Introduction To Criminology and Psychology of Crimes Easy - Black Questions

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1. What is that type of Law which rooted in core values shared by many
cultures? It protect against harm to persons (e.g. murder, rape, assault)
or property (theft, larceny, robbery), and form the basis of common law
A. Natural Law B. Statutory Law
C. Divine Law D. Law of the State
2. Absence of a complaining victim in the typology of crime is classified
as public order crime or?
A. Crimes against person B. Victimless crime
C. Physical crime D. Public scandal
3. A crime that is committed in the shortest possible time such as libel.
A. Acquisitive crime B. Extinctive crime
C. Seasonal crime D. Instant Crime
4. Are those who commit crime due to less physical stamina and less self
A. Criminoloid B. Psuedo Criminals
C. Criminal by Passion D. Born criminals
5. A state of normlessness as proposed by Durkheim that describes France
during its trying times.
A. Strain Theory B. Anomie
C. Labeling Theory D. Chicago Area Project
6. A sub-discipline of criminology which focuses on victims of crime.
A. penology B. criminal psychology
C. criminal profiling D. victimology
7. A theory that is based on utilitarian concept of free will and greatest
good of the greatest number.
A. Classical School B. Free will Theory
C. Deterrence Theory D. Hedonistic Calculus
8. Lombroso referred to these criminals as alcoholics, kleptomaniacs,
nymphomaniacs, and child molesters. Although insane criminals bore some
stigmata, they were not “born criminals”; rather they become criminal as a
result “of an alteration of the brain, which completely” upsets their moral
A. Criminaloid B. Insane Criminal
C. Atavistic D. offender
9. What is an offense that has an international dimension and implies
crossing at least one national border before, during or after the fact.
This include but not limited to illegal drug trafficking, money laundering,
terrorism, arm smuggling, piracy, kidnapping, trafficking in persons, and
cyber crimes. Most of these crimes falling under this category reflect
connection with organized and white-collar criminals?
A. Organized Crimes B. Crimes of the upper world
C. Transnational Crimes D. National Crimes
10. The theory that sees a criminal as an underdog who initially do
something which is out of the ordinary.
A. strain theory B. labeling theory
C. drift theory D. social bond theory
11. It is the study of human society, its origin, structure, functions and
A. psychology B. criminology
C. sociology D. anthropology
12. It is the study of the formation of the skull in relation to the
behavior of the criminal.
A. Phrenology B. Criminology
C. Criminology D. Entomology
12. Science concerned with improving the quality of human off springs.
A. Genetics B. Eugenics
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C. Criminology D. Heredity
14. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a
A. Criminal epidemiology B. Criminal demography
C. Criminal psychology D. Criminal determinism
15. Study of human mind in relation to criminality
A. Criminal demography B. Criminal physical anthropology
C. Criminal psychiatry D. Criminal psychology
16. The following are characteristics of criminology, except:
A. Nationalistic B. Flexible
C. Dynamic D. Applied Science
17. The basis of criminal liability is human freewill and the purpose of
the penalty is retribution.
A. Classical theory B. Eclectics Theory
C. Multiple factor theory D. Positivist theory
18. The following are the classifications of criminals by Cesare Lombroso
except one…
A. Born Criminals B. Criminal by Passion
C. Psuedo Criminals D. Deficient Criminals
19. The primary advocate of the Positivist School in Criminology.
A. Cesare Beccaria B. Cesare Lombroso
C. Edwin Sutherland D. Leonard Keeler
20. The principle that events including criminal behavior that has
sufficient causes.
A. positivism B. determinism
C. atavism D. narcissism
21. The principle which states that man, by nature, always tries to
maximize pleasure and avoid pain.
A. Utopia B. Hedonism
C. Socialism D. Atavism
22. The purpose of penalty in the Positivist School of Criminology.
A. Retribution B. Reformation
C. Rejection D. Restitution
23. This theory believes that punishment should fit the criminal and not
the crime committed
A. Positivist theory B. Neo-classical theory
C. Classical theory D. Differential Association Theory
24. This theory postulates that the ordinary routines of life present
opportunities for crime.
A. Functionalist theory B. Routine activities theory
C. Rational choice theory D. Control theory
25. This theory puts the focus on the process of naming behaviors and the
people that perform them.
A. Functionalist theory B. Anomie theory
C. Rational choice theory D. Labeling theory
26. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles, bones and
motor organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic B. Mesomorphic
C. Endomorphic D. Ectomorphic
27. What law created the board of criminology in the Philippines?
A. RA 5606 B. RA 6560
C. RA 6506 D. RA 8551
28. What theory considers crime as a natural social phenomenon?
A. Somatotyping Theory B. Differential Association Theory
C. Anomie Theory D. Psychoanalytical Theory
29. Which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the study of causes or
reasons for crime?
A. Penology B. Sociology of Law

