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PAULO FREIRE PEDAGOGY of the OPPRESSED | oT ANNIVERSARY EDTION + I Translated by Mera Bergman Ramos With an Introduction by Donaldo Macedo CONTINUUM * NEW YORK CHAPTER, cate analysis of the touchee student relationship at any’ level, inside or eutside the school, reveals its uta tally narrative character. This relations involues amare ting Subject (the teacher) and patient listening objects che students) The contents, whether values or esaprieal dimensions a reality fend in the process of being narrated to beconne lifeless ad petrified. Eilcation i sulferin from rteration sickaess. ‘The teacher talks about reahiy as if were motionless, stati compartmentalize, and predictable. Or else he exponmnds on atopic completely alien to the existential experience ofthe students. His task isto “Bll” the students with the contests af his narration — ‘outents hich are detached frm realy, disconnected from the totality that engendered them and could ge them significance Words are emptied oftheir concreteness and hecome a holl lien ated, and alienating verbosity ‘The outstanding characteristic of this narcative education, then, f the somorty af words, not their transforming power. "Four times four fs sixteen; the eapltal of Parts Belém.” Tite stedent recocds, ‘memorizes. snd repeats these phases without pecceving what fr times four really means, or reaicng the true signeance of “capita in the affirmation “the capital of Pur s Belen,” this what Belén means for Par and what Pad sneans for Brat Narration (with the teacher ac narcator) kaady the students to PAULO FREIRE ‘memorize mechanically the narrated content. Worse yet, it turns them into “containers,” into “receptacles” to be “filled” by the teacher The more completely she fils the eecptactes, the better a teacher she is The moresieckly the receptacles pecrut themselves to be filed, the better stadents they ara ueation thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the stu dents ate the depositories snd the teacker isthe depositor Instead ‘of conumanicating, the teicher isues eommuniqués aad makes de- posits whieh the students patiently eeeive, memorize, and repeat ‘This is the “bankine” eoneept af education, ja which the seope of action alloved tothe students extends ony a fa as receiving, ling, and storing the deposits ‘They do, it true, have the opportunity to become collectors or eataloguers ofthe things they store. But im ‘the last analysis, It ip the people themselves who are fled away through the lack of ereatwits transformation, and kawowledge i this (at bost) misguided system. For apart fora inquiry. apart Grom the pai, individuals cannot be trly human. Kaowledge emenses.ony through invention and re-inverien, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopetl inqiry huenan beings pursue in the word, with the world and with each other Th the banking concept of education, knowledge i a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to kuow nothing. Projecting an absolute jgnorance conto others, # chaructorstie of the sdeclogy of aporession, negates education and knowledge as processes of inquiry. The teacher pre- ents himself to his stadents ae their necessary opposites by consid- tring their ignocance absolute, be justifies his awn existence. The students, ablenated hike the slve in the Hegelian dialectic, accent their ignorance as justiing the teaches existence—but, unlike the slave, they never diseaer that they educate the teaches. “The raison dire of Wertarian education, om the other hand, lies in its drive towards reconciliation, Education must besin with the solution of the teacherstadent contradiction, by recoiling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers fand stodents. Tis solution isnot (nor ean it bo) found in the banking concept ‘On the contrary, banking educatios maintain and even stinwlates the contradiction through the folowing atsiudes and practioes, which mirror oppressive society aga whole (a) the tucher teaches and the tudents are taught: (b) the teaser knows everythingad the students know nothings (6) the teacher thinks and the stidents ate thovght about; (d) the teacher talks and the students listen-—niceky (e) the teacher disciplines and the stidents are disciplined (1) the teacher chooses and enfoxes his choice, and the students comply, (al the teacher acts and the students have the illusion of acting ‘hough the action ofthe teacher, (hy the teacher chooses the program content, and the students loro were not consulted) adit to i UD the teacher confuses the authority of knowledge with his or thor own professional authority which she al he sets fn on sition to the freedom of the stdentss i) the teacher isthe Subjeet of the [earning peovess, while the pupils axe mere abject, te oot orprsing thatthe basking concep fedvcaion reads se mnie Te me nen oko Storing the deposits enue ty fnew, theless they develo the trite conslousness wiih woud euler venta the wor tne of that wo. The re completly thr tccop the passive role imposed on the, the more Sy ei simply {Sedap tothe world lean foe guest vs teal posted in thom The capably of banking edvetion to minimize or annul the stodent rete power ant siulats tel ered Seves he tcterest of he oppress, who xe neler © be the word Seal net sce onsen, The apes sede uma Fiano preserves poate saton. Thus thay eat anos instinctively ant my eerie’ in eben wich silts 7d:PAULO FREIRE - the erica faculties and is