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This case study is conducted as part of the Internship with Helpage to analyze how the helpage India
MMU service is providing services to its intended senior citizen patients or rather in other words key
stakeholders for the helpage India MMU projects. This case study has been conducted randomly on field
to assess the performance of the MMU service and also to take the feedback provided thereon.


Name: T.Lakhsmamma, Id-127, age 62 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 30 years
ago, she has 4 sons and 1 daughter, all of them expired due to health reasons, and she stays with her
grandchildren’s who are also staying in rent. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 15 years; she was suffering from
cough and fever initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines
given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has
recommended to as many people as possible.

Name : S. Andalu, Id-6, age 70 years, female. Her husband was a RTC driver her husband expired 20
years ago after a paralysis attack, her children took away all the pension money.she has 1 son and 2
daughters but nobody takes care of her, she stays alone from the past 8 years. She is surviving on
pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years, she was suffering from high BP & leg
swelling problem. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, she is very thankful for
the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible.

Name: Manamma, Id-59, age 59 years, female. Her husband was a painter and expired 20 years ago, she
has no children and she stays with her relatives who also stay in rent. She was working as a servant but
now age does not support her and. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 15 years; she was suffering from
body pains initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to
her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to
as many people as possible.

Name: P.Parvathi, Id-31, age 58 years, female. Her husband was a laundryman and not working now, she
has 2 sons, all of them are working and they stay together. Her husband gets pension

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 2 years; she was suffering from pains
and headache. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to her
are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as
many people as possible.

Name: Yasin B, Id-98, age 62 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 20 years ago, she has
2 sons and 1 daughter, nobody takes care of her, she stays in rent. She is surviving on pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 15 years; she was suffering from
body pains BP and sugar initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. As per her if helpage was no there, she would have
expired years ago.

Name: C.Seetha, Id-91, age 58 years, female. Her husband was a private employee who used to work in
shops and not working now due to paralysis, she has no children. Her husband gets pension and they
stay together .She works part time as health does not support much. . She is surviving on pension and
PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 2 years; she was suffering from pains
and headache. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to her
are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as
many people as possible.

Name: A.Chandrakala, Id-1, age 63 years, female. Her husband works as a watchman, she has 1 son . Her
husband gets pension and they stay together with their son .She also works part time when health
supports. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the beginning itself; she was suffering from
body pains initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to
her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to
as many people as possible.

Name: P.Manamma, Id-335, age 70 years, female. Her husband used to work in shops now does not do
anything, she has 2 sons. Her husband gets pension and they stay together with their son .She also
works part time when health supports. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the beginning itself; she was suffering from
BP, sugar and body pains initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: T.Peddalakshmi, Id-31, age 71 years, female. Her husband expired 2 years back, he used to work
in shops, and she has 3 sons. She stays with their younger son. She is surviving on pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 10 years, she was having walking
problems and had no strength. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: K.Lakshmi, Id-139, age 75 years, female. Her husband used to work as a private employee, does
not do anything; she has 3 sons and 1 daughter. Her husband gets pension and they stay together with
their son. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 10 years. She was suffering from burning
sensation and had paralysis attack. She attended to helpage MMU services, she is doing okay now, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: L.Sarojini, Id-254, age 66 years, female. Her husband used to work as a private employee, does
not do anything; she has 2 sons and 1 daughter. Children do not take care of them. Her husband gets
pension and they stay together. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 4 years. She was suffering from Joint pains and
BP initially; she was in a critical position. She attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured in 3
months’ time and is doing okay now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very
thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. She is
extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: K.Anjaih, Id-180, age 68 years, male. He used to work as a private employee, does not do
anything; he has 3 sons and 2 daughters. Children do not take care of them. He gets pension, his wife
and himself stay together. He is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 5 years. He was suffering from sugar from the
past 20 years and BP 12 years. He attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay
now, and the medicines given to him are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being
provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage