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C. Criminal Psychology D. Criminal Etiology

30. Who is a person who kills three or more persons in three or more
separate events?
A. Serial Killer B. Spree Killer
C. Mass Murderer D. Homicidal
31. This school of criminology was established based on philosophy of
utilitarianism. It was particularly founded by Cesare “Beccaria” Bonesana.
This was known as the classical school. What is that treatise on the legal
reform that became the pillar of the school?
A. Classical School B. Positivist School
C. Essay on Crimes D. Essay on Crimes and Punishment
32. This book contains all of the Stigmata of a potential criminal written
by Lombroso on hi medical studies in the inmate of the different prison.
A. The Criminal Mind B. Atavistic
C. Atavism D. The Criminal Man
33. Crime is caused by the rational effort of man to augment his pleasure
and to minimize his pains is a notion coming from:
A. positivist school B. classical school
C. Chicago school D. neo-classical school
34. All of the following are the description of a criminal man according
to Lombroso, Except one:
A. Symmetry of the Face B. Excessive length of Arms
C. Abnormal Dentition D. Defects of the Thorax
35. Which of the following is not true about the principles of Positivism?
A. stated that criminality is inherited
B. criminal behavior is caused by internal factors
C. imposition of deterrence
D. understanding criminality through the study of human behavior
36. All of the following except one are the indicative of criminal tendency
according to the Criminal anthropology of Cesare Lombroso.
A. measurement of the hairline
B. measurement of the jaw
C. measurement of the cheek bones
D. measurement of the cleft palate
37. Cesare Lombroso was considered as the father of Modern Criminology and
the father of the Italian school of Criminology. Which of the following is
not part of his works?
A. Identifying the three types of criminal
B. he took a scientific approach in the study of crime
C. he was the one who wrote “The Criminal Man”
D. none of these
38. Attempting to provide a scientific analysis of the causes of crime is
a function of criminal etiology as one of the principal divisions of
Criminology. What division is treating youthful offenders?
A. Criminal etiology B. Criminal sociology
C. Sociology of law D. Penology
39. Which of the following is not included in the coverage of Criminology
in terms of theoretical field of study?
A. Sociology of crime B. causes of crime
C. meaning of crime in law D. community reaction to crime
40. Which is not true about Criminology?
A. considered as an applied science
B. It is stable and it varies from one time and place to another
C. study of crime as a social phenomenon
D. none of these
41. In the Criminal Justice system, government must keep within the
framework of laws that protect individual rights. Who among these people is
being process in the said system?

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A. the offended party B. law

C. justice D. accused
42. The following are those something that are left by the perpetrator in
the scene of crime which was commonly termed as physical evidences, except:
A. witness B. kerosene
C. cadaver D. prints
43. It is concomitant with the advancement of other sciences that has been
applied to it. The statement best describes:
A. dynamic B. criminology
C. social condition D. criminalistics
44. All but one is the task of the Criminal Justice System.
A. save life and property B. rehabilitating offenders
C. enforce the law D. removing dangerous in the community
45. Ex post facto law is one of the constitutional rights of every Filipino
people which means that, a person should not be put into jeopardy where
there is no effective law forbidding the particular act, except:
A. the suspect was not yet arrested
B. the law is in favor to the offender
C. retroactive effect
D. all of these
46. The earliest broad laws existing, these edicts are based on a
retributire system of “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”.
A. Lex taliones B. Code of Hammurabi
C. Code of Kalantiao D. Revised penal Code
47. Commonly known as “Victimless crime”.
A. Occasional crime B. Political crime
C. Public order crime D. Conventional crime
48. The machinery of a state or government which enforces the rules of
conduct necessary to protect life, liberty and property and maintain peace
and order.
A. Criminal Justice System B. Criminal justice Education
C. Criminal Justice D. Criminal Justice Research
49. All of the following except one are the concepts drawn by Lombroso in
his Positivist theory.
A. Psychiatry B. Society Darwinism
C. Physiognomy D. Eugenics
50. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.
A. Freewill B. Somatology
C. Positivism D. Atavism

