Whitaker and Pawar - Commodity Ecology - A Virtual Community Platform For Sustainable Consumption and Production - SDGs

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Commodity Ecology: A Virtual Community

Platform for Promoting Responsible Consumption

and Production to Achieve SDG #12
Pravin Pawar
Mark Whitaker
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Technology and Society
State University of New York, Korea
State University of New York, Korea
Songdo, Incheon, South Korea
Songdo, Incheon, South Korea

Abstract—We live in a society built on three major disruptive regionally together in real communities on actionable
technologies: the Internet, upon which we are increasingly served projects toward greater material sustainability for the short
by and even ruled by online virtual community platforms, which term much less for the durable cultural long-term. We
are increasingly accessible using handheld mobile devices. A propose a novel platform called Commodity Ecology that
fourth disruptive technology is coming: blockchain technology organizes sustainability for the long term, regionally across
which is beginning to revolutionize the exchange of information the world that takes advantage of over 5 billion mobile
in areas such as cryptocurrency, supply chain management, phones for cheap ongoing real/virtual deliberation. The early
healthcare and smart contracts. Owing to these four prototype of the Commodity Ecology platform is available
technological developments, we now live among real/virtual
online at https://comwheeldev.azurewebsites.net/, and we are
‘smart regions’ that on their own are capable of deliberating,
finding, and buying/selling en masse toward their own better
working on the extension of this platform to encourage
choices in sustainable material choices and better waste handling. sustainable market exchanges of products and waste
These trends are utilized by the first online blockchain-based materials powered by blockchain technology.
virtual community platform for ‘smart regions’ that facilitates Section II explains Commodity Ecology and the concept
this global, multi-regional drive toward more democratic, of smart ecoregions. Section III provides details about the
holistic, and sustainable ecological design in all of our Commodity Ecology Mobile Virtual Community (CEMVC)
consumptive choices. Commodity Ecology is a model, rubric, and
platform. Section IV discusses how blockchain can be
checklist for sustainability of 130 material categories, on a virtual
applied to facilitate sustainable product/material journeys as
platform for deliberation in over 860 distinct ecoregions
simultaneously. The United Nations Academic Impact Office
envisaged in the platform for the CEMVC. Section V
called Commodity Ecology a top global initiative for actually concludes Commodity Ecology is an ideal example of how to
achieving Sustainable Development Goal #12, Responsible institutionalize a more democratic, ecological design process.
Consumption and Production.

Keywords — Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable

Production and Consumption, Commodity Ecology, Blockchain,
Smart Region

The seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
were set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for
the year 2030. SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all. The SDGs are in danger of
falling short of being achieved by lacking a way to integrate
‘people power’ and local business incubation into their
implementation in the long term. The goal #12 of the SDGs
Fig. 1. The homepage of CEMVC platform showing ecoregions of the
is “Responsible Consumption and Production” with one of world (https://comwheeldev.azurewebsites.net/)
the aims to reduce waste generation substantially through
prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. In this paper, we
describe the Commodity Ecology Mobile Virtual Community II. COMMODITY ECOLOGY AND ECOREGIONS
(CEMVC) platform aimed at promoting responsible Commodity Ecology is an online platform that embraces
production and consumption of 130 material categories over our current media regime very well. The platform is:
860 distinct ecoregions simultaneously.
1. A United Nations-recognized model [2] of
A virtual community is defined as group of people who sustainability comprising a taxonomy of 130 different
gather or interact because of a common interest, problem or categories of materials/technologies to facilitate
task and whose members interact independent of time and innovation toward economically-sound and
space [1]. Owing to the ongoing advances in computing and ecologically-sound development. Some categories are:
communication, for the first time in world history, full textiles, dyes/colorants (murex, cochineal, synthetic
independence of time and space and equitable inclusive chemicals, derived organic coal-based chemicals),
deliberation seems to be in reach via societies saturated with building materials/tool construction, metals, and
wireless mobile devices. Prior to this work, no virtual garbage/garbage disposal;
community existed to bring people together globally and


