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Letter-Writing FAQ
Write a Letter Now >

A child who understands his or her true value to God has taken the

first step in overcoming poverty. And the easiest way for you to

help your child take that step is to be involved in his or her life by

writing letters.

Writing letters to your sponsored child matters as much as your

financial generosity. It's through letter writing that you will build a

relationship with your sponsored child. The more regular your

correspondence the greater the potential for a strong, close


Writing letters to a child you've never met can feel like a daunting

responsibility. Crossing cultural and generational divides can be

difficult, which is why we offer a variety of letter-writing ideas,

letter-writing prompts and suggestions for how to write a letter

your sponsored child.

Because writing letters is such an important part of your

sponsored child's well-being and development, we compiled these

frequently asked questions to help you make writing letters to your

sponsored child a joyful and rewarding habit.


The most common questions we receive about letter writing are

answered here. If your question isn't listed, please let us know and

we'll get you an answer.

The Nine Most Common Questions We Get About Writing Letters

Where do I send my letters?

Why can't I send a package?
What can I send to my sponsored child?
Why do my letters take so long?
Why does my child not answer my questions?
When will I receive my first letter from my child?
Can I write to my child in their own language?
Will I receive confirmation when my child gets my letter?
How do I email my child?


What should I write about? Is there anything I shouldn't

write about?
What topics should I avoid?
Can I ask if my child believes in Christ or is a Christian?
How do I convey personal issues like death and divorce to
my sponsored child?
How do I ask personal or sensitive questions, like those
How do I tell my child that I cannot continue to sponsor
him or her?
Where can I get more information about my sponsored
child and his or her child development center, community
and country?


How do I write to my child?

Can I write directly to my child?
Can I write to my child from my phone?
Can I connect with my child through Facebook, Twitter,
email, Skype, etc.?
Can I write my child's mom or caregiver?
How often should I write?
Can I send photographs to my child?
Do I have to send a photograph to my sponsored child?
Can I send a package to my child?
Do you have any suggestions for increasing the chance that
my questions get answered?
Why can't I include my address, e-mail address or phone
number in my letter?
I'm writing as part of a group. Can group members take
turns writing letters?

What to Expect:

What should I expect from the letters I receive?

How often will I receive a letter?
Are my letters really that important?
Why do my child's letters seem impersonal?
Why doesn't my child answer my questions?
Why did my child thank me for sending a photo when I
didn't send one?
Why is someone else writing for my child?
Why is my child's name spelled in different ways?
Why was my letter not delivered?

Where do I send my letters?

Attn: Child Correspondence

[No street address necessary]

Colorado Springs, CO 80997

Be sure to include your sponsor number and your child’s number

on the letter so we can process it correctly.

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Why can't I send a package?
Everything we send to our country offices is declared at a customs

as a document. If custom officials find anything in a box of letters

that isn't a document, we are assessed a hefty fine and the box

will be held for weeks, possibly months.

On top of that, there is a high incidence of theft when sending

packages to the developing world, and shipping items overseas

can be quite costly.

Instead, we encourage you to send a monetary gift. The child and

family, with the assistance of church staff, will purchase what they

need most. This also benefits the local economy of your sponsored

child by supporting local businesses.

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What can I send to my sponsored child?
Along with a personal letter, you can send: stickers (flat, not puffy

or foam), bookmarks and musical greeting cards. These items will

be physically delivered to your child.

You can also send: letters, photos, postcards, greeting cards,

coloring pages and paper crafts. However, your child will not

receive the original items. The items will be scanned and sent


The total number of items (including stationery and the letter to

your child) should not be more than six sheets, and each flat
without a personal letter will not be delivered o your sponsored


View a list of commonly received items that cannot be


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Why do my letters take so long?
Over the years, the greatest frustration among sponsors and their

sponsored children has been the length of time it takes to receive

letters. Beginning April 11, 2016, all original letters between

sponsors and children will be digitally scanned, translated and

emailed. This will decrease the time to receive a letter by 50


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Why does my child not answer my questions?
Developing a meaningful relationship with someone by writing

letters can be a difficult task, made more difficult when your

questions don't get answered.

Having one unanswered question in a letter might simply mean the

question was overlooked, but having your questions frequently go

unanswered can be frustrating. We understand. We've even

experienced that with our own sponsored children.

Some possible explanations include cultural differences, new staff

assisting the children with writing, and the child not having your

last letter available to refer to when writing a reply.

