New Media and The State: Topic: Communication Networks

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Topic: Communication Networks,

New Media and The State

Key ideas Information Memory cues
Digital media  Digital media is digitized content
that can be transmitted over the
internet or computer networks. This
can include text, audio, video, and
graphics.  This means that news
from a tv network, newspaper,
magazine, etc. That is presented on
a web site or blog can fall into this
Network society  Is a society where the key social
structures and activities are
organized around electronically
processed information networks.
Global governance  A movement towards political
among transnational actors, aimed
at negotiating responses to
problems that affect more than one
state or region
Insurgent politics  An insurgency is a
violent rebellion against authority
Mainstream media  Refers to conventional newspapers,
television and other news sources
that most people know about and
regard as reliable.
Alternative media  Are media that differ from
established or dominant types of
media in terms of their content,
production, or distribution.
Alternative media tend to be "non-
commercial projects that advocate
the interests of those excluded from
the mainstream.
Digital divide  Is any uneven distribution in the
access to, use of, or impact
of information and communication
technologies (ict) between any
number of distinct groups
Digital citizens  Refers to a person who has the
knowledge and skills to effectively
use digital technologies to
communicate with others,
participate in society and create and
consume digital content.

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