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Deviation Statement for the Work "Amta-Rajapur-Dihibhurshut Road Permanent Restoration for 62.00 Mtr. by Construction of Rigid Pavement with Culvert Including Up-Stream and Down-Stream Curtain Wall and
Flexible Appron at 21st Km under Howrah Highway Division in the District of Howrah During Financial Year 2018-19."
Tender No.- 20 of 2018-2019 of the Superintending Engineer, Southern Highway Circle, P.W.(Roads) Directorate.
Agency:- Aristocon Engineers' Co-Operative Society Ltd.
Estimated Amount:- Rs. 18,626,260.00 Contractual Rate Less (-) 0.75% Tender Amount:- Rs. 18,486,563.00
As per Original Tender. Proposal for Execution Less/Excess over Tender
It. Amount Amount Amount Qty. Clear reason of Excess or less
Description of Item of works Deviation
No. Qty. Unit Rate Qty. Unit Rate Percentage Done
Less Excess
(Rs.) (Rs.) (%)
(Rs.) (Rs.)

Road Works
1.01 Earthwork for Structures
Earth work in excavation of foundation of As, construction of curtain wall,
structures as per drawing and technical wing wall is not considered at
1763.00 M3 579.00 1020777.00 1143.00 M3 579.00 661797.00 -358980.00 0.00 -35.00% -358980.00
specification, including setting out, revised scope of work, quantity
removing, spreading or stacking of spoils decreases.
within a lead of 150 m. as directed and
1.02 Sand fillingtrimming
in foundation the sides trenches of with
fine yellow leveling,
sand dressing
and at and the ramming
back of As, sand filling is considered
the bottom, wing-walls
abutments, and backfilling withgood
etc. with approved
local between the toe wall and existing
material complete 1026.00 M3 800.54 821354.00 1162.00 M3 800.54 930227.00 0.00 108873.00 13.00% 108873.00
sand free from as earthper direction
in layersof the not road embankment, quantity
exceeding in Marshyinundating
15 cm. including soil for increases.
depth layer
each upto 3 bymprofuse
depth By waterManualand means
and pumping
1.03 Curtain ramming out
wall complete water
layer as including
by per
layerdrawing shoring
completeand As, curtain wall is not considered in
as required.
including supply of sand. Qualityconcrete
of sand 85.00 M3 5193.95 441486.00 59.00 M3 5193.95 306443.00 -135043.00 0.00 -31.00% -135043.00
Technical specification Cement revised scope of work, quantity
is to be approved by the Engineer-in- decreases.
Grade M15.
1.04 Earthwork in road embankment from As, considering stability of the
private borrow pits (land owned/arranged structure some earth filling required
by the agency (Carried upto 3.00 K.m.)
1164.00 M3 259.13 301627.00 2259.00 M3 259.13 585375.00 0.00 283748.00 94.00% 283748.00 to fill the deep ditches formed at
and depositing in layers of 250 mm thick,
breaking clods, manually compacted by both side of the road , quantity
rammers layer by layer including watering exceeds.
1.05 ifProviding
necessaryand to make
laying flankFilter
and slopes
material to
underneath grade and dressing
pitching in slopes including
complete as all As, filter layer is only considered at
lead drawing
per and liftsand complete
Technical as per direction.
specification. 162.00 M3 2120.28 343485.00 126.00 M3 2120.28 267155.00 -76330.00 0.00 -22.00% -76330.00 embakment slope below the PCC
with of m3
0.72 measurement: on the basis
of brick aggregates and 0.48 of pitching only, quantity decreases.
m3 of compactedcoarse sand volume (looseof earthwork
1.06 Plain from pre-work
/ Reinforced
complete. Cement and post-work
Concrete PCC
level section
Grade M20 inmeasurement).
Open foundation ( Cost
with or of As, wing wall is not considered in
earth considered
without reinforcements, including
in any Royaltypart of 1409.00 m3 5689.80 8016928.00 1120.00 m3 5689.80 6372576.00 -1644352.00 0.00 -21.00% -1644352.00 revised scope of work, quantity
charges ) of bridges / culverts with
foundation decreases.
graded stone chips of appropriate nominal
1.07 By
in Placescreening
Method: and cleaning of
coarse aggregates, of finegranularaggregate sub-base
conformingby to providing
proper grading gradedzone, material,
both As, length & thickness of the GSB
167.00 m3 1946.89 325131.00 254.00 m3 1946.89 494510.00 0.00 169379.00 52.00% 169379.00
mixing in site atquality
of approved OMC, and carriage of mixed
cement, as layer increased, quantity increases.
necessary, to workcostsite,of spreading
curing with in uniform
including withcostMotor grader ofon
and carriage prepared
all materials
1.08 Water in proper
and including Macadam gradeBase
preparation ofand camber
design mix,
approval of the with vibratory
same power
by the roller
Engineer-in- As, thickness of WBM layer
Charge, cost the stone
for density,
quality including
specific 84.00 m3 2686.22 225642.00 112.00 m3 2686.22 300857.00 0.00 75215.00 33.00% 75215.00
increases, quantity increased.
sizes etc.
testing guarding, waterbarricading,
to including bound
cost including
of formwork but
cost of allreinforcement
excluding materials,