<3 . The study of criminality in relation to physical constitution of man

A.criminal ecology
B.criminal epidiomology
C.criminal physical antropology
D.criminal demography

Socio Q.A

51.A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealings with one another, as a standard
against which actions are evaluated, and as a prescription or requirement that people act justly.
A. Law B. Justice
C. Ethics D. Conduct

52.The apprehension or taking into custody of a child in conflict with the law by law enforcement
officers or private citizens is termed as:
A. Arrest B. Initial contact

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C. Child custody D. All of these

53. When PNP members and their families involved themselves in religious, social, and civic activities in
the community, it enhances social ___________ which will work well for the image of the police.
A. Camaraderie
B. awareness
C. Responsiveness
D. Effectiveness

54.PNP members shall perform their duties with integrity, intelligence and competence in the
application of specialized skills and technical knowledge with excellence and expertise. This requirement of
police standards is known as police_______.
A. Capability B. professionalism
C. Efficiency D.competence

55.Oddy is displaying an odd behavior in which it could be explained and sometimes it is not
conforming with the norms that indicating that he is somewhat confused. In what category of abnormal
condition Oddy belongs?
A. impaired functioning
B. bizarre behavior
C. disruptive behavior
D. long period of discomfort

56. A person jumps out of the window to his death because he believes he can fly is _______.
A. Psychotic B. Mental retardate
C. Neurotic D. Pyromanic

57.Is the result or product of interplay of biology, psychology, and culture, just is as normal personality.
A. Schizophrenia B. psychosis
C. neurosis D. split mind

58.Reacting to events with alertness and vigilance and a feeling of persecution.

A. dementia praecox B. frustration
C. paranoia D. aggression

59. This refers to a significant loss of contact with reality.

A. Schizophrenia B. psychosis
C. neurosis D. split mind

60.All but one, are the different types of mental disorder.

A. personality disorder
B. neuroses
C. psychoses
D. gender identity disorder

61. A false belief based on an incorrect inference about external reality and firmly sustained despite
clear evidence to the contrary, and which is not related to cultural or religious beliefs
A. False alarm  B. Wrong perception
C. Incoherence D. Delusion 

62. Refers to a period of disorganization, period of upset during which people attempts at arriving at
solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in
political, social, or economic. It is a state provokes when a person faces obstacles or hazards to an important
life goal.
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A. Crises
B. Crises Management
C. Crises Negotiation
D. Crisis

63.A child who was frustrated in this particular stage will tend to become optimistic.
A. anal stage B. oral stage
C. latency stage D. genital stage

64. It is the absence of thought disorder and usually there will be a misled in thinking and the
perceiving of objects.
A. Hallucination B. Delusion
C. Psychoses D. Neurosis

65. Marian submits herself to humiliation, beatings, and other forms of physical abuse, for sexual
excitement. What type of paraphilia does she possess?