For a child in a mostly verbal culture the art of writing letters is

often something studied but infrequently practiced. This is also

true for children in Central and South America. Writing letters is

out of the ordinary for them.

How Do Cross Cultural Differences Affect Letter Writing?

home with them. Your child may not have your most recent letter

with him when he writes back, particularly if he waits until the

designated time during which all children in the center write their


Often during this designated time, teachers will write a list of

suggestions or letter samples on the board to help the kids with

their letters. If your child left her letter at home, she may rely

heavily on the suggestion(s) on the board. It's these suggestions

that often make the child letters sound scripted or unoriginal. The

children may copy the samples directly or follow the list word for


Another reason why your child may not be answering your

questions is that the development center staff assisting with the

reply may be new or or unfamiliar with how the letter-writing

process at the center works.

Inside the Letter-Writing Process in Ghana

Also, sometimes, but probably not often, your question may not be

culturally appropriate, such as a question about politics. Or your

question may not be understood by a child or development center


You'll have the greatest chance of getting your questions

answered if you keep them simple and short and you number and

highlight each question. This calls attention to your questions.

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When will I receive my first letter from my child?
After you sponsor a child, you will receive a letter from them within

four months. Typically, your child will find out that they are

sponsored about 2-3 weeks after you make your first contribution.

Yes! You are welcome to write to your child in his or her language.

Just know that this will not speed up the process as the translator

will still check to make sure the child can understand your letter

and that the content is appropriate.

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Will I receive confirmation when my child gets my letter?
No, you will not receive a confirmation when your child receives

your letter. However, you can expect that they should receive your

letter two to three months after you send it.

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How do I email my child?
While you aren’t necessarily able to email your child, you may

write a letter to him or her online using our online letter-writing


To write online, sign in to your account on and

click “Write My Child.”You can choose from several colorful

templates and even upload pictures. We will print your letter in

color in our Colorado Springs office.

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What should I write about? Is there anything I shouldn't write
As a sponsor you are investing in the lives of your sponsored

children, and they consider you family. Write as if you are.

Be encouraging! But please also be sensitive to the child's

economic situation. Avoid discussing the material aspects of your


Describe your family (e.g., what they look like, their interests,
type of work they do, pets, etc.) and where you live.
Include a small paper gift — photos, postcards, bookmarks,
greeting cards, etc. Learn more about what types of gifts you
Talk about important events — weddings, graduation, trips,
new jobs, holidays, etc.
Mark your calendar and send a card to celebrate a holiday or
festival that is important to your child.
Share your dreams and the daily activities of your life.
Write about the terrain/climate/people where you live.
Reminisce about your childhood.
Discuss a person who influenced you.
Talk about an important life lesson you learned, something
you learned in school, or something you're learning now.
Describe how you overcame a challenge or met a goal.
Share your favorite Bible stories and verses.
Elaborate on your church and the various ways you serve
Remind your child that you pray for him or her regularly.
Mention specific items your child has mentioned in his or her
Explain how your family includes your sponsored child in
daily life (e.g., praying for him or her or displaying his or her
photo in your home).
Share your prayer requests and praise reports.
Express what a privilege it is to be your child's sponsor.
Affirm that God loves him or her and has a great plan for his
or her life.
Include a verse:
-about God's provision for the future (Jeremiah 29:11)
-about God's love for us (John 3:16), the value of each
child (Psalm 139:13-14)
-or loving one another (1 John 4:7)
-about the power of prayer (Matthew 21:22)
-about the importance of learning (Proverbs 4:13)
Encourage your child to write back and/or draw pictures for

At we have several posts from sponsored

children that talk about what your sponsored child wants to hear

from you and what your sponsored child wants to know about
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What topics should I avoid?
When writing, remember that it’s all about encouraging, affirming

and edifying the child in Jesus’ name. All correspondence, photos

and materials should be age-appropriate, country-appropriate,

and ministry-appropriate, in harmony with Compassion’s

conservative evangelical Christian view. Please avoid:

discussing the material aspects of your life. Mentioning the

size of your home, the kind of car you drive, etc. only
accentuates the economic difference between you and your
sending photos that show your possessions.
sharing your home address, e-mail address or telephone
using colloquialisms and slang.
suggesting your child come for a visit or that you'll send a
particular gift.
endorsing a non-Christian religious worldview.
picturing or referring to potentially harmful products such as
alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, unlawful drugs, or
references to sexuality, living in an unmarried cohabitation

or same-sex partnership.