Name: Subba Rao, Id-140, age 79 years, male. He used to work as a private employee, does not do
anything; he has 2 sons. Children do not take care of them. He gets pension, his wife and himself stay
together. He is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 7-8 years. He was suffering from leg pains and
strains and complete body pains. He attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay
now, and the medicines given to him are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being
provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage

Name: K.yadamma, Id-170, age 65 years, female. Her husband expired 32 years back. She has 2 sons and
1 daughter. Nobody takes care of her. She works as cook and stays alone. She is surviving on pension
and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 8 years. She was
suffering from Joint pains and backache initially. She attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured
in 3 months’ time and is doing okay now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She says
that initially medicines used to work but these days medicines are not working as they used to work
earliar.She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as
possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: S.Bharathamma, Id-169, age 56 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 3 years
ago, she has no children she stays with relatives in rent. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 10 years; she was suffering from BP
and sugar initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to
her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to
as many people as possible. As per her if helpage was no there, she would have expired years ago.

Name: T.Buchamma, Id-28, age 60 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 3 years ago,
she has 2 sons and 1 daughter; she stays with his younger son. She is surviving on pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years; she was suffering from BP
initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given to her are
enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as
many people as possible.

Name: Balamani, Id-197, age 65 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 10 years ago, she
has 4 sons, nobody takes care of her, she stays alone and in rent. She is surviving on pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 12 years; she was suffering from
body pains,BP and sugar initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. As per her if helpage was no there, she would have
expired years ago.

Name: Shantabai, Id-93, age 60 years, female. Her husband was a laborer and expired 12 years ago, she
has 3 sons and 3 daughters; she stays with younger son. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years; she was suffering from body
pains and BP initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines given
to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended
to as many people as possible.

Name: Susheela, Id-3, age 65 years, female. Her husband works in shops, she has 3 daughters; she stays
with younger son. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years; she was suffering from body
pains and BP and sugar initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured for that but
knee pains are not reducing now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful
for the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. As per her if
helpage was no there, she would have expired years ago.

Name: Md.Abdul Quader, Id-63, age 64 years, male. He is a auto driver, he has 5 sons and 5 daughters. .
He gets pension, his wife and himself stay together along with 1 youngest son.He gets pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. He was suffering from leg pains and
strains and complete body pains. He attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay
now, and the medicines given to him are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being
provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage

Name: Anasuya, Id-139, age 59 years, female. Her husband was a conductor and expired 5 years ago,
she has 2 sons and 1 daughter. She stays with her sons. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 2 years; she was suffering from body
pains and arthritis initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines
given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has
recommended to as many people as possible. As per her if helpage was no there, she would have
expired years ago.

Name: Razia Begum, Id-99, age 60 years, female. Her husband was running a pan shop and expired 15
years ago, she has 2 daughters and 1 son. She is living with his son. She is surviving on pension and PDS

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 12 years; she was suffering from
sugar problems initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, the medicines
given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and has
recommended to as many people as possible. As per her if helpage was no there, she would have
expired years ago.

Name: P.Rameshwar, Id-56, age 65 years, male. He used to work as in industries, does not do anything;
he has 2 daughters. Children do not take care of them. He gets pension, his wife and himself stay
together. He is surviving on industrial pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. He was suffering from sugar, BP and gas
problems. He attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay now, and the
medicines given to him are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: E.Ravi kumar, Id-44, age 73 years, female. Her husband was a painter and expired 20 years ago,
she has 1 son and 1 daughter and she stays with her son who also stays in rent. She was working as a
servant but now age does not support her and. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years; she was suffering from body
pains and fever initially. After she attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured, The medicines
given to her are enough for a week, now she has critical problems with her eye and unable to see
anything, informed her that when the medical camps will be conducted, we will inform her.. She is very
thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible.