A. Sadomasochism
B. Masochism
C. Sadism
D. Battered woman syndrome

66. A volleyball team captain keeps the game on even if it is a 25-20 and there losing at the fourth set
of game. The situation is referring to:
A. acting out B. dissociation
C. avoidance D. denial

67.The theory that sees a criminal as an underdog who initially do something which is out of the
A. strain theory B. labeling theory
C. drift theory D. social bond theory

68.It is the study of human society, its origin, structure, functions and direction.
A. psychology B. criminology
C. sociology D. anthropology

69. It is the study of the formation of the skull in relation to the behavior of the criminal.
A. Phrenology B. Criminology
C. Criminology D. Entomology

70.Study of human mind in relation to criminality

A. Criminal demography
B. Criminal physical anthropology
C. Criminal psychiatry
D. Criminal psychology

71.The principle which states that man, by nature, always tries to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.
A. Utopia B. Hedonism
C. Socialism D. Atavism

72.Which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the study of causes or reasons for crime?
A. Penology
B. Sociology of Law
C. Criminal Psychology
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D. Criminal Etiology

73.When almost all member of a free society are once upon a time a victim or an offender of a criminal
act. Crime as an associate society affects almost all people – regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, religion,
financial condition, education and other personal circumstances. It connotes what?
A. Crime is Pervasive
B. Crime is Expensive
C. Crime is expensive
D. crime is destructive

74.This theory states that obedience to the norms of lower-class culture places people in conflict with
norms of the dominant culture.
A. Theory of anomie
B. Strain theory
C. Differential association theory
D. Culture conflict theory

75.PO1 Nandy was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for a pleasure in life but do
not take any want risk and avoids pain. PO1 Nandy is a great representation of a:
A. Rational Calculator B. Atavistic
C. Hedonist D. Criminaloid

76. This may include the presence of both parents but who are irresponsible that children experience
constant quarrel in the home.
A. Separated Home
B. Delinquent Home
C. Disturbed Home
D. Broken Home

77. A principle that requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the
victim, the offender and the community.
A. Retributive Justice
B. Juvenile Justice
C. Criminal Justice
D. Restorative Justice

78. It is characterized by infantile level of response, lack of conscience, deficient feeling of affection to
others and aggression to environment and other people.
A. Psychopathic personality
B. Neurotic personality
C.Schizophrenic personality
D. compulsive neurosis

79.Social learning theorists view violence as something learned through behavior modeling. The
following are the sources of behavior models, except:
A. Political leaders’
B. family member
C. Mass media
D. Environmental experiences

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80.If you are a Delinquent youth and you terribly needs therapy and thorough counseling in order to
control your delinquent acts or else you will be prone to commit serial crimes. What category of delinquent
youth do you belong?
A. A social B. neurotic
C. Accidental D. social

81. Lack of Education is a factor in juvenile delinquency and is also caused by poverty which creates
other conditions that breed delinquency like poor housing, bad neighborhood, etc. Education is a part of what
kind of environment?
A. psycho –social B. economic
C. political D. military

82.The Period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into
an adult.
A. Adolescence         B. Adulthood
C. Teenager D. Manhood

83.The Mental Capacity of a child to understand the difference between what is right or wrong and the
consequences of his acts.
A. Motive B. Discernment
C. Intent D. Knowledge

84.inquiry or proceeding to determine if there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief

that a crime cognizable by the RTC has been committed, and that the respondentbis probably guilty thereof,
and should be held for trial

a.inquest proceeding
b.preliminary investigation
c.custodial investigation

85. Which of the following is not part of the connection between research and the improvement of
man’s welfare?
A. Improved condition welfare B. New skills/practices/behavior
C. Better Outcome D. Research

86. It is a theory that explains why a problem under study exists and explains the connection between
certain factors and the problem –
A. Conceptual Framework
B. Research Framework
C. Special Framework
D. Theoretical Framework

87.It is one of the parts of literature reviews that briefly reports what experts think or what other
researchers have found about the research problem –
A. Summary/synthesis
B. Introduction
C. Body
D. Conclusion

88.When a research instrument, such as a questionnaire or a measuring device, like a weighing scale or
a thermometer is changed during the study period between the pretest and the posttest –
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A. Selection B. Instrumentation
C. Testing D. Maturation

89. In an experimental study, a threat to validity occurs when the elements or subjects selected for the
experimental group is very different from those selected for the control group –
A. Selection B. History
C. Testing D. Maturation

90.This type of research attempts to describe an existing situation and/or explanatory certain patterns
of behavior using either both qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

A. Pure basic Research

B. Explanatory research
C. Qualitative research
D. keen research

91. ________________________ is characterized by anxiety, depression and phobia.

a. Psychoses c. Neuroses
b. Abnormality d. Psychopathy

92. When person’s reality is distorted such as, he is experiencing delusion, hallucination and
regression, he is suffering_________________________.
a. Psychosis c. Neuroses
b. Abnormality d. Psychopathy of mild functional personality disorders in which there is no gross personality disorganization
and the individual is not required for hospitalization.


