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Colombia is a State which consists of a political organization constituted by stable

bureaucratic institutions, through which it exercises the monopoly of the use of force

(sovereignty) applied to a population within established territorial limits.

This is a country, whose history has been full of problems in which they find themselves,

democratic mismanagement, lack of culture, ignorance of its inhabitants, insecurity,

unattainable education for many, armed conflict, among others, which are generating causes

of the poor functioning of the country, that is why it is necessary to know a little history in

order to understand what the problem lies in, within those events is the banana massacre in

which due to an order given by the president on duty, Mr. Miguel Abadía Méndez gave

orders to suppress the strike at any cost, which resulted in the death of an indefinite number

of workers.

Colombia shows how a country designed for the practice of corruption refers to acts of

crimes committed by public officials and authorities that abuse their power and influence by

intentionally misusing the financial and human resources to which they have access,

anticipating to his personal interests and / or those of his relatives, to obtain an illegitimate

advantage generally in a secret and private way.

Violence is also presented, which is the type of interaction between subjects that manifests

itself in those behaviors or situations that, deliberately, learned or imitated, provoke or

threaten to harm, harm or serious submission (physical, sexual, verbal or psychological) to an

individual or a group, affecting the violated people in such a way that their present or future

potentials are affected.

In addition there is social segregation which is a compound phenomenon whose most

clearly positive dimension, the spatial concentration of the social group under study, is also

the one that could most help improve the targeting and efficiency of social policies. On the

other hand, the report concludes by highlighting the most global contribution that social

policies can make in terms of segregation control, beyond specific territorial coordination


And among others, not least, poverty is the situation of not being able to satisfy the basic

physical and psychological needs of a person or what is related to their life, due to lack of

resources such as food, housing, education , healthcare, drinking water or electricity. Poverty

can affect a person, a group of people or an entire geographical region. In some ways, many

theorists claim that it is the same system that causes all these problems to occur.

Now the democracy known as the form of organization of the State in which collective

decisions are adapted by the people, that is why it is said that sovereignty falls on it and if it

is the citizens who have the power to give the necessary improvements for the well-being of

everything, why does it not happen? it turns out that citizens do not know how to choose

correctly those who act in their representation and this is added that many people refrain from

helping to find a good representative, they prefer not to go out to vote or let a few be the ones

who carry out the task, which happens as an event of lack of culture by citizens.
Democracy has an impact with anger, in which it states that the so-called rages are needed

because this is an imperfect world and there are always crimes to deal with, but they need to

be transformed so that they can be provided as instruments of justice and human well-being.

Anger is a poison to democratic politics, and it is all the worse when fueled by a lurking

fear and a sense of helplessness. (Nusbaum, 2017) In the understanding that anger is what

expresses emotions such as resentment, composed of a set of negative feelings, which can

lead to acts of violence.

As it was expressed in previous paragraphs, one of the causes that generates the

mismanagement of democracy is the lack of culture, since, in a society endowed with culture;

it is given as the set of shared customs, actions and minimum rules that generate meaning of

belonging, facilitate urban coexistence and lead to the respect of common heritage and the

recognition of citizen rights and duties.

This is intended to trigger and coordinate public and private actions that directly affect the

way in which citizens perceive, recognize and use in social environments, since it can be seen

that there are better interpersonal relationships, when there is no lack thereof.

On the other hand, the problem of the country is also reflected in situations in which they

can be prevented but, due to ignorance and ignorance of people, reach the point of becoming

almost impossible to solve and that is why it is necessary to ask are we living in the age of

One of the things that is being lost is the knowledge of the story - encased by the new

smartphone that makes everything else disposable (including our memory); without a

historical notion, the town is easily manipulated since it does not have the scope of vision to

perceive that politicians are resorting to the same tricks or the same false promises they have

used before without ever delivering results, and as heard in the streets or those that

grandparents usually say those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

That is why if history is not known, it is condemned to make the same mistakes, thus making

it easy to manipulate both politically and ideologically, since a people who are truly oriented

and educated would not be good business for politicians.

Additionally, mention should be made of the difficulties associated with the misuse of

technology. It is manifested that technology is an extension of our senses, but that in the same

way that it also amplifies the amputees. Theoretically, technology and the media are good

because they have the ability to connect with others and inform us but in turn they are not

perceiving what is happening in the real world, because when the majority are entertained in

a football game, or in any other thing that is happening in the show, the critical events that the

country is going through are perceived as the expulsion of the national historical memory

center of Colombia from the international coalition of Colciencias sites, reform discussions

on the way of hiring among others.

Another problem that adds to the difficulties that the country is going through is the

insecurity that implies the existence of a danger or a risk applied to daily or citizen security,

which refers to the possibility of suffering a crime on public roads.

It is a problem that has increased in recent years and affects democratic coexistence, since

violence threatens this and against citizens. Many of the citizens have had the feeling of

insecurity due to the increase in crime and crime, as well as the difficulties of the authorities

to repress and / or prevent crime, it is a society that feels fear and lack of protection on the

part of the State, due to the abandonment of the different ones that conform it.

