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com Test Series

Class: -VIII Full Marks: 75
Subject: General Knowledge Time: 3 Hr

All questions are compulsory

Read the questions carefully answer
A. Choose the right answer: 1x5=5
1. Which gas plays a decisive role in affecting the climate of earth?
a. Oxygen b. Carbon dioxide
c. Hydrogen
2. Which organism is the most affected by acid rains?
a. Mammals b. Birds
c. Fish
3. Which living being is a good pollution monitor?
a. Mollusk b. Shark
c. Sunflower
4. Which of the following causes the maximum noise pollution?
a. Pop music b. Aircraft
c. Railway Engine
5. Which ecosystem is the oldest of all?
a. Tropical rain forest b. Coral reefs
c. Mangroves
B. Write the full form of the following abbreviation: 2x5=10
1. UTI-
2. LIC-
4. IDBI-
5. HDFC-
C. Answer the banking related questions: 2x5=10
1. Name the biggest commercial bank in India?
2. Which bank in India is rated at top 5 in the world?
3. Which authority issue one rupee notes in India?
4. Which bank issue 1000 rupees notes in India?
5. Name an American bank operating in India?

D. Answer these questions: 2x5=10

1. Which prime minister could not prove his majority in Lok Sabha in may 1996?
2. Who swore in Rajiv Gandhi as the Prime minister?
3. Who was the first deputy prime minister of free India?
4. Which prime minister was killed in a suicide bomb attack?
5. What primary quantity of Narendra modi has attracted the vote of millions of Indians?
E. Write True or false of the given statements: 2x5=10
1. Central Bank of India controls India’s currency production.
2. The 5 rupee coin is composed mainly of bronze.
3. RBI decides on the quantity of coins to be minted.
4. Government of India decides on the volume and value of bank notes to be printed.
5. The color of majority of the 500 rupee bank note is black and white.
F. Answer these questions: 2x5=10
1. ‘Modi incredible emergence of a star’ in Chinese language written by whom?
2. Which state declared Blue Mormon as state butterfly?
3. Who was named as the greatest test player of 21st Century?
4. India’s First Earthquake warning system successfully installed in which state?
5. Which company did facebook tie-up with to introduce two tech mobile site?
G. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
1. What is the food of the brain?
2. Which is the heaviest liquid?
3. How is dengue fever transmitted?
4. Which bird can travel the longest without flapping its wings?
5. Why is the used of iodized salt recommended?
H. True or False statements about volcanoes: 2x5=5
1. These mountains can form only in lands.
2. All magma comes from the earth’s core.
3. Most volcanoes erupt under water.
4. Mid ocean ridges form at convergent boundaries.
5. Mid ocean ridge are formed from underwater volcanoes.

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