including machinery,
complete astoolsin
drawing plants and
and cost
technical hand of packing,
quality control
specifications. rolling
with vibratory as per rollerClause
8-10 tonnes 401 of in
stages to proper for Road
grade & Bridgeand Works
camber, of
MoRT&H and
applying (5th brooming
Revision). requisite type of
screening / binding materials to fill up
the interstices of coarse aggregate,
As per Original Tender. Proposal for Execution Less/Excess over Tender
It. Amount Amount Amount Qty. Clear reason of Excess or less
Description of Item of works Deviation
No. Qty. Unit Rate Qty. Unit Rate Percentage Done
Less Excess
(Rs.) (Rs.) (%)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1.09 Providing and laying Reinforced
Cement Concrete Pipe NP4 (1200 m.m.
dia) with spigot socket for culverts on first
class bedding of granular material in
single row including fixing with cement 60.00 m 9266.98 556019.00 20.00 m 8466.16 169323.00 -386696.00 0.00 -67.00% -386696.00
mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, During the construction of head wall
protection works, backfilling, concrete and for causeway, local people
masonry works in head walls and obstructed and submitted a mass
parapets Clause 1106 for Rural Roads of petition recommended by local MLA
MORD. (copy enclosed) saying that
1.10 Construction of dry lean cement construction of causeway will have
concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub- devastating effect on adjoining
grade with coarse and fine aggregate areas during flood. Despite of
conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse several administritive meeting, no
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm 84.000 m3 3079.55 258682.00 0.00 m3 3079.55 0.00 -258682.00 0.00 -100.00% -258682.00
other solution was found except
including cost & carriage of 0.90 cum/m³ changing of scope of work. As the
crushed stone, aggregate cement ratio scope of work changed from
not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation construction of vented causeway
1.11 after
Cement blending
Concrete to be as per table (laying
Pavement 600-1, and rigid pavement to construction
manually) content not to be
Construction of less than 150
un-reinforced, of flexible pavement by constructing
dowel cum, jointed
optimum moisture at content toand
expansion be embankment upto original road
construction jointduring only, M 40 trialgradelength plain level, execution of these items
cement concrete concrete strength
pavement, not to be
thickness as 223.00 m3 6928.15 1544977.00 0.00 m3 6928.15 0.00 -1544977.00 0.00 -100.00% -1544977.00 becomes obsolete. And as, 8 nos
less than 10 over
per design, Mpa aatprepared
7 days, mixed sub base, in a Hume Pipes has already been
with cement plant,content transported
as per IRC: to site,
15-2011, laid supplied by the contractor, the cost
coarsea and paver with electronic
fine aggregates conformingsensor, to of Hume Pipes and carriage cost
IS:383, maximum with 8-10size tonnes of vibratory
coarse from mankur to site and from site to
1.12 Supplying,
roller, fitting
finishing and and placing
curing. (As HYSD
per bar
clause Amta Stack Yard has been given to
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in
601 of specifications in Sub-structure
for Road including
RMC and appropriate weigh & batcher
Bridge the contractor.
Works straightening,
of MoRT&H straightening
(5th Revision). of coils
using approved mix design (as per IRC:44
bars, removal of loose rust (if any), cutting 18.00 MT 48071.63 865289.00 0.00 MT 48071.63 0.00 -865289.00 0.00 -100.00% -865289.00
2008), laid in approved fixed side
to requisite length bending, binding with
formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing
annealed wire not less than 1 mm in size
of 125 micron thick polythene film,
and conforming to IS 280 at every
wedges, steel plates including levelling
1.13 intersection
the formwork & hooked
as per
and cement
empty bent tobag
drawing, spreading
shape and sand
fine yellow placedstichingon forms the etc.
(Cost of 24498.00 As per actual requirement during
the concrete with shovels, rakes, Each 20.13 493145.00 21724.00 Each 20.13 437304.00 -55841.00 0.00 -11.00% -55841.00
cost of black
threaded included) annealed wire
and carrying and cost of field execution.
compacted using needle, screed and
loading, them
placing unloading,in carriage
position properlyof alland steel
plate vibrators and finished in continuous
1.14 Pumping
incidental out complete
charges as per
from pondsdrawingor tanksand
operation including provision of
(Payment specifications
if permitted willand
be madedirection
on the of Actual pumping out during
contraction and expansion, construction
quantity of waterdebondingcalculatedstrips, on theprimer,
basis execution was less due to
joints, applying
of initial water
polysulphide level and
sealant, dowel finalbars,
levelnearon 23157.00 m3 10.44 241759.00 19490.00 m3 10.44 203476.00 -38283.00 0.00 -16.00% -38283.00 evaporation of water between
