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 What is the Weightage of Plane waves and properties: re ection and

refraction, polarization, phase and group velocity, propagation through

various media, skin depth in GATE Exam?

Total 23 Questions have been asked from Plane waves and properties: re ection and refraction,
polarization, phase and group velocity, propagation through various media, skin depth topic of
Electromagnetics subject in previous GATE papers. Average marks 1.57.

Question No. 54 (../../../ECE-GATE-2017-Question-54)

GATE - 2017 (../../../../GATE2017) 02

The expression for an electric eld in free space is E ,

= E0  (x̂ + ŷ + j2 ẑ ) e

where x, y, z represent the special coordinates, t represent time, and ω, k are constant. This
electric eld

 (A)  does not represent a plane wave.

 (B)  represent a circularly polarized plane wave propagating normal to the z-axis.

 (C)  represent an elliptically polarized plane wave propagating along the x-y plane.

 (D)  represent a linearly polarized plane wave.

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Question No. 64 (../../../ECE-GATE-2016-Question-64)

GATE - 2016 (../../../../GATE2016) 02

The electric eld of a uniform plane wave travelling along the negative z direction is given by the
following equation:
⃗  jkz
E w = (âx + jây )E0 e

This wave is incident upon a receiving antenna placed at the origin and whose radiated electric eld
towards the incident wave is given by the following equation:
⃗  1 −jkr
E a = (âx + 2ây )EI e

The polarization of the incident wave, the polarization of the antenna and losses due to the
polarization mismatch are, respectively,

 (A)  Linear, Circular (clockwise), −5dB  (B)  Circular (clockwise), Linear, −5dB

 (C)  Circular (clockwise), Linear, −3dB  (D)  Circular (anti clockwise), Linear, −3dB

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Question No. 134 (../../../ECE-GATE-2016-Question-134)

GATE - 2016 (../../../../GATE2016) 01

Let the electric eld vector of a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in a homogenous medium
be expressed as , where the propagation constant is a function of the
E = x̂Ex e β

angular frequency ω. Assume that β (ω) and Ex are known and are real. From the information
available, which one of the following CANNOT be determined?

 (A) The type of polarization of the wave  (B) The group velocity of the wave

 (C) The phase velocity of the wave  (D) The power ux through the z=0 plane

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Question No. 165 (../../../ECE-GATE-2016-Question-165)

GATE - 2016 (../../../../GATE2016) 02

A positive charge q is placed at x=0 between two in nite metal plates placed at x=-d and at x=+d
respectively. The metal plates lie in the yz plane

The charge is at rest at t=0, when a voltage +V is applied to the plate at -d and voltage -V is applied
to the plate at x=+d. Assume that the quantity of the charge q is small enough that it does not
perturb the eld set up by the metal plates. The time that the charge q takes to reach the right
plate is proportional to

− −−
 (A) d/V  (B) √d/V  (C) d/√V  (D) √d/V

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Question No. 234 (../../../ECE-GATE-2016-Question-234)

GATE - 2016 (../../../../GATE2016) 01

If a right-handed circularly polarized wave is incident normally on a plane perfect conductor, then
the re ected wave will be

 (A) right-handed circularly polarized  (B) left-handed circularly polarized

 (C) elliptically polarized with a tilt angle of 450  (D) horizontally polarized

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Question No. 35 (../../../ECE-GATE-2015-Question-35)

GATE - 2015 (../../../../GATE2015) 01

The electric eld component of a plane wave traveling in a lossless dielectric medium is given by
. Thewavelength (in m) for the wave is_______.
8 z
E (z, t) = ây 2 cos (10 t − )V/m

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Question No. 64 (../../../ECE-GATE-2015-Question-64)

GATE - 2015 (../../../../GATE2015) 02

The electric eld intensity of a plane wave traveling in free space is given by the following

E(x, t) = ay 24π cos(ωt − k0 x)(V/m).

In this eld, consider a square area 10 cm X 10 cm on a plane x + y = 1.   The total time-

averaged power (in mW) passing through the square area is _______.

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Question No. 65 (../../../ECE-GATE-2015-Question-65)

GATE - 2015 (../../../../GATE2015) 02

Consider a uniform plane wave with amplitude (E0) of 10 V/m and 1.1 GHz frequency travelling in
air, and incident normally on a dielectric medium with complex relative permittivity (εr ) and
permeability (μr ) as shown in the gure.
The magnitude of the transmitted electric eld component (in V/m) after it has travelled a distance
of 10 cm inside the dielectric region is_______.

