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Word Processing (Microsoft Word 2013)

1. Open and name a new word processor file

Create a new blank document

 Click the File tab on the Ribbon and select New.

 Click the Blank document
 Other ways to create a blank document press <Ctrl> + <N>

2. Enter and save a document

Opening a document
 Click the File tab and select open
 After, you have to search for the file you want to open. The open dialog box
 Other ways to open a document: Press <Ctrl> + <O>
3. Applying simple formatting of a document

Saving a document
 Click the Save Button
 Other ways to save: Press <Ctrl> + <S>
 Specify the drive or folder where you want to save your document

Save a document as different file type

 Click the File tab and select Save as

 Choose a location to save the file. The Save as dialog box opens.
 Click the Save type list arrow and select a new file format.
 Click Save

4. Apply spelling and grammar checking function

 In the File tab, click Review

 Next, click the Spelling and Grammar icon
5. Print a first and final draft of the document

Previewing and Printing document

 Click the File tab and select Print.

 Other ways to preview and print: Press <Ctrl> + <P>.
 Click Print
6. Backup the Word document file

 Create a backup of the document file and save in your chosen folder

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