Compassion does not believe it is the sponsor’s role to

discuss issues of sexuality with their sponsored child. That is

the role and responsibility of the child’s parent, caregiver or


For more guidelines, see “Why was my letter not delivered?”

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Can I ask if my child believes in Christ or is a Christian?
Yes. We are a Christ-centered, church-based ministry. However, a

child does not have to be Christian to participate in or benefit from

In our Child Sponsorship Program, each child has the opportunity

to hear the gospel in an age-appropriate and culturally relevant

way. But neither the children nor their families are obligated to

become Christians.

Your letters and questions offer another opportunity for your child

to hear the gospel and demonstrate faith in action.

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How do I convey personal issues like death and divorce to my
sponsored child?
Honesty and openness invite a child to a deeper, more personal

relationship with you. Euphemisms, such as "passed away" in

reference to a death, don't always convey the message you intend.

When discussing personal issues such as death and divorce, the

best approach is to state the fact — "My mother died" or "Susan

and I are getting divorced" — rather than explaining the details or

using indirect expressions.

Because your child's perspective is different from yours, based on

his or her culture, age and personal experiences, the child might
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How do I ask personal or sensitive questions, like those related to
health, without offending the child or his or her family?
Discussing personal issues requires great sensitivity, particularly

when communicating through letters and across cultures,

and when the questions deal with health matters, which can often

carry strong cultural stigmas.

Whether or not you should ask a particular question depends on

your relationship with the child and the nature of the question. If

you are uncertain, please consider delaying the question until you

have built a stronger relationship with the child or have a better

understanding of the culture.

Invite your child into a deeply personal relationship by modeling

trust and honesty. Share with your child first. Allow him or her to

see your courage and to take the first step.

Remember you are a mentor. Show your child you care by being

patient, open, inviting and, most important, involved.

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How do I tell my child that I cannot continue to sponsor him or
Speak to your child honestly and clearly. It is not necessary to go

into detail about why you cannot continue the sponsorship.

Instead, focus on the positive aspects of the relationship. For

example, you may consider talking about:

what you enjoyed most about the relationship

how you grew stronger in your faith or as a person
what you learned from your child — about his or her country,
culture or even about yourself
how proud you are
that you will continue praying for him or her

his or her child development center, community and country?

Log in to My Account and visit the My Sponsorships page to learn

more about your child. At the bottom of this page you can view

information about your child and his or her child development

center, community and country, including:

the child's schooling, health and Christian activities

his or her family duties, hobbies and sports
a description of the child development center he or she
general, environment and economic information about the
details about the child's country, such as: history, education,
religion, culture, holidays and festivals, typical foods and

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How do I write to my child?
You can write a letter online or by hand. You can use your own

paper or download our stationery, which leaves room for

translation by our language specialists.

If you choose to mail your letter, please remember to include your

sponsor number and your sponsored child's name and number on

each item you send.

Our mailing address is:

Compassion International

[No street address necessary]

Colorado Springs, CO 80997

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Can I write directly to my child?
Our experience has shown that routing letters through the

Compassion system is the most efficient way to handle

It allows us to secure the appropriate translation service you
and your child need for effective communication.
It allows us to obtain the quickest delivery method, which for
children in remote or highly transient areas is hand-delivery.
It allows us to protect your privacy.
It allows us to protect the children.

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Can I write to my child from my phone?
Yes, you can. We have a mobile-friendly letter-writing tool

available through our website.

1. Open a web browser on your phone and go to Tap on “My Account.”
2. Log in to your account.
3. Tap on “Write My Child” on the left side menu.
4. Choose the child you’d like to write, and follow the prompts
to: write, add photos, select a template and preview and
send the letter.

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Can I connect with my child through Facebook, Twitter, email,
Skype, etc.?
We want you to have the best relationship possible with your

sponsored child, and we recognize that besides visiting your child

personally, writing letters is the only way you can develop a

relationship. We also understand your desire to avoid using "snail

mail" in our ever-increasing, digitally-connected world.

As technology continues to influence and change how we

communicate, we regularly look at our communication model with

several questions in mind.

What impact can the technology have on the safety of the

children in our programs?
How can giving a third-party site or application access to our
and training)?
Can we administer the program efficiently, cost effectively
and consistently across cultures, languages and dissimilar
rural and urban infrastructures in dissimilar countries?
Can we deliver what we promise? Can we guarantee

If you are contacted by your sponsored child outside of

Compassion (e.g., by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.),

please don’t respond, and please let us know about the contact.