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Question No. 135 (../../../ECE-GATE-2015-Question-135)

GATE - 2015 (../../../../GATE2015) 01

The electric eld of a uniform plane electromagnetic wave is

⃗  7
E = (a⃗ x + j4a⃗ y ) exp [j (2π × 10 t − 0. 2z)]

The polarization of the wave is

 (A)  right handed circular  (B)  right handed elliptical  (C)  left handed circular

 (D)  left handed elliptical

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Question No. 165 (../../../ECE-GATE-2015-Question-165)

GATE - 2015 (../../../../GATE2015) 02

The electric eld of a plane wave propagating in a lossless non-magnetic medium is given by the
following expression

9 9 π
E (z, t) = ax  5  cos (2π × 10 t + βz) + ay  3  cos (2π × 10 t + βz − )

The type of the polarization is

 (A)  Right Hand Circular  (B)  Left Hand Elliptical  (C)  Right Hand Elliptical

 (D)  Linear

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Question No. 163 (../../../ECE-GATE-2014-Question-163)

GATE - 2014 (../../../../GATE2014) 02

If the electric eld of a plane wave is

⃗  ∘ ∘
E (z, t) = x̂ 3 cos(ωt − kz + 30 ) − ŷ 4 sin(ωt − kz + 45 ) (mV /m)

the polarization state of the plane wave is

 (A) left elliptical  (B) left circular  (C) right elliptical  (D) right circular

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Question No. 265 (../../../ECE-GATE-2014-Question-265)

GATE - 2014 (../../../../GATE2014) 02

Assume that a plane wave in air with an electric eld

E = 10 cos(ωt − 3x − √3z) a y V /m is incident on a non-magnetic dielectric slab of
relative permittivity 3 which covers the region z > 0. The angle of transmission in the dielectric slab
is ________ degrees.

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Question No. 4 (../../../ECE-GATE-2012-Question-4) GATE - 2012 (../../../../GATE2012) 01

A plane wave propagating in air with E⃗ = (8âx + 6ây + 5âz )e

V/m is incident
on a perfectly conducting slab positioned at x ≤ 0 .The E
eld of the re ected wave is

 (A) (−8âx
− 6ây − 5âz )e  V/m

 (B) (−8âx + 6ây − 5âz )e


 (C) (−8âx − 6ây − 5âz )e


 (D) (−8âx
+ 6ây − 5âz )e  V/m

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Question No. 5 (../../../ECE-GATE-2012-Question-5) GATE - 2012 (../../../../GATE2012) 01

The electric eld of a uniform plane electromagnetic wave in free space, along the positive x

direction, is given by .The frequency and polarization of the wave,
E = 10 (ây + jâz )e

respectively, are

 (A) 1.2 GHz and left circular  (B) 4 Hz and left circular  (C) 1.2 GHz and right circular

 (D) 4 Hz and right circular

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Question No. 16 (../../../ECE-GATE-2012-Question-16)

GATE - 2012 (../../../../GATE2012) 01

A coaxial cable with an inner diameter of 1 mm and outer diameter of 2.4 mm is lled with a

dielectric of relative permittivity 10.89. Given , the

−7 10
μ0 = 4π × 10 H /m,  ε0 = F /m

characteristic impedance of the cable is

 (A) 330Ω  (B) 100Ω  (C) 143.3Ω  (D) 43.4Ω

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Question No. 14 (../../../ECE-GATE-2011-Question-14)

GATE - 2011 (../../../../GATE2011) 01

Consider the following statements regarding the complex Poynting vector P for the power
radiated by a point source in an in nite homogeneous and lossless medium. Re(P ) denotes the

real part of P ,⃗  S denotes a spherical surface whose centre is at the point source, and n̂ denotes
the unit surface normal on S. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A)  Re(P⃗ ) remains constant at any radial distance from the source

(B)  Re(P⃗ ) increases with increasing radial distance from the source


 (A) Re (→) remains constant at any radial distance from the source

 (B) Re (→) increases with increasing radial distance from the source


remains constant at any radial distance from the source


decreases with increasing radial distance from the source

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Question No. 37 (../../../ECE-GATE-2011-Question-37)

