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Project Name <Project Name> Reviewer <Reviewer>

Creator <Creator> Approver <Approver>


Test Coverage: 100%

Successful Test Coverage: 0%

Not Yet
No Function ID Function name Tested Passed Failed Blocked Skipped
1 01 Login as admin 1 0 1 0 0 0
2 02 Login as end user 1 0 1 0 0 0

Total 2 0 2 0 0 0

Date: <yyyy/mm/dd>

Total Tested Coverage

1 100%
1 100%

2 100%
No. Function Name Fatal Serious Medium Comestic
1 Login as admin 0 0 0 2
2 Login as end user 0 0 0 2

Total 0 0 0 4
Total Fixed Not fixed
2 0 1
2 0 1

4 0 2
ID Function name Problem summary

Login with blank User name

01 Login as admin not display error

Login with blank User name

02 Login as end user not display error
How to reproduce it Reported by Date Assigned to Status

1. Enter User Name : " "

2.Enter Password : "abcd"
3. Click "Ok" button"
Expected: The error message should be
Actual: The error message is not displayed TDHoang 4/6/2013 Open

1. Enter User Name : " "

2.Enter Password : "abcd"
3. Click "Ok" button"
Expected: The error message should be
Actual: The error message is not displayed TDHoang 4/6/2013 Open
Priority Severity Comment


Test Case Design Score Card

1. There should be at least 30 TCs (no duplicate) and the TCs should cover all requirements/functions/pages required.
2. Test Case Design should cover different testing types (Functional Testing, GUI & Usability Testing, Performance Testing
3. Test Case Name is well written, easy to understand (show what is needed to be tested and what are you going to verify
4. Test steps are clear with specific data, easy to follow, and start from a known place.
5. TCs are not too complex (test multiple conditions).

Crit. 1:
Total # of
Student's ID Student's Fullname Your Comment No. of functions/require
TCs ments/pages are

Syntax of test case description

is not correct
Some test cases should divide
` Ngo Quang Nhut into separate TCs. 30 4
nts/functions/pages required.
lity Testing, Performance Testing, Security Testing, Compatibility Testing).
and what are you going to verify about it).

Crit. 2: Crit. 3: Crit. 4: Crit. 5:

# of testing types # of TCs qualified # of TCs qualified # of TCs qualified Score
are covered crit. 3 crit. 4 crit. 5

5 30 30 30 10
Tiêu chí Mô tả tiêu chí

u cầu 1 Đăng nhập trên facebook

u cầu 2 Chức năng nộp bài trên moodle
u cầu 3 Khuyến mãi trên Now
Điểm tự
Thang điểm
đánh giá
3 3
10 3

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