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The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20%in the last ten

years. Discuss the possible causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

In the last decades, that a tremendous deal of children suffer from obesity problems due to western
lifestyle is undoubtedly true. This essay will examine variety of reasons that can be attributable to this
prevalent issue and potential consequences which are observed in individuals’ health at the early stages
of their lives.

To begin with, in this contemporary era, western countries have achieved marked development in the
technology field in terms of which has significant impacts on the people’s daily routine including kids. To
elaborate on it, diverse kind of modern devices which generate an opportunity to enjoy or allocate
countless hours to games are available for children beginning from early ages. In this case, they are
inclined to possess sedentary lifestyle standing in front of computers and avoid extra-curricular activities
that would assist them to stay fit and healthy.

Turning to adverse influences of mentioned tendency, being inactive initially will pave the way for
upcoming disorders related to high blood pressure or diabet. That is to say, when an obess child who is
neglected and not informed about the significant importance of healthy diet become an adult, other
deseases such as low immunity, hart diseases or breathing problems can be obseved inevitably.
According to research conducted by World Health Organization, obesity rises dramatically the chance of
cancer as well as hampers doctors to mitigate any disorders that are diagnosed in the patient.

To recapitualte, inactive livestyle of individuals can be considered as a preliminary attributor for gaining
extra weight and this phenomenon will eventually lead to undergo undesirable health problems in the
future lives of them.

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