94. What personality disorder is suffered by a woman who does not want to have a heterosexual
relationship but seek to have a basic attention or love, and when she gets it, she fainted?
a. Passive-aggressive disorder c. Compulsive personality
b. Hysterical personality disorder d. Depressive neuroses

95. ___________________________ is characterized by the general loss of interest to environment,

which include his home, family, work or schooling and a tendency to be more critical without justification or
apparent reason.
a. General anxiety c. Depressive neuroses
b. Anxiety neuroses d. psychoses

96. A person who is experiencing a delusion of persecution or grandeur or auditory hallucination

a. Simple schizophrenia c. Dissociative Neuroses
b. Paranoid schizophrenia d. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
97. A person who has unimpaired intellect but lost a power of self-control. It includes unprincipled
businessman, crooked lawyers, high pressured salesman, etc.

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a. Psychopath c. Psychotic
b. Neurotic d. Paranoid

98.. This behavior is characterized by high level of anxiety, suspiciousness, distrust are core elements;
seclusive, don't confide to others, if he does, expect betrayal, if there is a laughter suspect that it is directed to
a. Paranoid c. Neurotic
b. Psychotic d. Psychopathic

99. Anything that has been used, left, removed, altered or contaminated during
the commission of a crime by either the suspect or victim is part of -
A. Evidence
B. Modus operandi
C. Recidivism
D. Preservation of crime scene

100. A legal relationship between two people not biologically related, usually
terminating the rights of biological parents, and usually with a trial "live-in"
period. Once it is finalized, the records are sealed and only the most
.compelling interests will enable disclosure of documents. Which one of

A. Adoption
B. Foster parenting
C. Common law relationship
D. Brotherhood

102. What is the legal doctrine establishing court as determiner of best

environment for raising child which is an alternative to the Parens Patriae

A. Rights of Society
B. Miranda Doctrine
C. Best interest of the Child Rule
D. Parental Obligation




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A.Culture Deviant Theory

B. Life Course Theory
C. Strain Theory
D. Social Disorganizational theory


1. A doctrine which criminals were seen as distinct types of humans who
could be distinguished from non criminals by certain physical traits.
A. theory of biological inferiority
B. theory of natural selection
C. theory of differential association
D. theory of evolution
2. Any crime committed by an individual from a lower social class as
opposed to white-collar crime which is associated with crime committed by
individuals of a higher social class.
A. Blue-collar Crime B. Political Crime
C. Public Order Crime D. State Crime
3. The primary aim of studying criminology is
A. To prevent the crime problem
B. To understand crimes and criminals
C. To be a source of philosophy in life
D. All of these
4. A theory based upon the idea that the assessment of the person's outer
appearance, primarily the face, may give insights into one's character or
A. Physiognomy     B. Phrenology    
C. Biological Theory D. Ecology Theory
5. Before the development of scientist theorist, this theory involved
believing that criminal behavior is caused by the possession of evil
A. Demonological B. Divine Theory
C. Classical Theory D. Neo-classical
6. Crime in one instance may be caused by one or more factor, while in
other instances it is caused by another set of factors.
A. Biological Factor B. Eclectic theory
C. Multiple Factor theory D. Single or Unitary Causes
7. Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the progress
of criminology is concordant with the advancement of other sciences that
has been applied to it. It connotes that criminology is…
A. Dynamic B. Excellent
C. Progressive D. None of these
8. He used empirical methods and an ethnographic approach to address social
questions and poverty, and presented his studies in London Labor and the
London Poor
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A. Rawson W. Rawson B. Emile Durkheim