It's surprisingly common for someone who knows a sponsored

child, even a family member like an uncle or cousin, to create an

account on a social network and pretend to be the child, to ask for

money and to threaten the child’s well-being if money isn’t


We cannot protect your privacy or your sponsored child if we are

not involved in the correspondence. We also have a responsibility

to protect the children from sponsors who don’t have the

children’s best interest in mind. Sadly this happens occasionally as


Being involved in the correspondence process also allows us to

help you navigate the ocean of cross-cultural sensitivities and

avoid inadvertently writing something inappropriate or offensive to

your child.

While it may seem easier to speak with your child directly through

Facebook, and we know that writing letters the "old-fashioned"

way may not be what you prefer, we appreciate your willingness to

respect our communication policies. Thank you.

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Can I write my child's mom or caregiver?
Mothers, fathers and caregivers living in extreme poverty need
trenches of child-rearing day in and day out. They need to hear

that God loves them and has a plan for their family.

By encouraging and expressing appreciation for their efforts, they

will be better parents and that will be reflected in the life of your

sponsored child. Your words can make all the difference

Let your sponsored child’s parent or caregiver know that you

care. Make it a point to express admiration for the job they
are doing in raising their child. Let them know it's a privilege
to partner with them for your sponsored child's future.
Emphasize that God has a special plan for them and for their
child. Let them know that you are praying for their family.
Share an encouraging verse.
Be sure to ask how your sponsored child is doing and let
them share what's on their hearts. Use something your
sponsored child has said and build on it.

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How often should I write?
You may write letters to your sponsored child as often as you like.

You will receive a minimum of two letters a year from your

sponsored child, and we encourage you to write at least as

frequently, even if it's just a brief note or card.

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Can I send photographs to my child?
Certainly! We recommend you send a picture of yourself in the first

letter and lots of pictures after that. You can send landscape

photos, artistic pictures, pictures of your pets, the town you live in,

your family and friends, etc.

When you write a letter online you can upload and attach up to

three photos to each letter.

If you mail a letter, please remember to include your sponsor

number and your sponsored child's name and number on each

Please avoid sending pictures that may accentuate the economic

differences between you and your child (e.g., homes, cars, etc.).

Be aware of what is in the photo's background, as well.

If you happen to send a photo that our country staff considers

inappropriate, we will return it to you. (See “What topics should I

avoid?” and “Why was my letter not delivered?”)

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Do I have to send a photograph to my sponsored child?
No. But since photographs are not as common in the developing

world as they are in the United States, they are particularly valued.

A photograph of you, the caring person from another part of the

world, adds another dimension to your relationship; it personalizes

your correspondence and helps deepen the connection the child


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Can I send a package to my child?
Because of strict mailing and customs regulations in the various

countries where we work, we limit gifts to 8-1/2" x 11" and 1/4"


We encourage you to send a monetary gift instead. The child and

family, with the assistance of the church staff, will choose what

they most need from the market, which helps stimulate the local


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Do you have any suggestions for increasing the chance that my
questions get answered?
To help the center staff and translators recognize that you expect

an answer to the questions:

Number your questions (1, 2, 3).

Highlight the questions.
Keep the questions short and simple.

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Why can't I include my address, e-mail address or phone number
in my letter?
We take information security very seriously. For this reason, we

handle all child letters directly and ask that you not share your

personal contact information with your child.

Your letters are sent to the USA office and then to your child’s

country. Even the staff in our field offices do not have access to

your personal contact information.

Sharing your personal contact information can put you and your

child at risk.

Some sponsors who have shared their personal contact

information have received solicitations for money from people

claiming to be friends or family members of their sponsored child.

There have also been situations where a children have been placed

at risk in their communities due to their direct contact with a

sponsor from the developing world.

the correspondence process.

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I'm writing as part of a group. Can group members take turns
writing letters?
Your group can write the letter together, or can take turns writing,

but it's best to have the same person consistently sign each letter.

It's far less confusing for a child to talk with one person than to a

group of people.

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What should I expect from the letters I receive?
Please do not expect a pen-pal relationship. You will receive a

minimum of two letters a year from your sponsored child. Your

child is living and learning under circumstances much different

from those in the United States.

Sometimes letters are written as part of a class exercise and may

seem a little impersonal or formal. And cultural differences may

cause your child's letters to seem excessively pious or grateful.

Your sponsorship is an opportunity to mentor your child. As your

relationship slowly develops, your consistent presence fosters

trust and tells your child "I care about you and want to be a part

of your life." Your relationship should improve over time, as your

child matures and learns to write more personal letters.