2. Operating in each of our world’s 867 ecoregional ideas that build regional sustainable development). The
zones. Ecoregions are geographical regions existing prototype of CEMVC provides eight services to
characterized by unique ecological patterns among soil empower members as a ‘smart region’:
type, flora and fauna, and microclimate (see Figure 1). 1. Facilitate discussions on commodities’ sustainability
They are stable rubrics for sustainability unlike among people in the same ecoregion and across
relying on political borders and state capacities; and different ecological regions for easy comparisons;
3. Available via an online software platform to 2. View, like, share and comment on posts created by
implement the SDGs via the network value of over 5 other users in their ecoregion or globally;
billion mobile phones as of 2019. 3. Create posts within their ecoregion or globally by
A list of these 130 commodity use categories organized selecting one or multiple commodities categories;
either symbolically as a wheel or as a straight list is available 4. Cross reference posts across multiple commodity
on the platform [3]. The CEMVC platform merges greater categories and regions;
local business incubation, greater local democratization, and 5. A search function to filter archived posts by
greater sustainable development. Commodity Ecology commodity categories and/or by ecoregions;
provides three actionable levels that the current United 6. Enroll members as producers or consumers in a
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) lack: particular ecoregion with a personal homepage to
1. Commodity Ecology can implement SDGs in a real advertise and find others; you might call Commodity
world of disaggregated geography instead of abstract Ecology an “Ecological Facebook” on this issue.
nations of mutually incompatible interpretations of what 7. Enable producers to list their available products and
is success in these goals. Instead, Commodity Ecology their useful wastes so other producers and consumers
has a clear, common rubric of geography. Ecoregions are can see available products and useful wastes in
currently chosen, integrated into the platform as ecoregions to buy them to minimize polluting the
ecologically-sound boundaries of deliberation.
region’s commons;
2. The second actionable level that Commodity Ecology 8. Provide an ability for producers and consumers to
has that the SDGs lack is clarity on the actual 130 contact each other and to share products and wastes.
material categories of material sustainability. This
second clear, common rubric of 130 kinds of
disaggregated materials is integrated into the platform.
Thus across point #1 and #2 so far, Commodity Ecology
allows different regions to learn from each other using
the same common material rubric in a common
geographic rubric. This shared learning toward the goals
is less clear with abstract SDGs goals and different
countries of different interpretations of success in these
goals. Plus, with material categories for goals, it is clear:
you either have good ideas in all categories for material
handing or waste and how you integrate them well with
each other, or it is clear where you fail to do so.
3. The third actionable level that Commodity Ecology has
that the SDGs lack is how to reach disaggregated people
in the billions cheaply and permanently in the long term.
In Commodity Ecology, reaching people for the long Fig. 2. Building blocks of CEMVC
term is integrated via a mobile-accessible online
platform as there are over 5 billion mobile phones rather In addition to above, we propose the following services in
evenly distributed in the world in 2019. Mobile phones future versions of the CEMVC:
have more than 80% penetration in the developing
1. Encourage sustainable market exchanges of materials
world, hence mobile access is not suffering from a
digital divide like other communication technologies [4]. from producers to consumers (in products) and
between producers (as a ‘waste trading service’ in a
region between producers without polluting the
environment). This aids profitable, sustainable trades
The building blocks of CEMVC are shown in Figure 2. of products and wastes. You might call Commodity
CEMVC provides four types of empowerment support to Ecology an “Ecological eBay” for ‘smart regions.’
community members: instrumental support (trading of 2. Education via gamification built into the platform to
products/wastes within ecoregions; finding business partners inspire innovative youth entrepreneurs to contribute
or products), informational support (sharing information early to a sustainable world in their region and to be
about products/wastes and making equally a useful single
recognized by their peers and adults for their ideas or
platform for business/industry news about all sustainable
comments; and
materials in all categories in one place), emotional support
3. Invent a useful single platform for business/industry
(finding friends and networking with like-minded
individuals whether globally or in particular real ecoregional news and trends about all sustainable materials in all
areas), and appraisal support (providing recognition for good categories in one place.

This research was supported by the MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the ICT Consilience Creative program (IITP-2019-2011-1-00783) supervised by
the IITP (Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation).
IV. APPLICATION OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN CEMVC concept that includes a balance of environmental, social, and
Recently, blockchain technology is being considered as business dimensions when managing the supply chain. There
is an increasing momentum towards building sustainable
a lucrative option for data management due to compelling
solutions using blockchain technology. A recent article [9]
features such as a fault tolerant and distributed ledger, discusses the potential of blockchain technology to contribute
having a chronological and time-stamped data record that is to the sustainability of social, environmental and recycling
irreversible, having auditable and cryptographically-sealed supply chains. This article [9] points out the future research
information blocks, near real-time data updates, consensus- should focus on environmental and social dimensions of
based transactions, and ability to authorize smart contracts sustainability like the SDGs to evaluate blockchain-based
and policy-based access to facilitate data protection [5]. supply chain effectiveness.
Compared to existing solutions, blockchain technology
provides the ability to make changes safely and transparently V. CONCLUSION
from an unlimited number of sources that can be
geographically distributed. Moreover, use of blockchain In this paper, we discussed our ongoing work on the
technology ensures that each participant has the latest ledger Commodity Ecology Mobile Virtual Community Platform
version. This is ensured using consensus algorithms. Thus, (CEMVC) towards realizing Goal #12 of the SDGs,
“Responsible Consumption and Production”. The early
decentralized systems can now solve and remove past
prototype is already available online, and it provides the
requirements of third-party central monitoring to make a abovementioned eight services to empower members to
network of trust, and so confidence in validity of each become a sustainable ‘smart region.’ We work to extend the
transaction in a decentralized arrangement is possible for the existing platform to use blockchain technology for
first time in human history. A shared decentralized ledger is facilitating the sustainable product/material journey. Sharing
updated with every transaction. It is publicly available and is a common future vision is important. The best way to
incorruptible. Thus, it encourages trust via transparency [6]. develop a better future is to invent it. A better future vision is
In the CEMVC, we envision the application of one of better democratic ecological design in which people,
blockchain technology to facilitate the sustainable professions, and industries talk to people they rarely talk to in
product/material journey by tracking origin and transfer of their daily life in an ongoing democratic risk assessment with
products/wastes purchases and supporting transparent other producers and consumers in a ‘smart region.’
bidding process. The product/material journey as envisioned Therefore, a blockchain-based virtual community like
in CEMVC is similar to product/material journey in supply- Commodity Ecology catalyzes a simultaneously real and
chain management where materials, information and virtual intercommunication. Commodity Ecology operating
services flow from a producer to a consumer. Figure 3 in every ecoregion of the world as four disruptive
shows application of blockchain technology in the CEMVC technologies allow every region to be a ‘smart region’ is our
for facilitating product/waste journey and for enabling vision of the future. This is a common, sharable vision of the
product/waste recommendations by the users. future already in the mobile phone in the palm of your hand.

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[3] Whitaker, Mark. (2009) Commodity Ecology: The Blog
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This research was supported by the MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the ICT Consilience Creative program (IITP-2019-2011-1-00783) supervised by
the IITP (Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation).

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