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1. Stigmatize make things more difficult

Stigmatize definition is “mark with a disgrace associated with a particular

circumstance, quality or person.” This things always make the situation harder because

stigmatize person always judge the person without knowing the real story good nor bad. He

just consider the person bad base on some factor like halo effect and recency effect. Without

knowing the truth, he judge that person bad. It is very hard to communicate if stigmatize

happen in our life.

Stigmatize often happen between Michael Bryce and Darius Kincaid. This is because

both of them got opposite personality of each other. They also enemy in their duty. The

Michael Bryce is a bodyguard and the Darius Kincaid is an assassin. Darius Kincaid always

disturb the duty of Michael Bryce by trying kill the Michael Bryce’s client. Darius Kincaid also

try to kill Michael Bryce for 28 times. For Darius Kincaid, the reason why his stigma toward

Michael Bryce is because Michael Bryce always protect the person of Darius Kincaid that

need to be kill. Darius Kincaid also said the person that he kill is a bad person. In this case,

Darius Kincaid consider Michael Bryce is bad person because protecting the bad person.

In the time 26:05, we can see when Michael Bryce meet Darius Kincaid, a fight

happen between them without having any conversation in sudden. Michael Bryce also said

bad things about Darius Kincaid. In early plot and middle plot, they always having small fight.

They do not have any effort to solve the problem and avoid fight. They also not seek any

effort to accept the difference or tolerance. In final plot, both of them know each other as well

as time consumption. They find intimated and both of them does not fight anymore. In our

opinion, if they not fight and find intimidation, the problem and conflict can be reduce.
2. More power, more responsibility

Power grand us interpersonal power. Power exists in all relationship. Power is useful

in group discussion. It very helpful in decision making process. With power, there are more

reward such as other trust and also more responsibility such as handle a social network.

Thus, more power indicate more reward but intimate more responsibility. Lack of

responsibility make the person become bad. The social network that the person handle also

destroy and make many conflict. The reward that the person gain is very addicted and

addicted person usually do not care the thing that he do good of bad. He will do anything to

get what he want including killing, stealing and etc.

Vladislav Dukhovich, the person that related to this issue. He is ex-president of

Belarus, Netherland but he want continue his rule for the next selection. Everyone called him

dictator because of his cruel rule. He well-known for ethnic cleansing during his rule. To win

the selection, he eliminate his competition by killing his rival. He also kill the witness that

have proven of his cruel rule to close his fault. So that, the court cannot charge him. He will

do anything to maintain his power.

In the time 10:40, the reporter said many witness gone. This make the charge of

Vladislav Dukhovich more difficult. Also, in time 1:37:50, Darius Kincaid said Vladislav

Dukhovich offer him a job to kill the rival.

3. Love relationship problem

Love encompasses a variety of strong and positive emotional and mental states,

ranging from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and

to the simplest pleasure. In the movie “The hitman bodyguard”, the story love is between

Michael Bryce and Amelia Roussel. It's the rare couple that doesn't run into a few bumps in

the road. Every relationship has its ups and downs, successful couples have learned how to

manage the bumps and keep their love life going.

In one scene at 18:30 period, Amelia Roussel realise someone in Interpol must have

betrayed them and they need someone from outside they can trust, so Roussel contacts

Bryce. Bryce is reluctant to help, as he believes that Roussel was responsible for the death

of Kurosawa two years previously, but ultimately agrees to aid them in exchange for the

restoration of his reputation. So from that, both of them have meet again after 2 years

Amelia Roussel be ex-girlfriend of Michael Bryce.

They both have a high ego because it's hard to confess their own mistakes and also

it's hard to forgive their partner's mistakes. They are lack communication and talk about their

relationship. When they meet together a lot of fought, re-lined up the story and they violated

each other. All relationship problems stem from poor communication, according to Elaine

Fantle Shimberg, author of Blending Families. "You can't communicate while you're

checking your BlackBerry, watching TV, or flipping through the sports section".

The solution is two of them have to make an actual appointment with each other and

communicate properly. For example, if we live together, put the cell phones on vibrate, put

the kids to bed, and let voicemail pick up the calls. In other way, set up some rules. For

example, try not to interrupt until your partner is through speaking, or ban phrases such as

"You always ..." or "You never ....”

4. Everyone has their limit patience

Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face

of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in anger or forbearance when under strain,

especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can

have before negativity.