C. Henry Mayhew D. Willem Adrian Bonger
9. In a situation when an offender comes to possession of something out of
the commission of the crime, what type of crime he has committed?
A. Extinctive crime B. Static crime
C. Acquisitive crime D. Episoidal crime
10. It is a theory which is concerned with how the self-identity and
behavior of an individual is influenced (or created) by how that individual
is categorized and described by others in their society.
A. Radical Theory   B. Conflict Theory 
C. Labeling theory      D. Learning Theory
11. An English Jurist, philosopher, and social reformer. He was a political
radical and leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law. He also
invited a prison known as the Panopticon Prison.
A. Raffaele Garofalo B. Enrico Ferri
C. Cesare Lombroso D. Jeremy Bentham
12. On the basis of activities, this refers to a person who continuously
commits criminal acts for such diverse reason due to deficiency of
intelligence and lack of self control.
A. Professional Criminal B. Accidental Criminal
C. Habitual Criminal D. Situational Criminal
13. On the basis of etiology, this refers to a person who violates criminal
law because of the impulse of the moment: fit of passion or anger or spell
of extreme jealousy (Crime of Passion).
A. Chronic Criminal B. Acute Criminal
C. Nuerotic Criminal D. Normal criminal
14. It presumes that criminal behavior is caused by internal and external
factors outside of the individual’s control. The Positivist School
introduced the scientific method of understanding criminality and was
applied to study human behavior.
A. Positivist School B. Classical theory
C. Neo-classical theory D. Lombroso’s school of thought
15. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a
social learning approach perspective in Criminology Criminal behavior
according to this theory is:
A. A result of an emotional disturbance
B. An inmate quality of goodness or badness
C. Learned and not inherited
D. An excess of wisdom 
16. When almost all member of a free society are once upon a time a victim
or an offender of a criminal act. Crime as an associate society affects
almost all people – regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, religion,
financial condition, education and other personal circumstances. It
connotes what?
A. Crime is Pervasive B. Crime is Expensive
C. Crime is expensive D. crime is destructive
17. This explains that the imbalance state of Id, Ego and Super ego is the
cause of the deviation of the individual to the normal pattern of rules and
regulations present in the society.
A. Physiological B. Psychoanalysis
C. Psychiatric D. Psychological
18. He founded criminal anthropology. He suggested that a physiological
trait is indicative of criminal tendencies such as measurement of cheek
bones, hairline, cleft palate. He firmly believed that there is a born
A. Gabriel Tarde B. Sigmund Freud
C. Cesare Lombroso D. Jeremy Bentham

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19. This theory maintains that an individual will obey or disobey societal
rules depending upon his ability to rationalize whether he is protected
from harm or destruction.
A. Labeling Theory B. Differential Opportunity Theory
C. Instrumentalist Theory D. Neutralization Theory
20. This theory states that crime is an economic concept. It places
emphasis on the notion that a person expects to be rewarded if he commits a
A. Routine Activities Theory B. Rational Choice theory
C. Economic Theory D. Free Will Theory
21. This theory suggests that people break the law because they are not
sufficiently governed by the social norms and mores of society.
A. Functionalist theory B. Anomie theory
C. Rational choice theory D. Control theory
22. What theory provides that criminal behavior is learned through
interaction with other persons in the process of communication or
potentially significant to police planning?
A. Strain theory B. Social disorganization theory
C. Psychoanalytical theory D. Differential association theory

