It Application Tools in Business: Exercise No. 5

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Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Contains commands for working with the document, organized by tabs.

A. Status Bar C. Quick Access Toolbar
B. Ribbon D. Insertion Point
2. Contains buttons (icons) for common commands.
A. Status Bar C. Quick Access Toolbar
B. Ribbon D. Insertion Point
3. Display information about the current document and process.
A. Status Bar C. Quick Access Toolbar
B. Ribbon D. Insertion Point
4. Shows where text will appear when you begin typing.
A. Status Bar C. Quick Access Toolbar
B. Ribbon D. Insertion Point
5. Deletes the character to the left of the insertion point
A. Backspace key C. Arrow key
B. Delete Key D. Erase Key
6. Deletes the character to the right of the insertion point.
A. Backspace key C. Arrow key
B. Delete Key D. Erase Key
7. When you reach the right margin, the text continues on the next line. This feature is called _______.
A. Word Adjust C. Word Margin
B. Word Padding D. Word Wrap
8. Show how a document will look when it is printed.
A. Print C. Outline
B. Print Layout D. Draft
9. Display headings and text in outline form so you can see the structure of your document and
reorganize easily.
A. Print C. Outline
B. Print Layout D. Draft
10. Short cut key to highlight all elements in a document.
A. Ctrl + A C. Shift + A
B. Ctrl + H D. Shift + H

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A

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