GATE - 2011 (../../../../GATE2011) 02

A current sheet  j ⃗ = 10ûy A/m lies on the dielectric interface x=0 between two dielectric media
with  εr1 = 5, μr1 = 1 in Region -1 (x<0) and εr2 = 2   μr2 = 2 in Region -2 (x>0). If the magnetic eld in
Region-1 at x=0- is H1 = 3û x + 30û y A /m the magnetic eld in Region-2 at x=0+ is

−→ −→
 (A)  H2 = 1. 5û x + 30û y − 10û z   A/m  (B)  H2 = 3û x + 30û y − 10û z   A/m

−→ −→
 (C)  H2 = 1. 5û x + 40û y   A/m  (D)  H2 = 3û x + 30û y + 10û z   A/m

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Question No. 25 (../../../ECE-GATE-2010-Question-25)

GATE - 2010 (../../../../GATE2010) 01

The electric eld component of a time harmonic plane EM wave traveling in a nonmagnetic lossless
dielectric medium has an amplitude of 1 V/m. If the relative permittivity of the medium is 4, the
magnitude of the time-average power density vector (in W/m2) is

 (A)  1
 (B)  1
 (C)  1
 (D)  1

30π 60π 120π 240π

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Question No. 46 (../../../ECE-GATE-2010-Question-46)

GATE - 2010 (../../../../GATE2010) 02

A plane wave having the electric eld component 8
az v/m
Ei = 24 cos (3 × 10 t − βy)ˆ and traveling
in free space is incident normally on a lossless medium with µ= µ0 and ε=9ε0 which occupies the
region y≥0. The re ected magnetic eld component is given by

 (A)  10π cos (3 × 10  (B)  20π cos (3 × 10

1 8 1 8
t + y)a
ˆ A/ t + y)a
ˆ A/
x M x M

 (C) − 1
cos (3 × 10 t + y)a
M  (D) − 1 8
cos (3 × 10 t + y)a
20π 10π

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Question No. 63 (../../../ECE-GATE-2008-Question-63)

GATE - 2008 (../../../../GATE2008) 02

A uniform plane wave in the free space is normally incident on an in nitely thick dielectric slab
(dielectric constant εr = 9). The magnitude of the re ection coe cient is

 (A) 0  (B) 0.3  (C) 0.5  (D) 0.8

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Question No. 19 (../../../ECE-GATE-2007-Question-19)

GATE - 2007 (../../../../GATE2007) 01

A plane wave of wavelength λ is traveling in a direction making an angle 30° with positive x-axis
and 90° with positive y-axis. The E⃗  eld of the plane wave can be represented as (E0 is constant)

√3π π π √3π
j(ωt− x− z) j(ωt− x− z)
 (A) E ⃗ 
= ŷ E0 e λ λ
 (B) E ⃗ 
= ŷ E0 e λ λ

√3π π π √3π
j(ωt+ x+ z) j(ωt− x+ z)
 (C) E⃗  = ŷ E0 e λ λ
 (D) E⃗  = ŷ E0 e λ λ

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Question No. 65 (../../../ECE-GATE-2007-Question-65)

GATE - 2007 (../../../../GATE2007) 02

The H eld (in A/m) of a plane wave propagating in free space is given by
5 π
H = x̂ cos (ωt − βz) + ŷ sin (ωt − βz + )
η0 η0 2

The time average power ow density in watts is

 (A)  100  (B)   (C) 50η0 2  (D)  η
100 50

η0 0

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Question No. 70 (../../../ECE-GATE-2007-Question-70)

GATE - 2007 (../../../../GATE2007) 02

A right circularly polarized (RCP) plane wave is incident at an angle of 60° to the normal, on an air-
dielectric interface. If the re ected wave is linearly polarized, the relative dielectric constant εr2 is

 (A) √2  (B) √3  (C) 2  (D) 3

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Topics of Electromagnetics


Maxwell’s equations: Di erential and integral forms and their interpretation

Boundary conditions

Wave Equation

Poynting vector

Plane waves and properties: re ection and refraction, polarization, phase and group
velocity, propagation through various media, skin depth (Plane-waves-Properties)

Transmission lines: equations, characteristic impedance, impedance matching, impedance

transformation, S-parameters, Smith chart (Transmission-lines)

Waveguides: modes, boundary conditions, cut-o frequencies, dispersion relations


Antennas: antenna types, radiation pattern, gain and directivity, return loss, antenna arrays

Basics of radar

Light propagation in optical bers

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