23. He advocated a system of classifying criminals according to bodily

measurements. Because human skeleton is unchangeable after the twentieth
year and because no two individuals are alike in all dimensions; this
method of identification received prominence in 1880’s.
A. Alphonse Bertillon B. Charles Darwin
C. Cesare Lombrosso D. Charles Goring
25. What is the scientific study of victimization, including the
relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between
victims and the criminal justice system and the connections between victims
and other societal groups and institutions, such as the media, businesses,
and social movements?
A. Victimization B. Victimology
C. Sociology of Law D. Penology
26. Which of the following would categorize as Crime is expensive?
A. The government and private sector spend an enormous amount of money
for crime detection, prosecution, correction and prevention.
B. Crime as an associate of society affects almost all people –
regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, religion, financial
condition, education and other personal circumstances.
C. Many lives have been lost because of crimes like murder, homicide,
and other violent deaths.
D. Crime rate or incidence in a given locality is reflective of the
effectiveness of the social defenses employed by the people primarily
of the police system.
27. Labeling theory purports that criminal behavior may be caused by
adverse reactions of the society towards a reformed offender. Now, among
the following, which is the best solution to the problem at hand?
A. Strict enforcement of the law and increase imprisonment
B. Application of diversion, deinstitutionalization, and the like
C. Vocational training in jails and prisons for rehabilitation
D. Religious activities must be conducted in jails and prisons
28. Sociology of law areas of inquiry include the following except one…
A. social development of legal institutions
B. social construction of legal issues
C. social image of law enhancement
D. relation of law to social change
29. The approach that is using the perspective of heredity in explaining
the cause of crime.

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A. psychiatric approach B. psychological approach

C. biological approach D. geographical approach
30. The main objective of this notion is that there is a terrific morality
of cases between the times a crime has been reported up to the time a
verdict of conviction has been made.
A. existence of crime B. legal point of view
C. scientific viewpoint D. all of these
31. All of the following except one are the examples of the penalty given
to the guilty person during the time of Datu Kalantiao.
A. incarceration B. slavery
C. flagellation D. bitten by ants
32. Ex post facto law is one of the constitutional rights of every Filipino
people which means that, a person should not be put into jeopardy where
there is no effective law forbidding the particular act, except:
A. the suspect was not yet arrested
B. the law is in favor to the offender
C. retroactive effect
D. all of these
33. This belief is true during the pagan age when any wrongful act of man
is attributed to the will of evil. The statement is referring to:
A. Devine will theory B. Supernatural theory
C. Classical theory D. all of these
34. Which of the following best explains why Cesar Lombroso was regarded as
the father of modern Criminology?
A. He established the Positivist School
B. He contributed through Empirical research to the field of
C. Founded the anthropological study which became the pillar of
the positivists school of Criminology
D. He studied thousands of criminals
35. The study that relates the link between the physical constitution of
man and criminality was known as criminal anthropology, how about if it is
related to mental disorder?
A. Criminal anthropology B. Criminal Psychiatry
C. Criminal psychology D. victimology
36. What school of thought adopted a social ecology approach to studying
cities, and postulated that urban neighborhoods with high levels of poverty
often experience breakdown in the social structure and institution such as
family and schools. arose in the early twentieth century, through the work
of Robert Ezra Park, Ernest Burgess?
A. Chicago School of thought B. Classical school
C. positive school D. Chicago School
37. On the basis of mental attitude, this refers to a person who commits
crime because he/she is pushed to it or is induced by reward or promise
without considering its consequence.
A. Active Aggressive Criminal B. Passive Inadequate criminal
C. Socialize Delinquent D. None of these
38. This theory states that obedience to the norms of lower-class culture
places people in conflict with norms of the dominant culture.
A. Theory of anomie
B. Strain theory
C. Differential association theory
D. Culture conflict theory
39. It was emphasized that the multiplicity of conflicting culture is the
principal source or social disorganization.
A. Containment theory
B. Conflict culture theory
C. Differential social organization theory

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D. Imitation suggestion theory

40. Persons who violate criminal law because of the impulse of the moment,
fit of passion or anger or spell of extreme jealousy.
A. Acute criminal B. Chronic Criminal
C. Habitual Criminal D. Neurotic criminal


