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condition of poverity:

At the end of two years of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government, 18 million more
people may slip into abject poverty due to low economic growth and double-digit food inflation, claimed
Dr Hafiz A Pasha, the country’s renowned economist.

The national poverty ratio, which was 31.3% in June 2018, would sharply jump to over 40% by June
2020, said Pasha in an article that first appeared in Business Recorder.

In absolute terms, people living in poverty will increase from 69 million in June 2018 to 87 million by
June 2020, indicating 26% increase in poverty or an addition of 18 million people in first two years of the
PTI government.

Dr Pasha is the former finance minister of Pakistan As per Pasha’s claim, eight million people have
already been added to the ranks of the poor by the end of the first year of the PTI government. He has
projected that 10 million more people will slip below the poverty line by the end of the current fiscal

International reports-----------------


Another cause of poverty is corruption. People use wrong way to get money by using fair and
unfair means. Officials waste their time has low efficiency. Only one relationship that is exists in
society is money. One has to pay a heavy cost to get his right. Law and order conditions are out
of control and institutions are failed to provide justice to a common man. Justice can be bought
by money only. But government is unable to control such type of things. In this whole scenario
some corrupt people has been occupying the properties and common man is living in miserable


Another cause of poverty is literacy, in Pakistan rate is very low. Most of people do not have any
concept about the current earning sources. Most of people are unable to adopt technology for
their business needs, that’s why business does not meet international standards and results as
decrease in revenue that leads the society to poor economic conditions.

Another cause of poverty is Privatization, Government is unable to manage the departments
and country has low backup and moneys. So that why for the requirements of country, some
companies run by government are sold to foreign investors. The commodities or services
provided by the companies are becoming costly. For example if government sold a gas plant
then prices for gas in country rises.


Greediness in our society social bonding are gradually becomes thinner and thinner. A race of
material object has been started even no one tried to understand the problems of others.
Everyone is gradually changing from human to selfishness, they only know about his needs and
they have no concept about the limitations of others. People of the society are not ready to help
each other. All people of country have lost his trust on others which effect our social and
economic system which cause of poverty.

Effects of poverty: 

The most common effect of poverty is malnutrition and this effect is particularly seen in
children of poor families. People living in poverty they have no access for highly
nutritious foods. The healthiest foods are usually the most expensive, that’s why family
on a very small budget is much more likely to purchase food that is less nutritious,
simply people can afford. In other hand people in poverty are malnourished because
they do not eat sufficient of anything. For some people around the world, quality food is
a luxury. A total of 14.3 percent of people in developing countries face hunger and
about 25 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa is considered malnourished. Poor nutrition
causes 45 percent of deaths in children under the age of 5years.

One of the most severe effects of poverty is the health effects that are always present that lead
from disease to life expectancy to medicine. Diseases are very common in poor people living
due to poverty because they lack the resources to maintain a healthy living environment. They
are almost always lacking in nutritious foods, which decreases their bodies’ ability to fight
against diseases. Hygiene conditions are commonly very low, increasing the rate of contracting
a disease. Sometimes these diseases can be minor, but other times they can be life-
threatening. In general, people living in poverty cannot afford appropriate medicines to treat
these illnesses.  

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