The insecurity of the population increases due to the occurrence of problems such as home

theft, gang, or micro-marketing of drugs. It results in the increase in addictions such as drug

addiction and alcoholism, which encourage violent behavior in the street and at home, these

situations threaten the quality of life of citizens, together with the stability of the democratic

system, that is, they do not contribute to the coexistence that one wants and has always

wanted to establish.

Now, what is happening with education in Colombia despite the fact that the last

governments talk about policies of greater access, equity and quality? To answer this

question, it is necessary to know what education consists of, which is the process of

facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, as well as skills, values, beliefs and

habits. The educational process occurs through research, debate, storytelling, discussion,

teaching, example and training in general. Education is not only produced through words, it is

also present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes. Generally, education is carried out under

the direction of authority figures: parents, educators (teachers or professor), but students can

also educate themselves in a process called self-taught learning. Any experience that has

formative effect in the way one thinks, feels or acts can be considered educational.
To start discussing the quality of education we should recognize that we have a lousy

educational system, the PISA tests indicate that our best students, who belong to private

schools (where the children of the country's elites study), do not reach schoolchildren with

lower results from other countries.

The same happens with the KNOWLEDGE tests, we know in advance the balance: private

school students obtain better results than those of official schools, especially those

institutions that charge families more than $ 1.5 million per month, per pension, and, in

addition, they have an educational project, with a defined curriculum in which a group of

teachers and support staff work hard to meet their objectives.

Since ancient times, in order to survive, man realized the need to organize and work as a

team while transmitting his knowledge to new generations. Today it is normal for human

beings to devote most of their time to educate and acquire new knowledge but really, what is

happening with the poor quality of education in Colombia?

There are many questions that could accompany this concern, and it may be a more

complex issue, for example, in Colombia educational policies in recent decades are

characterized by their tendency to access, quality, and the structures of the educational

system, but still follows the problem about the development of learning identified from the

Ministry of National Education.

Therefore, education is a fundamental element for the optimal development of both

individuals and communities and countries. Although there are very good quality educational

institutions in Colombia, most of them are not accessible to the great mass of the population.
In addition, coverage is insufficient and, in general, the quality is very low, which means that

the education process cannot be developed even in an acceptable way, inequality, lack of

opportunities and injustices, which stand out in the list of causes of the aforementioned

problems and many others, they also have as a background the low quality in public

education and the inequality in the distribution of the same.

This problem of access to education in some regions of the country is most affected due to

the armed conflict. which is an ongoing period of asymmetric low intensity warfare that has

been developing in Colombia since the 1960s and that extends to the present day. The main

actors involved have been the Colombian State, the far-left guerrillas and the groups

paramilitaries of the extreme right. To these have been added drug cartels, criminal gangs

(Bacrim), Organized Armed Groups (GAO), and Residual Organized Armed Groups

(GAOR) dissidents of the FARC-EP.

These areas of the country reflect in its population, people with dreams and desires to

leave in the past the violence that has led to the violation of the right to life, the right to

education depriving many young people from entering an educational institution to train as

professionals, so that at some point in their lives they can have economic stability and also

contribute positively to the country.

Well, they have been evidencing the great problem faced by the inhabitants of e which

expresses the feeling of frustration, humiliation and helplessness and uncertainty regarding

the peasant project, due to the lack of guarantees by the State, since it has been forgotten the

needs that this presents and the duty to provide the corresponding security, in addition one of

the most affected areas is the catatumbo region which is an area of the country that is
characterized by the high violation of fundamental rights, and is where the justice has been

taken by groups outside the law.

This situation of armed conflict results in the displacement of people living in these

regions, which is the result of the combination of different strategies employed by guerrilla

and self-defense groups that make the civilian population a target of their actions.

Colombia is a country that can get ahead, and end all this problem and end the serious

difficulties we have as a society, such as lack of culture, lack of respect and tolerance, they

are a society where we care more what they think others.

What is wrong with the obsession with status is that life is not just about reputation, it is

about more important things: love, justice, work, family. (Martha C. Nussbaum, 2017).

To know how the change should take place, it should not be considered from the spheres

of the political elite, on the contrary, the change must come from the social bases such as the

family, schools, universities or the media, but what does it consist of? the change? perhaps in

the economic or political model or in the state model, the real change follows from the

possibility that each one understands and understands the difficulties of society, such as the

desire to pass over all to achieve an individual benefit.

And this is why the answer to the initial question with which this substantial writing began

is that despite the situation in the country, the problems are that the real situation is known

and that more public policies are generated in which resources are invested in education to

which everyone has access and there are no barriers that prevent young people from
accessing it and becoming professionals and in this way the problem of ignorance, lack of

culture and others are eradicated due to that educated and educated citizens make up a better

society and think about the general well-being, because in this way they would not present all

those problems that have been discussed throughout this writing and thus a true social state of

law would result.

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