1. Mr. Pedro, a former boxer, had a heated argument with Mr. Juan as the
latter accused him of having an affair with his wife Petra. Due to his
anger, Mr. Pedro boxed the face of Mr. Juan leading to his death. To what
classification of criminal do Mr. Pedro belongs?
A. Acute Criminal B. Chronic Criminal
C. Ordinary Criminal D. Professional Criminal
2. Martinez belongs to a poor family and commits crimes due to financial
inadequacy, this scenario applies to what theory.
A. Culture Deviant Theory B. Life Course Theory
C. Strain Theory D. None of these
3. Anton stab Billy at the back, killing the latter instantly, it was
committed at Fuentes Street, Pasay and Anton left for Cavite to escape
captivity for his felonious act. What type of crime did he commit?
A. Extinctive Crime B. Static crime
C. Acquisitive Crime D. Continuing crime
4. Mr. Selmar is task by the state to investigate if there is a probable
cause to hold a person for the crime allegedly done by the offender. The
latter was part of what pillar of the criminal justice system?
A. court B. correction
C. prosecution D. law enforcement
5. Mr. Freedy, son of a serial killer, on a drinking spree celebration
killed Mr. Doy because the latter provoked Mr. Freedy telling that he went
swimming that is why he was absent in the class, according to the types of
criminal set by Lombroso. What type of criminal is Mr. Freedy?
A. Criminaloid B. Atavistic
C. Insane Criminal D. Atavism
6. Arny is a pyromaniac and really loves to see things burning that
commonly resulting to the commission of crime such as Arson. If you are
Arny, what type of criminal you belong based on etiology?
A. Neurotic criminal B. acute criminal
C. Ordinary criminal D. Chronic criminal
7. Shiona is suffering from a severe emotional disorder making her
perception not to function well and that she has already a conflict between
social and anti-social components. What type of criminal classification
Shiona belongs?
A. emotional criminal B. irrational criminal
C. ordinary criminal D. neurotic criminal
8. Dessy is showing a distinct behavior in which it is forbidden by our
laws, because of the impulse of moment. What classification would fit to
the statement?
A. crime of passion B. neurotic crime
C. acute criminal D. victimless crime
9. Sexo, while on board an over-loaded bus, rubs his body on a woman
standing beside him. He always gains sexual excitement from acts similar to
this. What type of deviation is this?
A. Exhibitionism B. Fetishism
C. Frotteurism D. Voyeurism
10. PO1 Nandy was born from a criminal family and he was always looking for
a pleasure in life but do not take any want risk and avoids pain. PO1 Nandy
is a great representation of a:
A. Rational Calculator B. Atavistic
Introduction to Criminology Page 15 of 17

C. Hedonist D. Criminaloid

11.One of the following is an act constituting exploitation and sex abuse

amnce were established by a variety of procedures that presumably called
forth the supernatural allies of the accused. The accused were innocent if
they could survive an ordeal, they were guilty if they died at the stake or
if omens were associated with them. In the 18th century, this spiritual
determination began to give way to:
A. The belief that there is no such thing as bad spirits
B. The belief that humans are rational creatures with free will,who seek
happiness and pleasure and avoid pain
C. The belief that man is a demon and devil

D. The belief that man is evolved from the animal ape

12.Among the following classical thoughts in Criminology is NOT correct:

A. The Classical school of Criminology is spearheaded by Bentham and Beccaria.

B. The Classical School of Criminology is an advocate of punishment as a deterrent to crime.

C. The Classical School of Criminology argues that criminals were primitive creatures, incapable of living
normally in society.

D. The Classical School of Criminology also argued that nature has placed mankind under the governance of
two sovereign masters, “pain” and “pleasure’.

13.In the past, psychologist assumed that they could best understand human behavior by searching for a
stable, consistent personality dispositions or traits that exert orderly generalized effects on behavior. Which
among the following theory on Criminal Behavior is not consistent with the previous statement?

A. Psychoanalytical Theory

B. Strain Theory

C. Behavioral descriptions

D. Psychological

14.Based on the Lombroso’s works, he classified criminals as: the born criminal, the habitual, the passionate
and the criminoloid. Which of the following statements describe a criminoloid?

A. the morally insane and hysteric criminal

B. the impulsive and cruel criminal

C. the “weak natures” susceptible to bad examples

D. the primitive and

15.What perspective in Criminology probes the situational or environmental action and examines the
underlying conditions within the environment that may encourage criminal behavior?
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A. Psychiatric Criminology

B. Psychological Criminology

C. Sociological Criminology

D. Criminal Anthropology

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