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How often will I receive a letter?
You will receive a minimum of two letters a year from your

sponsored child, in addition to a new photograph every two years.

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Are my letters really that important?
As a sponsor you are in a position to model Christ's love. Your

letters establish you as a significant person in your child's life. You

Sponsored children treasure every letter they receive, and many

children read their letters repeatedly, eagerly sharing them with


Even into adulthood Compassion graduates emphasize the

importance and influence their sponsors' letters had in their lives.

Regardless of cultural and age differences, everyone grows

stronger with consistent messages of love and support.

Plus, letters are an important part of your child's development.

Exchanging letters improves your child's basic literacy skills and

his or her self-awareness and ability to put thoughts and feelings

into words.

And keep in mind that topics you consider uninteresting, or that

you feel you've discussed before, are viewed differently by a child

in the developing world.

Every day poverty tells children, "You don't matter." But that is a

lie, and your letters demonstrate that. They say, "You do matter,

Suzana." "I care about you, Renato." "Jesus loves you, Lerionga."

Our blog has numerous stories from our country staff about the

importance of letter writing, along with other letter writing

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Why do my child's letters seem impersonal?
Communicating between cultures is difficult. And this is especially

true with written communication. It becomes even more apparent

when the written communication is between an adult and a child in

different cultures.

Many children in developing countries can't imagine that anyone

would be interested in the details of their lives (e.g., how tall they

are or how much they weigh). They may not think the sponsor

really wants to know, or it may be considered vain to discuss

personal things.

A child may be reluctant to open up because sharing is

emotionally risky or the child may fear a cultural stigma or

repercussions. However, children are encouraged to discuss their

faith and to share what is happening in their lives and the lives of

their families.

Developing trust in a relationship is difficult enough without

having to cross cultural, geographic and age boundaries. Your

consistent letters and your messages of love and support are

invaluable. Your words of encouragement give inspiration and

hope to a soul living with despair and rejection.


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Why doesn't my child answer my questions?
Many children in the developing world don't immediately grasp the

concept of "conversations" by mail and must be trained to develop

the skill. Your love, understanding and encouragement should help

you see progress over time as the child's writing skills mature.

Often, when a child receives a letter from his sponsor, he takes it

home to show his family and then saves it in a "special place."

Several weeks later, the center staff schedule a time for children to
write letters to their sponsors and the children may not have the

last letters with them and may not be able to remember the

questions that were asked.

Frequently, a center worker or teacher will sit down with a younger

child and write on the child's behalf. Questions can sometimes be

overlooked or forgotten because of this.


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Why did my child thank me for sending a photo when I didn't send
Sometimes letters are written as part of a class exercise. The child

may thank you for a photo when you didn't send one because a

suggestion on the blackboard mentioned thanking for a photo (if

one had been received).

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Why is someone else writing for my child?
A center worker or teacher usually writes on behalf of younger

children. Sometimes a parent will, but this is not as common;

many parents can't read or write themselves.

Most sponsored children start to write their own letters when they

reach the fourth grade. Children with special needs and those

whose schooling has started late may require the assistance of a

staff member for a longer time.


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Why is my child's name spelled in different ways?
When children are registered, they are often too young to spell

their own names. A parent, who is often illiterate, will spell the

name for the child, as best as the parent can. In time, the spelling

may be determined to be incorrect because a family member

learned how to spell it correctly or the child's birth certificate has

been found (if there is one).

Additionally, in many cultures there is more than one correct way

to spell a name; therefore, a child's case study may give different

spellings each time it is processed.

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Why was my letter not delivered?
It is important that all correspondence be child-appropriate,

country appropriate and ministry-appropriate, in harmony with

Compassion’s conservative evangelical Christian view.

We reserve the right to decline to forward any letters, photos or

materials that we view as incompatible with our ministry

approach, including but not limited to:

depictions or descriptions of the use of alcoholic beverages,
tobacco products, unlawful drugs or materials or activities
that we regard as dangerous
photos or images of persons dressed immodestly
references to sexuality, unmarried cohabitation or same-sex

Compassion does not believe it is the sponsor’s role to discuss

issues of sexuality with their sponsored child. That is the role and

responsibility of the child’s parent, caregiver or guardian.

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18 Reasons to Write a Letter to Your Sponsored Child

How to Write a Letter to Your Sponsored Child
Letter-Writing Ideas
Letter-Writing FAQ
80 Letter-Writing Prompts
Tips for Mailing Small Gifts

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