The Most Important Consideration When Choosing Any Career or Job Is Having A High Income. To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

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The most important consideration when choosing any

career or job is having a high income. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?
Today most people indeed select a job only for its high salary since it is considered
as the most essential factor. While I agree receiving large amount of money is
important, to my way of thinking job satisfaction should be considered as a key
factor while choosing a job.
There are several reasons why many people consider a high salary as the most
important factor. Firstly, a higher income guarantees a better standard of living
where employers can meet the demands of themselves and their families without
going into debt. They can afford money for basic needs as well as healthcare and
education. By receiving a large amount of salary, they can allocate money for
medical examination to be protected from illnesses or provide their children with
higher quality of education. Furthermore, since now people live in a consumerist
society, most of them are willing to purchase luxurious items which are often
advertised. Therefore, people want to earn high salary to perform their wishes.
On the other hand, I am inclined to believe that in modern world job satisfaction is
much more prominent factor for people. Dissatisfied workers can experience lower
productivity in the workplace, poorer performance and more job stress. Moreover,
a healthy working environment helps employees to be focused on work as well as
to have congenial rapport between supervisors and colleagues. It means that
employees are more satisfied in their positions when they feel respected and are
praised for a job well done, even if it’s a simple thank you from a company
manager. Thus, working a job where people feel disrespected and underappreciated
will likely cause them to feel dissatisfied with your work regardless of its high
In conclusion, although it is argued that the amount of remuneration is the most
crucial factor to choose a job, I believe that job satisfaction and positive office
culture are more important to decide to work in a company.
The diagram illustrates the process through which bricks used for construction are
produced. Overall, the process is comprised of 10 stages from digging of clay to
transporting to shops at the end.
the process commences when raw clay is dug through the use of a digging
machine and passed through a metal grid into fine fragments which then fall onto
a conveyor belt. In the following stage, water and sand are added and then the
mixture is either pushed through a frame and cut into simple bricks or is molded
into specially formed bricks. Next, they are placed in a drying oven for one to two
days. Once bricks are dried, first they are heated at a moderate temperature of
200 to 980 degrees before being subjected to a higher temperature of 870- 1300
degrees. Following this, heated bricks are put in a cooling chamber for 2 to 3 days
to cool down. Finally, the process ends with the packaging of bricks before being
delivered to shops by trucks.

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