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Learning Objective: To investigate possible management options to increase site resilience on

Ko Phi phi.

Starter: Read this article. What are your three main takeaways?

1. No chinese coming
2. Loss of profit of the locals
3. Feel safer due to less tourists


1. i) Overview/recap: Read the slides and complete the table below. Can you categorise
the impacts into social/cultural, environmental, economic?
NB: Be sure to have an understanding of ‘Carrying Capacity’

Positive/Advantages Negative/Disadvantages

Many hosts Might negatively impact their culture

Get to meet lots of people (Diversity of Could disturb the locals with bad actions.
culture) - Social
Damage the environment
Helping the environment could be a part of Lots of water used
the tour. Structures for tourism impacts the
environment hard
Stress the animals - environment
Economical- Create jobs in the region Foreigners will earn from those places and
The earnings of the local will rise take out the profit.

ii) In your own words and using examples:

● explain the term “multiplier effect” & “financial leakage”
iii) With reference to carrying capacity, what is meant by “threshold”?
Multiplier effect refers to the the encouragement of primary and secondary sectors of
industry in the local area of tourism. As there are more jobs and tourists there needs to
be more products produced inorder to satisfy all of them.
Financial leakage refers to the money produced in the area that is leaked to foreign
countries due to many factors such as the developer could be a foreigner. Foregin
companies could be incharge of the many tourist attractions in the area such as
transport or hotels.
2. Managing Phi Phi’s future to increase its resilience. Use this activity sheet to evaluate
possible management options.

Advantages Disadvantages Other ideas

Option 1 Gathering the As the buildings are I believe this is a

attraction into a moved to the higher good idea, as travel
point can gather grounds, the travel distance is longer
more capacity of time could be longer they would have to
people. use public transport
which increases the

Option 2 Bigger attraction, It would cost a lot to Not turn both of the
and more things to pay the landowners. islands into a park,
enjoy as a large area but only one, so that
is turned into a park. the other could be a
different point of

Option 3 This would help the The tourist attraction An agreement could
locals and respect could be limited as if be made from the
their culture. they want to protect Mokens to have a
their environment it good balance
is best not to have between the tourists
tourists. attraction and

Option 4 A proportion of the This would create a Phi Phi le island

island could be heavy burden on the could accept tourists
protected. Phi Phi Don island as but could have terms
all the tourists would each to stabilize the
head there. environment to a
certain extent.

3. Respond to the following.

i) Which option would you personally pick and why?
Option 1, as it would be a great way to earn profit as many of the attractions are
gathered in the middle with the other natural landscapes. Also making the distance
between the attractions and the houses, or hotels could increase the profit of
ii) Which plan is most likely to give the local residents (including the Moken) a lasting
Option 4 is the most likely as one of the islands is to keep out for only the locals and 1
operates as an attraction area. This could create enough profit and be able to get help
from other organizations.
iii) Which plan is the most realistic in terms of environmental protection?
Option 3
iv) What else would you add to one of these three options to improve it?
Give the rights to the locals so that they could decide on the future of the island. It
would be best to respect their words.

4. Think about your own vision for the future of Ko Phi Phi …
i) How would you develop an island like Phi Phi Don? (please answer)
Becuase the phi phi don island has a larger land area, it could have some attraction points like
paks, however as their natural landsacpe is a good attraction point, it would be best to create
hotels near the oceans so that it could be a peaceful vacation spot with natural landscapes.
ii) Read about the Moken and think (and make notes) about how tourism may impact their
As the ocean is their universe, if tourism continues and damages the oceans, it would be
devastating for them. Also they require the marine life to carry on, but if they all die out, it is
possible that the lives of the moken could also be threatened.

5. Read, watch and respond

a) What management strategy
was used in Maya Bay? Which
carrying capacity had been
exceeded? How?
They closed the island from the tourists. Also there were rehabilitation plans set for the
b) If Maya Bay was left unmanaged, which other carrying capacity would have likely been
impacted and why?
CHange in physical and environmental capacity could change the image of the tourist
attraction which leads to the physiological impact.

Extension: Add to your glossary and include published definitions.

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