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ELP Level 5 Study Guide

Period: Week 11 March 30th – April 3rd (Deadline to upload this evidence document: April: 4th)

Session One: Monday, March


WRITING: SLO #7: Identify and describe

cause and effect relationships


1. Go to the text book on page 40 and 41

and review the rules for cause and effect (Also check the cause and effect given in our last

Read the following paragraph and complete the chart below.

My alarm clock did not ring I woke up late
I had to go back home to fetch my cellphone I missed the bus
I was late for school My lecture was not pleased with me at all
I was in a bad mood I shouted my friends
Write a similar paragraph to the one above. Use and highlight cause and effect words:
(because, consequently, due to, etc.)

The world is changing due a virus that keeps us locked up. In order to prevent the spread of the
virus all countries are making decisions, such as isolation causing the closure of businesses.
Consequently, many families are in crisis due to the closure of their small businesses. We
students decided to continue within normality, then therefore now we take virtual classes. This is
new for everyone, but to continue the classes the teachers are managing virtual classes.
Session Two: Tuesday, March 31st

READING: SLO #1: Identify main ideas and details in written and spoken texts.

Instructions: Read the text “What effects has technology had on our lives?” and complete the
following exercises.

What effect has technology had on our lives?

Read the short essay below and answer the questions.

The twenty-first century is already turning out to be the century of advanced technologies. The
technological revolution that started after the Second World War is now developing more quickly and
computing and other technological advances are beginning to reach into and influence and take over
nearly every aspect of our lives. The two main effects advanced computing has had on our lives are in
the areas of economics and communications.

Technology has led to big changes in economic and business systems and operations. Businesses now
have to be using cloud services or machine learning or risk failure. Consequently, every big
corporation bases its operations on computing, regardless of which sector they are in. For instance,
Coca Cola, the BBC and Levi’s market and sell different products and services, yet they all share one
basic property – without advanced computing services their operations would collapse. New
technologies are a generator of economic dynamism. China and India and many other developing
countries have large IT sectors which drive their economies. Furthermore, the more advanced
economies, including Germany, the United States, Japan and Korea are moving from an
industriabased economy to a computing and IT-based one.

The other important effect of technological change is the revolutionizing of communication. For
example, in the past, people wrote letters or talked on phones on fixed landlines, which slowed down
the communication process. Now they send e--mail, text or chat using mobile devices. Instead of
waiting weeks for a letter or spending time finding a landline, we can communicate instantly in real
time or seconds after a message or email has been sent. New forms of communication are cheaper or
free. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometers away from each other can
communicate as much as they want and whenever they want.

In conclusion, computing and new technologies have had a profound effect on our lives in many ways
and it is in business and communication that they have had the greatest influence. In the future, if
technology continues evolving at such speed, our business practices and methods of communication
will undergo even greater changes. It is already starting to bring changes to other parts of our lives,
such as transportation and health.


1. What two parts of our lives has computing changed?

The two main effects advanced computing has had on our lives are in the areas of economics and
communications Can you give an example of how computing is important in business?

2. What might happen to a company if it didn’t keep up with technological advances?

Without advanced computing services their operations would collapse

3. Why is it easier to communicate with people in other parts of the world now than in the past?
In the past, people wrote letters or talked on phones on fixed landlines, which slowed down the
communication process. Now they send e--mail, text or chat using mobile devices. Instead of waiting
weeks for a letter or spending time finding a landline, we can communicate instantly in real time or
seconds after a message or email has been sent.

4. Which two parts of our lives will be affected by new technologies in the future? Can you think
of your own example for each?

The two parts of our lives that will be affected by new technologies in the future are: transportation
and health.
With the transportation we may change from bus with wheels to some kind of bus flying through the
air and in the medical field we may change the way we diagnose people and maybe each one of us
may have like a chip so we can verify all our current health status.

Session Two: Wednesday, April 1st

LISTENING: SLO #1: Identify main ideas,

details, purpose, and audience in written and
spoken texts

Instructions: Watch the video “What is

Parkinson's Disease?” in the following link and answer the
following questions:

1. How common is Parkinson disease in the US?

It’s second the most common brain disease and the first one is Alzheimer.

2. What´s the age of maximum risk for PD?

The age of maximum risk for PD is 60 years old.

3. How is PD diagnosed?

The PD is diagnosed by completing a medical history and physical examination and they look for the
2 of the 3 Classic Motor Symptoms

4. Which are the symptoms?

The 3 classic motor symptoms are: resting tremor, stiffness and slowness of movement but some
people also experience walking problems, balance problems, constipations, sleep problems, cognitive
changes and depression can occur.

5. What is the cause for PD?

The cause for PD are the brain cells that make dopamine stop working or die.

6. What factors may be involved?

The 2 factors that may be involved are: Genetics and environmental but also head injury may affect
7. Where is research aiming at?

Based on what the genetic field know today the vast majority of cases are not directly related to
genetics however since the genetic field is moving fast, tremendous research are focused on genetics

8. What is the name of the foundation?

The name of the foundation is Michael J Fox

9. What is the purpose of the video?

The purpose of the video is to educated people on what parkison’s disease is and who they are.

10.What is the intended audience of the video?

The intended audience of the video are people with the disease or investors.

SPEAKING: SLO #:6: Express ideas in an extended conversation on general topics

Instructions: Create an audio file (MP3) where you explain the following:

A. Think of someone you know who has a health problem. Briefly describe this disease, the
causes of this disease and the effects on this person´s quality of life? B. Explain how
technology could help to make his/her life easier.

You have to upload the audio file in your Google Drive folder.

*This audio file should not be longer than one minute and no shorter than 30 seconds.


Cause/effect transitions worksheet

Use the following cause/effect transition words to complete the sentences below. Some words may be
used more than once.
For example So Consequentl As a result Sinc result in
y e
then lead to Because led
therefore to

1. If you are caught driving too fast, then therefore you will get a speeding ticket.

2. High fuel costs lead to higher food prices and the loss of many jobs.

3. It was raining and missed my bus; As a result, I got wet and missed my test.

4. A woman’s use of alcohol during pregnancy can result in birth defects in an unborn child.
5. John ate too fast. Consequently, he had a stomachache.

6. I was doing some really difficult homework then therefore, a cake in the oven burned

7. They have been so happy because they won first prize in the lottery last year.

8. Some water pipes under the house broke this morning, so we had no water for hours.
9. Some people built their houses very close to the beach. Consequently, they have had to spend a lot
of money trying to protect them from the sea during storms.

10. Since Larry’s car stereo was on so loud I could see his mouth moving, but I had no idea what he
was saying.

11. David is a very poor football player; As a result, he should be kicked off the team.

12.Families that move and change homes often put a strain on young people, who often grow up
feeling they have no real home and no real friends; Consequently, crime, divorce, and other social
problems have increased in recent times.

13. Exercising provides many positive health benefits for adults. For example, adults who exercise
tend to have a lower incidence of heart attacks than adults who don't exercise.

14. Many families take to the roads in July and August, when they traditionally go on vacation. So,
oil companies raise the price of gasoline during these months.

15. Job opportunities lead to the movement of people from the countryside to the cities.

16. Your teeth are badly decayed so they will have to be removed.

17. Cedric was a chocolate fanatic, and he ate all kinds of snacks. Then therefore, he became
incredibly overweight.

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