Book Report Lean Thinking

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Book Report

Book Title: Lean Thinking, Womack

Book Overview: Lean thinking can be summarized in five principles: precisely specify
value by specific product, identify the value stream for each product, make value flow
without interruptions, let the customer pull value from the producer, and pursue
 Value
 Value Stream
 Flow
 Pull
 Perfection

My main learning points:

Value: Specifying value accurately is the critical first step in lean thinking. Providing the
wrong good or service the right way is muda
Value Stream: Problem Solving Task, Information Management Task, Physical
Transformation Task
Flow: We’re born with batching thinking in our heads. All the activities needed to design
order and provide a product occur in continuous flow.
Pull: The ability to design, schedule and make exactly what the customer wants just
when the customer wants.
Perfection: Organizations begin to accurately specify value, identify the entire value
stream, make the value-creating steps for specific products flow continuously, and let
customers pull value from the enterprise.

What will I apply to my business?: Starting to define the value on each process,
identifying the mudas into the process, using the different tools as VSM to know which
is the most critical step on my process, applying kaizen where is needed to get a
continuous flow. All of these with the organization support and according with our
objectives from PDM.

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