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A two-receiver side “closed,” rotation zone dog. It is a five-man pass rush

accompanied by three underneath and three deep pass defenders. Sam and Mike are in the


 The ball will be thrown quickly

 Sound vs. the run


 quick game vs off corner

 Belly weak cutback with the vertical hole in the C gap
 Zone scheme run plays


 SS aligns to Y, FS aligns to the open side…vs. ace and spread 2x2 SS goes left,
FS goes right
 close the two receiver side
 vs. spread close away from the back, or “left” if he is a “dot”
 Disguise from a cover two shell
 Run it vs. empty, closed to the weak side
 check “Frisco” vs. slot with zoom motion…check “Frisco” vs. pro with Y-motion
 So…check “frisco” any time #2 motions to create a 1 receiver side.
 fly or peel to Mike creating empty, Mike plays final three
 Will adjusts the “bronco end” to a “final three” with a check “gut” when #2 away
from the blitz is removed from the core…if #2 motions check “bronco or you got
him” to get the end back in a bronco technique
 in nickel the SS travels with the nickel corner and broncos
 Can become “nickel Frisco” vs. zoom to 1x3
 Any single receiver side or one back 2x2 close call side locks if the back is in a
dot or offset away.


 “Off” is 9 yards off the receiver…”Zebra,” or outside leverage of a normal split

WR… read through “3-step” and play the “cushion race”
 “Bail” is played with the corner playing from the LOS or from “squat”…At the
snap the corner will drop his inside leg and shuffle vertically while direct
visioning the QB and feeling the WR…As the receiver closes, the corner will
transition his shuffle into a “turn and run” to maintain upfield shoulder control on
the receiver…Never allow a disguise or technique prevent you from carrying out
your assignment. Bunches override a “Bail” call.
 2LOS is the alignment on the deadside of a single width formation…the corner is
simply using this alignment as a disguise to show the “two shell” vs. slot. The
corner actually has C-7 responsibilities.
 C-7 is the alignment that the strong corner slides to vs. “zoom” to slot. Key the
FB while you hit your shuffle steps.


 “punch-pedal”- start slow, increase speed as you go…understand that the ball will
be thrown quickly
 make an “alert banjo or combo” call vs. stack or a bunch
 corner to the bronco safety be ready to crack replace the safety
 corner to the bronco end read #2 to #1 for possible midpoint on two verticals
 Vs. pro, pass the “race” route to the FS and work to deep middle
 Vs. slot, dead side corner hold the two deep shell (2LOS)
 Be ready to “bail” to thirds on a quick snap


 D-4 is the alignment when #2 is a TE. Key #3

 Bronco-7 is the alignment when #2 is displaced. Inside or outside leverage
depends on the distance between #2 and #3. Key #3
 C-2 is the landmark when Bark checks Frisco and you now become a blitzer. Key
the backs and feel the tackle

Rule #3 away, cover #2…#3 to the blitz, play the release of #2 provided #3 is not
immediately to the flat… if #3 is immediately to the flats, hold off #2 for your “final
three player” then jump #3…if #2 runs a shallow cross, pass him to the final 3
player and cover #3


 check “frisco” vs. slot zoom and pro Y-motion

 Take the cutback “C” on flood run vs. pro when TE blocks the Sam…on the belly
weak the Y will zone up to the SS…the SS must be ready to press the hole
 Play at you, Mike is spilling everything to you just inside the Sam
 Counter OF away, split lead draw, Bill sweep, Ram belly and Raider belly,
“run the hump” to #3 in the fit…
 Be ready for an “alert banjo or combo” from the corner when we have a stack or
 Align head-up on #1 at 4 yds vs. “bunch” formations…be ready to take the first
thing to the flat
 Vs. a “Zin” hold bronco position for the first thing to the flat (i.e. FB on star pass)
 Remember, #3 away- you have #2 M/M if there is no combo we lock it.


 Shell alignment is 10 yards deep and 2 yards outside the core… the Away Side
Safety uses this alignment as a point of departure as he shows his disguise before
working to the hole


 Vs. 2 x2 formation favor the bronco end side…vs. all other formations you have
your normal hole landmark rules
 Vs. pro cover down on the Z or X race route, the corner will replace you in the
 Vs. slot be prepared to assist the Will on the slot seam when #3 is to the flat
 Your first priority is to defend the post. Other defenders are depending on you to
read the QB and cover grass. Do not try to do too much…we are sound vs. the
run; your run fit is “secondary.”


 “Seam” alignment to the two receiver side and off at four yards. Key the end of
the line; to ball


 run at you…blitz contain…play all blocks with your inside shoulder

 run away…chase flat and rally to misdirection passes and reverses
 “hang middle” …wait for the closed call vs. spread…vs. diamonds go to the two
receiver side
 think “2LOS” as a point of departure to give yourself enough width to contain and
come flat
 stay under any zin motion…play outside any motion coming from the core that
stop at the wing position
 zoom motion to create a 1 receiver side goes to nickel frisco…stay underneath if
the backs block you.

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