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Zonk Induction

okay turn this way okay take a step forward put your feet a little wider apart a little wider apart okay
now your legs will stand firmly beneath you okay and what I want you to do is which do you write with
[ right hand ] so can you give me your right hand and arm ok so just going to hold that just leave that
really loose okay and just look into my eyes and SLEEP deeper deeper deeper deeper all the way
down deeper and deeper that's right your legs standing firmly beneath you that's right deeper and
deeper all the way down all the way down thats right deeper and deeper deeper than you have ever
went before thats right all the way down thats excellent excellent now your legs standing firmly
beneath you now in a moment I'm going to click my fingers and when I click my fingers you'll be wide
awake feeling wonderful feeling like you have just slept for 24 hours and wide awake feeling good
excellent [ COOL ] EXCELENT

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