In this movie showed a person have reached their limit patience. For example in

1:07:45 period, Darius Kincaid which is the assassin reveals that he killed Takashi Kurosawa

which is Japanese man two years ago, having been at the airport only by chance after

another job. Enraged at the revelation that he has spent two years blaming Roussel for

"betraying" him when in reality the client's death was a sheer fluke, after a few second Bryce

punches Kincaid and then abandons him.

In other scene at 1:16:50 period, Bryce get mad with Kincaid because he is the

cause of their strained relationship with Roussel. A few minutes later, he changes his mind

and helps Kincaid escape from Dukhovich’s men, but he got captured. Dukhovich's men

torture him by using electric shock to force him attempt to find Kincaid, who tracks Bryce

down and rescues him. In this situation showed, Dukhovich’s men have reach their limited

when Bryce do not want to tell where Kincaid. In fact, Bryce does not really know where

Kincaid is now.


ISSUE: Stigmatize make things more difficult

Implicit personality theory. The theory that describes the specific patterns and

biases an individual’s uses when forming impression based on a limited amount of initial

information about an unfamiliar person. In other word, this theory about wrong making

perception toward person because lack of information.

We can see this theory in early and middle plot of this movie. When Darius Kincaid

and Michael Bryce always fight and both of they almost kill each other when first time meet

face to face.

Then, theory that related for this issue is communication privacy management

theory. This theory also known as communication boundary management. It is a systematic

research theory designed to develop an evidence-based understanding of way people make

decisions about revealing and concealing privacy information. In other word, this theory

about managing privacy.

In time 40:00, when Darius Kincaid ask Michael Bryce about the carrier, the Michael

Bryce not answer it but ask back to another topic. This show that the stigma of Michael

Bryce toward Darius Kincaid be a barrier to reveal his privacy. Nether less, Michael Bryce

ask back on how Darius Kincaid, the top assassin can be captured. This scene show that

Michael Bryce managing his privacy by open new topic by ask about something else.

Besides, another theory that related to this issue is standpoint theory. This theory

is a theory for analysing inter-subjective discourses. This body of work concerns the ways

that authority is rooted in individuals’ knowledge or more accurate, their perspective, and the
power that such authority exerts. Standpoint theory’s most important concept is that an

individual’s own perspective are shaped by his social and political experiences.

In time 41:00 and 1:22:30, Darius Kincaid and Michael Bryce argue about each

standpoint. Darius Kincaid stand for life happen spontaneously and Michael Bryce stand for

life happen must be plan earlier. This happen via their own experience. The Triple A agent

carrier may teach Michael Bryce about making plan in life. Then, the assassination life of

Darius Kincaid may teach him about life happen spontaneously as things always happen in

sudden in his life. Different standpoint making stigmatize hard to manage.

ISSUE: More power, more responsibility

The only theory that related to this issue is social exchange theory. Social

exchange theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains social

change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social

exchange theory posits that human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-

benefit analysis and comparison of alternatives. In other word, this theory about making

some cost to gain social status.

Scene time 28:08 is some example of social exchange theory. Vladislav Dukhovich

making some risk by telling some story about himself and ask question that not necessary to

gain more power. With that power, the Assistant Director will follow Vladislav Dukhovich

ISSUE: Love relationship problem

From our observation theory that related to this issue is attribution theory. It is

because Roussel and Michael Bryce use a personal set of assumptions to draw specific

conclusion about their personality.

Attribution theory can be defined as a how individuals go through a process that

makes inferences about observed behavior. Attribution theory assumes that we make

attributions, or social judgments, as a way to clarify or predict behavior. Attribution theory

assumes that we are sense-making creatures and that we draw conclusions of the actions

that we observe.

In one scene which is at 1:21:00 period, Michael Bryce tells how he and Roussel

meet to Kincaid. At that time showed, Michael Bryce and Roussel observed the behaviour or

action between them. Then they make judgments of interactions and the intention of that

particular action. At last, they making the attribution which will be attract between them.

There is the steps to the attribution process. The first step of the attribution process is

to observe the behavior or action. The second step is to make judgments of interactions and

the intention of that particular action. The last step of the attribution process is making the

attribution which will be either internal, where the cause is related to the person, or external,

where the cause of the action is circumstantial.

This issue also can be related to relational dialectics theory. It is an interpersonal

communication theory about close personal ties and relationships that highlights the

tensions, struggles and interplay between contrary tendencies. In other word, relational

theory can be defined as communication patterns between relationship partners as the result of

endemic dialectical tensions.

