Mechatronics Eng. Dept. Lecture # 2
3rd Class Mechanisms
Oct. 15th 2019 Dr. Saad & Dr. Hassan


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