approaches being to bridge/ made for any water
culvert and preparation of estimate and during
that may have
construction been admixtures
joints, added through as execution of the work.
approved, curing or otherwise)
of concrete slabs for 14-
1.15 Flexible
days, using Appron curing compound (where As 1.0 m wide flexible apron at
specified) andofwater flexible apronto1lines
finishing m thick
upstream side and 2.50 m wide
grade as per of drawing
loose stone boulders
and Technical
58.00 m3 2343.00 135894.00 245.00 m3 2343.00 574035.00 0.00 438141.00 322.00% 438141.00 flexible apron at downstream side
Specification not Clauseless than1501 40 kg for beyond
Rural for entire length is considered,
curtain wall. Including
Roads of MORD. excluding cost of dowel cost & carriage of
excess occurred.
barcumand oftiestone
rod etc. andbut0.2 cum ofcost
including stoneof
spalls complete.
form work.
As per Original Tender. Proposal for Execution Less/Excess over Tender
It. Amount Amount Amount Qty. Clear reason of Excess or less
Description of Item of works Deviation
No. Qty. Unit Rate Qty. Unit Rate Percentage Done
Less Excess
(Rs.) (Rs.) (%)
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1.16 Providing weep holes in Brick
masonry / Plain / Reinforced concrete As, weep whole is provided at
abutment, wing wall / return wall with 100 80.00 Each 115.00 9200.00 274.00 Each 115.00 31510.00 0.00 22310.00 242.00% 22310.00 entire length of toe wall in two
mm dia AC pipe, extending through the layers, excess occurred.
full width of the structure with slope
of Beam
1.17 Metal 1V:20HCrash towards
Barrier drawing
Type face.- A,
"W" : Metal as per Beam
drawing Crash and Technical
Barrier Metal beam crash barrier is
Providing and erecting a "W" metal provided where embankment height
beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm is greater than 3 m. In field the
124.00 m 2248.00 278752.00 152.00 m 2248.00 341696.00 0.00 62944.00 23.00% 62944.00
thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 height of embankment is greater
cm above road/ground level, fixed on than 3 m for this length, hence
ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x excess occurred.
75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre,
1.8 mand
1.18 Hire high, 1.1 m
labour below forground/road
charges shuttering
with all steel and
and fitments staging to upto
galvanized by hotstout dipprops process, all This item is not required as this is
4 m using approved and thick 252.00 m2 214.00 53928.00 0.00 m2 214.00 0.00 -53928.00 0.00 -100.00% -53928.00
fittings consolidated item with item no 1.06.
hard woodtoplanks conform
of approved to IS:1367
with metal beam
required bracing rail toslabs,
for concrete be
fixed on
1.19 Single
beams Brickthe Flat
and vertical
columns, postof with
lintelspicked a spacer
curved jhama or As, construction of Hume pipe,
of channel
straight includingsection
including 150fixing
fitting, x and75and xdressing
5 mm,
striking wing wall is not considered at
out mmproper
to long level
completion and
of as (upto
works per Clause
of 636.00 m2 355.00 225780.00 476.00 m2 355.00 168980.00 -56800.00 0.00 -25.00% -56800.00
revised scope of work, quantity
ground offloor)
(a) 25 mm fortoRoad30 mm & Bridge
thick decreases.
Works of MoRT&H
wooden shuttering(5th as Revision).
per decision &
1.20 Hire and of
direction labour charges for shoring work
for depth upto 1.50 m (including
necessary close plank walling, framing, 371.00 m2 386.00 143206.00 0.00 m2 386.00 0.00 -143206.00 0.00 -100.00% -143206.00
Eucalyptus/Jhou bulla piling, strutting etc)
complete as per direction of the Engineer- As, these are consolidated item
1.21 Hire and labour
in-charge for charges
foundation for shoring work
excavation with item no 1.01.
for depth from
(vertical 1.50 are
surface m to in3.00contact
m (including with
supported earth closeisplank walling, framing,
to be measured.) (This 371.00 m2 439.00 162869.00 0.00 m2 439.00 0.00 -162869.00 0.00 -100.00% -162869.00
item should be bulla piling, strutting
executed on specific etc)
direction of asthe
the Engineer-
in-charge for Sub foundation
- Total (A) excavation 16465930.00 11845264.00 -5781276.00 1160610.00 -4620666.00
(vertical surface are in contact with
supported earth is to be measured.) (This
item should Add GSTbe executed
@ 12 % A (B) on specific 1975912.00 1421432.00 -693753.00 139273.00 -554480.00
direction of the Enginner in charge).
Sub - Total (C = A + B) 18441842.00 13266696.00 -6475029.00 1299883.00 -5175146.00

ADD LWC @ 1% of C (D) 184418.00 132667.00 -64750.00 12999.00 -51751.00

Total (E = C + D) 18626260.00 13399363.00 -6539779.00 1312882.00 -5226897.00

Contractual Less @ 0.75% of E (F) 139697.00 100495.00 -49048.00 9847.00 -39202.00

Tendered Amount (E - F) 18486563.00 13298868.00 -6490731.00 1303035.00 -5187695.00

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