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Quiz August 30, 2010 From Mechanics (PHYS 220)

There is a certain net flux Φο through a Gaussian sphere of

radius r enclosing an isolated charged particle. Suppose •  Energy
the enclosing Gaussian surface is changed to Kinetic Energy: associated with the state of motion

1 A Gaussian cube with edge length r

2 A larger Gaussian sphere of radius 2r Potential Energy: associated with the configuration of
3 A Gaussian cube with edge length 2r the system

Rank the net flux for each Gaussian surface:

•  Conservative Forces:
(A) Φο = Φ1 < Φ2 = Φ3 Work done by a conservative force is independent of path.
(B) Φ2 = Φο > Φ1 = Φ3
(C) Φο = Φ1 > Φ2 = Φ3
(D) Φο = Φ1 = Φ2 = Φ3
 (Ε) Φ1 = Φ3 > Φ2 = Φο
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Potential Energy Potential Energy of Two Point

Gravitational Potential Energy Electric Potential Energy m1m2 q1q2
U g = −G PEelec = k
m1m2 q1q2 r r
Fg = G Fe = k
r2 r2

m1m2 U=0 at r=∞ q1q2

PE = −G PE = k
r r
Potential energy: can be positive or negative

Field forces push object into area with lower potential energy:

Potential energy decreases, work is done on object – Gravity: always attraction. q1q2 < 0 : attraction. q1q2 > 0 : repulsion.
for example, kinetic energy of the object may increase (speed) U is more negative (“lower”) U is more negative (“lower”) U is lower when objects
when objects are closer when objects are closer are farther apart
Total energy is conserved
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Potential Energy of Several Point Charges: Electric Potential Suppose a test charge q moves
through the area with many fixed
An Example with 3 charges q5 q4 charges around
Total potential energy PE:
-q3 PE = PE12 + PE23 + PE13 q6 q3 q

q2 ⎛ qq qq qq qq ⎞
PEelec = k ⎜ 1 + 2 + ... 1 2 + 1 3 + ...⎟
⎝ r1 r2 r12 r13 ⎠
+q2 The changes in potential energy are proportional to that charge

Electric potential V: electric potential energy per unit charge:

Potential energy of many charges is a scalar sum of potential energies of

all the pairs of charges in the system.
*Electric potential energy PEelec ≠ electric potential (or potential) V
Note: each pair should be counted only once.
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Electric Potential versus Electrical Potential Potential & Electric Fields

The electric field points in the direction in which the
potential decreases most rapidly.
Electric Potential is a property of an electric field and is
measured in J/C or V

Electric Potential Energy is an energy of system

consisting of the charged object and the external
electric field, and is measured in Joules.

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Potential Difference Potential Difference *independent of path

The potential difference between two points is the *independent of test charge
negative of the work done by the electrostatic force To find ΔV, find work done on a positive charge qo by
to move a unit charge from one point to another. the electric field as it moves from i to f.

At any point, the differential work done on the

particle by electrostatic force:


Potential Difference:

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Potential due to a point charge: Potential due to a Group of Point Charges

V in space around a charged particle relative to the Find the Potential at the center of the square.
zero potential at infinity:
1 N qn
For a point charge V (r) = ∑ Vn (r) = ∑
n =1 4πε o n =1 rn
V(r) to ∞
+ V= q1 = +12 nC q2 = -24 nC

4πε 0 r + -

+ +
r q3 =+31 nC q3 =+17 nC

V (r = 0) = ∞
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Definition: locus of points with the same potential.
•  Calculate Electric Potential from the
Electric Field • General Property: The electric field is always
perpendicular to an equipotential surface.

ΔV = −EΔx
•  Calculate Electric Field from the Electric

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Equipotentials: Examples
E due to an infinite line charge

Point charge infinite positive electric dipole

charge sheet

Corona discharge around a high voltage power line,

which roughly indicates the electric field lines.
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Equipotentials Demo Get energy out
ΔPE = q ΔV

charge flow
+ R
+ +
R +
+ r1 r2
+ +
ΔV = V (r1 ) − V (r2 )
+ +
+ across fluorescent
light bulb
Also try an
elongated neon bulb.
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Potential inside & outside a conducting sphere Potential Energy: Gravitational & Electric
Gravitational potential energy Electric potential energy

Vref = 0 ΔPE = -Wgrav.field

ΔPE = -Welec.field
at r = ∞. W = F.d.cos(θ)
mm W = F.d.cos(θ)
Fg = G 1 2 2 qq
Common mistake: thinking that potential must be zero r Fe = k 1 2 2
inside because electric field is zero inside. mm r
PE = −G 1 2 U=0 at r=∞ qq
r PE = k 1 2
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