not euntent sith a partial view of vealty but always seeks out the tes whith link one point to another and fone problem to another {Indeed the Interests ofthe eppreson ie in “changing the eone | sciousness of the oppressed, not the situation shich oppresses | them! forthe moze the oppressed can be fed Yo adapt to Eat { stueton, the more easily they can be dominated. To achieve this "enn, the oppressors use the bang concept of edueation in con. junction with ¢ paternabstic socal action apparatus, within which the oppressed recive the euphemistie ik of "wrllve redpionts* ‘They are treated as indivadual oases, as marginal persons who de ste from the general coniguration of “good, organized, and jst sociey: The oppressed are regarded es the pathology othe healthy society, which must therefore adjust those “incompetent and lazy” {all tots oun pattorns by ehuaging their mentality These marginals eed tobe “integrated,” neorpoated tothe healthy seciets that they have “forsaken. The truth, however, thatthe oppressed ate not “marginal,” are aot people living “outside” society They fame alwats been “inside’—inside the struerure which made them “beings tar athers” ‘The solution is not tu “inti them Into the structure of appres: sion, bot to transform thatstrctute sa that thy ean become “egy for theraseles.” Suck translation, of course, would undermine the oppressor’ purposes: rence the utzon uf te banking cone ‘cept of education to avoid the threat of stadent consctentisa ao ‘The banking approach ty adult eduction, fr esample, will ner propose to students Chat they criily consider realty Wt wil} deal instead with sich vital questions as whether Roger yas sree grass to the goat, and init upen the importance of earning that om the contrary, Roger gave grees gras to the rabbit, The “humanism” of the banking approach mases the efoto tr wen and ee in sutomatons—the very negation of their ontological vocation o be nore fly human 7 Sine de easy La Feeds rote AjonPhu nto ei dbs Derechos Sie TSN ST Eton PEDAGOGY OF THE OFrRESSED ‘Those who ase the banking aprsoach, knowingly or unkacingly for there are innumerable well-intentioned hunleclerk teachers why o not vealize that they are serving only (o dehnmanivel, fal te ‘eccoive that the deposits themscves contain contradictions aba realy: But, sooner or fates, Uhese contradictions may lel formerly passive stadents to hen assist thelr domestication and the attempt {odomestcate reahity. They may dscover through eistentis exper ‘ence Hat their present wa of hieis irreconcilable with their wee ion to become fully human, They may pereeive through ther ‘lations with reality that reality i relly « process, undergone Constant transformation, IFmen and worwen ate searcher and tho xtologcl vocation is hmantaton, sooner or late they my pee ceive the contradiction in which banking edieation seeks trea tain them, and then engage theaelves in the struggle for then liberation, But the humanist, vvolutionary eestor eannot walt or tis ys sibility t0 materialize. From the outset. her ellrts must eoizeade with those of the students to engixe i eitcal thing and the (guest for mutual busnantzation. His efforts must be inbaed with a profound trust im people and hei tcative power To ahieve this they must be partners ofthe stadents i their relations with them, The hanking concept docs not admit 0 sich partaerhip-—and necessarily 0. To resolve the Leacherstulent contradiction, t9 o- change the rote of depositr, preseriber, domestictor, for the role of student among students would Le to undermine the power of eppression and serve the cause of hbrition Implicit in the banking concept sve assumption ofa dichotoxay betwean human beings and the works w person iv merely fw the ‘orld not withthe world or with other; the inividual i spectator ot re-reator, In this view, the person isnot a eonsciots being (oorpe consctente; he or seis rather the possessor ola conscione ness an empty “min” passively apen to the reception of depoats ‘of reality from the vorld outside, For example, my desk, my teks ny cace cup, all the objects before me—as bits of the world which surround me—vould be “inside” mn exactly as Lam tnside my To-PAULO FREIRE study right nove This view makes no distnetion between being ac- cessible to consciousness and entering consciousness. The dstine= tion, however, isessenta: the objects which sucround me are simply secessble to my ennscinusnes, not located within i, Fann aa of them, but they are aotiaside me. Ie flloas logical fren the banking notion of eonseionsiess that the edueatur’ role i to regulate the way the world “enters into” the students, The teacher's tsk is to organize a pros which already eeurs spontaneously, to “fl” the students by making depnlts of information which he orshe ensiders to constitute ue knowledge? And sinse people “revewe" the world ay passive entities, education should make them more passive sill, ane adapt them tothe workd ‘The educated individual isthe adapted pervn, because she oe he fs better "Bt for the work, Traslated info practice, this concept well suted to the purposes ofthe oppressors, whose tranquilty rests on hove sell people it the world the uppressors have exeater and how Hite thes aieetion i ‘The more completely the majority adapt to the purposes which the domiaant iniaority prescribe fr them (cheveby depriving them ‘ofthe right to their own purposes) the mote easily the minority ean

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