Name: Hanumanthu, Id-20, age 70 years, male. He works as a watchman. He has 1 sons and 1 daughters.
Children do not take care of them. He gets pension, his wife and himself stay together. He is surviving on
pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 2 years. He was suffering from sugar and BP. He
attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay now, and the medicines given to him
are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as
many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: Osman ali, Id-72, age 84 years, male. He was a fruit seller, does not do anything now to old age;
he had 2 sons. All children died. Wife died years ago, there is nobody to take care of him and he lives in
a rented house all alone. He gets pension. He is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. He was suffering from cough & BP. He
attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay now, and the medicines given to him
are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being provided and has recommended to as
many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: Vijalakshmi, Id-7, age 66 years, female. Her husband died 4 years ago, used to work as a private
employee; she has 2 sons and 3 daughters. She lives with her younger daughter. She is surviving on
pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 4 years. She was suffering from high BP initially
when she came for MMU services. She attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured and is doing
okay now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being
provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage

Name: P.Sattamma, Id-120, age 71 years, female. Her husband died 4 years ago, used to work as a
private employee; she has 2 sons and 3 daughters. She lives with her younger daughter. She is surviving
on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 2 weeks; she was living in village for a couple
of years. She was suffering from body pains, knee pains and skin infections initially when she came for
MMU services. She attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured and is doing okay now, the
medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the service being provided and
has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: Habeeb bee, Id-36, age 70 years, female. Her husband used to work as a private employee, he is
not working now. She has 2 sons and 3 daughters. All children died. She lives with his husband in a
rented house. She is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. She was suffering from BP, body pains,
fever and cold initially when she came for MMU services. She attended to helpage MMU services, she
got cured and is doing okay now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful
for the service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely
grateful to helpage services.

Name: Md. Jamaal, Id-37, age-77 years, male. He was a fruit seller, does not do anything now to old age;
he had 2 sons and 3 daughters. All children died. There is nobody to take care of him; he lives in a rented
house with his wife. He gets pension. He is surviving on pension and PDS rations.

He has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. He was suffering from body pains, fever
& BP. He attended to helpage MMU services, he got cured and is doing okay now, and the medicines
given to him are enough for a week. He is very thankful for the service being provided and has
recommended to as many people as possible. He is extremely grateful to helpage services.

Name: P.Bellamma, Id-83, age 74 years, female. Her husband died 15 years ago, used to work as a daily
labor; she has 4 daughters. All married, She lives alone now. She is surviving pension and PDS rations.

She has been coming to take MMU service from the past 3 years. She was suffering from sugar, BP and
thyroid initially when she came for MMU services. She attended to helpage MMU services, she got cured
and is doing okay now, the medicines given to her are enough for a week. She is very thankful for the
service being provided and has recommended to as many people as possible. She is extremely grateful
to helpage services.
Observations: It has been observed that the patients who are attending to this service are extremely
grateful to the service being provided and they do not expect anything more than what they are getting,
although many patients have reported one problem in particular and that is pains are not getting
reduced or pain tablets only work for some period of time for which I myself described to them that the
nature of pain killer tablets is to function for a short period. I think if any food material or herbs that can
be suggested to the patients along with the tablets which helps them to reduce pains/ sugar or BP in
long term which are affordable like pulses (Ragi) , aloe Vera which reduces arthritis and pains and helps
in kidney functions or rather any other food materials or herbs which are easily available to patients, It
might help them in a longer run. Most of the patients do not know anything about health mantainance
or physical exercise like yoga which can help them in some way or other and reduce the dependence on

The other problem that has been observed is the availability of shade In summer time and some sort
of shelter in rainy times. Summer time was very difficult both for patients and staff. Looking for a parking
place under the shade of a tree or some alternative measure will help the staff in a great way because
the temperature within the MMU van is horribly high in peak summer days.

Place: Hyderabad Thanks,

Date: 01/08/2019 M.Pravin kumar (IICA CSR batch IV-Id # IICA/50/00006475)

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