For example, when Michael Bryce and Roussel meet together after 2 years, they had lot

of fought, re-lined up the story and they violated each other. This is because they hav they

have a conflict over the killing of Takashi Kurosawa.

ISSUE: Everyone has their limit patience

The social penetration theory (SPT) proposes that, as relationships develop,

interpersonal communication moves from relatively shallow, non-intimate levels to deeper,

more intimate ones. The theory was formulated by psychologists Irwin Altman and Dalmas

Taylor in 1973 to understand relationship development between individuals. The social

penetration theory states that the relationship development occurs primarily through self-

disclosure, or intentionally revealing personal information such as personal motives or

desires, feelings, thoughts, and experiences to others.

For example, in this movie Michael Bryce and Darius Kincaid try to build their

relationship even though both of them are enemy. At first time they meet, both of them was

fight because of revenge of the two years ago. Darius Kincaid which is the assassin reveals

that he killed Takashi Kurosawa which is Japanese man two years ago.

Based on this issue, theory that can be related is cognitive dissonance theory. This

theory explains how humans are consistency seekers and attempt to reduce their

dissonance, or discomfort, in new situations. The scene in movie that related to this theory is

when Michael Bryce try to be comfort with Darius Kincaid even he is the cause why him

break up with Roussel.



ISSUE: Stigmatize make things more difficult

Based on our observation, the studied in interpersonal communication course that related in

this issue is Chapter 2: Interpersonal Communication and Perception. Overall, this chapter is

about how we build the perception toward communicated partner. We can also learn about

the barriers to accurate our interpersonal perception.

This issue shows that both Michael Bryce and Darius Kincaid has wrong perception

toward each other. They even almost kill each other. This perception influence by several

factor. Firstly, both of them does not have enough information toward each other and that

make bias in interpersonal perception. Both of them also effected by recency effect when

they meet on their duty.

Besides, the barrier also make their perception less accurate such as they stereotype

and they also focus on the negative each other. Darius Kincaid labelled the Michael Bryce

bad person for protection bad person and Michael Bryce labelled Darius Kincaid bad person

for killing people. Darius Kincaid and Michael Bryce also focus on negative in early plot.

This issue related to Chapter 6: Conflict Management Skills. Even looking at this

chapter name, we can guest what is the chapter about. This chapter is about how to manage

conflict. We study about type of conflict, the stage of conflict, how to solve conflict and etc.

This stigmatize issues is all about conflict between Darius Kincaid and Michael Bryce.

If we see in early and middle plot, many conflict occur between them and this conflict

is called simple conflict. Simple conflict is about different stands on the issues. They also do

not seek for solution to solve the conflict. Example of conflict management are clearly

describe the conflict-producing event, using “I” language, manage using effective listening
skills and be empathic. Although, Darius Kincaid and Michael Bryce not do that things at all.

They using harsh language and both not tolerance to find solution in early and middle plot.

ISSUE: More power, more responsibility

This issue also related to Chapter 6: Conflict Management Skills. This chapter is

about how to manage conflict. We study about type of conflict, the stage of conflict, how to

solve conflict and etc. This stigmatize issues is all about conflict between made by Vladislav

Dukhovich. Vladislav Dukhovich having problem to manage the conflict. He even cannot

control his anger.

This related to interpersonal power. Interpersonal power exists in all relationship. It

has 5 type of power source which is legimated power, referent power, expert power, reward

power and cohesive power.

Vladislav Dukhovich is ex-president of Belarus, Netherland. Base on that we can see

that he had Legimated power as president. When making new selection, he lack of power

and he using Coercive power to maintain his power. He using brutal force ways to eliminate

his competition by killing.

In time 27:50, we can see Vladislave Dukhovich stack his pen on Assistant Director’s

hand with angry feeling. That shows one of the Coercive power that used by Vladislave

Dukhovich also shows that he cannot manage his anger. As we learned in INC 271, there

are several ways to control anger:

• Be determined not to get angry yourself

• Get on the same physical level as the other person

• Be silent

• Express your concern nonverbally

• Make and appropriate empathic statement

• Remind yourself that you control your own emotions

• Recognize that angry emotional outbursts rarely change someone’s mind

ISSUE: Love relationship problem

From the studied issue based on this movie, it can be related with Chapter 9 –

Interpersonal Relationships: Friendship and Romance. This chapter was designed to

explained and conclude the way of communication among two types of gender. Most of

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