Symbols and Notations

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Symbols and Notations

e   = void ratio

n   = porosity
w   = moisture content, water content
s   = specific gravity of any substance
G   = specific gravity of solids
S   = degree of saturation
V   = volume of soil mass
Va   = volume of air
Vw   = volume of water
Vs   = volume of solids
Vv   = volume of voids
W   = total weight of soil
Ww   = weight of water
Ws   = weight of solids
Dr   = relative density
γm   = unit weight of soil mass, moist unit weight, bulk unit weight
γs   = unit weight of soil solids
γw   = unit weight of water
γb   =   γ′ = buoyant unit weight, submerged unit weight
γd   =  γdryγdry   = dry unit weight
γsatt   = saturated unit weight
LL  = liquid limit
PL   = plastic limit
LI  = liquidity index
PI   = plasticity index
GI   = group index

Density of water and gravitational constant

ρw = 1000 kg/m3
ρw = 1 g/cc
ρw = 62.4 lb/ft3
g = 9.81 m/s2
g = 32.2 ft/sec2o

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