Performance Management (02) 201019

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Performance Management FAQs

Assignment : 02 (a)
Instructor : M. Salman Khan
Date : 20th Oct 2019

Group Members:
Misbah Kanwal : 9804
Samra Ata : 8896
Tania Jatoi : 60730
Munib-ur-Rehman : 8954
Performance Management FAQs
Question# 01

What is performance management?

Answer: Performance management (PM) is a process of ensuring that set of activities and outputs
meets an organization's goals in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can
focus on the performance of an organization, a department, an employee, or the processes in place
to manage particular tasks.

Question# 02

What are the components of performance management?

Answer: The components of performance management areas follow

1) Planning
a. Pre-requisites [review vision mission, Job analysis]
b. Setting goals & targets
2) Execution
a. Monitoring of performance
b. Track goals
c. Feedback
d. Monitor development plans
e. Conduct mid year review
3) Review & Assessment
a. Conduct employee self assessment
b. Gather 360 degree feedback
c. Conduct final/formal reviews meeting
d. Employee & manager sign off
e. Caliberate results
4) Reward & Recontracting

Question# 03

What is the purpose of conducting a performance review?

Answer: Performane review is just to get the idea that the employees are on the track or not, if they
are out of track then shift them on the right track. Performance review benefit both employee and
employer. It is a time to provide feedback, recognize quality performance and set expectations for
future job performance.
Question# 04

How does performance manaement link to career planning?

Answer: Through the performance management process we check and evaluate the performance of
the employees, the HR manager pick up the high-performing employees and set their career
path/succession plan & train & develop them for above position. Often employees leave their jobs
because there is no clear path for them to advance, or they are not sure how to rise to the position
they desire. Through performance management we can increase employee retention and grow
talent organically by career planning, because it provides both employees and employers with a
clear roadmap, outlining what it takes for workers to move from their current position to where they
want to be. It also empowers employees to take ownership of their career performance within the
company and aligns their career goals with the strategic goals of the organization. This not only helps
the organization achieve its goals, but also helps the organization in many ways.


What are the usual dates of the performance cycle?

Answer: Although performance management is a continuous round o clock process, but the usual
dates of this process of work planning are from 1 st April to 31st May, execution/ monitoring and
adjusting phase goes on from 1st June to October, mid point review held on from 1 st October to 30th
November and review and assessment phase goes from December to 30 th March, and the end of this
cycle (reward & recontracting phase) goes from 1 st April to 30 June.


Do probationary employees receive a performance review?

Answer: Yes probationary employees receive a performance review, The amendment confirms that
the purpose of probation is to give the employer an opportunity to evaluate an employee's
performance before confirming an appointment.

If the employer determines that the employee's performance does not meet the required
standard, the employer is required to advise the employee of any aspects in which the employee
fails to meet those standards, or any aspects in respect of which the employee is alleged to be

Question# 07

What are goals?

Answer: A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions,
plans and commits to achieve. People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting
deadlines. It may be Functional and Behavioral goals.
Question# 08

What is the difference between Performance and Career Development goals?

Answer: The primary difference between the two types of goal is that performance goals focus on an

end result while career development goals focus on the attainment of skills and knowledge.
Additionally, performance goals are job-oriented, while career developmental goals are learning-

Question# 09

Are career development goals required? Why?

Answer: Yes Career development goals are reqired & are objectives to improve your skills and
motivation. You can combine your personal interests with skills or performance goals to achieve
success at work. ... Setting career development goals encourages skill improvement.

Question# 10

What is the usual period for entering goals?

Answer:  Goals are set annually and describe your top priorities, such as new initiatives and projects
for the coming year. Goals may also be related to enhancing your performance in key areas of your
job. The usual period for entering goals is 1 st April to 31st May, but manager can also assign goals any
time as per need or accorging to situation.

Question# 11

Are goals required for new hires?

Answer: Yes goals are required for new hires too. Effectively setting goals for new hires can be the
difference between a successful new hire and someone likely to leave the company quickly. Like
Essence of the Job Goals, Project Goals, Professional Development Goals and Performance Goals.

Question# 12

What is the recommended number of goals for an employee?

Answer: No more than five active goals. The exact number should be linked to the number of key
priorities that need to be accomplished during the performance period.  “It’s somebody’s ability to
focus or hyperfocus, as well as their perseverance and creativity that makes the biggest
difference in terms of whether or not they’re going to be flooded.”

Question# 13

What if one employee is being rated on 2 goals and other employee is being rated on 4 goals?

Answer: We calculate the total average score of each employees to evaluate the work perormance.
Question# 14

What if I disagree with a goal my manager set for me?

Answer: I will discuss it to the manager, because the goal should be realistic and smart & if I
disagree with the goals I can’t give my best and its mean I can’t achieve the goal and the
performance will also decrease and can’t be satisfactory.

Question# 15

Can employees have the same or similar goals?

Answer: Yes employees can have the same or similar goals, because Behavioral goals are same for
all employees & functional goals are different for all.

Question# 16

What if I have more than one supervisor?

Answer: If two or more persons supervise me then I can feel burden/ pressure on me and can be
distract towards the goal.

Question# 17

What are the competencies?

Answer: Competence is the ability o an individual to do a job successfully or efficiently. A

competence is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guid enabling the identification,
evaluation and development of the behavior in individual employees, or we can say that
Competence is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the
efficiency of, performance of a job.

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